Uploaded by Harry Margarson


DT - Shake
things up –
Year 5/6
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 6
Week 5
To be able to construct a
sugar cube arch.
To be able to identify
features of an arch and what
makes them strong
To be able create the
tallest tower made
from Tin foil.
To be able to identify
the features of a
structure that make it
To be able create a paper
To be able to identify the
features that will make a
chair strong.
I can create strong arches
and openings.
I can work as part of a team
fairly to produce an arch.
To use knowledge of
structures to be able
to construct a Tower.
 I can work as part of
a team effectively to
build the structure.
 I can analyse other
structures to help me
development my own
Structure, Weight, Angles,
To use knowledge of
structures to be able to
construct a paper chair.
I can identify methods of
stiffening and strengthening
materials to construct a
paper chair.
I can work as a team player
to construct the paper chair.
Key Words
Medium Term
To be able to understand
the characterises of a
building which is
earthquake proof.
To be able to identify the
best structure that can
protect people from
I will take part in the
Shake it up Challenge
 I can work as part of a
team to prdoce a
 I can revise and
understand the
importance of strong
stcutes during an
Earthquake, Faultline, Continental,
Plate, Structure.
The first part of this lesson will be
about Earthquakes, children will
see the word earthquake in the
middle of the board and must
identify as many features of one
as possible.
Once features of an earthquake
have been discussed, building and
construction will be considered as
to the best way to protect people
during an earthquake.
A video showing earthquakes will
be played, asking the children to
focus their attention to building
and to form questions around
A short presentation will
summarise the key points of the
Earthquakes and their structures.
The children will then be
introduced a task where they
much build a structure which will
stand on paper which will be
To be able to build a structure which
is strong enough to protect from
To be able to understand what
materials a structure is the
I can use my knowledge of
structures to build a strong building.
I can work as part of a team
efficiently to build a structure.
Catapult, Missile, Strength, Fort.
Arch, Roman, Weight, Load,
Following on from earthquakes, we will look
at how buildings are constructed to protect
people from danger as can be seen in the
War with examples from the romans and the
World Wars.
Pieces over paper will be distributed
around the world featuring different
arches, children will be given several
questions on the board to help them
to evaluate each of the arches.
Children will be shown images and will b
asked how the structures have been
designed to protect them from the enemy.
Children will feedback to the class
teacher where a small discussion will
Videos will be used to help children
understand what the characteristics of such
buildings are.
Children will be asked what sort of materials
will best protect them, thinking back to
lessons like science and the properties of
materials, they can be presented with certain
scenarios where they will have to identify the
best material for the structure.
Once the children have good understanding,
they will be present the activity. There will
have to construct a building which will save
a ‘stuffed animal, from enemy missiles. If the
stuffed animal gets hit or falls on the floor,
then the team is out of the game. After the
activity, the children will have to identify the
Children will BE shown a video which
looks at roman arches, making notes
throughout where they will feedback
and can magpie facts and idea off
other children.
A power point presentation
summarising the key points of
archways will be used to consolidate
the learning.
A short-written task will be used to
ensure the children have secure
knowledge of aches.
They will be introducing to the Sugar
Cube arch challenge.
On the board, Have two
pictures of stools, a 4-legged
stool and a 3-legged stool.
Analysis the differences.
Watch the video about
triangles asking questions
with a discussion afterwards.
A short PowerPoint to
summarise the key points.
Children will be introduced to
the task, Which team can
build the tallest structure out
of Tin foil.
There will be a timer on the
board, time depends on how
much of the lesson there is
remaining. Children will have
one minute break halfway
though and go and look at
the other structures being
built to gain inspiration for
their own.
To be able to create a bridge
that can hold the wait of 5
To be able to use all
knowledge of structures to
inform their construction idea
I can use knowledge of
Structures to be able to build
Construct, build, invent, triangles,
Bridges, Construction, Suspension
Children will look at pictures of
different chairs and rank the chair in
order of how strong they are and why
they think that that will form the basis
of task.
Show them a picture of a bridge on th
board which is supported with
How do you think it was built?
What materials do you think were use
to build this?
How long did it take?
Children will be asked to produce a
piece of writing which shows they
know all the features of strong
structures; this should be based and
the previous 5 lessons.
Once this has been archived,
children will be given the chance to
create their own chair out of paper
and masking tape to withstand their
weight, If this is proving to be a hard
task then they will be allowed to use
some stronger materials to help
If no group has formed a good chair,
then weight will be gradually added
to see how much weight each of the
chairs can withstand.
They will be shown a video on the
construction of bridges which they ca
make notes about and this will be
supported after a PowerPoint
Children will then be explained the ta
of building a bridge, they will have all
but the last 10 minutes of the lesson t
complete the bridge, working in
groups. The children will be kept bein
brought back by asking questions
about progress and what they have
been working on to keep them on tas
The last 10 minutes we will assess
whether each of the bridges is strong
enough to hold 5 cars and see which
one can hold the strongest weight.
shake, an animal be under the
structure for effect.
features of good protect and more
Children will be asked to assess
after the task the structures which
worked well and what could have
been improved about some of the
LOW: Lower ability children will be
guided though the construction
HIGH: Vey little prompts will be
given when constructing their
Paper, Materials to make a
Questioning, Observations and
the structure created will be used
to form an assessment of the
They will have 30 minutes and work
in Groups of 4 to build the strongest
After evaluating and comparing each
of the arches, we will balance
weights on the top to assess who has
the strongest arch. Prize for the
winning team.
LOW: Will receive more guidance in
completing their structure.
Some final questions will be asked to
the children to see what they have
taken away from the lesson.
LOW: The written task will be easier
in difficulty.
HIGH: The written task will be harder
in difficulty.
HIGH: Will complete their structure more
independently, using their own ideas and
knowledge to inform choices.
A variety of different materials. (General
craft items which can be combined)
Questioning, Observations and the structure
created will be used to form an assessment
of the child.
Because of the creativity involved,
children will be working at there own
abilities and the lower ability children
will be helped and pushed by the
higher ability children in their group.
Sugar Cubes
Frosting or PVA Glue
Questioning, Observations and the
structure created will be used to form
an assessment of the child.
After the time is up the
structures will be measured
and the tallest one will win,
Children will be asked what
they could have done to build
better structures and what
they did which benefited the
Children will have to evaluate each
chair and write up features of a
strong structure.
LOW: Lower ability children
will have more assistance
from the TA and will have
questions targeted to their
own ability.
LOW: Will be given more guidance
what to do and have more assistance
from the TA.
HIGH: Will be encouraged to
use more complex language
in describing their structures
and will use more techniques
when building their
Tin Foil
Questioning, Observations
and the structure created will
be used to form an
assessment of the child.
HIGH: Will work more independently
and will use their knowledge to
inform choices inform choices
Short discussions will be held after th
bring the lesson to its conclusion.
LOW: Will have prompts with the
written task and will have ore
assistance throughout the activities in
the lesson.
HIGH: Will be have less input and wil
be expected to have a more in depth
account of building struts giving
Paper, Masking tape
Paper and Masking tape
Questioning, Observations and the
structure created will be used to form
an assessment of the child.
Questioning, Observations and the
structure created will be used to form
an assessment of the child.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBuy176w9wY – Arch Ways https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I4jmRayDD4 – Sugar Cube Arch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPyznEdFs5o – Tin Foil Challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBHJtWbsiaA - Triangles
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv3RM803bzw – How a bridge is built.