Threesome How-To: Step-byStep to Get Two Girls
By Alek Rolstad
As promised in Chase’s announcement 2 weeks ago about the updates on Girls
Chase (especially about the new writers), here is my detailed report, from meet to
threesome, about a very recent event that I feel deserves to be covered.
You've read all the free articles I can offer you for this month.
Chase mentioned to me high interest in how to get threesomes from some of the
readers here. It’s my belief that sharing a detailed lay report on threesomes might
not only be an exciting and fun way for me to kick off my series on these, but also
, as
can Chase.
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at Girls
off. Throughout this report, I will breakdown everything I do, show the
stages and explain the overall vibe of the interaction.
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This article chronicles events that took place a few weeks ago. I noted down every
step in
the interaction
immediately the morning
UPwhile it was all still fresh,
though the explanations of “why things are so-and-so” and what works and why I
fleshed out later on.
On with the report.
This was a Friday night where my friend and I went out to a popular trendy bar in the
center of my city. The bar I was heading to is small, but the vibe there is magical – it
is very social. It also has a smoking area outside, which makes it easier for everyone
to socialize – you can actually talk to people there.
I would like to briefly discuss my clothing, because my wardrobe here played a
crucial role in the interaction. A quick note about men’s fashion: if you dress like
trash, you will face difficulties when you meet women.
Dressing good won’t help you out that much, because if you only dress decently, you
are not so much different than most men out there. You are not standing out and you
do not have a style that catches women’s eyes.
What you need to do is to dress really good. Clothes should never just look
okay with each other. Your clothes might match, but that is not enough; they need to
match perfectly.
So that night I was wearing a slim fit (very slim) black pair of jeans from H&M.
Completely black, (deep black color) no details, just plain black with a black leather
belt (always leather belts!), and a black shirt (Zara), and some black classy leather
boots (Clarks).
When wearing a black jean and a black shirt, try to make sure that they are both
similarly black (different black colors).
Now this is classy and very simple, but over this I had a dress jacket with flowers on
(TopShop) which I can’t truly describe color-wise because it just has a bunch of
flowers on it. This is the part of my outfit that is provocative and original,
making me stand out in the crowd. When wearing something that is provocative,
with strong colors or details, make sure you tone down the rest of your outfit like I
did (if not you will come across as tacky and not classy).
Social Momentum
When out in a club or bar, do not focus on just approaching “sets”. Rather, focus
on having fun.
Talk to anyone (including fat girls and guys), not just the hot “targets”.
This creates some social momentum (putting you in the right state). Not only does
this make your night more enjoyable as you get into a social state, as just sitting
there and focusing on approaching “sets” containing “targets” is just antisocial (not
attractive) and everything will become more awkward.
I like when things just flow naturally... it is more fun. In terms of results, I have
experienced when things happen somewhat naturally – with a natural flow, the girls
tend to be more receptive, and things just “happen” (often the wildest insanity
I walked around the bar just to see what was going on. I tried to get an overall idea
of the vibe there – trying to feel the venue. But I didn’t wait too long until I met a few
guys from my social circle. We went out talked for a little. This got me in the perfect
mood. I also met some girls who I am somewhat friends with (and girls I have
previously slept with), but no friend zoned women (I don’t often get friend zoned).
At the time I was talking with a female friend of mine. We went outside for a
smoke. I love smoking areas – allows you to actually talk to people, as most places
have loud music inside. We shot the breeze for a little about random topics. After a
while, a very sweet girl asked me if the seat beside was free. The venue is small and
the number of seats in the smoking area is limited.
But again, here we see how just creating social momentum by talking to people (my
male and female friends) automatically gets you in a social mode, allowing you to
automatically get in touch with other people. I will call this new girl Katrine (although
obviously not her real name). She was very sweet and small, however still very hot.
She was from Sweden.
Opening and Early Sexual Framing
Here’s how the opening dialogue unfolded:
Katrine: Excuse me; is this seat free? [pointing at the seat
beside me]
Alek: Depends if you are a nice girl or not! [Just shooting up a
very light qualifier here]
Katrine: I am a very nice girl! [she qualifies, first light sign of
interest from her]
Alek: Actually, bad girls can be fun sometimes too… like my
friend here [pointing at my female friend – who then started
giggling]. Hope you are not too nice… because that is kind of
Katrine: I can be bad sometimes!
Alek: Ah, I get it! Like… you are a good girl in the living room
and bad in the bedroom, that is the way we like it don’t we?
[looking over to my female friend]
Female Friend: Yeah! [laughs]
Katrine: Yeah, that’s what I am! If that’s the way you want to
put it!
Alek: Love it! By the way, meet my friend [friend’s name].
They shake hands. Minutes later my female friend had to go because a friend of hers
popped up. This is good, because it allows me to be alone with my girl.
There are a few things to note from the interaction so far:
1. First is that I was in the proper mood due to the social momentum
2. Secondly, I was lucky sitting outside with a free chair beside me
3. Third, I was talking to a woman (my female friend) – which creates social
proof / preselection
Now, I am not really into that “social proofing” type of game; I usually don’t really
care about social proof... but when I can get some, it is just a nice benefit.
The first thing I did when talking to Katrine was to challenge her a little – a quick
qualifier (asking her a question with the hope of her qualifying herself back to you).
This was a very flirty qualifier, yet very innocent. Again, such thing is not necessary
but can be a fun thing to do as it does more good than harm. By using a very light
qualifier right away, you can quickly screen for receptive girls.
Girls who don’t respond well to qualifiers are pretty much not interested (and in such
cases, you should leave for greener pastures). In this case, she seemed rather on, so
I took the next step and escalated the vibe up by qualifying her further.
As mentioned in my previous post on assumptions, escalating the vibe is key;
no matter whether you do it verbally or non-verbally. Always be escalating the vibe.
As you saw in the conversation snippet above, the vibe went from very innocent to a
slightly more sexual one – when I mentioned that I liked bad girls, we all knew
that this was more sexually loaded – and I made the point more clear right after
– “good girl in the living room, bad girl in the bedroom”.
Now as we see the vibe has escalated and we are about to set a sexual frame.
From this point on I will try to get more and more sexual while creating some rapport
in between (just in order to be a little polite).
My main goal is to set a sexual frame in order to communicate to women that I am a
good lover:
• A man that loves sex
• A man that understands that women love sex too, and
• That I am sexually confident and experienced
I used a little bit of humor, only explicitly. I was not trying to be very funny. You
should never try to be funny; that is just needy... which is everything but
attractive. When I say something somewhat funny, it just happens on autopilot – and
honestly I am not that much of a funny guy. My conclusion is that humor might have
certain positive aspects, but avoid being try-hard and too funny – at least if your
goal is to set a strong sexual frame.
The reason is humor doesn’t equal sexual tension: sexual tension is deeper and
more intense and humor simply breaks rapport; or, in other words, kills the tension.
But don’t get me wrong, it’s ok to be a little funny in the beginning in order to hook
her in by making yourself perceived as a cool guy; just don’t stick with it too much
later on.
Alek: So what is your name, I forgot to ask you! I think we
should just get the boring question such as “what’s your
name”, “how old are you”, “what do you do” out of the way so
that we can get straight into the exciting stuff.
Katrine: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea – I am Katrine…
Alek: Nice to meet you, I am Alek; I think you must be
We talked quickly about where she was from. She was Swedish. I started speaking
English to her because I get a headache from speaking Swedish without truly
mastering it.
We had a quick fluff talk; nothing much interesting happened at that point. However,
she gave me some signs of interest. I believe that a woman gets an early opinion
about whether she likes you or not, without necessarily meaning that she will go to
bed with you – that requires that you make it happen and that you manage to
seduce her – easier said that done.
A little later, Katrine commented my jacket. She thought it was really cool (because
it is, it is a very unique dress jacket and I love it). I thanked her for that.
Now this is cool because you can use anything and everything a girls says to your
own benefit. For example you can easily transition from something she says into
something sexual – for example sex talk. This is very important because my
main interest is to set a sexual frame. Why is that? Because I would like to have
the sickest sex there is, in the simplest and fastest way possible. My intention is not
to get a girlfriend (I would argue that you can easily transition from a sexual frame
into a more relationship type of frame, but sadly not the topic for today), not get
new friends or be perceived as a cool dude.
My goal is to get her to bed and release her inner beast. You will now see how I
transition from talking about my jacket into talking about sex step-by-step:
Alek: Oh, thank you, I bought it in London! While I was living
with some artist friends of mine, it was such an exciting trip! I
lived with some really special people!
Katrine: In what way were they special?
Alek: Well, they were all photographers. My friend was a
fashion photographer and the other one I lived with, who was a
girl by the way, was constantly taking nude shots of people.
Katrine: That sounds really cool!
Alek: Yeah, and my third mate was more controversial. He was
taking pictures of people practicing dogging in the park and
selling them.
Katrine: What is dogging? [I knew she was going to ask me
this – it was a bait question for a more interesting topic]
Alek: People who practice dogging are basically swingers who
swing in public areas like forests and parks.
Katrine: [laughs] Hilarious!
What you saw earlier was the transition. Now comes the sexual framing. Sexual
framing is all about showing that you accept women for being sexual
beings and that you appreciate it. This will communicate to them that they are
free to release their inner beast – which they will most likely do (more on that a little
Alek: Well, that is exactly what I love about London and other
major cities in Europe; people are so sexually liberated there
[this for instance is not a fact, just some random statement I
am saying in order to get my point out]! That is an amazing
thing, because sexual freedom is simply beautiful! And also
frankly I think dogging sounds pretty hot!
Katrine: Yeah, well, I agree with you. You know I think it is
unfair that I can’t just fuck whoever I want whenever I want.
[90% of the women out there say something along these lines
when this topic is discussed... surprising if you aren’t used to
getting women to open up like this]
Alek: I couldn’t agree more, why shouldn’t you? Why should
women be forced to act in such a purist way, simply because
men want to be fooled with the idea of women being small,
innocent, sex-disgusted creatures, when both you and I know
that this is bullshit; we both know that you, like most women,
have your fantasies, that you probably touch yourself, too. You
love getting cocks in your holes – you simply want to live life!
Katrine: Oh my God you are so clever! Yeah, we just want to
have fun.
Alek: Furthermore, it affects most men, because men believe
women don’t like sex that much; many men perceive sex as a
reward for behaving like a pussy-whipped dog.
Katrine: So true!
Alek: So let me ask you, how can sex, with circumstances are
like this, be good? How can your partners be good in bed when
they believe you dislike sex? When they believe you are made
of glass and are so careful with you?
Katrine: Well, most sex I have with men is bad!
Suddenly another girl sat next to me (where my female friend sat a little earlier).
This new girl was Katrine’s friend, whom we will call Freja. Katrine introduced me to
her. I introduced myself back. Katrine told her how I was the coolest and most
awesome guy she has met. This gives me a little leverage on her. So I follow up the
conversation where we last left it and introduced Freja to it:
Alek: So welcome, we were just talking about men who are
pussies in bed. So let me ask you this Freja, and I expect you
to answer me truly honestly!
Freja: All right, shoot.
Alek: If you had to choose between two guys… the first is a
very nice man, who treats you well, he is rich and everybody
likes him. He offers you gifts and takes you out to dinner. Then
he brings you home and gently lays you down on the bed,
stroking your whole body and saying sweet words to you. Then
he takes his dick out and asks you if you are okay with him
sticking it in you. For some weird reasons you say “okay”. He
fucks you in a weird and slowly way and asks you every 2
minutes if you are okay. He also asks if he can change position.
Gladly he cums really fast and the sex was basically “in-out-inout” followed with “splash-out”. OR...
Alek: Would you rather fuck a man [at this point I get in closer
to her, lower my voice and look at her deeper in the eyes] who
just grabs you in a dominant way [grabbing her neck in a
dominant way], bends you [I pull her in] over and tells you that
he will fuck the shit out of you. He holds your arms and sticks
his huge dick deep inside your pussy. He starts fucking you
hard from behind while he dominantly spanks your ass, and
holds your arms. He turns you around without asking and
sticks it even deeper inside of you while ordering you to look at
him deep in the eyes while he releases his load deep inside
your pussy!
Freja: The sexy one of course!
Alek: I guessed it… you dirty girl, so sexy.
As you can see I am now communicating to Freja that I know what women like in
bed. This way she can perceive me as a good lover.
I start by making fun of other men, creating an “us” versus “them” vibe, which is
very powerful.
I then proceed by creating a scenario that would make her horny, a scenario, which
she can relate to pleasure.
While describing it I make sure I do certain moves (like pulling her in), in order to
symbolize that “if you like this, you know that I am a guy that do it that way”, which
obviously creates sexual attraction.
Alek: And I am sure Katrine would like it too! [turning away to
the other girl. It is very important to give them both similar
amounts of attention]
Katrine: Indeed I would.
Alek: I know by the looks of it, Katrine: you do look very
innocent and sweet! And I think it so sexy that you are such a
freak! I am sure you have plenty of dirty and wild fantasies. In
fact, you also love this kind of wild and dirty sex. [as she just
admitted that she liked what I just said to her friend]
Katrine: I am very sexually open!
Alek: Awesome, actually you both seem very sexually open!
Freja: We are!
Alek: Nice, I love sexually open people. Come and give me a
group hug. [in order to get physical in a more “threesome
No chill out, I am not trying to be political. However, when it comes to
threesomes, at any part of the interaction, in 90% of the cases you have to
threat both women equally. This means that that you have to:
• Show equal interest in both
• Give them the equal amount of attention
• Escalate (verbally and non-verbally) as much on both
If you don’t, the usual result is that one girl (the one receiving less interest,
attention, and/or escalation) feels a little outside and not attractive enough, so in
order to save her ego, she will just leave the interaction and mess it all up.
Even worse is if she starts to get moody and ruin the whole vibe. Jealousy is good,
but not in this scenario.
This is probably the most important thing to remember if you plan going
for a threesome.
Also, do not give too much attention to one for a prolonged period of time, as the
other girl can get bored and start over-thinking. Just give both equal but short times
of attention. Yes, it is indeed a back and forth interaction. That’s the way it is played.
As I saw potentials in these girls, I quickly screened for logistics. This is something
you would like to do as early as possible (and if you ask me honestly, I should have
done this earlier) because you don’t want to end up with two hot girl but
stuck because of logistical problems. So what I did was asking them both if they
lived together, and if they lived nearby, keeping an eye out for the following two
1. First of all, if they live together, the threesome, logistically-speaking, becomes
an easier task (they are somewhat most likely forced to leave the venue and
head home together).
2. Secondly, the reason I asked where they lived is because I personally have
bad logistics, so I always screen for girls with good logistics in order to not
waste some time with a girl that lives 2 hours away. It turns out they lived
pretty close (15-20 minutes of walking). My plan now was to escalate things
further and go for the close, even if it was only around 12.45- 01.00 am – who
said you have to offer girls to go home near closing time? Close when the iron
is hot, goddamn it!
It is key to get sexual as fast as
possible. The reason is actually quite
By communicating that you are a sexual
man by setting a sexual frame, you are
framing yourself as a sex toy – women can
and will only get a fun pleasurable sexy time
with you.
You are not displaying that you can provide
anything else for her that women usually
care about – i.e. safety, emotional support,
financial support etc.... You are basically
just showing her that you can offer her
some dick. So what happens? Well she
takes it or leaves it, but most of the times
they take it because women are mostly
always open for some casual random fun
without the typical implications and
expectations that results from standard
As a result, a girl finds it completely natural that you start escalating to sex if she
keeps interacting with you, because she knows you are a sexual guy and that is
what is expected from you. If she were not up for it, she would leave, because she
knows what the deal is. This is good because it removes time-wasters without
playing the numbers game too seriously.
Further, it is very important to communicate that you are sexually openminded. This is because women become much more comfortable being their true
sexual self around you when they view you this way. We know that women hold
themselves back around men for two reasons:
1. “Anti-slut defense”: the defense mechanism women have that make
them behave anti-sexual in order to protect themselves from the “slut” label.
2. “Madonna”, not “whore”: women believe that men find Madonnas
who don’t like sex attractive. This is a result of men’s Madonna/whore
By communicating that you are sexually open, a woman feels that she can open
herself up sexually without being judged. If you also communicate that you like
women for being their true selves when it comes to sex, they will automatically start
behaving that way – which is awesome.
Also, when I discuss what women like in bed and share my insights on female
sexuality I am communicating that I am a good lover. I am not bragging;
instead, just saying what I said indirectly communicates how much of a good sex
partner I am (okay, now I actually am bragging). This is a very strong attraction
switch, as sexual satisfaction is a HUGE need for women, which, gladly for us,
not many men are able to handle.
Most of the time in fact, women have crappy sex.
By coming off as the perfect lover you’re going to make her go crazy (if
communicated properly). I call this sexual prizing and it is my main tool for sexual
attraction. You will see me post a lot more on the matter.
Alek: Katrine, as you are one innocent-looking, yet
very dirty little girl; tell me something dirty you would have
done with a guy! I am curious. If you’d like I can start telling
you what I would have done with a girl! [in order to make her
Katrine: [she came closer to me while holding around my
neck] I would take you home… undress you, tie you up, and
fuck you really hard [nothing really original – but what was
funny was that I asked her what she would have done with “a
guy” and she automatically uses me in her description; strong
sign of interest anyone?]
Alek: Sounds really hot, actually. Careful girl, you are giving
me a boner! [always important to compliment girls on good
behaviors - i.e., when they behave in a sexual way]
Katrine: That’s good; I have a very tight pussy by the way.
[holy crap – things are getting hot]
Alek: Oh, that is so hot. You know, Freja [her friend who
obviously heard everything as she was also holding around my
neck while Katrine was sharing her dirty thoughts], your friend
is a wild little girl! What about you, what would you do?
Freja: I would undress you, put some cream all over your body
and lick it off…. everywhere, especially your hard cock. [it is
Alek: Oh my God that, is so hot, too. Oh my God you girls are
wild, almost as wild as me, I love it. [giving both girls equal
amount of attention, remember]
Again we see can how I escalate things from something pretty light into something
way more sexual. Always try to escalate the vibe. That is the only road to getting
laid (aside from paying a hooker, where she basically only escalates the price).
Katrine: Now it’s your turn!
Freja: Yeah, what happened about that?
Alek: [dragging both girls closer to me] I honestly enjoy licking
girls. Especially teasing them, like laying them down on the
bed and tying them up and just lick back and forth but never
get to the point… licking her belly, then her breasts… then her
belly again, then her neck, then her belly, then her hips… and
after a while she goes crazy and I just love watching it, but I
am holding it off, and finally at the end I just lick her pussy like
there was no tomorrow! [again here you see a brilliant
example of “sexual prizing” in use, i.e. communicating that I
am a good lover]
Freja: Oh my God Katrine: am I the only one who got a little
horny from this?
Katrine: Not really!
Alek: Glad I can be of help. Did you girls know what the three
biggest fantasies are?
Both: Tell us!
Quick tip: create an open loop by having an open question and make them beg a
little for the answer. It puts a little chasing frame. It is just a simple cool trick. But it
is very helpful when you are going sexual, because making girls “beg you” to
talk about sex is indeed a good frame.
Alek: First of all is getting dominated – but that is not really a
fantasy for me, more a common thing. I love to be dominant.
[being a little cocky and show sexual confidence is always
Freja: Hmm, sounds good!
Alek: The second is sex in public, we all had sex in public,
right... once – or often [laughs]!
Both: Yeah!
Alek: And the third, believe it or not are threesomes! With two
girls and one man. Believe it or not, but having a threesome
with two guys is further down on the list. It is sick how many
women I meet who are into threesomes. I believe most women
get really horny by the idea of having sex with another girl!
Have you guys ever had threesomes?
It is okay to mention threesomes if the vibe is so sexually open. But if you are not
there, keep it low-key until you’ve escalated the vibe further. Talking too early
about threesomes might pressure them a little too much and you might
just come across as needy.
But once you reach that point, you are pretty much creating an “it’s on moment”,
making it clear that there is something special going on between you.
Also, while talking about threesomes, do not talk about this in a way that implicitly
communicates that you are planning to have a threesome with them; just talk about
it indirectly, because it will indirectly (explicitly) communicate that a threesome
can happen with you, within the right circumstances.
You never want to lay out to a girl what your full intentions are; instead, you simply
want to give clues, so that you let her wonder a little. This gives much more control
as it sets a better frame. Additionally, you avoid a lot of anti-slut defense because
women won’t feel the need to protect to themselves, since you never made it clear
that sex (or a threesome) is going to happen.
Katrine: Yeah, I actually once had one with her [pointing at
Freja], but it was really bad!
Freja: He [the guy they had a threesome with] was so
Alek: Oh, that is so sad, guess what, I agree with you both
that most of the threesomes happening out there are
awkward, but that is because the man is nervous; he hasn’t
done it before. If you have a threesome with a guy who has
done it before, it will all go smoothly.
Again, we see a form of sexual prizing come to play. It is very recommended that
if you start talking about threesomes, that you use it for all it is worth. For
example, by using sexual prizing. Sharing content that communicates that you are
experienced with threesomes will make women perceive you as an experienced
threesome partner – and hence increase the chance of them wanting to have a
threesome with you. Examples could be:
1. Sharing insights on what makes a threesome good
2. Discussing common mistakes people make during threesomes
3. Discussing different sex positions during a threesome
If you’ve never had a threesome you can either say some baloney that sounds legit
or keep an eye on Girls Chase and read the coming articles on threesomes for
inspiration (if you don’t have any experience with threesomes, why not use mine?).
Katrine: Have you ever had a threesome before?
Alek: Yeah I have had a few; I think it is really exciting. 3
persons, 3 times more love!
Freja: Yeah!
Communicating that you have had threesomes in the past helps a lot, especially if
you are trying to communicate that you are experienced with threesomes. This
makes women comfortable because they know that if they ever have a
threesome with you, they know that you know your stuff – and are able to
lead things properly in a masculine and dominant way.
An option for you is to maybe share a few threesome stories to back up your claim
and create a stronger “threesome vibe” by making sure they also share one of
In my case here though, that would be overkill.
Then suddenly, the girls started talking to each other, whispering into each other’s
ear. Again they are both still sitting on each side of me. This is the position you
need to be in – in the middle of it.
They bend over, and they start tonguing each other right in front of my face. I think
that was quite hot. After a few seconds they pull me in and I am kissing two girls in
front of everyone – even some local lair guys (who were hanging in the same venue
that night) looked rather impressed. I kissed them both similarly and we started
touching each other. Awesomeness.
Then a girl shouted my name. It was a girl who was the ex of a good friend of mine,
who unfortunately is strongly into me. She definitely killed the vibe –
goddamn cockblock.
I tried to ignore. The girls started asking if she was my ex. I told them that she
wasn’t. They even asked her directly and she gladly responded honestly. I didn’t
want to cause any drama as for now my only goal is to seal the deal.
Either way, such occurrences kill the tension. I now have to rebuild things quickly. So
I used an old routine (not a lame one) that I once learned from a good old mASF
poster called “razorjack” that forced the girls to escalate on me in the dirtiest way
possible (we all know that this is a good thing right?). It goes like this:
Alek: Girls, you are both so hot and sexy. But please tell me
who of you has the most skills in handling a man?
Freja: Me!
Katrine: No, me!
Alek: Okay, chill out, girls... well, at the moment we only have
words versus words. So you have to prove your point in order
to make me believe you.
Freja goes straight for my neck and starts sucking it. Katrine quickly follows. They
both lick and suck my neck at the same time. They go up to my ears and start
playing with them (oh boy, I love that), while they both have their hands moving
closer and closer to my crotch. I am about to get an erection, which they can start to
see bumping up from my jeans.
I stop them for a few seconds and tell them that the score so far is 1-1, justifying my
claim by saying that Freja is more aggressive, whereas Katrine is more delicate.
My conclusion was, however, that I liked them both, which generated some smiles. I
grab both of their necks and pulled them into each other so that they could kiss each
other, while I lead the escalation by controlling their hands by placing each of their
hands on each of the other’s body, making sure that they both touch each other
In other words, make sure that they escalate on each other – creating a
physical connection between both, which is important.
Let me explain this in details. Basically what I do is control their hands and make
them escalate a classic physical escalation pattern on each other (i.e., make them
touch each other’s shoulders, bellies, hips, etc…). Yes, it is really that simple: just
grab their hands and make it happen.
Be dominant, that way you are taking the lead, which is required in a threesome.
We men have to make it happen and if we do it with confidence it is very
attractive to women.
For instance, this is how you escalate into a threesome:
• You make sure that everyone gets a similar amount of attention and
• You make sure everybody is kissing each other equally and
• That everyone has to escalate physically in equal amounts on each other
The iron was hot a little earlier; I could have extracted by then. Unfortunately
though, my friend’s ex popped up and ruined it. So I had to rebuild the vibe – but
gladly when you rebuild, it goes much faster.
Right now there is no time to waste. I ask the girls if they have some booze at home.
They both answer me that they do have some vodka. The reason I am asking for
this is because I will use this in my excuse to leave the venue. My excuse to
leave was “We are having such a good time, here don’t you all agree? Let’s get the
hell out of this noisy bar and head to your place and have a drink, we can always
come back later”.
This excuse contains an excuse to leave the place while it also explains why we
should leave it (i.e. “We are having a good time and the noise and the lack of privacy
here just ruins it”) and an excuse to get to their place (“We can have a drink there”).
Before the girls are able to agree, I grab both of their hands and leave the
place (being dominant is always attractive). I throw them into a cab. The faster
you get them away from the venue, the better. I actually paid the cab… gladly they
didn’t live far away so it wasn’t too expensive. Again, my main goal was – get the
heck out ASAP.
In the cab we made out a little bit more and
talked about some random sex topics.
Nothing of much importance happened.
Arriving at their place, which for instance
was a small place, I went straight to the
bathroom to take a leak. I always wash my
dick right after (I want them to suck me off).
I went back in, we got our vodka ready and
we take a few sips. Again I am sitting in the
middle between both girls, because I am the
one that make things happen (the dominant
one). I pull off Freja’s shirt and pour some
vodka on her belly and lick it up. Then redo it
but this time I ask Katrine to lick it off Freja’s
boobs. She did it. I take of both girls’ bras
and I proceed kissing them both. I make sure
to lick every breast that I can have my eyes
on (in total 4) and I only lick them for a short
period before I go for the other girl’s breast
– the key is again to make them both
feel similarly attractive (I truly want to
indoctrinate this point into your brains).
Next round, I take off my shirt and pour vodka on my belly, and both girls lick it off.
They are now close to my dick. So I open up my black jeans in order to pull my cock
out. Now here is the clue: always make girls go for your dick before you go for
their pussies. The reason is simple: women have an automatic response when you
try to go for their pussy – they almost always pull your hand away. But once they
suck or play with your dick, they will get so horny that you can with ease undress
them and shag them or play with their pussies (up to you).
Also, in this scenario, this works really well because you don’t have to go for one of
the girls’ pussies first – instead you let them both go on you at the same
time (it is possible to go for both girls’ pussies at the same time, but it is practically
way harder). This way you avoid unnecessary potential jealousy kicks.
I order them to touch my dick. I push each of their heads down and they both suck
my dick – which is the most awesome thing on earth. Katrine gets up to me, making
me play with her pussy and breasts while Freja keeps sucking my erected dick. I then
lay down and make Freja sit on my dick while Katrine sits on my face while they both
kiss each other – the triangle (coolest position ever). The threesome is officially
happening. We did multiple versions of this position (that is mostly what happens
during threesomes).
Now not to disappoint you guys, but the girls didn’t lick each other’s pussies that
night. This is in my opinion a “next level threesome”. It is possible to pull off and
frankly most girls are actually okay with it but in my opinion I am happy with the
night. Can’t expect more than this for a first night. However, I got their numbers and
we met up two nights later and some girl on girl action took place, but it was very
short and very innocent. They just touched each other and licked each other’s tits.
What was funny though, was that I met Katrine and another friend of hers when I
was out another night and believe it or not, she was actually ice-cold toward me.
Most likely this other friend with her was a friend that she did not want knowing
anything about our escapades together... the kind of friend who finds out about this
sort of thing, and then everybody in her circle knows, instead of just her and Freja
and me. This coldness when around people girls are afraid of being “found out”
around happens sometimes.
Keep in mind that the biggest key to threesomes is to just go for it. The
reason you haven’t had many threesomes yet (or none at all) is probably because
you’ve never really gone for it.
Ask yourself how many times you’ve actually tried to go for a threesome... and you
will soon figure out the cause of your lack of them.
The good news is that, in my opinion, most women (75%?) are up for threesomes.
So now it is all about you – happy hunting.
This was a long (7,000-word) article. Let me now recap the major pointers from this
report. There was a lot of content in this report, so I will try to be short and only
point out the most crucial elements:
1. Understand that women actually are into threesomes – communicating
this awareness is key
2. The man who is perceived as a lover and a lover only is the man women have
crazy sex with (including threesomes). Sexual framing is therefore critical (and
I hope this report gave you a good example of it)
3. Showing open-mindedness and appreciation toward female sexuality opens
women up sexually (making it again easier to go for a threesome)
4. Being perceived as a man who can give good sex makes women really horny
(always helpful)
5. If you want to go for a threesome, it can (but not always – depending on the
level of the girls’ receptiveness) help to talk about threesomes... but never
communicate directly that you are planning to have a threesome with them –
it will only create resistance
6. Always treat both women as equals: always give both similar amount of
attention, and make sure you all get equally physical on each other
7. Go for it!
Hope you enjoyed. This is just the beginning. Many of the topics roughly covered
here and many others concerning threesomes I will elaborate on in greater details in
the near future. So we’ll keep in touch.
Questions and comments are welcome as always.
-Alek Rolstad
P.S.: I will probably post some older “threesome” lay reports on the forums. So have
a look in the Field Reports Board once in a while, or look up my username on the
boards, Alek Rolstad.
About the Author: Alek Rolstad