AVC STEM Club Minutes For the meeting of Friday, 24 May 2019. ❖Call to Order ➢ Misciel Macaraig called the meeting to order at 11:26 AM ❖Adoption of Agenda ➢ Adam Kramer moved to adopt the agenda for Friday, 24 May 2019. ➢ Nestor Hernandez seconded the motion. ➢ Motion was passed unanimously. ❖Approval of Minutes ➢ Pedro Rodriguez moved to approve the minutes from Friday, 17 May 2019. ➢ Adam Kramer seconded the motion. ➢ Motion was passed unanimously. ❖Information Items ➢ Election results: ■ Executive ● President: Adam Kramer ● Vice President: Kalieh Valencia ● Treasurer: Ezequiel Reyes ● Secretary: Adrian Djelardin ● ICC Representative: Anna Quezada ● Public Relations: Misciel Macaraig ● Historian: David Durost ● Webmaster: Nestor Hernandez ■ Chairs ● Community Outreach: Misciel Macaraig ● Undergraduate Research: Briza Posadas & Christian Santana ● Pre-Med: Leslie Burroughs ● Computer Science: Anna Quezada ● Environmental: Jahlen Pinelo ● (“Vacant” chair positions will be elected with the new executive board) ➢ David Durost’s vision as Historian ■ Wants to create a document for all graduating and leaving members. The goal is to keep track of all of the members, whether they are an officer, chair, or member, and the history of the club. Wants everyone leaving to fill out a short form if they can, and send a picture of themselves. You can send it to ddurost@avc.edu. There will be a google form sent out by email to the members. There will be an album made for the accumulated history. ❖Discussion Items ➢ No discussion items. ❖Action Items ➢ Executive Act for the Summer ■ Kalieh Valencia moved to approve the Executive Act for the Summer. ■ Adam Kramer seconded the motion. ■ Motion passed unanimously. ■ This allows the executive board to meet during the summer to make and take action in order to prepare for the Fall semester ❖Group Reports ➢ No reports. ❖Officer Reports ➢ Vice President: ■ Will keep working hard until the vision she had as VP is fulfilled. Pulled through as a club and is looking forward to continuing. Congratulates the new executive board. Wishes everyone luck on finals. ➢ ICC Representative: ■ Last ICC meeting was held on Thursday, and there was one final approval for PBTF Sips for Kids where volunteers are needed. An email will be sent out. Contact Nikkie Anne De Jesus (ndejesus2@avc.edu) for more info. ■ A leadership training will be occurring on August 5 and 6 for those in leadership positions as well as those in the public. There will be various workshops that you can sign up for. They will be at different locations such as the Student Lounge and SSV building, and it will be run by ASO. ❖Advisor Reports ➢ No reports. ❖Open Discussion ➢ No discussion. ❖Adjournment ➢ Misciel Macaraig adjourned the meeting at 11:28 AM.