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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Project Scope .................................................................................................................................... 3
Project Title................................................................................................................................... 3
Project Background ....................................................................................................................... 3
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Target outcomes ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Project Schedule.................................................................................................................................. 4
1.6 Budget and Expenditure ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Other Resources .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.8 Assumptions and Constraints .............................................................................................................. 6
1.9 Relevant Government Policy, Legislation and Rules ......................................................................... 6
Project Management Plan ................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Project Governance ............................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Responsibility Matrix.......................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Reporting requirements ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Stakeholder Management & Communication ................................................................................... 10
2.5 Related projects................................................................................................................................. 12
3.0 Risk Management Plan ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Risk response and contingencies....................................................................................................... 14
4.0 Quality Management ............................................................................................................................. 15
5.0 Project closure & Outcome Realization ................................................................................................ 17
Appendices.................................................................................................................................................. 18
References ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Project Management (MGT 215)
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This is a report done for the project management module (MGT215). This report is a proposed
plan for a marketing & advertising of a product to Maldivian market.
This report will explain the project scope, project management plan, risk management plan,
quality management plan for the project and the project closure.
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1.0 Project Scope
1.1 Project Title
Marketing and Advertising Plan for “Little Big Shot”
1.2 Project Background
This is a marketing and advertising project proposal for a new drink which is going to be
introduced to the Maldivian market named “Little Big shot” by the company Marketeers.
Marketeers was officially registered in 2012 by two directors, with the idea of doing a profitable
business. According to Mr Ahmed Faiz, one of the directors, the first products to sell to the
market by the company were 100PLUS, cooking oil, “Kanduroadhi” fish cans, biscuits and
Herbal tea. They usually supplied these products to the whole sale and retail shops in Male’
(Faiz, 2018).
In order to achieve their main objectives of growing the market share and increasing the sales
and profit, they are now planning to expand the business by introducing a new product to
Maldivian market.
The objectives of Marketing and Advertising Plan for “Little Big Shot” are to increase exposure
for the product by providing information about the product, to obtain 40% market share at a cost
not exceeding MVR 50,000 and to increase sales by 30% and profit by 20% within 6 months.
Target outcomes
The following outcomes have been identified as the Target Outcomes for the Marketing and
Advertising Plan for “Little Big Shot” project.
Target outcomes
Completion Date
Increased exposure for
the product
Increase in sales
and profit
30th June 2019
Obtained 40% market
share at a cost not
exceeding MVR 50,000
Increase in profit
30th June 2019
Increased sales by 30% Increase
and profit by 20%
and profit
sales 30th June 2019
Manager, Marketing
team, Finance
Manager, Marketing
team, Finance
Manager, Marketing
team, Finance
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1.5 Project Schedule
Creating a marketing research
Finalizing marketing plan
Social Media Campaign
Online Advertising
Print advertising (Posters, Banners
Television advertising
Newspaper & Magazine
In-store marketing
Midnight run
JCI Peace run
Zone foot ball tournament
Direct approach to sports
30th Jan 2019
1 Feb 2019
1st Feb 2019
1st Feb 2019
Project Team 2
Project Team 2
1st Feb 2019
1st Feb 2019
30th June 2019 1,2
30th April 2019 1,2
Project Team 2
Project Team 1
Project Team 2
Project Team
Project manger
1 Feb 2019
30th June 2019
1st March 2019
1st April 2019
30th June 2019
1st March 2019
Project Team
Project manger
Project Team 1
Project Team 1
Project Team 1
1st Jan 2019
1st May 2019
1st March
Jan 2019
June 2019
June 2019
April 2019
1.6 Budget and Expenditure
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For this project, it has budgeted MVR 50,000. This budget is for 6 months period. This budget is
divided in to 6 phases.
In the first phase, research is to be done to collect data to see if it is feasible to launch the product
in the Maldivian market. Allocated budget for market research is MVR 1,000 and it is to be done
through telephone and online survey.
After the market research it is planned to start a social media campaign targeted to youth. Social
media campaign is in the phase-2, where the first product advertisement is placed. In this phase,
it has to create social media ads. To create social media ads to 3 platforms (Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter) allocated budget is MVR 300 for each platform.
Phase-3 is the expansion to the Social media advertising. In this phase it is planned to advertise
online such as website banners, popups and also by printed sources like banners and posters. For
this phase allocated budget is MVR 1,500 for online adverts and MVR 4,800 to create posters
and banners. Posters and banners are to put in crowded locations like, Rasfannu, 2 ferry
terminals, Majeedhee magu, near running track in Male’ and Hulhumale’.
Phase-4 has more expenses than other Phases. In this phase it is planned to advertise on TV and
magazines. It is budgeted MVR 14,000 for TVCs, which is very expensive to buy TV slots. It is
planned to sponsor some TV shows like sport events. All the TVCs will be made in house and
will not out source to the third party. To advertise in magazines is much cheaper than TVCs. For
that it is allocated MVR 3,500, which is to advertise on major 5 magazines.
In-store marketing and Sponsorships are in the phase-5. In this phase, it is planned to
merchandise store shelves and give them some financial incentives to push them to increase sales
for the product. It is planned to merchandise major 5 stores in Male’ to wholesale and retails the
product. For each store MVR 1,000 is allotted. Events like Midnight run, JCI peace run and Zone
Football tournaments are planned to sponsor. For each event MVR 3,000 is allotted.
The last phase, Phase-6, is for direct marketing. In direct marketing it is planned to have a sales
promotions and choosing product ambassadors. For this it is allocated MVR 2,000.
1.7 Other Resources
Recourses such as Software to make advertisements and some equipment like cables and other
accessories related to relevant tasks are considered as other resources. This will be adjusted from
the remaining balance from the budget allocation. All the adverts will be made in house so, the
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cost of producing for the adverts will be minimized. Printing cost of the banners are not
considered as an expense but tools like wires and other tools for putting posters in the location is
consider as other resources as it costs very less.
1.8 Assumptions and Constraints
Assumption analysis is a part of risk management process. The project management plan need to
change if constraints change or assumptions are proven wrong. Constraints and assumptions
need to be identified, tracked and effectively controlled during the project life cycle. According
to Sweeseltre assumptions can impact any part of your project life cycle and resulting solution
implementation, so it is important to document and analyze them. This is where project risk
management comes into play. Business constraints limit the solution based upon the current
organizational state. They usually focus on the available time, money and resources for a project.
Common business constraints include budget and time restrictions, resource limitations, and
resource skill limitations (Sweeseltre, 2012).
Energy resources like electricity will be on during Sales campaign and other tasks. The materials
to complete the project will be readily available to be utilized. When project financials are being
planned budget assumptions are made. Assumptions like, margin of error, percentage allocation
for resources, material costs based on a certain source, the overall cost of day-to-day activities
will not increase, personnel costs will not change and overall economic conditions will stay the
same. If anything goes wrong, then contingency plan will be implemented immediately.
Constraints are limitations placed upon the project that the project manager and team must work
within. All the tasks should be finished on time as scheduled. Otherwise the duration will
increase and resources and time will be wasted. Resources should be utilized according to the
tasks and will not be used for other activities other than the relevant tasks. Resources need to be
allocated according to the budget and it should not be more than the allocated budget. If the
actual amount for resources is more than budgeted amount, it will effect to other tasks to be
carried on.
1.9 Relevant Government Policy, Legislation and Rules
There are certain rules and regulations in advertising a product. In first phase of the project there
is no influence from government side. In second phase; social media advertising there are some
policies that have to be followed while marketing to the Maldivian market. Policies like
advertising the product using some graphics that are not relevant to Maldives can get fined. To
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put posters on the wall and public areas, a special permission has to be taken from Ministry of
Housing and infrastructure, and will be charged on the posters. To produce TVCs there are rules
to be followed which are made by Maldives Broadcasting commissions. If TVCs do not match
with the rules, there will be a huge fine. So it is important to follow the rules and make adverts
according to the rules of the BROADCOM.
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2.0 Project Management Plan
2.1 Project Governance
Project governance is a frame work depicting the hierarchy of decision making and reporting
among the stake holders of the project (Linky, 2010). Following is the project governance
structure for this project. Since the tasks are numerous and we have a single team for everything
we have split the team into two groups with two team leaders, namely group 1 and group 2.
Owner/Project sponsor
Finances the project/approves
and signs
Project manager
Responsible to oversee and
ensure that the project is on
schedule/allocate resources etc/
reports updates, issues etc to
Team 1 leader
Team 2 leader
Ensure team carries out all tasks
effectively and efficiently and
reports back to project manager
Ensure team carries out all tasks
effectively and efficiently and
reports back to project manager
Project Team 1
Project Team 2
Carries out all tasks effectively
and efficiently and reports back to
team 1 leader
Carries out all tasks effectively
and efficiently and reports back to
team 1 leader
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2.2 Responsibility Matrix
Market research
Marketing plan
Social media campaign
Online ad campaign
Print ad campaign
Television advertising
Newspaper & magazine ad
Instore marketing
Midnight run
JCI peace run
Zone football tournament
12 Direct marketing(coaches)
13 Sales promotions
Stands for
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
Phase 6
Project team
Project team
Responsible to carry out task and to report back
Is accountable and supervises the task
Provide assistance when required
Informed upon commencing and ending task, reported to and
updated on progress periodically
Upon commencing and ending each task the owner is informed. Also the owner is briefed on
progress and issues periodically by the project manager. The project manager is responsible to
oversee that all tasks are completed on time and helps solve any issues. Team 1 and 2 are
responsible for assigned tasks, while some tasks are done by both the teams together others are
done by a single team and sometimes the other team assists them in the task depending on the
nature of the task.
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2.3 Reporting requirements
Reported by
To whom
Project manager
Status report
Team 1 leader
Project manager
Team 2 leader
Project manager
Team 1 leader
Project manager
Status report
Team 2 leader
Project manager
Status report
The owner will be reported once a month with a written report and presentation of the progress,
sales analysis and updates of tasks. While the project manager will be updated daily by the team
leaders, they will also present the project manager with a written report once a month.
2.4 Stakeholder Management & Communication
In order to effectively manage your stakeholder you need to have a good stakeholder
management strategy. The stakeholder management strategy identifies and documents the
approach to take in order to increase support and decrease negative impacts of stakeholders
throughout the life of the project (Piscopo, 2018). This project also has internal and external
stakeholders we need to take into consideration. Internal stakeholders are functional managers,
sales persons, finance personnel, warehouse and material handlers and any other employee
involving this marketing campaign of introducing “Little Big Shot” to the Maldivian market.
External stakeholders in this project are suppliers of Little Big Shot, trial customers, partner
organizations who help in distributing Little Big Shot. The chart below will be used to establish
stakeholders and there levels of power and interest for use on the power/interest chart as part of
the stakeholder analysis. Below is stakeholder analysis and power/interest matrix which
determines the power and interest of each stakeholder in this marketing plan.
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Sales person
Power (1-5)
Finance personal
Warehouse and
product handlers
Little big shot
Trial customers
In the above table it shows how much power each stakeholder has on this project. In addition it
shows how much interest each stakeholder has over this project. The key stakeholders in this
project are who gets highest number in power and interest in the table. As the number goes
down, the power and interest of the stakeholder in the project will be lowered. The key players
must be involved in all levels of project planning and change management (A, E and G). Others
should be concerned and focused on the tasks they have been appointed to (B, C and D) and
should deliver the information they need by Marketeers (F).
The stakeholder analysis matrix will be used to capture the stakeholder concerns, level of
involvement, and management strategy based on the stakeholder analysis and power/interest
matrix above. The stakeholder analysis matrix will be reviewed and updated throughout the
project’s duration in order to capture any new concerns or stakeholder management strategy
efforts (Piscopo, 2018). Below is the stakeholder analysis matrix.
Ensuring proper
handover to operations
team and to monitor
those teams
To increase the sales of
the product
Key player
Communicate project
specifications as
Keep satisfied
To make sure the actual
costs do not exceed the
budgeted cost
Keep satisfied
To maintain the stock
Minimal effort
Communicate the
customers about the
good quality and
benefits of the product
and to encourage to buy
the product
Make plans and
communicate with other
departments on how to
manage costs on this
project and evaluate the
Give update to senior
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To see whether their
product survives in this
Key player
To increase the market
share of Little Big Shot
Keep satisfied
Product performance
must meet or exceed as
advertisement says
Key player
staffs about changes
happening to the stock
in the ware house
Marketeers should give
them updates about
marketing campaign of
sales forecast of the
Little Big Shot.
To promote the product
in their stores and get
customers feedback
about the product and
deliver to Marketeers.
Communicate test
results and performance
specifications and
obtain feedback on
customer requirements
or any changes. Provide
frequent status reports
and updates
2.5 Related projects
Related projects are projects which are associated with the main project. Like any other projects
in this project there are related projects. This is a marketing plan for Little Big Shot, so
Marketeers need lots of resources to make this as a successful marketing campaign. First of all
this campaign needs a lots of advertisements and promotion. So Marketeers need to hire a
graphic designer to do all the works which includes graphic designing. More over marketeers
needs to hire a good photographer to take photos for the advertisements of this marketing
campaign. In addition to this, managing distribution of the product is also related to this project.
And if Marketeers wants to have a brand ambassador for the little big shop they need to evaluate
celebrities in order to get the celebrity who matches to this product. To do this Marketeers need
to have to hire a team internally or externally. These are the related projects Marketeers need or
may need as related projects.
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3.0 Risk Management Plan
It is essential to apprehension all potential risks in a project and commence all necessary actions
for reducing or avoiding them from happening. Otherwise, the effects of risks may be reduced
and assigned to the party best organized for managing them. This requires a methodical approach
to risk management.
Risk management
 Monthly meeting with all the departments/ employees
Marketing / Development
 Weekly check the schedule on building APP
 Monthly do the marketing research
 Modify the marketing strategy
 Review all the documents
Human resource
 Monthly tracking the effectively of the staffs
Managing risk has been known as a very important process in order to achieve project objectives
in terms of time, cost, quality, safety and environmental sustainability.
The performance of the project management team highly influences the success of a marketing
plan. Some of the incidental risks associated with the project performance is:
Unclear and unattainable project objectives
Poor Scoping
Poor Estimation
Budget based on incomplete data
Political instability/Economic uncertainty
Delays in project completion
Quality Concerns
Insufficient time for testing
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Competitive factors
Higher implementation cost than forecast
Government regulation
3.1 Risk response and contingencies
Since it is a marketing plan, potential risk factors are involved in the target market, branding,
trends and regulations and lack of tracking. Miscalculation of the target market or not enough
target market research might present a risk factor. Hence a complete survey of potential or
current customers will be carried out to uncover the real challenges our market faces that the
product need to solve. In case if any delays occur more staffs will be hired to keep it or the right
rack and to complete on the timely basis.
Moreover to identify whether our marketing attempts work or fail, we will have a tracking
system to assess the increase in sales and decreased in sales. This would assess the reason behind
it as well. In addition the project team will keep track of economic factors that may affect our
client “ Marketeers” the company. And whether the product will be made available in almost all
the areas in Maldives or most of the high population areas we might face another risk which is
loss of a key distributor. But keeping on top of economic changes would assist you to determine
the marketing and promotional activities that need to implement to counter negative conditions.
Upon start of the marketing campaign, it is important to work on controlling the flow and course
of the plan. Conducting market research, sales analysis, customer and competitor analyses can
help to keep its processes in check with up-to-date. Monitoring and evaluating such analyses,
budgets and the quality of the product can help to avoid serious and time-consuming problems.
In such a case, contingency plans can be arranged.
If risk management is done properly, the project would be finished in time with not exceeding
the budget. As a result the project objectives would be met accordingly. Thus maximizing the
profits and minimizing the costs for clients of the projects and all those involved. Well defined
contingencies and plans may even attract investors and boost confidence of the stakeholders
involve in the project. The entire project would have contingencies and pre-determined risks so
that the project can proceed as planned and in full control of those managing it. Proper risk
management helps hesitation and would react to situations accordingly with rapidity, and also
proper risk management eliminates a problem before it turned out to a bigger problem.
Moreover, such responses to certain events can be recorded and documented for future projects.
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The whole risk management process will be documented and analyzed, communicated to the
project team, internal and external stakeholders, sponsors, and others.
4.0 Quality Management
Total Quality Management is a management philosophy that seeks to integrate all organizational
functions such as marketing, finance, engineering, customer services and so forth to focus on
meeting customer needs and organizational objectives (Karram Hasmi 2007). Therefore QM is
an important factor when it comes to a 6 months marketing plan. With the high market
competition, quality has become the market differentiator for almost all products and services.
Therefore, in our project we will constantly look for enhancing the quality of the plan if we win
this proposal.
In order to maintain or enhance the quality of the marketing plan offered, we would use two
techniques, quality control and quality assurance. These two practices make sure that the end
product which is the 6 months marketing plan that meets the quality requirements and standards
defined by our client.
There are many methods followed by organizations to achieve and maintain required level of
quality. We believe in the concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM), the standards usually
define the processes and procedures for our organizations activities and assist to maintain the
quality in every aspect of organizational functioning.
The quality of the project depends on the marketing strategies that we implement. Priority would
be given to the four P’s of marketing mix as this is a marketing plan and the success of this plan
depends on the success of the product in the Maldivian market. The project team would have a
group of analyst to undertake the SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity, threats) analysis of
the product with reference to the market, to identify the major issues that need to be taken care
of. And this helps to deciding the marketing strategy of the product and the volume of materials
and other resources that should be made available to ensure the sufficient marketing activity
need to be undertaken, example the appropriate quantities to meet the target sales volume. The
budgeting will take into consideration the forecasted sales volume, the average price and costs
involved in production, the marketing and distribution activities.
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Promotional strategy will be developed in a way to gain customer credibility so that they are
encouraged and motivated to buy the product. Most importantly customer retention would be
achieved through their loyalty. Mediums to reach the target audience would be through visual
sand commercials, print media, internet, public relation and direct and online marketing. This
will help to create a long term image of the product and can cover a vast geographical area of
target buyers.
Selecting the right target market segment is a critical marketing activity and the successful
achievement of marketing goal is dependent on it. Target market will be identified based on the
tools like market surveys, market analysis and market profiling to study the market of each
segment. And also previously identified target market will be evaluated and then selected.
Moreover customer feedback will be an important aspect deciding the quality and success of the
A specialized team will be entrusted with their respective responsibility. Training programs such
as field work training will be given to the staffs that are enrolling in survey work and all the tasks
will be documented and filed. The reporting to the head of each department will be carried out on
weekly basis and so to the project manager on monthly basis.
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5.0 Project closure & Outcome Realization
This is a “Normal” project closure where we simply complete the project and handover the
outcome of the project to our client “Marketeers”. After analyzing the effectiveness of our
marketing campaign details and output will be handed over to our client. Since this is marketing
campaign, the results will be showing slowly from the first day of the project. The client has
given time frame of six months to deliver the expected output.
There are several roles given to the project teams, such as conducting a marketing research,
designing art works, designing t-shirts for mid-night run and sports jersey. In addition to this
project team is responsible for making video advertisement for the product. The responsibilities
of Project manager include finalizing the marketing plan after thoroughly going through market
research done by under staffs. In addition to this the project manager is responsible for selecting
TV channels and online advertising after evaluating its effectiveness and cost. Most importantly
project manager is responsible for monitoring the progress of “outcome realization” plan. We
will be using in-house designers and financial assistants in our project team, so that no time will
be wasted on providing training. But will provide extra equipments such as camcorders and
editing software for TVC production.
Since this this is a marketing campaign (service) there will not be maintenance once the project
is over. If the client wants to expand the campaign, we will be proposing it as a new project.
The project will be completed after six months from the starting date. In order to measure the
project’s success we will monitor the effectiveness of the marketing campaign. This will be done
by monitoring the sales and profit of the product every month from the month of project start.
The project is a success if the sales figure increases as expected by the client.
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Following are the interview questions we asked to Mr.Ahmed Faiz (One of the directors of
1. Tell us about your company?
2. What products do you import and sell?
3. Tell us a little about the new product, Little Big Shot.
4. What are the key factors influencing the purchasing behavior of this product based on you
Experience with 100PLUS?
5. What is the target market and segments for this product?
6. What is your goal in terms of selling the product?
7. What are the hurdles you foresee for this product based on your experience?
8. Tell us about your experience with 100PLUS.
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Faiz, A. (2018). About Marketeers. (S. Ismail, Interviewer)
Linky. (2010, November 1). Virtual Project Consulting. Retrieved from How To Setup a Project
Governance Framework as a Best Practice:
Piscopo, M. (2018, february 06). stakeholder mangment strategy. Retrieved 05 02, 2018, from
www.project managment docs.com: www.projectmanagmentdocs.com/project-initiationtemplates/stakeholder-managment--strategy.html
Sweeseltre. (2012). Identifying Project Assumptions and Constraints. Learning Tree
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