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Backyard Burger Marketing Strategy: Social Media, Flyers, Tarpaulins

Marketing Strategy
Marketing strategy as the business’s overall game plan for reaching
prospective leads and turning them into customers of the products or services
the business provides. Generally, it involves the company’s value proposition,
key brand messaging, data on target customer demographics, and other highlevel elements. A marketing strategy combines all aspects of the customer
journey and gives visibility to each department. This then allows the organization
to focus on the resources available, figuring out a way to use them to the best of
their ability to generate sales and increase competitive advantage.
Every business needs a marketing strategy however, creating one from
scratch is easier said than done. That might explain why some companies cut
corners on strategic planning and treat marketing like a cost center that eats
investment to produce collateral, instead of a revenue driver that connects
business with consumers and takes responsibility for growth. This has some
significant consequences for our work. Without understanding where your
business fits in the market, who your target customers are, and how best to
reach them before your competition does, you run the risk of spinning your
wheels and failing to grow your business. When this happens, marketing budgets
get cut typically as soon as times get tough. Backyard Burger is well established
across all wide range of fast-food products to cater customer requirements and
market demand. It is further interesting to note that the company promotes
vegetarian burger as its key product. The following are the marketing strategies
that the entrepreneurs has come up to increase their sales.
Social Media Page. Social media marketing focuses on providing users
with content they find valuable and want to share across their social networks
and resulting in increased visibility. It is effective because, it reduces marketing
spends while increasing lead generation. These social media page would be
access by the owner. This page provides the updates, menus, advertisements,
photos, and other information regarding about the business. This aims the
business to gain attention and customers online.
Figure 1
Flayers. One of the most versatile and affordable type of marketing
materials are flyers. These are full page advertising prints which are given away
to get people to notice your business. With these lightweight, easy-to-design and
affordable items, you could grab the chance to get noticed by your potential
customers and send out the right message about your business. This consist of
the valuable information including the address and telephone number of the
Figure 2
Tarpaulin. Tarpaulins come at various sizes and price. It is cheaper compared to
TV advertising and LED billboard so it is great for a small-scale business venture.
Some areas do not have access to the internet, and some are too far from town.
Marketing with tarpaulins can reach places where other media cannot. These
tarpaulins will be placed in the different parts of vicinity and other nearby
municipalities to gain more interest and attention.
Figure 3
Target Market Profile
Target marketing involves breaking a market into segments and then
concentrating your marketing efforts on one or a few key segments consisting of
the customers whose needs and desires most closely match your product or
service offerings. It can be the key to attracting new business, increasing sales,
and making your business a success.
The beauty of target marketing is that aiming your marketing efforts at specific
groups of consumers makes the promotion, pricing, and distribution of your
products and/or services easier and more cost effective and provides a focus to
all your marketing activities. (Susan Ward,2020)
Backyard Burger is a business engaged in making healthy burger, which
aims to provide variety of vegetable burger to customers and to create new
recipes that add nutrition at the least possible cost. The backyard burger is a
business that will offer a new variant of burger. Since the Backyard Burger will be
located at President Jose P. Laurel Highway, Lipa Batangas near SM Lipa it
focuses all ages who are going in and out of SM Lipa specifically to some healthconscious people prefer to eat organic, and also weight conscious people who
are trying to maintain or lose weight, people on special diets, active people who
are generally people live a healthy lifestyle and even non vegetarian people like
teenagers who are the main circle for fast food customers especially for those
pursuing groundbreaking new products and particularly families with young
children to strike a balance between children’s desire for fast food and their
health. Since a lot of people will surely love not just because of its taste but also
because of its health benefits.
Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or
service. Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are
intended to inform or influence people who receive them. It is a promotional
activity which aims to sell a product or service to a target audience. It is one of
the oldest forms of marketing which attempts to influence the actions of its target
audience to either buy, sell, or do something specific. Using a highly tailored
message the advertisement can be niche (targets a small audience) or general
(targets a large audience).
Since backyard burger is still new in the market, we exerted an effort to
advertise our business in different forms. As stated in our marketing strategy, we
had our social media page named Backyard Burger, a tarpaulin and lastly the
flayers. In our social media page, we are posting updates, regarding our newly
opened business. We are posting here our menus, information including the
addresses, and contact number. We provide an eye-catching caption to our
every post just like in the figure below. We also provide a tarpaulin layout that
you can see in the nearby vicinity/ municipalities of our business. Also, a layout
for our flayers where we will distribute for our target customers.
Social Media Page Advertising
Tarpaulin and Flyers layout