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Drought Forecasting: Machine Learning & Modeling

Drought Forecasting: A Far Cry from a Dry Topic
Droughts are one of the world’s most
hydrological events. Forecasting them brings
unique difficulties. Droughts can span
anywhere from 3 months to 7+ years, with
significant non-linearity in their buildup and
recession. Methods utilizing machine learning,
especially artificial neural networks, have
displayed promising results with high
forecasting accuracy at relatively long lead
times. However, even the most complex
methodologies degrade quickly as forecasts
predict farther and farther into the future. In
this paper, I summarize the evolution of
drought forecasting, with emphasis on modern
methods in machine learning.
Of all hydrological events, droughts can
be classified as one of the most destructive.
With residual impacts effecting local ecology,
agriculture, and water security, droughts can
impede the development of society and
endanger the well beings of its members. With
droughts likely becoming more prevalent as the
onset of climate change worsens (Union of
Concerned Scientists, 2014), better prediction
methods will be integral to limiting their
adverse effects and allowing for more efficient
water usage.
beginnings in the 20th century using basic panel
linear regression, Autoregressive Moving
Average (ARMA), Autoregressive Integrated
Moving Average (ARIMA), and Markov Chain
modeling techniques dominated the field for
decades. The field of drought forecasting has
recently undergone a renaissance, with cutting
edge non-linear forecasting methods being
applied throughout the field. Since the mid2000s, machine learning techniques have
begun to show promising results, with some
augmented Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
and Support Vector Machine (SVMs) models
predicting more than 95% of variance in certain
hydrological time series data.
Understanding drought forecasting requires a
holistic understanding not only of model
complexity, but also of drought measurement,
quantification, and the augmentation of data. In
this literature review, methods for normalizing,
augmenting, and forecasting drought data will
be reviewed at length, with most of the paper
focusing on recent modelling techniques,
especially artificial neural networks.
I. Section 1: Drought Definitions and
Indices – A Brief Overview
Before drought forecasting can be
understood, one needs to understand what
events are qualified as droughts and how they
are quantified. Mishra & Singh’s (2010)
overview of drought concepts groups droughts
into four separate classes: meteorological
drought, hydrological drought, agricultural
drought, and socio-economic drought.
Metrological drought is classified by
below-average precipitation for an extended
period of time. It is generally quantified with
precipitation indices. Hydrological drought is
defined by insufficient surface and subsurface
water supply for a fixed demand of water
resources. Measurements of watershed,
groundwater levels, and streamflow are
generally used to quantify it. Agricultural
drought pertains to below-average soil
moisture and subsequent crop failure.
Evotranspiration – the net water content of soil
after evaporation and precipitation – is
generally used to quantify it. Finally, socio-
economic drought is defined by water demand
exceeding supply, and the subsequent water
shortage. This is generally determined by
measuring volume of water supplied and
demanded under a given water distribution
infrastructure. This paper will primarily focus
on hydrological and meteorological drought
Droughts are forecasted using various
moisture or precipitation indices as a form of
measurement, the most popular of which being
the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI).
Other indices and approaches exist such as the
Palmer Drought Severity Index, Crop Moisture
Index, z-score and the decile approach (Mishra
& Singh, 2010).
Generally speaking, indices pertinent to
forecasting normalize moisture or precipitation
data to some underlying distribution as to
rescale the variable to a self-relative measure.
In the case of the SPI, precipitation data is fitted
to some cumulative distribution function –
generally the gamma distribution – that is then
transformed to the standard normal
distribution (Mishra & Singh, 2010; Mishra &
Desai, 2006). The normal distribution offers
symmetry, as well as other elegant
mathematical properties that translate well to
statistical analysis.
Before normalization to a CDF, precipitation
or moisture data will be aggregated over some
time interval – either the average daily
precipitation over 1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 months – as
to analyze droughts of differing periods of
time. These different aggregation levels are
referred to as SPI 1, SPI 3, SPI 6, etc. Forecasts
will see how these SPI values change after a
given time step For example, SPI 3 may be
forecasted over a 1-month lead time; that is,
how does a moving average of SPI 3 change
when we move 1 month forward.
However, recent work has criticized the SPI,
and other standardized indices. Two issues
have been pointed out: first, hydrological data
1 See Farahmand & AghaKouchak (2015).
may not follow a fixed distribution over time.
Thus, the initial fitting of the data to an
underlying probability distribution for a
specific geographic area may be naïve. Second,
if a temporally fixed distribution does exist, the
precipitation distribution likely varies over
different climatic regions. Consequently if data
includes a large geographic area, fitting data to
a single parametric distribution may lead to
biases and measurement error (Farahmand &
approaches to indices calculation have been
proposed to address this issue1.
However, as long as forecasting is over a
small geographic area, or homogenous climatic
zone, it is likely that the data follows some
constant distribution. Although these issues
with data fitting may propose theoretical
problems, pragmatically, models using SPI and
other standardized data have been incredibly
effective at predicting various droughts.
II. Section 2: Linear Modelling – From
Linear Regression
Like many topics applied statistics,
drought forecasting began with the humble
linear regression. Initial models aimed to
predict streamflow data (Benson & Thomas,
1970), as well as drought duration (Paulson et
al., 1985). Both Benson & Thomas (1970) and
Paulson et al. (1985) used simple log-log or
linear-log regressions to predict streamflow
and drought durations respectively.
πΏπ‘–π‘›π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿ − πΏπ‘œπ‘”:
𝑦𝑑 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 ln π‘₯1,𝑑 + … + π›½π‘˜ ln π‘₯π‘˜,𝑑
πΏπ‘œπ‘” − πΏπ‘œπ‘”:
ln 𝑦𝑑 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 ln π‘₯1,𝑑 + … + π›½π‘˜ ln π‘₯π‘˜,𝑑
Although not focused on predicting the
occurrence of droughts, as much as the severity
and duration, these initial models serve to
illustrate the genesis of forecasting within
Benson & Thomas’s (1970) model best
serves as a measure of how far the field has
come. In their study of various river basins’
streamflow across the United States, the only
meaningful statistic proposed is the traditional
standard error calculation to their linear
regression’s estimated parameters. No
investigation is done into heteroskedasticity in
the data; no 𝑅2 is reported; mean squared error,
and other values are neglected. Average
absolute estimation error as a percentage of the
realized values is presented graphically.
Depending on the forecast-time horizon, it
exceeds 100%, but is as low as approximately
The model selection is also done through
explicit “P-hacking.” That is the model is first
over-specified, and insignificant indicators are
omitted until the final “optimal” model is
discovered. This is done utilizing the entire
data set to generate estimates. Thus, the
external validity of this model must be called
into question. Obvious issues with data-mining
could easily arise from this. However,
considering the state of applied statistics at the
time of 1970, this was cutting edge. They even
used a computer to calculate their regression
Paulson et al. (1985) offer a more robust
approach to linear regressions. They collected
streamflow data, then constructed drought
severity and duration indices within the
California Central Valley. These indices
included constructing values for their two
dependent variables – drought severity and
magnitude – indicating 10%, 50% and 90%
conceptualize these values as the magnitude or
severity a given drought could exceed with
10% probability, 50% probability and 90%
probability. They also constructed termination
probabilities of 1 though 5 years. In other
words, they calculated the likelihood that a
current drought would persist through a given
termination horizon. They proceeded to use
various climatic data, such as precipitation and
average runoff, to generate linear predictions.
Finally, they restricted their analysis away
from rivers flowing out of the Sierra-Nevada
range as to create some level of climatic
homogeneity across their data, in hopes of
reducing prediction error.
Ultimately, Paulson et al. (1985) were able to
predict the likely termination horizon as well as
severity and magnitude thresholds of each
drought relatively well. 𝑅2 values ranging from
.56 to .98 depending on which dependent
variable they were predicting were achieved.
However, just like in Benson & Thomas
(1970), backward elimination procedures were
used over the entire dataset to determine which
independent variable to include in their final
models. Thus, issues of data-mining and phacking persisted, and a true causal chain with
strong external validity may not be so easily
linked to their model.
Markov Chains
As computational capabilities changed,
so did the statistical methods used to analyze
drought patterns. Lohani & Loganathan (1997)
utilized climatic and hydrological data from the
state of Virginia spanning from 1895 to 1990.
They calculated the Palmer Drought Severity
Index – an aggregation of various climatic and
hydrological variables into one succinct index
– for each month in the sample. From there,
they transformed the index from a continuum
to a seven-level variable by classifying subsets
of the continuum as levels of drought severity.
From there, they constructed probabilities of
ending up in a specific drought “state”, defined
by the aforementioned levels.
After recovering the state probabilities, they
assumed that its stochastic behaviour followed
a first order Markov process. That is, the
probability of ending up in state 𝑖 at time 𝑑 only
depended on the realized state, 𝑗, directly
preceding it at time 𝑑 − 1. The likelihood of
transitioning from state 𝑖 to state 𝑗 depends on
the month of the year one finds oneself in, but
the year itself does not matter; specific monthto-month transition probabilities are fixed, thus
month-to-month transition probabilities are
periodic of order 12.
Since transition probabilities are fixed yearto-year, one can go on to group them into
transition matrices, 𝑃[𝑑], where 𝑑 is the specific
month, and element 𝑃[𝑑]𝑖,𝑗 = π‘ƒπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘(𝑗[𝑑 +
1] | 𝑖[𝑑]). The unconditional state probabilities,
that is the probability of being in state 𝑖 in
month, 𝑑, is given by
π‘ƒπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘(𝑖[𝑑]). The
unconditional probabilities are known at each
month, and they are grouped into a row vector,
𝑀[𝑑], where the row index indicates the
month, 𝑑2. Consequently, because of the
Markov Process one can model a month-tomonth transition as:
𝑀[𝑑] = 𝑀[𝑑 − 1]𝑃[𝑑 − 1]
Thus, from unconditional monthly state
probabilities, transition matrices can be
recovered analytically – through solving a
system of linear equations – as well as
empirically, by directly estimating the monthto-month conditional probabilities of a certain
drought state being realized. Lohani &
Loganathan (1997) use those transition
probabilities to construct decision trees that
then indicate the future likelihood of entering a
specific drought state from the current drought
state. This decision tree method was designed
to better inform policy makers on how to react
on short time intervals to impending droughts.
Lohani & Lognathan found that for short
term predictions, with only a few months of
lead time, these predictions seem to be reliable,
2 They are also easy to estimate via maximum likelihood
estimation. That is simply taking the proportion of data points in a
especially over relatively homogenous climatic
and geologic areas as found in Virginia.
Moreover, in comparing their estimates to
previous finding’s by Karl (1986), they found
that their predictions were well within his
estimates for conditional drought
probabilities. At the very least, this indicates
some level of external validity to the Markov
chain modeling system.
Finally, they compared their estimates of
conditional drought state probabilities, to
analytical findings that assumed a first order
Markov structure. Again, the differences
between the two forms of estimates were
minute, indicating that first order Markov
chains are likely a good estimate for month-tomonth transitions of droughts.
However, this method has one large short
coming. Similar to a stationarity assumption on
an autocorrelation function, it is only effective
if the underlying stochastic process is a fixed
first order Markov process. If not, the results
are effectively meaningless, especially at
multi-month time step prediction intervals, as
the transition matrices will not fixed, but
instead varying overtime.
Throughout the late 20th century, the
most common practice for drought forecasting
was modelling via various autoregressive
models. Autoregressive moving average
(ARMA), autoregressive integrated moving
average (ARIMA), and discrete autoregressive
moving average (DARMA) models have all
been extensively applied to the problem of
forecasting hydrological data.
To begin with the most simple case, an
ARMA(p,q) model uses previous values of a
given time series, and previous residuals to
predict future values. We can conceptualize an
ARMA model as follows:
specific month with a certain realized state, 𝑖, and taking their
proportion over the total amount of data from that month in the sample
πœƒ(𝐿)π‘₯𝑑 = Θ(𝐿)πœ€π‘‘
Where 𝐿 is a lag-operator, πœƒ(𝐿) is a lagpolynomial of order p, Θ(𝐿) is a lagpolynomial of order q, π‘₯𝑑 is our time series of
interest, and πœ€π‘‘ is some identically and
independently distributed error term, generally
approximated by estimation residuals after an
AR(p) estimation. The best way to understand
an ARMA model is, “we are making a
prediction for where we are going to be based
on where we have been, and how wrong we
ARIMA models simply replace the π‘₯𝑑 with
∇ π‘₯𝑑 , a differencing d-times of the time series
of interest, and can be expressed as:
π‘₯𝑑 =
πœƒ(𝐿)∇𝑑 π‘₯𝑑
This is done to maintain stationarity of the
data. Often a random variable will be of an
integrated process of order 𝑑. That is to say, the
variable itself may not have a constant
unconditional mean and variance, but the 𝑑 π‘‘β„Ž
difference does. Thus, taking the 𝑑 π‘‘β„Ž difference
allows one to estimate the time series via
traditionally least squares methods and
ultimately recover unbiased estimates of the
DARMA models take the original ARMA
structure and apply it to Bernoulli variables, i.e.
binary random variables. To understand a
DARMA model, it is best to analyze a DAR(1)
model of order 1. Chung & Salas (2000) offers
the following successive explanation of a
DARMA model using a DAR(1) as a starting
point. A DAR(1) model has the following
𝑋𝑑 = 𝑉𝑑 𝑋𝑑−1 + (1 − 𝑉𝑑 )π‘Œπ‘‘
Where 𝑉𝑑 is a Bernoulli random variable – with
𝑃(𝑉𝑑 = 1) = δ and 𝑃(𝑉𝑑 = 0) = 1 − δ. π‘Œπ‘‘ is
another Bernoulli random variable with 𝑃(π‘Œπ‘‘ =
1) = π1 and 𝑃(π‘Œπ‘‘ = 0) = π0 = 1 − π1.
Thus the probability of transition from state 𝑖 to
state 𝑗, 𝑃(𝑖, 𝑗) can be given as:
δ + (1 − δ)π𝑗 ,
𝑖𝑓 𝑖 = 𝑗
𝑃(𝑖, 𝑗) = {
(1 − δ)π𝑗 ,
𝑖𝑓 𝑖 ≠ 𝑗
Clearly, a DAR(1) model can be
characterized as a first order Markov process,
as the probability of state 𝑖 being achieved in
time 𝑑 only depends on the state, 𝑗, achieved in
time, 𝑑 − 1. A DARMA(1,1) model simply
takes a time series, described by a DAR(1)
process and plugs it into another DAR(1)
model. Again, taken from Chung & Salas
(2000), it has the explicit form:
𝑋𝑑 = π‘ˆπ‘‘ π‘Œπ‘‘ + (1 − π‘ˆπ‘‘ )𝑍𝑑−1
Where π‘ˆπ‘‘ and π‘Œπ‘‘ are again Bernoulli random
variables with probability π‘ƒπ‘Œ and π‘ƒπ‘ˆ
probabilities of success. This nesting of
probabilities complicates the stochastic process
underpinning the time series of interest, 𝑋𝑑 .
However, taking the ordered pair as a single
variable [𝑋𝑑 , 𝑍𝑑−1 ] gives birth to another first
order Markov process, across 4 states ([0,0];
[1,0]; [0,1]; [1,1]). This two-dimensional
Markov process can be mapped to a 4-state
univariate first order Markov process;
something that can be relatively easily
estimated through traditional methods.
ARMA models have been used to predict
streamflow through the Niger river in Salas
(1980). They find that an ARMA(1,1)
describes the data best of any autoregressive
model. Squared sum of residual surfaces are
calculated on parameter balls of radius, π‘Ÿ,
around initial parameter estimates to find
estimators that best minimize
residuals. However, only residuals, and
squared residuals are reported in the paper.
From visual assessment of time series and
simulated time series data, the model fails to
predict variation at the extremes, i.e. when
streamflow is incredibly high or low as
compared to its unconditional mean.
Chung & Salas (2000) use a DARMA model
to predict “runs” of droughts in the Niger river
as well as the South Platte River in Colorado.
They first categorize streamflow data as being
either above (𝑋𝑑 = 1) or below (𝑋𝑑 = 0) the
sample mean, with above categorizing relative
wet periods and below categorizing relative dry
periods. “Runs” are defined as continued
periods of the same state being achieved. They
find that using a DARMA(1,1) model in place
of a DAR(1) model, generates models with
longer memory than simple Markov chains,
and better ability to predict the probability of
extended runs of droughts 3. However, due to
the limitations of the data sets used – only 73
years of streamflow data were available –
probabilities of extreme runs – more than 7
years – are impossible to estimate.
ARIMA models are often used as
benchmarks for predictive capability of more
complex machine learning based models. In
Mishra et al. (2007) and Mishra & Desai
(2006), pseudo-out of sample optimized
ARIMA models provide explanatory power on
SPI data in the range of 𝑅 2 = 0.4 to 0.6,
depending on the aggregation level of the SPI
data used.
The major shortcoming – and consequently
why I do not discuss the models at greater
breadth and depth – is there inability to
comprehend non-stationary data as well as nonlinear data. As mentioned above, linear
regressions, Markov chains, and various
autoregressive models all impose a linear
structure on the data generating process, that
often does not encapsulate variation of data at
the extremes. That is why in recent years
complex machine learning methods such as
ANNs and SVMs have been adopted to better
model hydrological data.
III. Section 3: : Machine Learning
Methods and their Immense Success
3 The complexities of the ARMA, DAR and DARMA models can
take up entire 15 page academic papers on their own. The results are
discussed briefly, as more importance is put on ML methods,
specifically ANNs.
In general, two types of machine learning
processes are utilized to predict various
hydrological data: Support Vector Machines
(SVMs) and Artificial Neural Networks
(ANNs). I will give a relatively rigorous
explanation of ANNs, using mathematical
definitions as well as heuristic explanations to
describe their modeling process. SVMs are a
very new part of machine learning, having only
been invented in the mid 1990s (Brunton,
2014). Consequently, their application to
hydrological data is promising, but actual
applications are limited. I will discuss them
briefly. I will also discuss how various machine
learning (ML) methods have been bettered
through various data augmentation methods.
However, before diving into how different
methods of machine learning work, and their
application to hydrological forecasting, it is
important to understand a core concepts
pertinent to all machine learning (ML) methods
and algorithms. ML methods and algorithms
rely explicitly on data mining; that is using the
sampled data’s realized structure to generate a
model, and not fitting a preconceived model to
a dataset. However, to avoid creating models
that “memorize” the entire data set, and lack
strong external validity, data sets are split up
randomly into subsets. Generally, an algorithm
will be trained on the “training” subset and then
assessed on the “test” subset. Assessment is
generally a function of the distance estimates
are from realized values. The important piece
is that models do not do any learning on their
test set; they simply apply their knowledge
from the training set onto it.
Broadly, there are also two different ways of
learning: supervised and unsupervised.
Supervised learning makes explicit what the
desired input and output sets are. In a
supervised environment, the algorithm has an
explicit target: it seeks to minimize its
predictive error. In an unsupervised
environment, output and input are not
explicitly described. Unsupervised methods are
more suited towards understanding data
structure, whereas supervised methods aim to
form a description of a data generating process.
The scope of ML algorithms and methods
encapsulated in this paper is limited to
supervised methods.
Artificial Neural Networks
ANNs are designed to learn in the same way
humans do. ANNs are composed of two pieces:
neurons and links. Neurons can be thought of
as functions, while links can be thought of as
weights that determine the inputs to said
functions. The following explanation leans
heavily on the lecture series provided by
Sanderson (2017).
Given an input vector – in this a vector of
time series data from 𝑑 to 𝑑 − 𝑝 – the first layer
of neurons represents the self-normalized
elements of an input vector. In normalizing the
data to itself, it insures that the value of that
specific neuron is somewhere between 0 and 1.
A common form of normalization is given in
Mishra & Desai (2006), and is carried out as
̃𝑑 =
𝑋𝑑 − π‘‹π‘šπ‘–π‘›
π‘‹π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ − π‘‹π‘šπ‘–π‘›
Where 𝑋𝑑 is the realized value of the time
series, π‘‹π‘šπ‘–π‘› is the minimum value of the time
series, π‘‹π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ is the maximum value of the time
̃𝑑 is the normalized value of the
series, and 𝑋
time series.
With each input neuron bounded in this
manner, we can think of the value the neuron
takes as the level of its activation, with 1 being
a fully activated neuron, and 0 being a neuron
4 This is because output values may not be bounded in any way.
that isn’t firing at all. The activation level of
each neuron is then mapped to a subsequent
layer of neurons, called the hidden layer. Each
neuron in the hidden layer will take as input a
weighted average of the input layer’s
activations, plus a constant bias term that
differs for each hidden layer neuron. Each
hidden layer neuron utilizes a normalization
function, specifically the sigmoid function,
described here, to bound the data between 0 and
𝑆(π‘₯) =
1 + 𝑒 −π‘₯
In this case, π‘₯ is the weighted sum of
previous layer’s (input) neuron activations. The
weights and biases that determine the sums are
called linkages, or links. These are the integral
parameters of a neural network, and I will
return to their estimation soon.
Once the hidden layer’s activations are
determined, the process is repeated, and
weighted sums are calculated utlizing the
current layer’s activations as the new to-betransformed inputs of the next layer. Finally,
once the output layer is reached, the weighted
sums are not transformed and are given as a raw
estimated output4. Neural networks of this type
are referred to as feed-forward, as they
successively aggregate activations of previous
layers, until an output estimation is generated.
The following diagram lends some intuition
to the underlying structure of an ANN. The
circles represent neurons, while the lines
represent the weights (links) between them.
Each line links a neuron from the preceding
layer to each neuron in the current layer. We
also note that each neuron has its own unique
bias term.
neurons the weight is originating from5. This
indexing method of weights best lends itself to
thinking of the weights not as numbers but
linkages between neurons. From the new found
expression of average squared error as a
function of weights, the first order condition for
minimization is given:
, ∀𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑛
πœ•π‘€π‘–,𝑗 𝑛
Hidden Layer
Thus, in order to minimize the error,
numerical root finding methods can be applied
Once the ANN has outputted an estimate,
these estimated output are then compared to the
realized values via the following squared error
𝑒(𝑦̂) = (𝑦 − 𝑦̂)2
Where 𝑦̂ is the estimated value and 𝑦 is the
realized value. Each 𝑒(𝑦̂) is averaged across
the sample and the resulting sample average of
error, 𝐸(𝑦̂) = ∑𝑖 𝑒𝑖 (𝑦̂) becomes the measure
of the model’s accuracy.
To return to calibrating the weights, once the
structure of the ANN has been decided, that is
how many hidden layers, and neurons on said
hidden layers there will be, one can then
reimagine the average squared error function
as a function of the weights and biases. In other
words, we aim to understand how adjusting
individual weights and biases changes the
estimate and in turn changes the error. Thus,
the aim of a neural network is to minimize:
min𝑀𝑖,𝑗𝑛 {𝐸(𝑦̂(𝑀𝑖,𝑗 𝑛 )} = min𝑀𝑖,𝑗 {𝐸̃ (𝑀𝑖,𝑗 𝑛 )}
Where 𝑖 indicates the neuron the weight is
coming from, 𝑗 indicates the neuron the weight
is connecting to, and 𝑛 indicates which layer of
5 Note that my usage of the term weight includes the constant bias
term. The bias term is simply 𝑀0,0 for neuron n.
to the array of
πœ•π‘€π‘–,𝑗 𝑛
to estimate the 𝑀𝑖,𝑗 𝑛 that
solve the optimization problem. Although the
partial derivatives of the average squared error
are easily thought of in tensor form, with index
(𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑛), it is better to organize the partial
derivatives of the error into a gradient vector,
as the neurons per layer may not be the same
throughout the entire model, and as a vector
value function is much easier to work with in
the optimization process.
The most common root finding methods are
gradient descent methods. These methods
follow the form of Newton-Raphson method,
where the root of a vector value function – in
this case the average squared error gradient –
𝑓(π‘₯): β„π‘š ⟢ β„π‘š , is estimated by the
recursive algorithm:
π‘₯ π‘˜+1 = π‘₯ π‘˜ − 𝑑𝑓(π‘₯ π‘˜ ) −1𝑓(π‘₯ π‘˜ )6
Where 𝑑𝑓(π‘₯ π‘˜ ) is the Jacobian of the vector
value function, 𝑓(π‘₯ π‘˜ ), and π‘˜ indicates the
iteration index. Note two things: π‘₯ π‘˜ is the π‘š
dimensional vector of estimated optimal
weights at the π‘˜ π‘‘β„Ž iteration and that 𝑓(π‘₯) is the
gradient of the average squared error, not the
average squared error itself. Gradient descent
6 For more on optimization methods, as well as their application to
finance and economics see Miranda and Paul’s (2002) Applied
Computational Economics and Finance.
methods avoid calculating the second
error, 𝑑𝑓(π‘₯ π‘˜ ), as that is computationally
costly, and simply assume it to be the identity
matrix. Some more complex methods for
training networks use linear approximations of
𝑑𝑓(π‘₯ π‘˜ ) to increase the speed of descent, or
randomize over the testing set such that the
average gradient is not calculated from every
test point, but only a sample.
The trick to effective neural networks is the
ability to generate the gradient of the average
squared error in a computationally efficient
manner. Backpropagation calculates the
average gradient at each estimated output point
in the testing sample, which is an analogous
concept to the derivative of the average squared
error function. Essentially, backpropagation
recognizes the nested non-linear regressions
occurring and uses the chain rule to its
advantage, meaning that identical derivatives
are not constantly recalculated.
Now that ANN’s structure and its underlying
learning process is better understood,
hydrological forecasting using ANNs can
begin to be discussed. One of the first to apply
ANNs to drought forecasting was Mishra &
Desai (2006). They applied two different types
of feed-forward neural networks to predict SPI
data in West Bengal. Their data spans the latter
half of the 20th century, from 1965 to 2001.
They implement two different estimating
structures: recursive multistep and direct
multistep neural networks.
A recursive multistep NN takes a vector of
inputs – the current, and lagged values of the
SPI data. Then, it feeds them through a single
hidden-layer feed forward neural network,
giving a single output that is one time step
ahead of the most recent input. From there, the
estimated value is added to a new input vector,
and the oldest input element is omitted. This
new input vector, with a single 1-time-stepahead estimate included in its elements, is then
fed through the neural network, to recover an
estimate of the SPI data two time steps ahead.
This is repeated until the desired time horizon
is reached.
The direct multi-step NN takes a vector of
inputs – again the current and lagged values of
the SPI data – and proceeds to feed it through a
single hidden layer NN that directly outputs a
vector of predictions for a certain number of
time steps ahead. The following diagrams are
taken from Mishra & Desai (2006), and express
the differing structures of the two networks,
where 𝑆𝑑 is the time series of SPI data, and 𝑑 is
the index of time (months):
These neural networks’ structures, along
with the benchmark linear ARIMA models,
were optimized for different aggregation
periods of SPI data using pseudo-out of sample
methods. In all cases, models with various time
lags and node structures were tested on training
data. The ones that performed best with regard
to mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean
squared error (RMSE) were chosen, and then
tested. Testing results between all the models
were compared over RMSE and MAE, and R
values were calculated for each model. They
find that the ANNs significantly outperform the
traditional stochastic ARIMA methods. The
outperformed recursive multistep models at
longer time step predictions, however,
recursive multistep models were better for
immediate time step predictions, such as 1 to 2
time steps ahead. ARIMA models gave good
predictions for 1 to 2 time steps ahead, but
results’ accuracy decayed quickly afterward.
Over a 1 month lead time, differences in R
values when forecasting SPI 3, 6, 9, and 12
between ARIMA and ANNs were very small:
generally a difference of 0.01 to 0.03, with this
difference being smaller over longer
aggregations of SPI. However, at longer lead
times, the recursive and direct multistep ANNs
significantly outperformed the ARIMA models
with the direct step model consistently having
R values 0.2 greater than the ARIMA models.
ANNs are far from perfect, though. ANNs
still suffer from issues similar to that of
traditional ARIMA models. Taver et al. (2015)
and Butler & Kazakov (2011) discuss at length
the issues non-stationarity and non-linear
trends can have on traditional feed forward
ANNs. Butler & Kazakov (2011) investigate
financial time series data, and find that
predictive accuracy of feed forward ANNs
declines as non-stationary time series persist.
This is due to ANNs still imposing a temporally
constant functional form on the autocorrelation
function of the time series. If data is nonstationary, it could be the case that said
function is not constant. Taver et al. (2015)
investigate different forms of ANNs for
hydrological forecasting, specifically recurrent
networks with the aim of reducing nonstationarity’s adverse effects on predictions.
They do so by adapting the autocorrelation’s
functional form as more data is inputted.
However, their results exceed the depth and
breadth of this paper.
Feed forward ANNs also have a tendency to
overfit to data. That is to say, they are very
competent when it comes to understanding
underlying data generating processes within
the training set, but generalizing those
processes to the test set is not always accurate.
One way to remedy this is separating data into
separate trends before having an ANN analyze
it. Thus, the ANN can analyze different trends
separately and gain a more comprehensive
understanding of the underlying data
generating process. Discrete wavelet analysis
allows for data to be broken down into its
separate underlying trends. However, before
their discussion, I will briefly discuss support
vector machines (SVMs).
Support Vector Machines – A Brief
Heuristic Explanation
Before getting into data augmentation
methods, it is also important to briefly discuss
another machine learning technique. The
direction of hydrological forecasting seems to
be continuing towards feedforward neural
networks. However, some research has gone
into support vector machines (SVM), and their
forecasting. SVMs
attempt to draw decision
lines – or their higher dimensional equivalents,
called hyperplanes – between data as to group
data into subsets that have similar outcome
variable realizations.
Often, data cannot be easily separated within
the dimensional space of its input vector. Thus,
kernel functions are used to project the data
onto a higher dimensional spaces. Once data is
projected into a higher dimensional space,
linear hyperplanes can be constructed to draw
partitions, and consequently predictions can be
The main benefit of an SVM is that they
prioritize data that is close to the dividing
hyperplane, and ignore data that is more easily
predictable, farther away. They try to create a
decision boundary that maximizes the distance
of boundary points within certain outcome
subsets from said decision hyperplane. This
allows it to better understand the underlying
conditions that most influence specific
outcomes, and ignore outside noise – in the
case of times series, potentially on-stationarity
– with more ease than ANNs. This allows for
greater generalizability on data outside of the
training set. However, data pre-treatment
methods, like discrete wavelet analysis have
allowed ANNs to overcome their issues with
generalizability and overfitting. Currently, the
direction of the field seems to be more focused
on refining ANNs than utilizing completely
new models like SVMs. It is for that reason that
I restrict the explanation of SVMs to a brief
Data Augmentation – Discrete Wavelet
Wavelet analysis and transformation can be
thought of as somewhat analogous to a Fourier
transform. Similar to a Fourier transform,
wavelet analysis decomposes a time series into
a weighted aggregation of wavelets, exposing
the frequency and periodicity of certain trends.
It essentially breaks a time series down into its
long-lasting trends, and its detail trends. One
can think of the long lasting trends as the easy
to predict, and often linear time trends that are
more or less stationary. These could be multiyear patterns in the jet stream that effect
precipitation like the transition from a “La
Nina” year to an “El Nino” year.
Detail trends are the sporadic shocks that
enter time series data in a non-linear or nonstationary way. An example of these could be
less easily predictable changes in precipitation
patterns brought on by climate change.
7 This is the wavelet that is transformed continuously over
frequency and time-lag to generate the bases functions of the wavelet
function space
Moreover, wavelet analysis has the added
benefit of not being time invariant. Wavelet
decomposition changes when different points
in the time series are used as the initial point of
the wavelet. Effectively this maintains the time
structure of the series, and allows for
forecasting methods to be applied to the series
of individual wavelets.
The following explanation of wavelet
decomposition is explained leans heavily on
the lecture given by Andrew Nicoll (2020) and
is explained in the following way: a continuous
wavelet transform can be thought of as a
projection of a function – in this case a time
series – onto the infinite dimensional function
space of wavelets. There is some mother
wavelet, πœ“, with two parameters: frequency
and time-lag. The different parameter values
produce different wavelets, that in turn
constitute the basis vectors of this function
space. The wavelets are similar to a sine or
cosine wave in a Fourier transform in this way.
Thus, for different frequency levels, 𝑠, and lag
lengths, 𝜏, that wavelets persist over, a
continuous wavelet transform expresses the
amount a time series is explained by a
particular wavelets. The method for
determining the magnitude of a times series
explained by a particular wavelet is given by
the inner product:
𝐹(𝜏, 𝑠) = ∫ 𝑓(𝑑)πœ“ ∗ (
) 𝑑𝑑
Where πœ“ ∗ is the complex conjugate of the
“mother” wavelet7 and 𝑓(𝑑) is the time series
transforms differ from continuous wavelet
transforms as they take a small, finite set of
wavelet bases and project the function in
question onto them. Generally, this subset is of
wavelets with high frequencies 8 as to capture
the “details” of the time series. The detail
wavelet projections are then subtracted from
the original time series, and the residual series
can be thought of as the long-lasting, low
frequency series. Also, as time series data is not
continuous, the integral is transformed into a
finite sum. For a set of 𝑝 times series points, the
discrete wavelet transform will have the form:
𝐹̃ (π‘Ž, 𝑏) = ∑ 𝑓(𝑑𝑖 )πœ“(
𝑑𝑖 − π‘Ž
Where π‘Ž, 𝑏 are generally chosen dyadically,
that is π‘Ž = 𝛼2−𝑗 and 𝑏 = 2−𝑗 with 𝛼 ∈ ℝ and
𝑗 being some subset of natural numbers 𝑗 =
1, … , 𝑛.
The genius of transforming data via a
wavelet decomposition, is that it makes the
dataset an ANN learns over more concise.
Noise from multiple underlying frequencies
with varying trend lengths are separated and the
ANN can learn to predict each individual one.
In recent years, data augmentation with
wavelet decomposition has allowed ANNs to
gain even more predictive capability as it
separates a non-stationary time series, into
separate easily digestible wavelets describing
particular trends. In practical use this has had
tremendous success. Belayneh et al. (2016)
utilize SPI time series data from the Awash
River Basin in Ethiopia. They pre-process the
data with a discrete wavelet transforms and
train an ANN as well as a SVM on said data.
Using 3 and 6 month aggregation levels of SPI
data, they made predictions at 1 and 3 month
lead times. Not only did wavelet transforms
decrease both RMSE, mean absolute error, and
increase 𝑅2 significantly, but augmented
ANNs outperformed SVMs on the testing data
over the same metrics over almost all climatic
zones. Generally speaking, wavelet augmented
8 It is good to think of these high frequency wavelets like sporadic
bursts of non-stationarity, and consequently non-linearity on the data.
ANNs outperformed wavelet augmented
SVMs at 1-month lead times in 𝑅2 by 0.01 to
0.04. Augmented ANNs posted 𝑅2 ≈ 0.80 for
1-month lead times across all climatic zones,
while augmented SVMs were closer to 𝑅 2 ≈
0.76. SVMs were only more effective at
predicting SPI data in relatively wet climatic
areas at 3 month lead times, while middle and
low precipitation areas were dominated by
augmented ANNs. This came at somewhat of a
surprise to researchers, as SVMs generally do
not have the same overfitting problem as
ANNs, as mentioned earlier.
Also, wavelet augmented ANNs have been
trained on daily discharge data from the
Yangtze River basin. Although not a direct
metric of drought, daily river discharge is
related to hydrological drought as it pertains to
total watershed in a given geographic area.
Wang and Ding (2003) apply a wavelet
augmented ANN to this data, and explore its
effect on forecasting at different lead times.
Although results are not significantly improved
at short lead times, longer lead times – 4 to 5
days – undergo a significant improvement after
the data is filtered via a wavelet transformation.
Moreover, the wavelet transformation used
breaks the time series into 2 detail wavelets and
1 long term wavelet, a relatively crude
decomposition, with all other wavelet
decompositions cited using at least 3 detail
wavelets. Forecasts with <10% relative error
makeup 69.1% of 5 day lead forecasts for the
augmented ANN, whereas traditional ARMA
and ANN methods do not achieve <10% error
on more than 40% of forecasts.
Wavelet augmented SVMs and ANNs are
compared by Zhou et al. (2017) while
forecasting ground water depths in Mengcheng
County, China from 1974 to 2010. Despite the
previous findings of Belayneh et al. (2016) that
augmented ANNs outperform augmented
SVMs on SPI data, Zhou et al. (2017) find the
opposite, with SVMs slightly outperforming
ANNs. Using 3 levels of dyadic detail wavelet
filters (𝑗 = 1,2,3), augmented models were
able to predict ground water depth with an 𝑅
value of 0.97 on testing data compared to 0.72
and 0.78 for regular ANN and SVM
respectively, an incredibly remarkable result.
Wavelet decomposition has become the hottopic in hydrological forecasting, and the most
cutting edge models have decidedly dived a bit
deeper. The most recent trend is to combine
multiple models, generally an ANN and an
ARIMA model to predict different parts of the
variation of time series data.
Hybrid Models - The Cutting Edge
Although relatively new in hydrological
forecasting, hybrid models have shown
promising results and have gained some
traction. Mishra et al. (2007) builds on their
previous work in 2006, using recursive and
direct multistep ANNs to create a two-step
hybrid model. Due to ARIMA models linear
structure, they are effective at any linear time
series prediction, and computationally efficient
to estimate. As hydrological data’s
autocorrelation function is likely composed of
linear and non-linear relations, applying only a
non-linear or only a linear form could be naïve.
Consequently, Mishra et al. (2007) first
estimate a seasonal ARIMA model following
the same framework used in Mishra & Desai
(2006) to build their benchmark model. They
then obtain residuals from the seasonal
ARIMA estimates, and utilize both direct
multistep and recursive multistep models to
forecast said residual values. The ARIMA
model’s parameters are optimized using
Akaike Information Criterion, while the ANNs
node structures are optimized using trial and
error in order to minimize RMSE, and
maximize explained variation (R value).
Again, these models are constructed over SPI
9 An unexciting aspect is their excessively long name.
data from West Bengal, identical to that used in
Mishra & Desai (2006).
Ultimately, the hybrid seasonal ARIMAANN models outperform the standalone
seasonal ARIMA and standalone ANN models
over SPI 3, SPI 6, SPI 12, and SPI 24, and lead
times ranging from 1 month to 6 months.
Similar to the findings in Mishra & Desai
(2006), the recursive multistep hybrid model
outperformed direct mulstistep hybrid model
over short lead times (less than 2-months)
while the direct hybrid model was able to make
more accurate predictions over longer lead
times. Over the various SPI aggregations, at a
6 month lead time the direct hybrid model was
able to predict with 𝑅2 = 0.65 π‘‘π‘œ 0.72 as
compared to the seasonal ARIMA model that
never exceeded 𝑅 2 > 0.30, and the seasonal
ARIMA-recursive multistep ANN hybrid that
never exceeded 𝑅 2 > 0.60.
Another, more recent hybrid model is
discussed in Khan et al. (2020). Their model
uses an amalgamation of all previous methods
discussed. Analyzing SPI and raw rainfall data
in millimeters from the Langat River Basin in
Malaysia, they first use a discrete wavelet
transformation to break the data into 8 dyadic
levels of detail frequencies (𝑗 = 1, … ,8) and
one long term frequency. Then an ANN was
trained to forecast the 8 detail wavelet series,
while an ARIMA model, as outlined by Mishra
& Desai (2006) was utilized to forecast the long
term trends. The final hybrid model was able to
predict over a 1 month lead time relatively
concisely, with 𝑅 2 = 0.872 of explanatory
power. Traditional ANN and ARIMA models
did not exceed 𝑅2 = 0.4.
The exciting part of discrete wavelet
transform augmented hybrid-ANNs9 is their
applicability not only to hydrological
forecasting – specifically droughts – but also to
other time series. It seems the wavelet
transforms allow models to focus on specific
trends and not get “confused” dissecting a time
series down into multiple trends.
Conclusion - What More Can Be Done?
In the past 50 years, drought forecasting
has developed from rudimentary linear
regressions, utilizing basic climatic and
geological variables, to applying complex
methodology that aptly and efficiently
characterizes data’s variation. With cutting
edge models showing promising results, it begs
the question of what else can be done to better
hone in forecasts.
Without any doubt, machine learning is the
future of forecasting. However, determining
strategies for addressing various shortcomings
in ML will be the next step in better forecasting
hydrological data. It seems that data
augmentation methods such as discrete wavelet
transformations allow ANNs to overcome their
tendency to overfit in the presence of nonconstant autocorrelation functions. The
promising preliminary results of SVMs, and
their ability to more effectively generalize
results on training data to testing data needs to
be investigated more.
Moreover, despite being briefly mentioned
in the context of financial forecasting, recurrent
neural networks also show promise in adjusting
the functional form of a neural network as it
changes through time. This allows ANNs to
better adapt to non-stationary or non-constant
autocorrelation within a time series of
hydrological data.
With these more robust methods comes
issues of computational efficiency. It seems
that to better drought forecasts, work will have
to be split between finding better methods, and
determining optimal ways of implementing
them. Even though there is room for
improvement, it is still remarkable that
forecasting has come so far in such a short
period of time. To say the least, it is an exciting
time to be analyzing time series, as new
methods seem to appear by the day. Hopefully,
more innovative breakthroughs are just around
the corner.
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