C. Removal and Installation a. Rear Casing Halves 1. General a) Provides the tools and procedures necessary for removal and installation of the Rear Stator Casing Halves 2. Tools and Materials Tool No. Description CRSA-0001 Tool Set, Jackscrews CRSA-0002 Puller, No. 4 Bearing Split Nut Lock Ring CRSA-0003 Wrench, No. 4 Bearing Split Nut Collar CRSA-0004 Tool, Installation - No. 4 Bearing Split Nut Collar CRSA-0005 Tool, Installation - No. 4 Bearing Split Nut CRSA-0006 Adapter, Puller - Aft Air Seals No. 4 Bearing Split Nut CRSA-0007 Puller, No. 4 Bearing Races and Seals CRSA-0008 Adapter, Puller No. 4 Bearing Air/Oil Seals CRSA-0009 Adapter, Puller - No. 4 Bearing Inner Race CRSA-0010 Pilot, Installation/Removal - CRF CRSA-0011 Sling, Frames - Lift & Turning Vertical CRSA-0012 Bracket, CRF to Subassembly Stand CRSA-0013 Stand, Subassembly - Frames CRSA-0014 Adapter, Puller - Rotating Air/Oil Seal, BRG. 4R CRSA-0015 Puller, No. 4 Bearing Races and Seals CRSA-0016 Pusher, No. 4 Bearing Races and Seals CRSA-0017 Ring Compressor (3 1/2-7, 9-12 Inch) CRSA-0018 Fixture, Installation - No. 4B Bearing CRSA-0019 Platform, Maintenance - Core Engine, Vertical CRSA-0020 Guide Pins - Frames, Seals, Bearings Material No. C02-019 C02-026 C02-001 Description Oil, Engine Oil, Penetrating (GE Spec A50TF54 Class A) Liquid Wrench (Industrial Grade) Compound, Anti-Seize MIL-T-5544 C04-001 Solvent, Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone (MEK) 3. Procedure a) Removal (Refer to Figure A.1) 1) Remove the pressure balance air seal by removing the 56 bolts. Use jackscrews CRSA-0001 lubricated with C02-019 to break seals loose. 2) Remove splined locking ring from rear of compressor rotor rear stud-shaft using puller, CRSA-0002. Note: The split nut lock ring has non-symmetrical holes and the plate of CRSA-0002 is similar. During installation of tool, rotate the plate to match to assure that the rods will not bind in the plate. 3) Apply penetrating oil, C02-026 to split nut and soak for 15 minutes. Caution: IF COMPRESSOR STATOR BRIDGE CONNECTORS ON STAGES 3, 4, 5 AND 6 ARE REMOVED, VANE POSITION TOOL, 2C6259 MUST BE INSTALLED AT SPLIT LINES TO BE SURE VANES ARE IN PROPER POSITION SO ROTOR MAY BE ROTATED WITHOUT DAMAGING SPACERS FROM EXCESSIVE RUB FROM VANE TIP. 4) Loosen split nut and split nut collar using wrench CRSA-0003 as follows: i. Install torque tube of wrench CRSA-0003 into the rear of the compressor rotor locknut and secure to the aft flange of the compressor case. Use a hoist. ii. Install torque wrench CRSA-0003 to the center of the torque tube. iii. Install torque multiplier to the wrench. Use a hoist. iv. Rotate rotor 2 or 3 turns and lift wrench, sleeve and multiplier out of CRF. 5) Remove No. 4 bearing split nut collar as follows: i. Install tool, CRSA-0004 in the groove of the ID of the split nut collar. ii. Remove tool and split nut collar by hand. 6) Remove split nut as follows: i. Thread tool, CRSA-0005 on split nut rear face into tapped holes, one-half or split nut at a time. ii. Remove split nut and tool. 7) Remove rear rotating air seal using puller adapter, CRSA-0006 and hydraulic puller, CRSA-0007. Engage puller adapter fingers' rear tangs in aft flange of seal. Puller adapter should exert force on forward face of spring ring retainer flange. 8) Remove rear insulation blankets by cutting lockwire and pulling blankets to rear. 9) Remove rear rotating air/oil seal from compressor rear stubshaft using puller CRSA-0007 and adapter, CRSA-0008. 10) Remove rear stationary air/oil seal using jackscrews CRSA-0001 or engine bolts lubricated with engine oil C02-019. Discard preformed packing. 11) Remove No. 4 ball bearing rear inner race with adapter, CRSA0009 and hydraulic puller, CRSA-0007. 12) Remove No. 4 ball bearing housing assembly (with outer race and ball-cage assembly still installed) using jackscrews, CRSA0001 or engine bolts lubricated with engine oil C02-019. Discard preformed packings. 13) Remove forward inner race as follows: i. Install puller adapter, CRSA-0009 and puller, CRSA0007 to rear compressor stub-shaft. 14) Install pilot, CRSA-0010 to CRF. 15) Install lift sling, CRSA-0011 to the aft flange of CRF. Note: Remove the horizontal split line bolt on each side that interferes with the removal of the circumferential flange bolts. Make certain the weight of CRF is on the hoist. 16) Loosen horizontal split line bolts near rear of compressor casing to free CRF. 17) Remove pilot, CRSA-0010 from CRF. 18) Raise CRF until free of engine. 19) Install adapters, CRSA-0012 at the 3 and 9 o'clock positions on forward flange of CRF. 20) Install CRF in stand, CRSA-0013 and cover. 21) Remove No. 4R rotating air/oil seal and No. 4R bearing inner race using puller adapter, CRSA-0014 and puller CRSA-0015. b) Installation (Refer to Figure B.1) 1) Attach a hoist to lift sling, CRSA-0011 and position sling over CRF. Secure each leg of sling to frame rear flange using threaded pins provided. Position legs approximately 120 degrees apart. 2) Install pilot guide, CRSA-0010 to the compressor rear stub shaft. 3) Position frame above compressor and slowly lower over guide, CRSA-0010. Caution: BE SURE THE CRF IS ORIENTED PROPERLY BY DETERMINING THAT THE 3 AND 9 O'CLOCK CRF FLANGE POSITIONS, WHICH HAVE NO BOLT HOLES, ARE AT THE HORIZONTAL SPLIT LINES OF THE COMPRESSOR REAR CASE AFT FLANGE. THE CRF VENT TUBE IS AT 12 O'CLOCK. 4) Lower CRF until the forward flange or frame mates with rear flange of compressor case. 5) This step applies to compressor rear frames with sixteen bolt holes, eight at both 3 and 9 o'clock positions, having nominal size of 5/16 inch (7.94 mm). Install the 5/16 inch (7.94 mm) bolts, nuts, adapters, spacers and brackets at the sixteen locations per Figure B.2 and Figure B.3. 6) Lubricate threads of bolts with anti-seize compound, C02-001, and install bolts in flanges of CRF and compressor case. Tighten bolts per applicable torque values as shown: i. 5/16 inch (7.92 mm) bolts: 210-230 lb in. (23.7025.96 N.m) ii. 3/8 inch (9.52 mm) bolts: 380-420 lb in. (42.89-47.40 N.m) 7) Remove lift sling and hoist from CRF. Remove guide, CRSA-0010. 8) Place forward inner race of No. 4 ball bearing in an oven for approximately 20 minutes at 300°F (149°C). 9) Remove forward inner race of No. 4 ball bearing from oven and install on compressor rotor rear stub-shaft (wide end forward). Seat race using pusher, CRSA-0016. When race reaches room temperature remove pusher. 10) Lubricate preformed packings with engine oil C02-019 and install in grooves in OD of No. 4 ball bearing housing assembly. Compress preformed packings into grooves using clamping set, CRSA-0017. 11) Insert ball and cage into No. 4B outer race using installation fixture, CRSA-0018 on No. 4 bearing outer race housing. 12) Chill bearing housing assembly and tool, with clamp installed, in dry ice for approximately 20 minutes. Note: Balls of No. 4 bearing shall seat against forward inner race at same time bearing housing seats against frame. If housing seats before ball bearings compressor rotor can be moved up or down as required using right hand handle of stand, CRSA-0019. 13) Remove bearing housing assembly from dry ice and remove clamping set. Install bearing housing assembly into rear frame. Align bolt holes and seat housing using 4 equally spaced slave bolts and alignment guide pins, CRSA-0020. 14) Adjust position of compressor rotor as necessary to ensure that bearing balls seat on forward inner race at same time housing seats on rear frame. Remove installation tool, CRSA-0018. 15) Heat No. 4 ball bearing rear inner race in an oven at 300°F (149°C) for approximately 20 minutes. 16) Remove race from oven and install over compressor rotor rear stub-shaft (puller groove on race faces aft). Seat race using pusher, CRSA-0016. When race reaches room temperature, remove pusher. 17) Lubricate preformed packing with engine oil C02-019 and install into grooves on OD of rear stationary air/oil seal. Compress preformed packing into grooves using clamping set, CRSA-0017. 18) Chill air/oil seal with clamping set installed, in dry ice for approximately 20 minutes. 19) Remove air/oil seal from Dry Ice and remove CRSA-0017. Remove slave bolts from housing and install air/oil seal over bearing housing and guide pins. Seat seal using 4 equally spaced slave bolts. 20) Heat rear rotating oil and air seal in an oven at 300°F (149°C) for approximately 20 minutes. 21) Remove seal from oven and install on compressor rotor rear stub shaft (with largest outside diameter aft). Seat seal using pusher, CRSA-0016. When seal reaches room temperature, remove pusher. 22) Remove slave bolts securing air/oil seal. Secure housing and air/oil seal with 20 bolts. Remove guide pins as last bolts are installed. Tighten bolts to 100-130 lb in. (11.3-14.7 N.m) of torque and safety wire. 23) Install two piece rear insulation blanket around sump walls and secure with safety wire utilizing capstans on blankets. 24) Heat rear rotating air seal in an oven at 300°F (149°C) for approximately 20 minutes. 25) Remove rear rotating air seal from oven and install on compressor rotor rear stub-shaft. Seat seal using pusher, CRSA0016. When seal reaches room temperature, remove pusher. 26) Measure actual seating dimension from aft face of rear stubshaft to aft face of inner seating shoulder of rotating air seal. Actual Dimension L must equal computed Dimension L minus 0.001 inch (0.025 mm) to plus 0.005 inch (0.13 mm) or seal is not seated properly. Refer to Figure B.4. 27) Place both halves of split nut forward ends down, on a surface plate and measure height (Dimension M, Figure B.4) of each half using a depth micrometer. Record this height. Heights on both halves must be equal. Note: Split nut halves are a matched set and they must bear the same serial number. 28) Compute split nut seating dimension (Dim N, Figure B.4) by subtracting height of nut (measured in step xxvi) from actual dimension L. Record this difference as split nut computed seating dimension N. 29) Install split nut installation tool rods, of CRSA-0005 to 4 threaded holes in aft face of split nut halves. 30) Clean threads of split nut and compressor rotor rear stub-shaft with C04-001. Lubricate rotor stub shaft threads and forward face of split nut with C02-001. Note: Be sure not to over-lubricate rotor and split nut. Too much lubrication will prevent proper seating of nut. 31) Install split nut halves over compressor rotor rear stub-shaft. When nut is forward of stub shaft splines, push body of installation tool, CRSA-0005 forward over rods, of CRSA-0005 and position bolt halves of nut together on stub-shaft threads. Do not remove tool. Check that aft faces of both halves of split nut are even. No step greater than 0.003 inch (0.08 mm) permitted between them. Caution: THE SPLIT NUT COLLAR INSIDE SPLINE MINOR DIAMETER MUST NOT EXCEED MAXIMUM SERVICEABLE LIMIT OF 7.052 INCH (179.12 MM) AVERAGE. 32) Heat split nut collar in an oven at 300°F (149°C) for approximately 20 minutes. 33) Remove collar from oven and install installation tool, CRSA0004. Tool will engage puller groove in ID of collar near aft end. 34) Install heated collar over split nut and seat against forward shoulder of split nut. Remove installation tool. If necessary, ensure complete seating of collar by tapping with a plastic bar or mallet. 35) When collar reaches room temperature, remove tool, CRSA0005 from aft face of split nut. Turn split nut and collar by hand as far as possible. Do not torque split-nut at this time. 36) Install a dial indicator in the compressor rear frame and position the indicator tip against the aft face of the compressor rotor stub-shaft. 37) Lower the compressor rotor to its most forward (lowest) point by turning the RH handle of the stand, CRSA-0019, counterclockwise. Most forward point will be reached when the dial indicator shows no more movement. 38) To be sure that it is supported by the 4B bearing, turn the compressor rotor clockwise through 2 complete revolutions, using LH handle of stand CRSA-0019. 39) Position the indicator tip against the pilot journal of the shaft. The pilot journal is immediately aft of the spline. Refer to Figure B.4. 40) Rotate the rotor, using the LH handle of stand CRSA-0019 41) , and check the runout of the pilot journal, in 12 places. Record this reading to the nearest 0.0001 inch (0.003 mm). Using C05002 or C05-003 mark the highest point on this journal as determined by the maximum area of concentricity. 42) Support the compressor rotor on stand CRSA-0019, by turning the RH handle of the stand clockwise. 43) Install split nut wrench, CRSA-0003, as follows: i. Install protector cap, of CRSA-0003, over the end of the compressor rotor rear shaft. ii. With a hoist install the anti-rotational tube and support into the CRF, engaging the split nut collar splines on the inner end and with the wings of the support resting on the CRF rear flange. iii. Insert the four ball lock pins in the CRF rear flange. iv. Using a hoist install the torque tube in the support and engage the splines on the compressor rotor. 44) Install torque multiplier onto rear of wrench. 45) Torque nut and collar (7000-7500) lb-ft. (84,000-90,000 lb-in.) (9481.2-10,158.4 N.m) break torque to 1000 lb-ft. (12,000 lb-in.) (1354.5 N.m) and retorque to 6200 lb-ft. (74,400 lb-in.) (8397.6 N.m) minimum to obtain actual dimension N. 46) Remove torque multiplier and wrench, CRSA-0003. 47) Measure actual seating dimension (Dim. N, Figure B.4) from aft face of compressor rotor rear shaft to aft face of each half of split nut. Dimensions to each half must be equal within 0.001 inch (0.0254 mm) or split nut is not properly installed. Actual dimension N shall be 0.014-0.020 inch (0.36-0.53 mm) larger than computed dimension N. Increase in dimension is due to design feature of shaft stretch. 48) Install a dial indicator in the compressor rear frame and position the indicator tip against the aft face of the compressor rotor shaft. 49) Lower the compressor rotor to its most forward (lowest) point by turning the RH handle of the stand, CRSA-0019, counterclockwise. Most forward point will be reached when the dial indicator shows no more movement. 50) Turn the compressor rotor clockwise through 2 complete revolutions, using LH handle of stand CRSA-0019, to assure that the rotor is supported by the 4B bearing. 51) Position the indicator tip against the pilot journal of the shaft. The pilot journal is immediately aft of the spline. Refer to Figure B.4. 52) Rotate the rotor, using the LH handle of stand CRSA-0019, and check the runout of the pilot journal in 12 places. Record this reading to the nearest 0.0001 inch (0.003 mm). Using C05-002 or C05-003 mark the highest point on this journal as determined by the maximum area of concentricity. Establish the angular difference between the high point marked in this sub-step with 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) the high point found with split-nut loose (sub-step 39) (Subtask 72-00-34-220-054). The concentricity of the pilot journal should not exceed 0.0015 inch (0.38 mm). The concentricity change, before and after splitnut torque, should not exceed 0.001 inch (0.025 mm). The location of the journal high point should not change more than 60 degrees (before and after split-nut torque) if the pilot journal concentricity is in excess of 0.0005 inch (0.013 mm). If the preceding values cannot be met replace the split-nut and/or rotate the rear air seal race. Repeat procedure starting with sub-step (23). Position the indicator tip against the mating face, adjacent to the pilot journal. Refer to Figure B.4. Rotate the rotor, using the LH handle of the stand CRSA-0019 and check the runout of the mate face, in 12 places. Record this reading to the nearest 0.0001 inch (0.003 mm). Using C05-002 or C05-003 mark the lowest (most forward) point on the mate face. Also mark this point on the aft face of the rear stub-shaft. Install splined locking ring to lock split-nut collar to compressor rotor rear stub-shaft, as follows: i. Locate and mark spot on locking ring where inside and outside spline slot are in line with each other. ii. Locate and mark spot on split collar where a spline tooth is in line with a spline tooth on rotor stub-shaft. Note: Splined locking ring shall slide freely into position. If ring binds, rotate ring one tooth clockwise or counter clockwise. iii. Install splined locking ring with marks aligned and seat firmly against split nut. Install piston rings to grooves in the four tubes extending thru sump housing. Install pressure balance air seal to frame. Make certain male tubes in frame enter tubes on seal. If necessary, heat sump flange with heat gun to allow installation. Align bolt holes and secure with 56 bolts lubricated with C02-001. Torque 120-130 lb-in. (13.56-14.69 N.m). Check with a 0.001 inch (0.0254 mm) shim to assure seating of seal. b. Vanes 1. General a) Provides the tools and procedures necessary for removal and installation of the Vanes 2. Tools and Materials Tool No. Description CRSA-0021 Material No. C05-003 C02-001 Driver Set, Compressor Stator Vane Description Carter's Marks-A-Lot (Black or Blue) Compound, Anti-Seize MIL-T-5544 3. Procedure a) Removal 1) Place casing assembly on bench, forward flange down. 2) Remove vane retaining keys from horizontal flange of upper casing. Lower casing has no keys. 3) Number all vanes to be removed and mark casing as required to provide for installation of removed parts in original location; use C05-003. 4) Remove vanes by sliding circumferentially from retaining slots. Use proper tool from driver set CRSA-0021 to drive against vane base, not airfoil. Caution: USE CARE WHEN REMOVING AND HANDLING VANE SLOT LINERS. THEY CAN BE KINKED OR BENT. 5) If any stage has been repaired by installation of vane slot liners, remove liners. Indicate which stages had liners by marking with marker C05-003 in vane slot. b) Installation Note: Check horizontal flange of both casings for marking to identify repaired slots and required liner size. Markings apply to both case halves. 1) Hand grind replacement vane to length of original vane. 2) Install vanes by sliding circumferentially into retaining slots; install required number of vanes (Refer to Figure B.5). 3) Install vanes in repaired slots as follows: i. Install liners with the longer cross section legs in the forward grooves and the shorter in the rear. Position the joint near the centerline (vertical). ii. Apply C02-001 lubricant (or equivalent) to the vane dovetails and install the first vane so that the joint between liners is bridged. Note: If the liners have not previously been installed, the vanes will require driving with a plastic mallet and driver set CRSA-0021 (or equivalent). Tool must drive against vane base, not against airfoil. iii. When all vanes are installed, trim excess length of liners flush with end of slot. 4) Check cumulative end-gap as follows: Note: Cumulative end-gap can be adjusted by selecting vanes with wide and/or narrow platforms as required. i. Clamp a parallel bar to one horizontal flange of casing. Push all vanes circumferentially until against parallel bar; measure gap between last vane and surface of adjacent flange. ii. Gap must be within limits of Figure B.5. Obtain proper gap by selecting vanes of varied platform widths as required. Position platform widths as required to align borescope hole vanes with holes in casing. iii. Vane platforms may be stoned by hand to minimum width (Figure B.5) but no more than 0.005 inch (0.13 mm) may be removed from each side of platform. 5) Install serviceable retaining keys in upper casing: (Refer to Figure B.6) i. Position keys with chamfered edges into slot. ii. Secure by staking keys to casing flanges. Stake each key two places at four locations as shown. 6) Remove borescope plugs and check hole alignment a 0.400 inch (10.16 mm) minimum diameter rod (simulates borescope) must pass freely through case and vane platforms. 7) Coat borescope plug threads and pressure faces lightly with compound C02-001 and install; tighten to 80-100 lb-in. (9.0-11.3 N.m) and safetywire. c. Stationary Seals 1. General a) Provides the tools and procedures necessary for removal and installation of the Stationary Seal 2. Tools and Materials Tool No. Description CRSA-0001 Tool Set, Jackscrews CRSA-0017 Ring Compressor (3 1/2-7, 9-12 Inch) Material No. C02-019 Description Oil, Engine 3. Procedure a) Removal (refer to Figure A.1) 1) Remove rear stationary air/oil seal using jackscrews CRSA-0001 or engine bolts lubricated with engine oil C02-019. 2) Discard preformed packings. b) Installation 1) Lubricate preformed packing with engine oil C02-019 and install into grooves on outer diameter of rear stationary air/oil seal. Compress preformed packing into grooves using clamping set, CRSA-0017. 2) Chill air/oil seal with clamping set installed, in dry ice for approximately 20 minutes. 3) Remove air/oil seal from Dry Ice and remove CRSA-0017. Remove slave bolts from housing and install air/oil seal over bearing housing and guide pins. Seat seal using 4 equally spaced slave bolts.