Principle of vector (field oriented) control of an induction motor drive is : • to decouple the control of flux, and • torque of an induction machine Able to control AC motors: • steady-state • transient/dynamic • achieved by controlling the machine currents • simultaneously control : • frequency current • amplitude current • phase of the current s Is1 Ia1 Is2 Ia2 1 2 Im1 Im2 • can be used in control of AC motors • induction (asynchronous) machines • synchronous machines • field orientation in synchronous machines is simpler than in induction machines, since the position of the flux generated by: • the rotor winding •permanent magnets is easy to monitor. • vector control schemes are derived from an appropriate dynamic (transient) model of the machine, •co-ordinate transformation has to be used in order to correlate the control system with the real physical world. • The co-ordinate transformation requires information on the instantaneous position of the appropriate flux space vector. • Stator flux space vector • Air-gap flux space vector • Rotor flux space vector Clarke and Park Transform To implement the basic principle of FOC, i.e. • to maintain a desired alignment between the stator flux and rotor flux. • It is necessary to control the stator currents that produce the stator flux. • An angle closer 90o produces more flux per unit current. stator, b r stator, b rotating rotor, d rotor, q rotor, r stator, a b rotor, a stator, a r Both stator and rotor rotating or stationary Clarke and Park Transform • It is necessary to control the stator currents that produce the stator flux. • An angle closer 90o produces more flux per unit current. Is1 Ia1 Is2 Ia2 1 2 Im1 Im2 The values of Ia or Im can be Independently controlled by adjustment of the magnitude Of the current Is and the angle • To control three sinusoidal currents is considerably more complex but this can be simplified by first using the Clark transformation on the stator currents. •The three phase currents are transform into two phase system with the Clarke transform, Clark Transform • and then translating them into the rotor reference frame with the Park Transform. Park Transform • The Park transform is used to convert the fixed coordinates into 2-axis rotating coordinates (Id, Iq). The reference coordinates d (flux) and q (torque) and the reference frame align the d axis with the rotor flux position. Inverse Park Transforms Inverse Park Transform Two voltages (vd and vq) that have to be applied to the motor windings to drive the phase currents toward the required values. However, these values exist on the rotating reference frame. To apply them to the stator windings, we must jump off of the rotor now, and transform vd and vq into three stator voltages. Inverse Clarke Inverse Clark Transform •Direct vector control method •The air-gap flux and stator flux can be measured directly, • while any flux can be estimated from the stator voltage and current signals. • The stator, air-gap or rotor flux components can be directly computed from stator quantities. •In the indirect vector control method, • the rotor flux angle information between the stator and rotor fields using known characteristics of the rotor and integration of the rotor speed and reference value of the slip frequency • The location of the rotating reference frame must be accurately determined. • the a-b reference frame is considered to be fixed to the stator • the d-q reference frame rotates at a synchronous speed s • At any time, the angle, the angle between the stationary and rotating frame is s •the d-q reference frame rotates at a synchronous speed s • At any time, the angle between the stationary and rotating frame is s q s slip s r Stationary axis b s is the sum of the rotor’s angular position r and the slip angle slip • these angles need to determined in the implementation of indirect vector control. • the slip of an IM can be determined from the demanded rotor current q s slip s r Stationary axis b •can be realised by controlling the magnitude of the stator current space vector and its position with respect to the chosen flux space vector. •The rotor flux vector is chosen as the vector with respect to which stator current space vector is orientated, rotor flux oriented control of induction machine is obtained. •This scheme is the most popular one in practical drive realisations, because of its relative simplicity. •The stator current space vector can also be orientated with respect to stator flux space vector to form stator flux oriented control of an induction machine. •Another alternative is air-gap flux oriented control and the stator current space vector is then orientated with respect to the air-gap flux. •Although there are three types of vector control, the one used in commercially available drives is the rotor flux oriented control o Two motor phase currents Ia and Ib are measured and feed to the Clarke transformation module. o The outputs are i Sa and iSb. o These two components of the current are the inputs of the Park transformation that gives the current in the d,q rotating reference frame. o The i Sa and iSb components are compared to the references iSdref (the flux reference) and iSqref (the torque reference). For, synchronous permanent magnet motors, the rotor flux is fixed i should be set to zero. Sdref o IM need a rotor flux creation in order to operate, the flux reference must not be zero. o The torque command iSqref could be the output of the speed regulator when we use a speed FOC. o The outputs of the current regulators are vSdref and vSqref; they are applied to the inverse Park transformation. oThe outputs of this projection are vSaref and vSbref which are the components of the stator vector voltage in the a,b stationary orthogonal reference frame. o These are the inputs of the Space Vector PWM. o The outputs of this block are the signals that drive the inverter.