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History of Drax: St. Nicholas Priory & St. Peter & St. Paul Church

The Augustinian Priory of
St. Nicholas, Drax
The Parish Church of
St. Peter and St. Paul, Drax
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09/08/2018 22:48:51
The most important feature of this church is not the fine windows,
nor the ancient stone pillars and doorway, nor the beautiful
carved woodwork.
It is that God is worshipped here TODAY and that men and
women find the blessing of His presence and strength in the
Word, and Sacraments, and Prayer, these days as they
have done for centuries.
The Beautiful things to be found in this church are a visible
mark of what God has meant to those who who have worshipped
here down the years. The histories of many local families are
contained in the memorials both inside the church and in the
surrounding churchyard.
The way in which new gifts have been added throughout the
years reminds us that the Good News of Jesus Christ is
as fresh to us as it was to our forebears, many of whom have
expressed their thanksgivings in what you see around you today.
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09/08/2018 22:48:51
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09/08/2018 22:48:51
A St. Peter & St. Paul’s Publication
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09/08/2018 22:48:51