Ballard Maturational Assessment of Gestational Age NEUROMUSCULAR MATURITY NEUROMUSCU LAR MATURITY SIGN SCORE -1 0 1 2 3 4 RECOR D SCORE HERE 5 POSTURE SCORE Neuromuscula r: Physical: Total: MATURITY RATING SQUARE WINDOW (Wrist) scor e week s -10 20 -5 22 0 24 5 26 10 28 15 30 20 32 25 34 30 36 35 38 mostly bald 40 40 anterior creases creases ant. transverse over entire 2/3 crease only sole 45 42 50 44 ARM RECOIL POPLITEAL ANGLE SCARF SIGN HEEL TO EAR TOTAL NEUROMUSCULAR MATURITY SCORE PHYSICAL MATURITY PHYSICAL MATURITY SIGN SKIN SCORE -1 sticky, friable, transparent 0 gelatinous, red, translucent 1 2 3 4 superficial parchment, smooth cracking, peeling &/or deep pink, visible pale areas, rash, few cracking, no veins rare veins veins vessels LANUGO none sparse abundant thinning bald areas PLANTAR SURFACE heel-toe 40-50 mm: -1 <40 mm: -2 >50 mm no crease faint red marks BREAST imperceptable barely perceptable flat areola no bud stippled raised areola areola 1-2 mm bud 3-4 mm bud full areola 5-10 mm bud lids open sl. curved pinna flat pinna; soft; stays folded slow recoil well-curved formed & pinna; soft firm but ready instant recoil recoil thick cartilage ear stiff EYE / EAR lids fused loosely: -1 tightly: -2 GENITALS (Male) scrotum flat, smooth scrotum testes in testes testes testes down, empty, upper canal, descending, pendulous, good rugae faint rugae rare rugae few rugae deep rugae GENITALS (Female) clitoris prominent & labia flat prominent clitoris & small labia minora prominent clitoris & enlarging minora majora & minora equally prominent majora large, minora small 5 leathery, cracked, wrinkled majora cover clitoris & minora TOTAL PHYSICAL MATURITY SCORE RECORD SCORE HERE