Uploaded by Mark John Tan Felismino

Statistical Data Analysis: Weighted Mean & Likert Scale

The data gathered had been tallied and were analyzed and interpreted
using the following statistical tools:
1. Weighted Mean
The weighted mean was computed to get the average or central
value of the responses in every statement using this formula:
( x1 * 5)  ( x2 * 4)  ( x3 * 3)  ( x4 * 2)  ( x5 *1)
Where: WM= Weighted Mean
X1=no. of respondents in strongly agree
X2=no. of respondents in agree
X3=no. of respondents in neutral
X4=no. of respondents in disagreed
X5=no. of respondents in strongly disagree
n= total no. of respondents
The General Weighted Mean was computed using this formula:
Where: GWM= General Weighted Mean
 x = summation of the weighted mean
2. Likert Scale
The weighted mean of every statement were interpreted using the
5-point likert scale system referring to the table:
Most of his works are coming from the real lives of the filipinos. Also has morals
which is appropriate for the learners specially in the basic education (K-12).
To cite his works, here are a few examples for you. "Putol", "Ako, Bana, Ama",
"Mga lagot na liwanag", "Si Nanay, Si Lolo Ceferino, ang Lira, at si Eliot o ang
Hanesis ng Aking pananaludtod", "Imbisibol Man ang Tatay" "Ang Mabuhah
singers at Ako sa Pag-awit at Pag-ibig", "Ang mga kahon ni Kalon", at "Munting
Daigdig ng Dalit at Awit".
The poem "putol" is about a severed right foot wearing a Nike shoe found by a
garbage Man. When the man picked the foot, blood flowed. The man felt sad for
the other pair of shoe was missing.
Imbisibol Man ang Tatay. A story of child who longs for his father and eventually
finds out that he is an illegitimate child.
The contribution of Michael M. Coroza will make the contemporary Philippine
literature better. It will add the reputation of the Philippine literature in the world
wide community since his works are remarkable. Also that foreigns will know and
be amazed on how Filipinos live thier lives because of Corozas literary works.