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Contract Law Exam Questions: Sales & Auctions

26. When is a contract of sale perfected†
a. Upon delivery of the object of a cor.trast of sale.
b. At the moment there is a meeting ‹if minds up•n the determinate thing which is the object of the contr8Ct
and upon the pr'ce certain money or its equivalent.
c. Upcn pityment ef the purchase price.
d. Upon the transfer of ownership or title.
27. X and Y are good friends. X sold and d•Iiver•.d his car t•› Y It nos agreed and understood that on next Sufid85 X
will name and fix tne price of the :ar. Siinda; ‹ ame, k called Y by telephone and stated and filed the T’IG8 at
P l50,00G. Is the Contract of sale perfected*
a. No because the purchase pricr is not ;.'et poid.
b. No because the title is not registri’ed to i!w hDyer.
c. Yes because the car rnas iilready 1 ecu del:veretl ta Y.
d. No because the price of the .sale w'a.s left to t'e discretion of one of the parties, that is, the seller, and it
wcs not consented by the buyer.
28. Which or the following contracts of saie ve null a.Id voids*
a. Executed ora! sale of •eel property or ar.*,' in*ores* th.-rein regardless of the price.
b. Executor' ora! sale of goods. .hattels c›' things Qtr action tire p.nc•e of which is P500 or rr.ore.
c. Sate of a piece of load by tire agent in the name .I orincipa! wherein his authority is not in writing.
d. Sale of a piece ct land by a ttiirrl 'erson in the name ‹if owner but whp has not been given any authority
29. When is a contract o* sale by auction per-'i:r‘ted?
a. When the highest bidder qives his bill,
b. When the auction thinpc ma.s 1--on de!ivt'red tc› the bu}'or.
c. \V1ien the auctioneer announced its pcrfe.cti.on by the fu!l or the hammer or in any other manner.
d. When the did ptice b.as been paid.
30. The following are the rights of the plies in an sum-.ticn ss!•., except
a. Before pertectior., any bidder m. y i-et!act his iris!.
b. Before perfecnon, the auriiothei .may p,eiierclli' ivitbA’aw the. goods from the sale unless the auction has
been announced ivitboi:t resorvntic.n hj auctir ie u .
c. After p@Section, the win:r.g bidder c.in redirect lits 1:1d.
d. Atter perfection, the aurtionee• ‹:énno* u ithdra»• the books.
31. The seller may bid at the auotioii pro 'ideri th‹• foi1o'siiib l rquisites:ire present, eEcept
a. The right 'o bid must have Item. resers'ed expressly bj or or behalf of the seller.
b. The right tu bi‹i tnust not b'- pr›,liibiteñ b’f law or ‹iipo1a*ion.
c. Notioe must be Fiverr th.at tits sa.Ie is s:ibjee.I to a right ta bid by or on behnlf of the seller.
d. The bi‹i of the selled› must be •.he 1‹iwest.
icy bis behalf, the purpose of which is to raise
the price, but the sa'‹i persians are net in the rise:›•es I› unJ by tceir sins. wet is a• effect of employment by the sellet
of by-bidders or p•iffcrs v’ithcu! noti•:e :e the ethe:‘ birldets in
a. The sale may be i:onsidci'ed v oittable,
b. Thesslc aro»sidaretnuMait; id
c. The salc is itneiiii.•ccable.
d. The snle is rescissible.
RFBT 8504
d. Cortiponeni monay
50. It refers to the consideration puid for the puq>m of holding one to his promise to buy or aoll
a deinrminain thing for s certain period of time, which consideration ii and distinct
from the purchase price. It in « proof ofperfection of contract of option.
a. Option money
b. Earnest money or Arrai
c. Perfect money
d. Component money