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Parenting Book List: Child Development & Discipline

Christi’s Book List
Wise County Christian Counseling
Christina Cruse, LPC-Associate
christi@wiseccc.org, 940-799-9531
Nurture-Shocked, by Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman
Nurture-Shocked summarizes research regarding child rearing techniques and common
problems. Chapter titles include “The Inverse Power of Praise,” “The Lost Hour,” “Snooze
or Lose,” “Why White Parents Don’t Talk About Race,” “The Science of Teen Rebellion,”
and “Can Self Control be Taught?”
You Can’t Make Me *But I can be Persuaded), by Cynthia Tobias
Tobias, a Christian author, provides practical strategies and support for parenting a strong
willed child. This book praises the strengths of strong willed people of all ages.
Parenting with Love and Logic, by Foster Cline and Jim Fay
Parenting with Love and Logic describes a parenting style that attempts to allow “real life” or
natural consequences for children. It emphasizes a strong relationship and remaining
empathetic through all interactions with children. Essentially, caregivers allow a consequence
to happen, and guide the children through the consequences.
Whole Brain Child, by Daniel Siegel & Tina Bryson
Written by a neuroscientist and parenting expert, Whole Brain Child provides a synopsis of
current research of children’s brain and brain growth. This text helps parents and caregivers
understand the “why” behind their children’s behavior, empowering parenting decisions.
No Drama Discipline, by Daniel Siegel & Tina Bryson
No Drama Discipline applies the Whole Brain Child perspective to parenting and discipline.
Siegel & Bryson provide ways to reduce the “drama” during difficult parenting moments. This
book is excellent for all stages of parenting!
The Connected Child
The Connected Child was written by two research psychologists who specialize in adoption
and attachment. The authors share how to form a strong family bond, security, and positive
parenting techniques.
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids will Talk
In this text, Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish describe how to connect with children in
everyday moments. This series also includes How to Talk so Teens Will Listen, both
written by Faber’s mother. This book emphasizes understanding children’s emotions and
modeling how to handle those feelings. It is written as a “how to” manual with cartoons
and real life examples.
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen by Joanna Faber & Julie King
Written by Adele Faber’s daughter, the authors describe how to apply these parenting
principles to young children. This book is best for parents of children ages 18 months to 6
years. It is filled with encouraging real-life examples and visuals.
How to Talk So Teens Will Listen by Adele Faber
In this text, Adele Faber applies principles from her original book to teens. This text
focuses on how caregivers can foster connection and boundaries with teens.
Brainstorm: The Power and the Purpose of the Teenage Brain
Daniel Siegel & Tina Bryson continue their Whole Brain perspective with a focus on the
developing teen brain. The authors write to help parents understand the 12-24 year old
brain, and help them prepare their teen for a lifetime of success.
The Explosive Child, by Ross Greene
The Explosive Child is a new approach to understanding and parenting children that
frequently exhibit challenging behaviors, such as a strong temper. Greene explains that
these children lack frustration tolerance and flexibility, and provides methods to help
children build these skills.