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Crypt Wood

Crypt Wood
Chapter 1
Interior: Camera zooming and almost taking the capture the essence of the flower on top of the
butterfly then capture with no flash
Daisy: (Snap) Gotcha…
Interior: Then Daisy look at her camera
Interior: Then she turn around and shout “Hey Guys look at I Caught”
Interior: Two Girl at the picnic table. One of them holding a Ukulele and another Writing on her banner
with her textbook that studied.
Lily: What sup Daisy?
Daisy: Lily, Perry.. Look what I found A Common Banded Peacock the rarest of the butterfly of the
Perry: Being Lepidopterology is very good for you isn’t it?
Lily: Yeah is very Suit you..
Diasy: Aww thank you guys.. you’re the best..
Interior: Then the men with a suit wave at them on the distance then they notice them they realize the
men with a suit of the ranger was his Perry Cousin
Daisy: Hey Perry isn’t that your cousin?
Calton: Hey Golden Girls.. Come over here for a second..
Interior: 3 girl walk down upon the hill then said
Perry: What sup cos..
Calton: You forgot to fill up the form to entering the Crypt Wood
Lily: Opps Sorry I forgot.. (Looked to perry)
Perry: It’s Ok… No problem lets just fill up the form and get over it..
Daisy: It’s that ok that you two just fill up the form for me..
Lily: Yeah sure.. Go and take some Butterfly picture
Diasy: Thank you Guy
Lily: No problem
Daisy: I will enter to the forest then capture the essence of the mother nature creation.
Perry: Sure Just be careful ok!!
Then Daisy in the forest montage
5 frame scene of daisy picture
Interior: Holding the camera.
Interior: Then she heard a rustle to the bushes
Interior: then she closer to the bushes
Interior: then she holding camera
Interior: while zooming in the camera while blurrier
Interior: camera focus the zooming of blurrier camera
Interior: then focus the image she saw a some creature from behind looked a skinny hairless naked
Interior: while eating a dead deer
Interior: then daisy shock
Interior: the looked again then the focus the creature the humanoid creature turn around
Interior: then daisy put down her camera and shock
Interior: then the creature looked
Interior: and smell
Interior: and growl
Interior: then eating again the dead dear again..
Interior: Then Daisy Walk back slowly
Interior: While the monster eating the dear
Interior: Daisy Accidently step some twig
Interior: then the monster here it
Interior: daisy shock then run.
Interior: Run Run then Run
Interior: until the monster was front of her
Interior: then slash her to her arm
Interior: then blooded arm
Interior: then shocked
Interior: and the monster looked at her
Interior: then the monster attack but she barrel rolled through the cliff
Interior: then thud to her head to the rock
Interior: then become blur vision
Interior: through blurry she saw the monster
Interior: then the monster closer and closer
Interior: then some guy rescue her a
Interior: then killed him
Interior: then he saw her then closer
Interior: closer
Interior: closer
Interior: then closed her eye and fainted..
Interior: then all the sudden she wake up and inside the fire watch
Interior: She looked around, she saw many empty beer bottle and closed curtain windows
Interior: Daisy up from the bed and suddenly feel pain
Daisy: Ouch
Interior: Daisy noticed she been covered up bandage on her arm, her head and also naked with a bra
Interior: Daisy snooping around the Fire watch and she hear a Siren Clayton truck arriving and came up
to the fire watch,
Interior: Then Daisy Dress up and go outside and saw Clayton climbing up from the stair worried.
Clayton: Oh my god! Daisy are you hurt, your arm and your head what happened? (Clayton worry)
Daisy: I’m Okay, but I been fall down and attack by some monster from the wood
Clayton: Monster?! There is no Monster in this wood maybe probably you saw a bear that maybe attack
you hahahahahaha!? (with a Akward Smile)
Daisy: Oh Really? But It was real and saw something I saw someone,
Clayton: maybe you just saw a hairless bear
Daisy: No, not just a Monsters, I also saw Man he’s the one who rescue me from the monster and maybe
bringing me up here
Clayton: Oh you mean the Ranger who live here at the Fire watch, He is a Bear Wrestle here, out in the
Daisy: Oh Okay,
Daisy: Where is he anyway I wanted to thank him to rescue me earlier
Clayton: I really don’t know? Maybe he been scouting around to the wood
Clayton: Ranger thing?
Daisy: ohh..
Interior: clayton climb down to the stair.
Clayton: C’mon your friends is really worried about you.
Daisy: Sure.. Just a Second
Interior: She took out inside her pocket some photo and pen then she write something.
Interior she Climb down the stair and ride the car of clayton
Interior: and then leave from the corner hiding on the woods a man saw her leave
Interior and from that he saw a picture on his table and said “thnx u for saving me :) with a daisy