Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Omiics Project 2020 A project demonstrating the benefits of applying Knowledge Management concepts in collaborating organizations What makes bioinformatic companies powerful? The answer is simple! Knowledge. 1 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Indholdsfortegnelse 1.Project charter................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Problem statement ....................................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Stakeholder analysis ..................................................................................................................................................4 1.2.1 PSO(K) ................................................................................................................................................................4 1.2.2 How and why mapping ......................................................................................................................................5 1.3 Project description .....................................................................................................................................................6 1.4 Project goal and objectives........................................................................................................................................7 1.5 Project scope..............................................................................................................................................................8 2. Project planning................................................................................................................................................ 8 2.1 Work breakdown structure........................................................................................................................................8 2.2 Network Diagram ......................................................................................................................................................9 2.3 Gantt chart ..............................................................................................................................................................10 2.4 Budget .....................................................................................................................................................................12 3. Project implementation .................................................................................................................................. 13 3.1 Risk Identification ....................................................................................................................................................13 3.2 Risk adaptation ........................................................................................................................................................15 5. Knowledge management recommendations .................................................................................................... 16 5.1 Future recommendations ........................................................................................................................................17 References: ........................................................................................................................................................ 18 Appendices: ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 Appendix 1 - Concept Breakdown Structure: Identity ...................................................................................................20 Appendix 2 - Work Breakdown Structure ......................................................................................................................20 Appendix 3 - Network Diagram: ....................................................................................................................................23 Appendix 3.2 - critical path: ......................................................................................................................................24 Appendix 3.3 - Point of convergence .......................................................................................................................25 Appendix 3.4 - multitasking options .........................................................................................................................25 Appendix 4 - Gantt Chart: ..............................................................................................................................................26 Appendix 5 - Database price..........................................................................................................................................28 Appendix 6 - Budget ......................................................................................................................................................28 Appendix 7 - Risk Breakdown Structure ........................................................................................................................29 Appendix 8 - Probability and Impact Matrix .................................................................................................................30 Appendix 8 - Risk Register .............................................................................................................................................30 Appendix 9 - Revised Network Diagram ........................................................................................................................31 Appendix 10 - Revised Gantt Chart................................................................................................................................31 Appendix 11 - Revised Budget .......................................................................................................................................33 2 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 1.Project charter 1.1 Problem statement During 2020, the world has been exposed to the COVID-19 virus which has resulted in a huge lockdown all over the world. At the moment, people are tested for COVID-19 virus at their local doctors, which limits the offer of testing as many as possible thus causing people who are carrier to infect even more people (SST, 2020). Moreover, SST states the following “However, we must expect COVID-19 to be a disease that will remain with us in Denmark and other countries for the foreseeable future” (SST, 2020: about the outbreak in Denmark). In Holland Scientists say they found the virus, that causes COVID-19, in a Dutch city's wastewater before the first confirmed case in the city (kwrwater, 2020). Furthermore, scientists argue that “Wastewater monitoring could provide early warnings of outbreaks. It could potentially give governments some of the data they need about when to end lockdowns and when to ratchet them back up” (New York Times, 2020). This has inspired Susanne from Omiics to form a project plan, as Omiics can use their RNA testing to help local governments track the spread of COVID-19 by analyzing the wastewater without needing the expenses of testing individuals. However, Omiics had put too much focus on the technology behind RNA analysis and lacks knowledge about the managing a project. Moreover, Omiics lacks knowledge about attracting key stakeholders and form relationships with them. This has caused a lack in accessing and networking with potential stakeholders that could be helpful for the company in order to generate higher revenues. As for that, society has grown into a knowledge economy where the production of knowledge has become more distributed, complex and diversified. In order to survive and succeed Omiics should participate and engage in a broader social learning system (Wenger, 2000). Omiics are currently operating from Aarhus - a city facing an annual increase in population of 4,000 people (Aarhus Rewater, 2020: our solutions). Aarhus Rewater state that they would like to engage in new business areas and symbioses. Thus, it is proposed that Omiics form key partnership with Aarhus Rewater with the purpose of a collaboration in tracking COVID-19 virus from wastewater. Moreover, Omiics and Aarhus Rewater should engage in a knowledge cycle with the SST to share data that can be helpful in the decision-making process regarding lockdowns and the opening of society after COVID-19 breakouts. 3 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 1.2 Stakeholder analysis 1.2.1 PSO(K) To gain more insights into the perspectives of the listed stakeholders in the problem statement, PSO(K) will be examined. This tool focuses on the problem, solution, outcome and knowledge for each stakeholder by analyzing it from different perspectives (Kampf, 2011). The table below seeks to clarify the shared context between the stakeholders and how they become interdependent in their problems and solutions. Stakeholder Innobooster Problem Lack of knowledge about Omiics’ project plan Solution Read the proposal from Omiics and Aarhus Rewater and decide to fund their project. Omiics Lack of knowledge on how to attract key stakeholders that can assist them in a plan that could get them a funding from Innobooster They have limited knowledge about wastewater Reach out to identified stakeholders (Aarhus Rewater and SST) and communicate the proposal. Omiics Employees Aarhus Rewater Engage in activities to learn to work together and share knowledge Company with Engage in a innovation community of challenges, practice with including how to Omiics and Outcome An implementation of a 12-month project plan that has the purpose of assisting the SST in gaining more knowledge about COVID-19 knowledge Accessing key stakeholders that can help achieve the goal Knowledge about innovation and funding different projects Omiics is lacking knowledge about accessing new stakeholders and how to work with them. They possess knowledge about RNA analysis A good close collaboration on the project About RNA analysis and how it can be used to track COVID-19 in wastewater. This They possess collaboration on knowledge about COVID-19 track wastewater, that will make both can be helpful for 4 Project Management SST EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 increase earnings educate Omiics in through wastewater. symbioses and expanding to new business areas. AR more Omiics when attractive to tracking COVIDother 19. stakeholders, such as SST and Innobooster and by that increase earnings They can only make guesses on when to lockdown and when to open up society again. They risk open up too early and people gets infected or too late and companies will suffer It will help SST on decision-making regarding specifically COVID-19 Engage in a knowledge cycle with AR and Omiics and have them provide data on when to end lockdowns and when to ratchet them back up. Knowledge about COVID-19 virus and the health of society. 1.2.2 How and why mapping The How and Why mapping below is another tool used for refining and creating good objectives. It is a process that connects the social “whys” with the technical “hows” of the project. It enables to explain the applied strategy when solving a problem. 5 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 To be able to collaborate and work closely together when testing and analyzing the wastewater Because AR has innovative challenges and are looking for symbioses, making them a good match, due to shared objectives Flownumber: 57 To help predicting when government and SST should open up society or make lockdown To establish key partnerships with Aarhus Rewater and SST in order to track COVID-19 in wastewater and provide SST with data that can be used to decide when it is time for lockdown and open society again. Make a proposal for Aarhus Rewater with an offer of collaborating about the project Engage in a knowledge cycle with AR and SST Establish a good working environment with options for sharing knowledge 1.3 Project description This project will provide Omiics with the required skills to implement a plan that can be used to form collaborations with stakeholders possessing knowledge in a field where Omics is about to enter (Wastewater). More specifically, this plan involves activities used to form communities of practice between Omiics and Aarhus Rewater, thus taking departure in the identity approach from knowledge management (KM). This covers a connection between individual and collective knowing through identity (Wenger, 2000). A concept breakdown structure has been developed to provide with an overview of the underlying concepts (appendix 1). The projects goal is to establish a key partnership with AR and create a joint enterprise around the project, so that stakeholders form voluntarily communities with problems that they agree needs to be solved. Thus, the goal addresses the community of practice from knowledge management. Moreover, the goal is to engage in a knowledge cycle with the SST and bring together experiences from respectively Omiics, AR and SST in order to create sensemaking from RNA analysis, wastewater and COVID-19 that can be used in decision-making process in lockdowns. In other words, this part of the goal addresses the knowledge cycle. The project includes several tasks where first step is to establish a key partnership with AR 6 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 through; first to connect Omiics and AR through knowledge sharing, thus creating a joint enterprise with a mutual goal. Next, to set the standards of formalities including; mission, vision and norms, thus establishing a mutuality with mutual engagement and trust in relationships. Last, is to ensure that both Omiics and AR has the necessary resources to perform their jobs, thus considering a shared repertoire of communal resources, which includes; open offices at Omiics building, shared databases and shared chat forums. Second step is to collect samples that can be used to convince the SST that they should engage in a knowledge cycle, that can provide them with the necessary data about COVID-19. Each stakeholder provides with their experiences and knowledge in order to create sensemaking in for of data. These data can be used to decide when to lockdown and open society through a database developed by the three stakeholders in collaboration. 1.4 Project goal and objectives The following section connects the “how’s” and the “why’s” from the mapping and incorporates the important aspects of the PSO(K) from the stakeholder analysis. This is to ensure that goals and objectives are connected with the problems and solutions as well as the technical and social aspects of the project. Based on the stakeholder analysis, the following goal has been formulated: “To establish a key partnership with Aarhus Rewater with shared data that enables SST to engage in a knowledge cycle with data provided from Omics and AR that can track COVID-19 virus and help determine lockdowns”. The goal broke down to three objectives; Objective 1: “To connect Omiics and Aarhus Rewater through shared knowledge based on RNA analysis and wastewater through meetings and activities at respectively Omiics laboratory and AR’s wastewater facilities”. Objective 2: “Form a good workspace in order to be able to test and analyze the wastewater before making a press release about the project”. Objective 3: “Engage in a knowledge cycle with the SST and Aarhus Rewater to help them predict the behavior of 7 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 COVID-19 and other potential pandemics through regular face-to-face meetings and sense-making activities”. 1.5 Project scope This project involves connecting the identified stakeholders, including Innobooster, Omiics, Aarhus Rewater and SST in order to provide data for the SST that can be used in the decision making of lockdowns in regard to COVID-19. There are many different opportunities for establishing such relationships with stakeholders, however it was chosen to establish a mutual engagement through a shared goal that can fulfill each business wishes of expanding their business into other areas and contribute in COVID-19 fight. Even though Omiics also operates on the global market, the scope excludes this as the identified stakeholders are Danish organizations where the SST and Aarhus Rewater are currently operating in Denmark only. However, it might inspire other governmental organizations and wastewater facilitations to follow, like it did with Susanne from Omiics. 2. Project planning 2.1 Work breakdown structure The section below illustrates a complete overview of the content in the project. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) involves a hierarchical structure of the work that should be finished during the project in order to complete the goals and objectives defined (Wysocki, 2009). Wenger argues that knowledge can be shared through voluntarily, informal structure for interaction between people with shared objectives (Wenger, 2000). Objective 1 has three main activities; Activity 1.1 ‘Optimize LinkedIn’, activity 1.2 ‘Share knowledge between Omiics and AR’, activity 1.3 ‘create awareness about the project’. Subtask captures this by optimizing the LinkedIn profile, Omiics are able to share knowledge in a community of practice (CoP) and then form voluntarily communities that can add to their business by the learning energy dimension where members can identify knowledge gaps and work together to address them with the purpose of offering two persons interested in the project a position in the firm (Subtask Subtask is concerned with integrating the groups mission and vision within the project. Mutuality and engagement are represented as these interactions can help forming the norms and direction of the project. Knowledge day in activity 1.2 has been broken down to discussing and presenting one’s key findings of the knowledge they possess. This ensures a joint enterprise with connectivity achieved by engaging and interacting face-to-face at knowledge day. Subtask also covers the mutuality of the group, namely, to ensure that all employees are 8 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 moving in the same direction and follows the formalities within the project. Objective 2 is “step 2” in achieving the goal of Omiics. This objective is divided into three main activities; Activity 2.1 ‘Create good workspace, 2.2 ‘Analyze the wastewater’ and 2.3 ‘Prepare to make a press release’. Objective 2 has been broken down to: Sub-subtask: Create an open office space at Omiics to give the possibility of working closely together and Sub-subtask: Make space for the project in a laboratory that is meant for this project. By creating an open office and making space in the laboratory this ensures mutuality where the whole group are able to work together and establish good relationships of mutual engagement. Furthermore, this also gives the group the necessary resources for being competent in the community as they have all resources accessible, thus creating a shared repertoire. In objective 3, we move closer towards the goal. This is about forming a knowledge cycle with SST and AR in order to share data relevant to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks. Subtask represents the experiences or knowledge that employees from each field brings to the table via a database. Subtask then makes it possible to make sense of all the experiences and knowledge shared in the system via a chat forum in skype business. Subtasks,, and thus make it possible to create shared meaning through a virtual bulletin board with all shared information during the week in one page. So, AR brings in knowledge about wastewater, Omiics about RNA analysis and SST about COVID-19 virus. These are used to build a shared meaning that can be used to make decisions in lockdowns. Furthermore, the bulletin board and the database helps establish a shared repertoire, where members of the community are given resources or tools that ensures them to be competent in doing their job right. 2.2 Network Diagram The Network Diagram (ND) is a quantitative tool that has the purpose of finding sequence opportunities among the lowest level tasks from the WBS (Wysocki, 2009). ND then demonstrates possibilities of multitasking and the sequence of the different tasks. Moreover, it becomes possible to calculate the length of the different paths in the project. For a full ND see appendix 3. The successor cannot start until predecessor are finished because the dependencies in the ND is structured according to the finish-to-start approach (Wysocki, 2009). This is demonstrated in for instance task ‘Vision and mission’ and ‘Surveys about project direction’ where a discussion of the formalities, norms and directions ensures that the community are able to establish mutuality, meaning that these must be defined in order to move on to the next task. If this task was not finished it might lead to some members leading the project in a wrong direction or that trust could be lost due to lost mutual engagement. 9 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 The longest path has been calculated as following, additional calculation from the rest of the paths can be found in appendix 3.1. Path 4: 7+10+7+0,1+0,50+0,30+ 0,2+ 5+7+0,8+0,2+7+2+30+1+210+5+1+5 = 299,1 days Because path 4 is the longest path in the project it can be argued to be the critical path, which is the shortest time the project can possibly finish. The path has been marked with red on the ND (see appendix 3.2). If any delay happens on this path, it will delay the completion of the project by the amount of delayed days in that task. During the construction and calculation of ND, the critical path caused an iteration of the objectives and WBS. The objectives did not take into account the days of analyzing, testing and presenting the results of the RNA analysis. It then became obvious from the ND that the longest path was only approximately 9 months. Moreover, it was decided that the database could be more complex than first assumed. Therefore, the database was added an additional month. The projects timespan was asked to be approximately 12 months, which is why objectives were iterated and the aforementioned tasks were added. Besides the critical path, other things influencing the ND is point of convergence or bottlenecks. In appendix 3.3 you will find an example of ‘point of convergence’. Subtask is a point of convergence, meaning that it has the possibility of influencing scheduling opportunities. As you are controlling the work in implementation you need to know where the bottleneck is. Otherwise you might not finish the project in time. Another example is free float. Here it shows that sub-subtask should be finished after: = 1+10+0,5+0,3+0,2+5+7+0,8 = 24,8 days whereas subtask = 7+10+7+1+1+3 = 29 days to finish in. This gives sub-subtask 29-24,8 = 4,2 days of free float meaning that it can be delayed by 4,2 days before affecting Subtask (point of convergence). ND can also be used to demonstrate multitasking possibilities. In appendix 3.4 multitasking options are demonstrated in subtask and sub-subtasks:,,, and that can be done at the same time as subtask, and, thereby multitasking the different tasks. 2.3 Gantt chart The Gantt Chart is a tool that translate the amount of working days from the ND into calendar days in the top and the work in the left side. Whereas in the ND you find out how many days you need, the Gantt chart is used to find out if the project will finish in time and for keeping track of the tasks. 10 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 If the tasks are not finished in time, other employees might not be able to start on their tasks. Therefore, this tool is important in deciding whether to push through on a task or use available float. Furthermore, this planning tool is used to make decisions related to holidays, weekends and other work cycles. The application should be hand in at the latest of 17th November. It is then assumed that it will take a few weeks before Innobooster decides who to fund. The project will start on the 1st of December. There are 52 weeks in a year which means that weekends will be subtracted. Holidays have also been taking into consideration. For instance, Christmas break in 2020 is from 21 December to 3rd January, a number of holidays in spring is around 6 days including Store Bededag, Easter etc. Furthermore, the employees will have a 2-week vacation in summer which will be the last two weeks of July. The project starts at 1st of December 2020 and ends 4th of January 2022. This means that the completion time of the project is 399 days. In the ND the critical path showed 299,1 days. The difference of 99,9 days is however because of the inclusion of weekends, two Christmas breaks, summer break and other holidays. The chart shows the possibilities of doing “roll ups”. This can be useful for a manager who might not be interested in looking at all sub-subtask, but only the higherlevel tasks. In other words, the Gantt chart shows rolls ups; how subtasks roll up to the objectives. This can be seen below and other elaborating pictures of it, will be found in appendix 4. 11 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 2.4 Budget The budget is prepared using a bottom-up approach, meaning that the budget shows the lowest level tasks of each objective and presents the total cost of the project. Any expense is divided into either personnel or non-personnel cost. The personnel cost covers an hourly salary of 250DKK as mentioned in the case description. Salary has been calculated by salary * hours* number of employees. It is calculated on the basis that Omiics hires four persons, and that they only pay people from Omiics, as AR are only collaborating on the project and will pay their own employees. It is expected that Omiics hires students; communications and bioinformatic / biotech employees will have approximately 12 hours a week or 2,4 hours a day and the software developer will go fulltime once the data system needs to be developed (8 hours pr. Day). It is thus expected that students have a working day of either 2,4 hours or 3 hours depending on their function. This is except for participating in knowledge day and meetings, which will be 8 hours like the rest of the team. The rest of the team from Omiics are expected to go fulltime (8 hours Monday-Friday). Their salary is 500 DKK pr. Hour. Skype business cost 5$ each month pr. User (Capterra, 2020). We assume that all employees from Omics, AR and SST who will be working on the project, will need skype business. We assume 8 employees from Omiics (they are 4 now and will hire 4 more), two employees from AR and the same for SST. This makes 12 employees = 12* 5$ * 12 month = 720$ = 4925 DKK. It is assumed that all 4 new employees will need a work computer. They will be given an Acer Chromebook each which cost 1.599 DKK pr. Computer (Elgiganten, 2020). In total this will cost: 1599* 4 = 6396 DKK In the budget it is expected that hiring software developer and biotech employees are not taking 10 whole days, but the 10 days are from starting at searching for an employee and until a contract is signed. Therefor it is assumed that Susanne uses 1 day to read applications and 2 days for hiring the employees + 0,5 days to meet with the new employees and sign contracts = 3,5 days in total pr. Hiring task as she will be able to multitask during the 10 days it takes. The same goes for subtask: ’Publish in biotech magazines’. This task does not take 14 whole days, but 14 days from contacting the biotech magazines to everything is agreed upon. It is therefore expected that the task itself will use 3 whole days for the communication student which includes mail correspondence, phone calls and other minor details. The database will be built on and have a cost of 1790$ = 12.244 DKK annually for corporate databases (appendix 5). 12 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 The total cost of the entire project is stated below: See appendix 6 for full budget. 3. Project implementation 3.1 Risk Identification In this section, risk management is applied for the purpose of identifying and manage risks that may occur during the project. A risk can affect a project’s cost, time, scope or quality (PMBOK, chapter 11). Risk management can be applied to coordinated activities or directing and controlling an organization. In the risk matrix, the probability of each risk happening is assessed on a scale from 0.10 - 0.90 and the impact of the risk identified as threats is assessed on a scale from 0.05-0.80 (see appendix 7). The risk register is placed in appendix 8 and provides with an overview of the identified risks. An elaboration of the risk is written below: A Risk breakdown structure has been applied in order to identify potential risks (PMBOK chapter, 11). The tool is beneficial in risk identification as it demonstrates the different sources from which a risk may occur (see appendix 7). Three different risks have been identified from which one has been identified under ‘resources’ which falls into organizational risks. The risk is ‘Lack of writing press release skills’ and the category can be broken down to ‘skills’. As Omiics will be hiring a communications student, there is a chance that the person is not entirely skilled in writing official statements and might need extra time to find tools that can be helpful. The effect of this will be that the project will be delayed, however writing the press release, publishing it to magazines and on LinkedIn are the last tasks in the ND, which means that this will not affect another task to be delayed. Thus, this risk has been rated 0.10 in risk impact and 0.30 in probability, making it a small risk with low priority. Moreover, another identified risk was and ‘Lack of communication between Omiics and AR’ and refers to the category ‘project management’. This can further be broken down to ‘knowledge conversion’. As Omiics will work closely with AR risks regarding the project, there is a risk that communication will be a problem. AR communicate on one way and Omics in another way. However, the project has taken this risk into account in the tasks to ensure that Omiics and AR are well-prepared for communicating knowledge and information. For instance, in activity 1.3 where vision/ mission is presented with follow ups to make sure that all employees are aware of the project’s direction. Thus, it can still be difficult to merge the communication of the two companies 13 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 around the project without avoiding ambiguities information, or too little information about important things in regard to knowledge. The effect might be that the project is delayed or that the communication has too much ambiguous information and tasks cannot be performed due to not specified information. This can cause that some tasks fall apart and must be organized again which would be both time and financial costly. Thus, making this risks a high risk, as it cannot be completely avoided even though the tasks prepares the project for it. This risk has been rated 0.40 in impact and 0.50 in probability, thus making it a high risk with high priority. The last identified risk is ‘Database delay’ which refers to the category ‘project management’ and subcategory ‘estimating’. This can further be broken down to ‘time’. As the development of a database is a very complex tasks, risk may occur in regard to the time spent. The database was one of the most expensive transactions in the budget, so if it is delayed, it will affect costs. Moreover, the project already takes a year, thus giving potential competitors a benefit if the project is delayed, thus also affecting time. However, this has also been taking into considerations, as the development of the database is placed as one of the last tasks, thus affecting the fewest possible tasks. Moreover, the software developer has been given a 6-month deadline, which gives time to react if the risk may occur. However, as this will give potential competitors a benefit if delayed, this is seen as one of the bigger risks. Thus, it has been rated 0.80 in impact and 0.50 in probability, making it a high risk with highest potential. If one of tasks were delayed because of poor communication identified in risk 2, this will affect time and costs or the Gantt Chart and budget. For instance, in activity 1.2. If each employee does not benefit fully from this event, there is a chance that it will affect the future task, including activity 2.3, the press release. If the knowledge day cannot help converting the tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge for e.g. the communications students, there is a chance that the press release will hold ambiguous or wrong information causing it to start over on the official statement. The time spent on the press release is 7 days. (7/399) *100 = 1,75% time increase as a completely new press release should be written. Even though it only covers 1,75% of the time, it is only one task, and chances is that other tasks might be affected as well. Moreover, a bigger risk is the development of a database. If the software developer find that the system is not sufficient enough to hold the data, it will increase time with 45% ((180/399) *100 = 45,11 %) as a whole new database should be developed. Moreover, this will be a huge financial cost as the database is the most expensive task in the budget. It cost 300.244 to develop the system and the entire projects costs is 608.150. (300.244/608.150) *100 = 49,37 % increase in costs. When the risks are identified, there are three strategies to consider; Avoid, Transfer or Mitigate. Looking at the risk response plan in risk 1, avoiding will eliminate the risk, for instance by one of the biotech employees writing the statement with the communications students, to avoid wrong information. Transferring the risk is when impact is removed from the project to the third party. For instance, when hiring the student, make he/she sign that she can do a press release for the project. 14 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Mitigating will lower the probability that they do not possess the right skills by for instance taking an extra course in biotech to gain more knowledge. The best option for risk 1, is avoid. This will ensure that all information is correct without being more time consuming and only add few costs in terms of salary: 7 days* 200DKK * 2,4 hours * 2 = 6720 DKK in salary instead of 6720. The person responsible for the risk response plan is one of the biotech employees from Omics who also deals with the testing and RNA analysis, as this person possess the required knowledge about the project. The second risk refers to any risk that may occur from the communication. Mitigate would mean that Omiics and AR tries to lower the probability of the risk happening. For instance, by using the different communications tools that the project provides for them and by always sharing knowledge and follow up like in activity 1.3 as mentioned before. This also refers to the knowledge as this would aim after making sense out of a lot of different knowledge, to see the bigger picture. Thus, mitigate is chosen as the best strategy. The risk responsible in this case, are Susanne as she is the represented person from Omiics and Inge as she is representing AR as she is their project leader. The last risk refers to the database. Transferring is the best strategy which would mean that the software developer spends some more time to look for the best options to develop a database. For instance, another tool than the recommended one as he is the expert of the area and possess the acquired knowledge for the task. This refers to the knowledge cycle, where the software developer brings in his knowledge for sense-making that can be used to decide which tool to use when developing the database. The risk responsible is the software developer as he/she has the responsibility of choosing the right program or tool (see risk register in appendix 8). 3.2 Risk adaptation From the Probability and Impact Matrix it became clear that risk 1, is the one to prioritize as this risk has the highest probability of happening and the highest impact on the project. Thus, this section will demonstrate how the ND, Gantt Chart and budget will be affected if the risk happens by revising the schedule and budget. As the software developer has the required skills to develop the database, it was argued that in order to keep track of the time schedule and avoiding the risk of losing time and money, the software developer were given extra time (3 days) to research for the program or tool best suited for the projects’ database. Databases differ a lot in price, but since the average price was approximately 40.000 DKK (, thus the maximum of non-personnel cost to be spent on developing it. In order to respond to the risk, the task ‘research for data tool’ has been applied to the ND. This will affect the critical path, as the task will be placed right before task ‘develop a database’. This will add 3 days to the critical path, thus making it 302,1 days (see appendix 9). 15 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 As the critical path is affected this will cause a change in the Gantt Chart (see appendix 10). Before the project was estimated to take 399 days. With this change, the project starts 1/12-2020 and ends at 14th of January 2022. This means that the project will take 409 days due to the weekends that has been added as well. Furthermore, the task has been added to the budget in terms of both personnel and non-personnel costs. The task has been added to objective 3 as this objective includes the development of the database. As mentioned, the non-personnel cover the max. 40.000 to the development of a database. Moreover, salary should be added which is 3 days * 200DKK * 8 hours = 4.800 in personnel costs. The revised budget can be found in appendix 11, where changes in the budget is marked with red. In total, the risk response plan added an additional (640.706-608.150= 32.556 DKK) to the budget. 640.706 DKK, which covers the replacement of the 12.244 to 40.000 DKK that was supposed to be used to create the database at first and 4800 added to salaries. 5. Knowledge management recommendations Knowledge has become more distributed, complex and diversified making it difficult to navigate and understand all knowledge within an organization (Wenger, 2000). A solution to this, is to adapt a systematic project conception by participating and engaging in a broader social learning system also referred to as communities of practice (CoP). This means that competencies can develop through learning and collaboration. The goal of this project thus become to establish key partnerships between Omiics and AR to form a CoP with the purpose of converting tacit knowledge into more explicit knowledge through social learning and collaborative activities. Moreover, this would allow for engaging in a knowledge cycle with SST by making sense of knowledge from RNA analysis, wastewater and COVID-19 to create a broader meaning for the purpose of making decisions based on the different knowledges that each organization holds. Based on the chosen knowledge management approaches, it became possible to break down objective 1 and 2 into tasks that contributed to Omiics and AR engaging in a CoP. Wenger (2000) argues that “The organization must also learn how to participate in broader learning systems where players not only compete but also work together to facilitate learning” (Wenger, 2020). This can be seen through activity 1.2 which is about creating a knowledge day that allows all employees from the different organizations to develop, manage and define new knowledge to make up a social learning system based on a combination of three elements: joint enterprise, mutuality and shared repertoire. Knowledge day represents the joint enterprise as it is an event designed to connect and learning members about the project, thus creating a joint enterprise. Mutuality can be seen in activity 1.3 which is about setting the standards and directions for the project to create relationships of mutual engagement in order to build trust in the community. Shared repertoire can be seen as the resources available, for instance different tools and routines that makes sure that the members have access to the necessary tools. This can be seen through activity 2.1 which is about ensuring 16 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 that both Omiics and AR has the required resources which involves creating an open office and a laboratory. Moreover, it can be seen in activity 3.2 which ensures that the members have tools for communicating (skype) and in subtask, the development of a database that can be used to share knowledge. This activity makes it possible for Omics and AR to communicate and withhold the joint enterprise, mutuality and shared repertoire. This also allows for engaging in a knowledge cycle with SST. This refers to knowledge as being individual on one hand, but a group process of creating, organizing and processing information to generate new knowledge as organizational processes (Choo, year). This can be seen in the project as Omiics and AR generates new knowledge through their collaborations and RNA analysis, this is organized and processed in the database in subtask which makes it possible to process this information easily and make statistics that can be used with the knowledge that the SST hold about COVID-19 virus with the purpose of preventing COVID-19 breakouts. 5.1 Future recommendations To ensure the success of the incorporated knowledge management perspective CoP, Omiics should continue in participating in the broader learning system and work together to facilitate learning instead of competing. In order to ensure the continuous success of the project and its platform, it is essential to engage in activities that ensures maintenance of the entire community of practice. Thus, the leadership role of Susanne (Omiics) and Inge (AR) is continued in order to ensure mutuality in sharing repertoires. For instance, by facilitating or participating in more events, such as biotech and COVID-19 events, ensuring connectivity and socialization through face to face meetings and continue to convert tacit knowledge into explicit. Moreover, it is crucial that Omiics and AR share their knowledge about wastewater and RNA analysis through the database, so SST can use that knowledge and their knowledge about COVID-19 to make sure that any potential breakouts are discovered fast, thus obtaining the goals of the project. By engaging in a knowledge cycle with the SST, Omiics and AR are able to participate in a mutual process of coordinating perspectives, interpretations and actions that have helped to realize higher goals. Number of characters (Including blanks): 38.208 17 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 References: A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). Third Edition, 2004. Project Management Institute, Four Campus Boulevard, Newton Square. “international solutions”: Visited 19/5-2020, visited 23/5-2020, “Skype for Business” Visited 23/5-2020 Choo, C. (2006). The Knowing Organization: How Organizations Use Information To Construct Meaning, Create Knowledge, and Make Decisions. Second Edition. New York, Oxford University Press. ”database cost”: Visited 24/5-2020 “bærbar computer”: Visited 24/5-2020 “innobooster”: Visited 19/5-2020 Kampf, C. (2011). PMCA, chapter 2 KWR Water: Visited 19/5-2020 18 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57, ”coronavirus-sewage”: Visited 19/5-2020 Visited 19/5-2020 “corona-eng”: Visited 19/5-2020, “bulletin board”: ate%20a%20bulletin%20board%20online&matchtype=p&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzZj2BRDVARIsABs3l9J45 OS6pZ82HQAmeGlVUVAp6LjpngPb6cRbO-ZsF_fSWX2CZ4UMSdYaAsC6EALw_wcB Visited 20/5-2020 Wenger, E. (2000) Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning & Identity. Cambridge University Press. Wysocki, R. K. (2009a). Chapter 4. Building the Work Breakdown Structure. Effective project management: traditional, agile, extreme. John Wiley & Sons. Wysocki, R. K. (2009b). Chapter 6. Constructing and Analyzing the Project Network Diagram. Effective project management: traditional, agile, extreme. John Wiley & Sons. 19 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Appendices: Appendix 1 - Concept Breakdown Structure: Identity Appendix 2 - Work Breakdown Structure Objective 1: To connect Omiics and Aarhus Rewater through shared knowledge based on RNA analysis and wastewater through meetings and activities at respectively Omiics laboratory and AR’s wastewater facilities. 1.1 Activity: Optimize Omiics LinkedIn profile 20 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 1.1.1 Task: Join groups concerning biotechnology and create posts about the plan and post about hiring 2 employees that finds this project interesting. Subtask: Make posts in the group concerning the project plan of tracking COVID-19 in wastewater to share knowledge with people who understands the field. Subtask: Write post that Omiics are hiring 2 new employees. Attract new stakeholders from the group including 2 new employees that find the project interesting and are within the biotechnological field who should perform the tests and analysis with Susanne and hire 2 persons. Subtask: Recruit a software developer and a communication specialist from LinkedIn posts 1.2 Activity: Share knowledge between Omiics and AR employees through knowledge day, discussions and set clear guidelines for the direction. 1.2.1 Task: Educate AR in basic RNA knowledge and vice versa to create sense-making of the broader picture. Subtask: Knowledge day - a day for all 8 employees + few from AR with activities used to share knowledge. Sub-subtask: Each person gathers their own information and gets tools to convert it from tacit to explicit knowledge through socialization, so all employees know the basics. sub-subtask: Divide employees into teams that can discuss how this knowledge can be framed as a competitive advantage (in order to attract stakeholders) Subtask: Make a clear mission and vision for all employees to move in a clear direction. 1.3 Activity: Ensure that all employees are going in the same direction 1.3.1 Task: Reflect on mission and formalities Subtask: Make surveys about the project’s direction Sub-subtask: analyze the results to make sure that mission / vision are clear. Adjust if necessary. Subtask: Meeting with all employees at the project to talk about standards, routines and frameworks for the project. Sub-subtask: Make QA for questions about the formalities and the direction at the meeting and post it on bulletin board. Objective 2: Form a good workspace in order to be able to test and analyze the wastewater before making a press release about the project 2.1 Activity: Create a good workspace 2.1.1 Task: Ensure that Omiics and AR has the resources to work closely together on the project Subtask: Create a base at Omiics base, that is meant for this project. Sub-subtask: Create an open office space at Omiics to give the possibility of working closely together. Sub-subtask: Make space for the project in a laboratory that is meant for this project. 21 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 2.2 Activity: Analyze and test the wastewater 2.2.1 Task: Track COVID-19 virus in the wastewater Subtask: Collect samples from the wastewater Sub-subtask: Analyze and test the samples Sub-subtask: present the results from the whole group once they are ready 2.3 Activity: Prepare to release official statements about the project 2.3.1 Task: Write a press release to be published Subtask: Have the communications employee write the statement with the project manager from Omiics (Susanne) and from RA (Inge). Subtask: Ask Dansk Biotek and Biotech medicine to publish the statement in their magazines. Subtask: Release the official statement on Omiics’ and AR’s websites, LinkedIn profiles. Sub-subtask: Ask members of the group to share and like the statements on LinkedIn. Objective 3: Engage in a knowledge cycle with the SST and Aarhus Rewater to help them predict the behavior of COVID-19 and other potential pandemics through sense-making activities. 3.1 Activity: Ensure easy experience and knowledge sharing between key stakeholders 3.1.1 Task: Ensure that the data provided from Omiics and AR are easily accessible and updated regularly Subtask: Develop a data system that are easily accessible for all stakeholders. Sub-subtask: Give the project group a course in the new data system. Subtask: Give one person the responsibility of updating the data system regularly. Sub-subtask: Give the person in charge of updating the data system an extended course in the system 3.2 Activity: Ensure good communication between key stakeholders in order to make sense of the shared knowledge 3.2.1. Task: Ensure that weekly communication is possible Subtask: Order and setup Skype Business for the entire group Subtask: Create a chat forum in skype business to communicate on-going information 3.3 Activity: Knowledge of the week 3.3.1 Task: Make a complete list of the knowledge shared during the week to create shared meaning Subtask: Make a template to be filled in by a new person in the group each week Subtask: Make a list of who’s turn it is to be fill in the template Subtask: Create a virtual bulletin board in which the knowledge list should be posted each week. The bulletin board should be created at 22 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Appendix 3 - Network Diagram: (First 3 pictures are from the ND divided up, to see the text. The last picture is a full picture of ND). 23 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Possible paths: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1+10+0,50+0,30+ 0,2+ 5+7+0,8+0,2+7+2+30+1+7+14+1+0,5 = 87,5 days 1+10+0,50+0,30+ 0,2+ 5+7+0,8+0,2+7+2+30+1+ 210+5+1+5 = 286 days 7+10+0,1+0,50+0,30+ 0,2+ 5+7+0,8+0,2+7+2+30+1+7+14+1+0,5= 93,6 days 7+10+0,1+0,50+0,30+ 0,2+ 5+7+0,8+0,2+7+2+30+1+210+5+1+5 = 292,1 days 7+10+7+0,1+0,50+0,30+ 0,2+ 5+7+0,8+0,2+7+2+30+1+7+14+1+0,5 = 100,6 days 7+10+7+0,1+0,50+0,30+ 0,2+ 5+7+0,8+0,2+7+2+30+1+210+5+1+5 = 299,1 days 7+10+7+1+1+3+0,2+7+2+30+1+7+14+1+0,5 = 91,7 days 7+10+7+1+1+3+0,2+7+2+30+1+210+5+1+5 = 290,2 days Appendix 3.2 - critical path: 24 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Appendix 3.3 - Point of convergence Appendix 3.4 - multitasking options 25 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Appendix 4 - Gantt Chart: The first picture shows the whole Gantt Chart. Since the project is a bit more than a year, it was difficult to take screenshots of the Gannt Chart. So, below is the overview. However, small tasks that only takes a few days can’t be seen in this picture (see next pictures for smaller tasks). 26 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 The pictures below show the Gantt Chart with all the tasks and how they roll up. 27 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Appendix 5 - Database price Appendix 6 - Budget 28 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Appendix 7 - Risk Breakdown Structure 29 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Appendix 8 - Probability and Impact Matrix Appendix 8 - Risk Register 30 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Appendix 9 - Revised Network Diagram Appendix 10 - Revised Gantt Chart 31 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 32 Project Management EXAM: 19/05-26/05-2020 Flownumber: 57 Appendix 11 - Revised Budget 33