WELFARE ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION ABSTRACT The concept of employee welfare has been used by many organizations as a strategy of improving productivity of employees and alleviating social problems which include almost all aspects that relate to an employee’s wellness and personal development in the work place (Manzini and Gwandure, 2011) since work related problems can lead to poor quality of life for employees and a decline in performance (Manzini and Gwandure, 2011). Priti (2009) argues that the role of welfare activities is to promote economic development by increasing efficiency and productivity with the underlying principle being making workers give their loyal services ungrudgingly in genuine spirit of co-operation and the general well-being of the employee. Despite this, Mwiti (2007) points out that naturally welfare services may not directly relate to an employee's job but the presence or absence of the services is notable through employee performance, attitude, and high or low labor turnover. The provision of welfare schemes is to create an efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied labor force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life better and also to raise their standard of living (Priti, 2009). Employee welfare is a comprehensive term which refers to the various services, benefits and facilities offered by the employer to employees with a purpose of enriching the life of employees and to keep them happy and contented (Mishra and Manju, 2007). Armstrong (2006) further asserts that employee welfare services increase the loyalty and motivation of employees. Provision of employee welfare services rests mainly on the aspect of the social responsibility of organizations since the workers’ whole life centers on the employer. Stevenson (2002) welfare services increase the productivity of an organization. 1. PREAMBLE This constitution applies to all members of this group. All are expected to adhere in all collection, plans and functions of one or the entire membership must be within this constitution. 2. (a) NAME. The name of the group shall be……………………………………. Proposed, agreed and approved by members in a group (b)Registration Registered as a welfare association in the ministry of gender and culture 3. REGISTRATION I. Over 18 years of age II. Be in the animal health/production industry III. Of good moral values /conduct IV. Share and uplift the objectives of the group V. Upon voting and acceptance by members, this new member is entitled to pay the prescribed registration nonrefundable fee as per the rules and regulations 4.CONSTITUTION AND RULES Name of the Association Address Location of the Office of the Association Area of operation Association of the 5. WHAT THEY DO: • Welfare associations employ the philosophy of Group Dynamics in Wealth Creation and Wealth Management for holistic welfare development. • This is by inculcating the beauty of:- • 1. Mortgage-System 2. The Revolving-Fund 3. Public-Private Investment 4. The Commonsense approach to life. approach to theorem approach collaboration approach to to life. life. life. 5. Purely about the betterment of the economy of our country and of our people. 6. OBJECTIVE: • 1. 2. 3. PAWA core objective is to initiate and educate the people to create a pragmatic sustainable functional interdependence tripartite relationship of :Adding Value to the common mans' purchasing power, Create the Market for investors, producers and service providers, Increase the revenue collection base for the Government of Kenya. 7. PURPOSE: • Our purpose is to lead members on the route to accessibility and affordability of resources for better living, sustainable socio-welfare empowerment and socioeconomic freedom. This will help us bridge the ever widening social class gap between the rich and the poor. • Welfare association does not intend to make people equal; it will only make the poor 'rich' in their consequences and the rich, well, super rich! 8. VISION: • Vision is to engage all Kenyans -the rich and the poor- in resources sourcing, mobilizing, distribution and efficiency in allocation by molding them into the basic economic cells and units which form the requisite sine qua non for a mutually progressive and beneficial society. 9. MISSION: • Welfare associations, Mission is to break 'the Cain spirit' for prosperity by each one of us, directly or indirectly, becoming his or her brother's keeper. • Our individualism drives us to poverty as we invest in small time unreliable businesses and when our saving culture neither adds value to our lives nor creates wealth for our CHILDREN. 10. VALUES: • Integrity, Honesty, Accountability, Transparency, Equity. 11.ULTIMATE GOAL: • Welfare associations seek to emulate the established community’s model of communal pooling of resources to invest in the common good. This provides for communal economic security and individual gains. • Welfare associations seek to invest in our people's potential by affording every deserving Kenyan who is ready to work for it an easy access to holistic educational resources. (T&C apply) 12. MOTTO LOVE, PEACE and PROGRESS 13.CERTIFICATE 14. To: a) b) c) d) • Certified that the Association will be formed with no profit motive though commercial activity is involved in its working. • Certified that the Association would not engage in any agitation or trade union activities to ventilate grievances, and • Certified that the office-bearers are not from the funds of the Association. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Provide counseling, guidance and mentorship to members. Offer intellectual, financial and professional aid to the members. Monitor, improve and participate in the sustenance of members. Promote welfare of members by: i) Enhancing unity and consociation among members and the society as a whole ii) Improving/promoting communication and interaction among members and the prevailing society (social ties). iii) Promoting education among /of/between members and the society as a whole e) To provide an Association upon which the members can address the social, economic, cultural, religious and political issues affecting members. f) To fight for; and represent the interests of the members who agree with the Association’s Constitution and general Programs g) To defend the fundamental rights and freedoms of members. h) To collect information about the economic, social and cultural aspects of members and to disseminate this information to different recipients using available media. i) To work and collaborate with progressive organizations at home and, International organizations and Movements whose agenda is similar to or in tune with the general aims and objectives of the j) To work towards the implementation of the Association’s “Program of Action”. K)The leadership of the Association is voluntary and so is the membership but at a nominal fee. Members also pay a monthly contribution for social welfare. L)The office consists of the Chairman, Vice chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Committee Members. The members of the Association elect the entire office bearers through a democratic secret ballot for the duration of one (1) year. Members have the right to change any office bearer any time through following the laid down channels as stipulated in the Association's Constitution.3. J)Help members in areas of welfare and the improvement of living standards K). Unite members in bold friendship and mutual understanding M. Acquire and manage assets N. To create a forum for members to socialize, share ideas and experiences O). Any other objective that members agree upon. 15.MEMBERSHIP. i) Shall be eligible for membership of the association and shall, subject to the approval of the committee, become a member on payment of an entrance fee of Kshs . ii) Every member shall pay a monthly subscription fee of Kshs not later than ___ or ___ of every month, whichever is applicable. iii) Any member with intent of resigning from the association shall submit his/her resignation to the secretary, which shall take effect from the date of receipt by the secretary of such notice. iv) Any member may be expelled from membership if the committee so recommends and if a general meeting of the association shall resolve by a two-thirds majority of the members present that such a member should be expelled on the grounds that his/her conduct has adversely affected the reputation or dignity of the association, or that he/she has contravened any of the provisions of the constitution of the association. The committee shall have the power to suspend a member from his membership until the next general meeting of the association following such suspension but not withstanding such suspension a member whose expulsion is proposed shall have the right to address the general meeting at which his expulsion is to be considered. v) Any person who resigns or is removed from membership shall not be entitled to a refund of his subscription or any part thereof or any moneys contributed by him/her at any time. vi) Any member who falls into arrears with his monthly subscription for more than six months shall automatically cease to be a member of the association and his names shall be struck off the register of members. The committee may, However at its discretion, reinstate such member on payment of the total amount of the subscription outstanding. vii) Membership is open to all who agree with the Association’s Constitution and who are 18years and above. viii)Membership fee is decided upon by members during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). ix) A person is considered a member after paying the Annual membership fees in full and honoring the monthly subscription fees. 16. MEMBER'S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. All members of the Association are guaranteed freedom of Speech, Conscience, Assembly, Association, Opinion, Demonstration, Religious belief, Political and Sexual Orientation 2. Every member is an integral part of the Association and has the right to take part or actively participate in the running and management of the Association. 3. Members have the right to move a vote of no confidence against a Committee member or any member of the Association. 4. Every member who has paid his/her dues has the right to vie for office within the Association and the right to vote during elections. Members who have been rejected after elections will not be liable for co-option by the elected Committee during any calendar year. 5. Every member has the right of access to all information regarding the Association’s affairs. 7. All members who have paid their dues will have the right of access to important information about the Association through the Post Office and other available channels/media. 17. SUSPENSIONS AND EXPULSIONS 1. Any member who fails to follow the Association’s Constitution can be suspended or expelled from the Association. The Executive committee recommends to members the suspension or expulsion of any member from the Association. 2. Suspension or expulsion of any member from the Association must be supported by a twothirds majority during a members' meeting before such action can take effect. Members of the committee who fail to attend three consecutive meetings without apology will be expelled from the committee 18.OFFICE i) The office a)The b)The c)The d)The e)The f) The Treasurer. bearers Secretary Assistant Organizing BEARER. shall be Chairperson Vice-Chairperson General. Secretary Secretary Welfare officer. of the association g)The Provost, h) The social/publicity secretary i)The All of whom shall not have any arrears whatsoever of the association’s funds and shall be elected at the annual general meeting to be held in each year. ii)All office bearers shall hold office from the date of election until the succeeding annual general meeting subject to the conditions contained in sub paragraphs (iii) and (iv) of this rule but shall be eligible for re-election. iv) Any office bearer who ceases to be a member of the association shall automatically cease to be an office bearer thereof. v) Office bearers may be removed from office in the same way as is laid down for the suspension and/or expulsion of members in rule 3(iv) and vacancies thus created shall be filled by persons elected at the general meeting resolving the expulsion. vi) Election and/or by-election of the office-bearer(s) shall be done through a secret ballot. A winner by a simple majority shall be the holder of the contested office. Each nominee for each (national/central) seat shall be required to be proficient in English, and Kiswahili, in addition to having attained vi) a) A may person resign bona elected in writing, as addressed fide an membership. office to the bearer – Committee; and b) the resignation referred to in 4(iv)(a) above shall take effect on the date and at the time, if any, specified in the letter; or at noon on the day after it is delivered, in any other case. vii) At least ## of the six office-bearers viii)Election will be by show of hands or secret ballot. shall be of female gender. ix)Each member is entitled to a copy of constitution and on event of amendment being made; they must give to each other. x)Distribution cost will be borne by the group. xi)Any profit or loss made or incurred will de shared by members in the basis of fixed capital/contribution. 19. DUTIES OF OFFICE BEARERS. i) Chairperson-the chairperson shall, unless prevented by illness or other sufficient cause, preside over all meetings of the committee and at all general meetings. The Chairperson shall be mandated to ensure that rules and procedures are followed. He shall create an easy atmosphere which encourages freedom to communicate, ensuring that business for the day is carried out conclusively and in a friendly manner by being the principal peacemaker during disagreements in ideologies or otherwise. He shall guide discussion and keep order, encourage participation by all members present at the meeting, check on the timing, clarify issues and ensure that decisions reached at are clear to all. The Chairperson shall keep the association on the topic by working towards consensus. He shall encourage cohesion within the association’s meetings by using member’s official names. He shall summarize discussion from time to time if need be; whenever there is a deadlock, (a). Members shall take a vote or (b). The Chair makes a ruling which is final. Cliques which might prove detrimental or otherwise to the running of the association shall be taken note of by the Chair. He shall draw conclusions on deliberations and institute adjournments. • To co-ordinate the work of the Executive committee. • To chair Committee meetings. • To act as the Association’s spokesperson. • Ensure that decisions taken by the Committee are executed. • Co-ordinate with the Treasurer to ensure that the Association’s income and expenditure records are in order. • Save copies of the Association's documents for at least ten years. ii) Vice-Chairperson-the vice-Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence. • To assist the President fulfills the above responsibilities. iii) Secretary General-the secretary shall deal with all the correspondence of the association under the general supervision of the committee. In cases of urgent matters where the committee cannot be consulted, he/she shall contact the Chairperson or if he is not available, the ViceChairperson. The decisions reached shall be subject to ratification or otherwise at the next committee meeting. He/she shall be responsible for keeping minutes of all such meetings and for preservation of all records of proceedings of the association and of the committee. iv)Assistant Secretary-in the absence of the secretary, the Assistant Secretary shall perform all the duties of the Secretary and such other duties as shall be assigned to him by the Secretary or committee whether the Secretary is present or not. v) Treasurer-the treasurer shall receive and shall also disburse, under the directions of the committee, all moneys belonging to the association and shall issue receipts for all moneys received by him and preserve vouchers for all moneys paid by him. The Treasurer is responsible to the committee and to members that proper books of accounts of all moneys received and paid by the association are written up, preserved and available for inspection. • Take care of the Association's finances. • Co-ordinate with the President to ensure that the Association's income and expenditure records are in order. • To ensure that application for funds to authorities are submitted in good time. • Ensure that the Association's books of accounts are properly kept. • Prepare and keep good records of the member's register. • Report on a regular basis, the Association's financial situation. • Save all receipts of payments, purchases etc of ALL financial transactions the Association are • Save involved in. copies of the Association's financial records for at least 10 years. . • The Treasurer shall have power to collect membership fee, subscriptions, donations, rents and such other moneys as may be, due to the organization and deposit the same in the Bank Account of the organization. • Keep accounts of income and expenditure and place them before the Governing body at its meeting. • Make all disbursements only through the chairman of the organization. • Maintain all vouchers properly prepared and signed, supported by the sanction and by the counter – signature of the chairman. • Obtain the services of the servants of organization under the orders of chairman in the transactions of the organization affairs. • Be responsible for the expenditure incurred with all money and maintain accounts and other documents connected therewith. • The treasurer shall after obtaining the authorization of the Governing body, open a current or savings account in the name of the organization in a scheduled bank having its office, and entitled to operate the same provided that the amount shall be withdrawn from the bank by cheque or otherwise and such cheques or other instruments of withdrawal be either in favour of chairman or the Treasurer / General Secretary. • The Treasurer has to invest funds of the organization in fixed deposits or saving deposits in the Bank as decided by the Governing Body from time to time. 8. ASSISTANT TREASURER'S RESPONSIBILITIES • Assist the Treasurer executes the above duties. • Assume the position of Treasurer during his/her absence. 9. ORGANIZING SECRETARYThe organizing secretary shall at all times handle the following businesses for/on behalf of the association: • Venue Reservations • Organize any other co-curricular / social activities for the group. • Communicate to members or any other party where applicable, dates, venues and times for group meetings and shall issue notices convening all meetings of the committee and all general meetings of the association. • Shall be the group’s spokesperson. • Communicate about member’s welfare any complaints from members are to be tabled to him on behalf of the group. • He shall also be the one to listen on disputes among members and helping to arriving at a solution or refer the case to the committee. 10. THE COMMITTEE. i) The committee shall consist of all office bearers of the association and ### other members elected at the annual general meeting in each year; such committee members shall hold office until the following annual general meeting. The committee shall meet at such times and places as it resolve but shall not meet not less than once in any three months. ii ) All branches’ committee (if any) shall be governed by rule 6 (i). Each branch will have a committee representative in the main branch committee and these representatives shall be elected by the members of the main committee in each AGM held every year. iii) Any casual vacancies for members of the committee caused by death or resignation shall be filled by the committee until the next annual general meeting of the association. Vacancies caused by members of the committee removed from office will be dealt with as shown in rule 3(iv). iv) At least ### out of the ### members of the committee shall be of female gender. 20. DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE i) The committee shall be responsible for the management of the association and for that purpose may give directions to the office bearers as to the manner in which, within the law, they shall perform their duties. The committee shall have power to appoint such sub-committees as it may deem desirable to make reports to the committee upon which such action shall be taken as seems to the committee desirable. ii) All moneys disbursed on behalf of the association shall be authorized by the committee iii) The quorum for committee meetings shall not be less than three (3) members. 21. GENERAL MEETINGS. i) There shall be two classes of general meetings-annual general meetings and special general meetings. ii) a) the annual general meetings (AGMs) shall be held not later than _____ each year. Notice in writing of such annual general meeting, accompanied by the annual statement of account and the agenda for the meeting shall be sent to all members not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting and, where practicable, by Press advertisement not less than 14 days before the date of the meeting. b) The agenda of any annual general meeting shall consist of the following: • Confirmation of the minutes of the previous annual general meeting (AGM). • Consideration of the association’s accounts. • Election of office bearers and the committee members (and trustees where necessary in accordance with rule 10. • Appointment of auditors in accordance with rule 11(a). • Such other matters as the committee may decide or as to which notice shall have been given in writing by a member or members to the secretary at least four weeks before the date of such meeting. • Any other business with the approval of the Chairperson. iii) A special general meeting may be called for any specific purpose by the committee. Notice in writing of such meeting shall be sent to all members not less than that 7 days before the date thereof and where practicable by Press advertisement not less than 7 days before the date of such meeting. iv) A special general meeting may also be requisitioned for a specific purpose by order in writing to the secretary of not less than 15 members and such meetings shall be held within 21 days of the date of the requisition. The notice for such meeting shall be as shown in rule 12(iii) and no matter shall be dealt with. There will be two types of meetings: Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Members’ meetings. (No specific for members meetings – can use the same as AGM) vi). The Annual General Meeting shall be held once a year while the members’ meetings shall be held at least three times a year. vii) It is the responsibility of the Executive committee to decide on place and time for meetings. viii). Meetings shall require a quorum of at least 50% of the total registered members, all with voting rights. ix) Decisions taken at meetings are valid if supported by the majority. x) The Constitution provides for the calling of Extra-ordinary meetings. 22. Annual General Meeting (AGM) The invitation letters and Agenda of the AGM shall be sent to ALL members discussed other than stated in the requisition. v) Quorum for general meetings shall be not less than a ___ [##%] of the registered members of the association. There will be two types of meetings: Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Members’ meetings. (No specific for members meetings – can use the same as AGM) vi). The Annual General Meeting shall be held once a year while the members’ meetings shall be held at least three times a year. vii) It is the responsibility of the Executive committee to decide on place and time for meetings. viii). Meetings shall require a quorum of at least 50% of the total registered members, all with voting rights. ix) Decisions taken at meetings are valid if supported by the majority. x) The Constitution provides for the calling of Extra-ordinary meetings. • The invitation letters and Agenda of the AGM shall be sent to ALL members at least three weeks in advance. The agenda of the AGM shall be: (a) Whether the meeting has been convoked according to the Constitution. (b) List or Register of voters which must be provided by the Treasurer. (c) Approval of the day's agenda. (d) Election of the meeting's President or Secretary. (e) Election of two minute verifiers who shall also be responsible for vote counting. (f) The Executive committee's Annual report. (g) The Auditor's report. (h) The Executive committee's freedom from responsibility. (i) Election of the New Executive committee (j) Appointment of two Auditors (k) Election of (three) Electoral commissioners (m) Decision on members’ registration fee for the coming calendar year. (n) Elected Committee can then decide to co-opt some members into the Committee at its convenience to oversee Committee activities. (o). The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the last (Sunday) of December or as agreed upon by members. (p). The Extra-ordinary meeting can be called two months before or after the Annual General Meeting. (q). If 20% or more members request in writing for an Extra-ordinary meeting, the Executive committee is legally bound to call such a meeting. 23.THE SOCIAL AND PUBLICITY SECRETARY • The social and publicity secretary shall organize the association’s social activities as may be recommended from time to time by the executive meeting and approved by the general meeting. • Shall be responsible for all the association’s publicity/pubic relations, press releases and advertisements, subject to approval by the executive meeting. 24.THE PROVOST • The provost shall maintain peace and order at the association’s meetings and other gatherings. Shall collect fines at the Association’s meetings and hand them over to the Financial/General Secretary. Shall maintain a proper and up to date record of all offenders and actions taken against them. Shall be responsible for the security at meetings and shall take directives from the chairperson. 25. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. • It is the duty of the Executive committee to implement decisions made during the Annual, Member's or Extra-ordinary Meetings as well as plan and distribute responsibilities within the Association. • The Executive committee shall consist of fifteen people: Chairman, Secretary, Vice secretary, Treasurer, Vice treasurer and eight Executive Board members. • The Committee shall decide upon itself on the distribution of the above responsibilities. • The Executive committee is elected during the Annual General Meeting. The out-going Committee can still be re-elected. • The Association shall have three signatories to its Bank account, Chairman, Treasurer and an ordinary Committee member. The President and Secretary shall work in conjunction to ensure that minutes and documents reach members in good time (via available means). 26.MEETINGS. i) The association will hold regular meetings once a week/fortnight/month/quarter/year. The reporting time to these meetings will be ## pm and the meetings shall commence at ## pm. ii) Members are expected to be present at the meeting grounds not later than ## am/pm, failure of which members are liable to be fined a sum of Kshs . iii) A fee of Kshs or a decision by the committee with approval from the association's members is to be fined on members who will absent themselves from the regular meetings for a period of six consecutive seatings without reasonable apology. iv) The association will only deem absenteeism apologies considerable for at most ## consecutive seatings which will make the member liable to a fee.(see rule 9.iii) v) A fine will be levied against members who will absent themselves from meetings without any notification whatsoever to the committee for various durations as follows: i) One seating-Kshs ii) Two consecutive seating’s -Kshs iii) Three consecutive seating’s –Kshs iv) Procedures at meetings: a) At all meetings of the association the Chairperson, or in his absence, the Vice-Chairperson, or in the absence of both these officers, member selected by the meeting shall chair the meeting. Such member shall not be an office bearer. b) The Chairperson may at his discretion limit number of persons permitted to speak in favour of and against any motion. c) Resolutions shall be decided by simple voting by a show of hands. In the case of equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote 27.TRUSTEES. a)All land, buildings and other immovable property and all investments and securities which shall be acquired by the association shall be vested in the names of not less than ### trustees who shall be members of the association and shall be appointed at an annual general meeting for a period of ## years. On retirement, such trustees shall be eligible for re-election. A general meeting shall have the power to remove any of the trustees and all vacancies occurring by removal, resignation or death, shall be filled at the same or next general meeting. b) The trustees shall pay all income received from property vested in the trustees to the Treasurer. Any expenditure in respect of such property which in opinion of all trustees is necessary or desirable shall be reported by the trustees to the committee which shall authorize expenditure of such money as it thinks fit. 28.AUDITOR a) An auditor shall be appointed for the following year by the annual general meeting. All the association’s accounts, records and documents shall be opened to the inspection of the auditor at the time. The Treasurer shall produce an account of his receipts and payments and a statement of assets and liabilities made up to a date which shall not be less than six weeks and not more than three months before the date of the annual general meeting. The auditor shall examine such annual accounts and statements and either clarify that they are correct, duly vouched and in accordance with the law or report to the society in what respect they are found to be incorrect, unvoiced or not in accordance with the law. b) A copy of the auditor’s report on the accounts and statements together with such accounts and statements shall be furnished to all members at the same time as the notice convening the annual general meeting is sent out. An auditor may be paid such honorarium for his duties as may be resolved by the annual general meeting appointing him. c) No auditor shall be an office bearer or a member of the committee of the association. d) An auditor may be outsourced as deemed fit by the committee members with approval from the association’s members. • To ensure that the office of Treasurer functions properly. • Physically see that receipts of all purchases are available, recorded in the right books of accounts, that the financial reports are correct and that they are kept in accordance with constitutional provisions. He/she must verify records of Bank statements as well as other related documents reflecting financial records. • To present the Auditor's report of the Association during the Annual General Meeting. • To evaluate from time to time the Association's assets and other property. 29. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT • If need to amend the Constitution arises, then two meetings are required. One member’s meeting or one Extra-ordinary meeting plus an Annual General Meeting. • Two-thirds of Members with voting rights must vote in favor of any constitutional amendment. • The above meetings must have a quorum of at least 50% of all registered members, all with full voting rights. 30.CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE: • . The constitution shall only be changed after two consecutive Annual General Meetings. • The conditions 15.2 and 15.3 shall prevail. 31. DISSOLUTION OF THE ASSOCIATION • Can only be dissolved by the decision taken during two consecutive Annual General Meetings. • In the event of dissolution, the Association’s assets shall be donated to any suitable organization(s) or Movement (s). • In the event of dissolution, the Association’s minutes and documents shall be placed under public archives or documentation center. 32.FUNDS. a) The funds of the association may only use for the following purposesi) Financing development projects in selected sectors as deemed fit by the association e.g. ____ , ____ , Education, Counseling, Business Appraisals e.t.c . ii) Sponsorship/Scholarships for members and/or within the locality (root) of the association. iii) Financing general education prospects/projects , members and/or the society. iv)Facilitating special programs and/or Emergencies e.g. In case of death ,Footing Hospital Bills for a member, and Famine/Natural Disaster relief, etc in the target society. v) Running of official activities of the association e.g. Office stationery and photo services, official communication (meetings notifications, office box rentals, advertisements, mailing services) and venue reservation where applicable, e.t.c vi)Maintenance of the Association’s assets e.g. Central Administrative Office vii) Loaning members with the premium subjectable to an interest fee/rate as will be decided by the lending body(the committee). Note: In Case of Emergencies {in reference to rule 11. (a). (iv)}: i)A special kitty shall be created to finance expenditures regarding the emergency; ii) Each member shall be required to remit a contribution towards the special kitty; (see iii below) iii)In case of ANY MATTER OF URGENCY, a general meeting shall be called in which it will be deliberated on how to deal with the matter and the amount to be contributed towards the emergency in question. b) All moneys and funds shall be received by and paid to the Treasurer and shall be deposited by him in the name of the association in any bank or banks approved by the committee. c) No payment shall be made out of the bank account without a resolution of the committee authorizing such payment and all cheques on such bank account shall be signed by the Treasurer or the Assistant Treasurer and at least ## and at most ## other office bearers of the society who shall be appointed by the committee. d) A sum not exceeding Kshs may be kept by the Treasurer for petty disbursements of which proper account shall be kept. e)The committee shall have the power to suspend any office bearer who it has reasonable cause to believe is not properly accounting for any funds or property of the association and shall have the power to appoint another person in his place. Such suspension shall be reported to a general meeting to be convened on a date not later than two months from the date of such suspension and the general meeting shall have full power to decide what further action should be taken in the matter. f) The financial year of the association shall be from THIS DAY/THIS MONTH to THIS DAY/THIS MONTH. 33.BRANCHES. Branches of the Association [IF NECESSARY] may be formed with the approval of the committee and the Registrar of Societies and they will adopt the same constitution as that of the headquarters with the following exceptions: i) The aims and objects will not include the formation of branches. ii) Amendments to the constitution can only be made by the headquarters of the association in accordance with provisions of rule 14. iii) The provisions of rule 15 shall apply to branches but, in addition, branches will not be dissolved without consultation with their headquarters. 34.CONSTITUTION AMMENDMENTS. Amendments to the constitution must be approved by at least a two-thirds majority of members at a general meeting of the society. They cannot, however, be implemented without the prior consent in writing of the Registrar, obtained upon application to him made in writing and signed by three of the office bearers. 35.BIRTHS/MARRIAGE/BEREAVEMENT If a member, dies the news shall be circulated to all members. The executive shall direct members on all the necessary actions to be taken including when and the time to meet at the deceased’s premises. All other general averts such as births and marriages shall be circulated by the Executive and necessary directives given. 36.DISSOLUTION. a) The society shall not be dissolve except by a resolution passed at a general meeting of members by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. The quorum at the meeting shall be as shown in rule 8.(v).If no quorum is obtained, the proposal to dissolve the association shall be submitted to a further general meeting which shall be held one month later. Notice of this meeting shall be given to all members of the society at least 14 days before the date of the meeting .The quorum for this meeting shall be the number of members present. b) Provided, however, that no dissolution shall be effected without prior permission in writing of the Registrar, obtained upon application to him made in writing and signed by three of the office bearers. c) When the dissolution of the society has been approved by the Registrar, no further action shall be taken by the committee or any office bearer of the association in connection with the aims of the society other than to get it and liquidate for cash all assets of the association. Subject to the payment of all debts of the association, the balance thereof shall be distributed in such other manner as may be resolved by the meeting at which the dissolution is passed. 37.ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. (a)Funds The group shall obtain funds from;i). Members’ subscription and contribution. ii). Fines and penalties as set in the rules and regulations of the group. iii). Good will from well-wishers. iv). Any lawful source e.g. banks, micro-finance institutions. The group shall operate a bank account; with the executive members as the signatories A special general meeting can replace any of the signatories in consideration of the welfare of the group. The financial year shall run as indicated in the rules and regulations 38A. INSPECTION OF ACCOUNTS AND LIST OF MEMBERS. The book of accounts and all documents relating thereto and a list of members of the association shall be available for inspection at the registered office of the association by any officer or member of the association on giving not less than seven days’ notice in writing to the association. The funds of the organization would be invested as per section II (5) of the Income Tax Act.1961. The accounts would be maintained regularly and would be audited by Accountant as per explanation • The income and the property of the organization derived from whatever source shall always be applied towards the promoting of the objects of the organization and no portion thereof shall be paid or utilized directly or indirectly for the purpose of any individual, bonus or otherwise who-so-ever by way of profit to the members of the organization, provided that nothing therein contained shall prevent the payment of money in good faith, remuneration to any employee or servant of the organization or to any other person in return for the services actually rendered, shall be appointed to any fee except repayment of the expenses incurred by her/him for the work of the organization. • The executive committee shall work graciously, the committee may debit to the organization account any expenditure actually incurred by them in doing the work of the organization in the manner indicated below. • Postal charges supported by proper vouchers and correspondence. • The traveling expenses of members of the executive committee for journey made by them in connection with the work. • Contribution to institution engaged in rural uplift and social uplift activities or works within the limits sanctioned by the General body for each year or any special or specified occasion: • Establishment charges of permanent or temporary, charges sanctioned by the General Body. • The committee shall incur expenses defined within the annual budget allotment sanctioned for each year by the General Body. 20.VOTING • No member shall be entitled to vote unless her/his name appears in the final electoral roll of the organization prepared for the purpose. • In case of contest, election of the office – bearers and other members of the Executive Committee shall by ballot from among the candidates nominated at the meeting for election. Chairman can cast his vote in case of tie. • After the close of the polling, the results shall be announced either on the same day or at any time or other time as may be fixed by the Returning Officer and the persons elected will have to take office on 1ST JANUARY without fail. 22.THE WELFARE OFFICER • The Welfare Officer shall be responsible for the welfare of the individual members. • Shall contact members for non-attendance to meetings and/or social functions before the meeting. • Shall liaise with the chairman for urgent matters and decisions. • Shall report back to the meeting of his/her finding as above