NEW YORK STATE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF QUEENS __________________________________________ MATHEW SKELTON Index Number 719489/2020 Plaintiff REPLY TO DEMAND FOR VERIFIED BILL OF PARTICULARS vs. DDT WILIAMSBURG CORP BIA RESTAURANT HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG AND JOHANNI MARTINEZ Defendant __________________________________________ SIRS: Plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON, by his attorney Trujillo Firms P.C. , as and for theor verified Bill of Particulars responsive to the deamdsof defendants BIA RESTAURANT, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG respectfully set forth and allege the following, upon information and belief: 1. The Occurance took place on September 11, 2019. The occurance took place at the premesis loacted at 23-10 Jackson Ave, Long island City, NY 11101. The premesis is the place of business known as BIA Restaurnt of Long Island City, while the Plaintiff was lawfully within said premesis. 2-3. That Plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON sustained Level 1 trauma activation for stab wounds and lacerations to the abdominal wall, left hand and right upper arm. The following serious, severe, and permanent injuries form said occurance. 1 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROVIDER New York Presbyterian PO BOX 9305 GPO NEW YORK, NY 10087-9304 DATES OF SERVICE CHARGES 9/11/2019 – 9/16/2019 $104,817.20 A. CHEST AND ABDOMIN • Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter • Findings suggestive of postoperative ileus. • Stable appearance of multiple dilated loops of small bowel 1. X-Ray Abdomen - Supine View of the Abdomen: That on September 11, 2019, Plaintiff underwent an X-Ray of Abdomen under the care of David L. Billing M.D. at New York Presbyterian – Cornell Hospital “No abnormal gaseous distention of the small bowel is identified. Air and stool are scattered throughout the non-dilated colon to the level of the rectum. There is no evidence of intraperitoneal air, noting limitations of the supine technique. The osseous structures are unremarkable.” 2. X-Ray Abdomen - AP Supine Radiographs of the Abdomen That on September 13, 2019, Plaintiff underwent an X-Ray of Abdomen under the care of Ahmed A. Abouarab M.D. at New York Presbyterian – Cornell Hospital “Horizontal skin staples project over the lower abdomen and pelvis. Mildly dilated air-filled loops of small bowls are noted throughout the abdomen and pelvis, there is air within the nondialated colon and rectum. Limited evaluation for pnuempperitoneum given lack of upright views. Possible small bilateral effusions. Osseous structures are intact. Findings suggestive of postoperative ileus.” 3. AP Portable view of the Chest: That on September 11, 2019, Plaintiff underwent an X-Ray of Chest under the care of Alexander W Peters. at New York Presbyterian – Cornell Hospital 2 “Endotracheal tube is placed with distal tip in satisfactory position in the mid trachea. The Lungs are clear. The cardiac silhouette appears within normal limits. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. A right vascular sheath is present.” 4. X-Ray Abdomen - Supine View of the Abdomen: That on September 14, 2019, Plaintiff underwent an X-Ray of Abdomen under the care of Mollie Calzone M.D. at New York Presbyterian – Cornell Hospital “Skin staples overlie the lower abdomen and pelvis. Multiple air dissented loops of small bowel are again noted. Air is also present within the nondialated colon and rectum. Evaluation of free air is limited on supine radiography. Left basilar atelectasis. Stable appearance of multiple dilated loops of small bowel, likely postoperative ileus.” B. RIGHT FORARM • Laceration without foreign body of right forearm, initial encounter 5. X-Ray of the Elbow – AP, lateral, and oblique views of the Right Elbow: That on September 11, 2019, Plaintiff underwent an a X-Ray of Right Elbow under the care of David L. Billing M.D. at New York Presbyterian – Cornell Hospital “The study is markedly limited due to patient positioning. Diffuse soft tissue swelling noted. Repeat study advised if concern for fracture.’ 6. CT of the Elbow Portable – Obtained without intravenous contrast: That on September 11, 2019, Plaintiff underwent an a X-Ray of Right Elbow under the care of Theresa Geraci PA. at New York Presbyterian – Cornell Hospital “An IV catheter is present in the antecubital fossa. A few foci of air within the ventral right forearm soft tissues is consistent with history of stab wound and surgical exploration. No significant soft tissue hematoma or fluid collection is present. No air is present within the elbow joint to suggest traumatic arthrotomy. No acute fracture or dislocation is present.’ C. LEFT HAND • Laceration without foreign body of left hand, initial encounter 7. X-Ray of the Left Hand: 3 That on September 11, 2019, Plaintiff underwent an X-ray of Left Hand under the care of David L. Billing M.D. at New York Presbyterian – Cornell Hospital “Pulse oximeter overlies the 4th distal phalanx. Intravenous catheter tubing noted over the dorsum of the hand. There is no evidence for acute fracture or dislocation. No radiopaque foreign body.’ D. 8 ADMIT DAY SURGERY • Stab wounds to the abdomen, right forearm and left hand • Diagnostic laparotomy converted to exploratory laparotomy. • Repair of mesenteric laceration • Exploration of RUE wound • Suture ligation of superficial vein • Complex laceration closure • Transfusion - Packed red blood cells • Level 1 trauma activation • Exploratory Laparotomy • Right forearm wound exploration • Wound closure • Stitches • Staples • Estimated blood loss 25 cc Surgery of Mathew Skeleton: That on September 11, 2019, Plaintiff underwent surgery under the care of Surgeon Jian Shou MD at New York Presbyterian – Cornell Hospital “Patient was taken to taken emergently to the OR for diagnostic laparoscopy and possible exploration.” 4 “ I have reviewed the above documentation, along with labs and relevant studies, and concur with the findings assessments and plans with the following comments. Level one trauma activation, o arrived within 15 minutes. Seen with patient with trauma team residents. Agree with above notes. The patient is critical. The patient has a stab wound to the lower abdomen with hypotension. Also he has bleeding wound at proximal right forearm. The bleeding was controlled with pressure dressing, transfused pRBC in ED for hypotension. The patient is intoxicated but alert and following orders, Chest clear. Abdomen soft and about 3 cm long deep open wound at below the umbilicus midline. XR and abdominal x-ray negative of FB. Transferred to patient to OR for exploration but has no capacity. Proceed the operation without written consent. 35 minutes critical care provided by me.” E. BODILY INJURY F. • Severe Pain in Right Forearm • Severe Pain in Left Hand • Severe Pain in Stomach • Soreness in Left Hand • Soreness in Right Forearm • Swelling in Left Hand • Swelling in Right Forearm • Discomfort in Left Hand • Discomfort in Right Forearm • Discomfort in Stomach • Decrease in Range of Motion of Right Forearm • Decrease in Range of Motion of Left Hand • Decreased Physical strength Right Forearm • Decreased Physical strength of Left Hand • Decreased Tolerance to Walking • Stomach Pain when Running • Stomach Pain when Reaching Up • Stomach Pain when Bending Down EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL DISTRESS • Difficulty Sleeping 5 • Nightmares • Depression • Weight Loss Plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON experienced difficulty in ambulation for two (2) months, and now cannot run, pick up heavy items or stand for more than three (3) hours. He also cannot run for long distance, and cannot exert himself or exercise, and has experiences posttraumatic disorder when in large crowds, and nightmares. That the above injuries to the abdomen, left and right forearm was accomplished by a knife, and productive of pain and radiating pain; pulling sensation, tingling; tenderness; rigidity; stiffness; swelling; inflammation, decrease in range of motion; weakness denervation; paresthesia; synovitis, scaring, tightness, malfunction, restriction and limitation of all movement, motion and bending; pain on change of weather; soreness; muscle spasms induration; mal coordination; effusions, ecchymosis; edema; loss of strength; fatigue; thickening; contracture; softening; fragmentation; myositis; atrophy; sensitivity; shrinking; anesthesia, nerve damage, separation, calcification, osteoporosis; tearing; neuropathy; adhesions; difficulty sleeping; narrowing; instability; restricted and painful active and passive movements; movements with great difficulty; overstretching of ligaments and muscles; irritation of nerves; sever pain to left had and right forearm; midlateral soft tissue swelling; pain in abdominal, left hand and right forearm; right elbow tenderness; increase stomach pain upon walking, and squatting maneuvers, mild tenderness, pain with flexion and abduction, mild tenderness to on the right forearm, pain with right forearm flexion and abduction, restricted range of motion, deformity and disability of the abdominal region. 4. All of the foregoing injuries involved damage to the nerves tendon, ligaments, cartilage, blood vessels and soft tissue. 6 5. Plaintiff has been advised that the aforementioned conditions are of a chronic and protracted nature and will have permanent, residual effects and will manifest permanent sequelae and plaintiff expressly claims and all sequelae and/or residuals, which may manifest themselves prior to the time of trail; 6. The aforementioned injuries, if not caused by this occurrence, were aggravated, activated, precipitated and or exacerbated by same. 7. Plaintiff further claims and an all damage or injury to the surrounding tissues, ligaments, cartilage, muscles and supporting structures at the site of the injures; 8. Plaintiff requires comprehensive physical therapy and occupation therapy; the use of home exercises, the use of medications and over the counter analgesics; 9. Upon information and belief the plaintiff will require future surgery. 10. Upon information and belief, the forgoing injures are permanent. 11. Plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON, was confined to the following hospital: New York Presbyterian and Cornell Hospital 525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065 ADMISSION: September 11, 2019 DISCAHRGE: September 16, 2019 12. For further detail, please refer to Plaintiffs response to defendants combined discovery demands. Plaintiff objects to any further demands seeking information as to the names and address of treating hospitals or other medical facilities and dates of treatments as improper and seeking information outside the scope of a bill of particulars. See New York Civil Law and Rules Sec. 30439(a). Under the current state of our laws, a plaintiff in a personal injury action is not required to furnish in connection with defendants demand for a bill of particulars, the names of witness, hospitals or physicians, see Adair v, Young, 205 N.Y.S.2d 463 (1959) and Hanlon v Geary, 190 N.Y.S. 2d 20 (1959). 13. Further, It is impossible to state with reasonble certainty and exact division of time which plaintiff MTHEW SKELTON was disabled/partially disabled. Upon information and belief, plaintiff was partially disabled. 7 14. Moreover, it is impossible to state with reasonble certainty and exact division of time which plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON was confined to bed, home, and hospital. Upon information and belief, plaintiff was partially and intermittently confined to bed. 15. At the time of the occurrence, the Plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON was employed by the Defendants, and was assaulted by a fellow employee, worker, agent, and servant of BIA Restaurant, Defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ. 16. As a direct result of the occurrence Plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON lost income and wages, and still remains unable to work in the exact same manner. 17. Plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON claims the following special damages, to date and continuing, approximately and estimated. A. B. C. D. E. Physician Services……………………………………………....………………..$ Medications, Supplies and X-Rays…………………..……………….…………..$ Nurse, Therapist and Chiropractic services ……………………………………...$ Hospital Expenses………………………………………………………………..$ (Additional medical expenses will be incurred and claimed in the future.) 18. At the time of the occurrence and for at least seven (7) year’s prior, Plaintiff resided at 43-06 47th St. #G42, Sunnyside, NY 11104. Plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON was born on March 30, 1970. Plaintiff object to provided social security number. This information is irrelevant to the issues in this case. Further plaintiff is prevented from disclosing this information pursuant to General Business law 399-dd and Public Officers Law 96-a, which prohibit the disclosure of any document bearing personal social security numbers on a document that may become subject to review the general public. 19. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG, their agents, servants and/or employees in the ownership, maintenance, management, operation and control of the premises and agents, servants and/or employees in all areas of the restaurant, willfully and intentionally, with callous and reckless indifference to the 8 Plaintiff’s right to safe working conditions. Plaintiff endured and continues to endure the physical, mental, emotional and psychological injury, pain and suffering inflicted by the assault and battery – scars he must bear for life 20. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG, their agents, servants and/or employees in the ownership, maintenance, management, operation and control of the premises and agents, servants and/or employees in all areas of the restaurant, negligently and carelessly fostered a dangerous environment and occurrence, which resulted in serious physical injury to plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON. Plaintiff endured and continues to endure the physical, mental, emotional and psychological injury, pain and suffering inflicted by the assault and battery – scars he must bear for life 21. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG, their agents, servants and/or employees in the ownership, maintenance, management, operation and control of the premises and agents, servants and/or employees in all areas of the restaurant had a duty to provide safe working conditions for its employees under common law, OSHA and NY Labor laws. Saud breach of duty resulted in serious physical injury to plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON. Plaintiff endured and continues to endure the physical, mental, emotional and psychological injury, pain and suffering inflicted by the assault and battery – scars he must bear for life. 22. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG, their agents, servants and/or employees in the ownership, maintenance, management, operation and control of the premises and agents, servants and/or employees in all areas of the restaurant; willfully and intentionally, with callous and reckless indifference to the Plaintiff’s right to safe working conditions engaged in the practice of disregarding, ignoring, 9 tolerating, condoning, fostering and facilitating unsafe working conditions for which punitive damages are the appropriate remedy. 23. That as a direct and proximate result of BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG employment practices, Plaintiff has suffered physical pain, humiliation, mental emotional and psychological stress, anxiety and torment hat continues to this day for which punitive damage re the appropriate remedy. 24. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG were reckless and careless in hiring Defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ to serve as cook because it knew or should have known of his violent past/or should have determined his propensity for violence. 25. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG were reckless and negligent in supervising Defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ to serve as cook because it knew or should have known of his violent past/or should have determined his propensity for violence and allowed him to drink on the job. 26. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG were reckless and negligent in retaining Defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ to serve as cook because it knew or should have known of his violent past/or should have determined his propensity for violence and allowed him to drink on the job. 27. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG are liable for the injuries to Plaintiff cause by the violent assault, and attempted murder against the plaintiff due to its reckless and negligent hiring, supervision and/or retention of JOHANNI MARTINEZ. Plaintiff has suffered physical pain, humiliation, mental, emotional and psychological stress, anxiety and torment, which continue to this day. 10 28. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG willfully and intentionally, with callous ad reckless indifference to the Plaintiff’s safety engaged in the systematic practice of disregarding, ignoring, tolerating, condoning, fostering and facilitating a hostile work environment for which punitive damage re the appropriate remedy. 29. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG systematic practice and pattern of ignoring, tolerating, condoning, fostering and facilitating a hostile work environment for their workers resulted in the aggravated assault and battery of the plaintiff, placing him in fear of imminent death, and allowing JOHANNI MARTINEZ to make intentional and willful physical contact. Plaintiff never consented to such contact and behavior by BIA. 30. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG systematic practice and pattern of ignoring, tolerating, condoning, fostering and facilitating a hostile work environment for their workers resulted in the aggravated assault and battery of the plaintiff, was reasonably foreseeable, and said conduct was committed within the scope of both Plaintiff’s and defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s employment wherein JOHANNI MARTINEZ was allowed to drink alcohol on the job and encouraged to drink discounted alcohol, or his own at the bar after work hours. Punitive damages are the appropriate remedy. 31. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG are all joint and severably liable for injures to plaintiff caused by JOHANNI MARTINEZ. 32. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG systematic practice and pattern of ignoring, tolerating, condoning, fostering 11 and facilitating a hostile work environment for its workers resulted in the aggravated assault and battery of the plaintiff, was reasonably foreseeable and the conduct committed within the scope of both Plaintiff’s and defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s employment was facilitated by the lack of security and surveillance. Defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ was aware of said failure in security and surveillance, and as a result proceeded to stab the Plaintiff. Punitive damages are the appropriate remedy 33. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG breached their duty provide a safe working conditions for its employee. The vicious attack on the plaintiff was extreme and outrageous conduct, which so transcends the bounds of decency as to be, regarded as atrocious an intolerable in a civilized society. The conduct was undertaken with complete disregard of the severe emotional distress it was certain to cause, and indeed which it did in fact cause the Plaintiff. 34. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG corporate practice and pattern of ignoring, tolerating, condoning, fostering a hostile work environment resulted in the extreme and outrageous conduct – the nearly fatal stabbing – by JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s whom BIA had delegated authority as the restaurant cook . Punitive damages are appropriate. 35. As a direct and proximate result of BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG negligent infliction of emotional distress on plaintiff, he has suffered physical pain, humiliation, mental, emotional and psychological stress, anxiety and torment which continues to this day. 36. That said occurrence, which resulted in serious physical injury to plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON, was caused and wholly by reason of the negligence and carelessness of defendants BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, 12 DAVID willfully and intentionally, with callous ad reckless indifference to the Plaintiff’s right to safe working conditions 37. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG corporate practice and pattern of disregarding, ignoring, tolerating, condoning, fostering and facilitating an unsafe working condition caused by defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ and for failure to maintain sufficient, proper and appropriate security, supervision, control, maintenance and surveillance within the premises and over the employees within the premises. Plaintiff endured and continues to endure the physical, mental, emotional and psychological injury, pain and suffering inflicted by the assault and battery – scars he must bear for life 38. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG, their agents, servants and/or employees in the ownership, maintenance, management, operation and control of the premises and agents, servants and/or employees in all areas of the restaurant failed to provide adequate and reasonable protection for the safety of plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON and in failing to warn plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON of defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s alcohol abuse, drug abuse, prior sales of illicit drugs, propensity for violence, criminal background and prior criminal convictions and in allowing the defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ to drink alcohol during and after, thereby creating hostile working conditions for its this plaintiff and all it’s employees under Common Law, OSHA and NY Labor Laws. 39. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG, their agents, servants and/or employees in the ownership, maintenance, management, operation and control of the premises and agents, servants and/or employees in all areas of the restaurant failed to provide adequate and reasonable protection for the safety of 13 plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON and in failing to outline, highlight, or otherwise demarcate said dangerous and hostile working condition, so as to give warning to plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON of said dangerous and hostile work environment and dangerous and existing threat, in failing to properly hire, retain, supervise, employ, train and maintain agent, servant, and employee defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ although they had or should have had knowledge of said dangerous threat. 40. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG, their agents, servants and/or employees in the ownership, maintenance, management, operation and control of the premises and agents, servants and/or employees in all areas of the restaurant failed to maintain the aforesaid are in a reasonably safe and proper condition and work environment, in failing to take necessary steps and measures to prevent the premises and plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON’s work environment from becoming dangerous; in failing to take suitable and proper precautions for the safety of the Plaintiff; in failing to take all reasonable precautions to safe guard against this occurrence; in failing to give plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON an opportunity to avoid said dangerous and hostile work environment and dangerous and existing threat; in failing to provide adequate, sufficient and /or competent personnel to maintain said place of employment in a safe and proper manner. 41. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG their agents, servants and/or employees, had actual notice of said dangerous and hostile work environment and dangerous and existing threat complained of herein. That information is in the exclusive possession of defendant. Plaintiff does however believes and asserts that defendants, by and through their agents, servants, and/or employees, employed such individuals who frequented the premises on behalf of the owners and/or property management company, observed the dangerous and hostile work environment and dangerous and existing 14 threat complained of herein. Actual notice is further claimed in that the dangerous and hostile work environment and dangerous and existing threat complained of herein was caused and/or created by defendants, their agents, servants and/or employees. 42. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG, their owners, agents, servants and/or employees created and encouraged the existence of the aforesaid dangerous and hostile work environment and dangerous and existing threat complained of herein with notice, and in gross wonton, reckless and willful acts, the Defendants, their agents, servants, and/or employees; in violating the applicable laws, rules, ordinances, statutes and regulations in such as was made and provided; it was otherwise carless, reckless, negligent in failing to exercise reasonable care and prudence. 43. That BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG, their agents, servants and/or employees, knew or should have known, in the exercise of reasonable care and caution, and proper and timely inspection, of the aforesaid conditions so as to effectuate adequate employment policy and shift changes in a timely manner. The agents, servants and/or employees of the defendant did not warn, admonish or take other steps to inform plaintiff of the hostile work environment and dangerous and existing threat at the place of the occurrence for an unreasonably long period of time. 44. Plaintiff believes and asserts that the Defendant BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG by and through their agents, servants and/or employees, had constructive notice of hostile work environment and dangerous and existing threat complained of herein. Constructive notice is claimed in that said conditions obviously existed for a sufficient length of time prior to the occurrence. 15 45. Plaintiff will rely upon the Court taking judicial notice at the time of trial of the applicable laws, rules, statue, codes, ordinances and regulations defendants violated including but not limited to the Administrative Code of the City of New York. 46. That the plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON was injured solely and wholly as a result of the negligence, carelessness and recklessness of the defendant of the defendants BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG and JOHANNI MARTINEZ and/or each of them, without any negligence on the part of the plaintiff contributing thereto. 47. That said occurrence and resulted injuries to plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON and was caused solely and wholly by reason of the negligence and carelessness of Defendant BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG in the ownership, operation, management, maintenance, control, security and supervision on premises and employees within the premises. 48. The defendant employer, BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG, is vicariously liable for it's employee JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s acts in employee's violent conduct and in contacting plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON without cause, provocation or justification while in course of his employment as those acts were committed within the scope of the JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s employment. 49. The defendant employer, BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG, is vicariously liable for it's employee JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s acts in employee's violent conduct and in contacting plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON without cause, provocation or justification while in course of his 16 employment as those acts were generally foreseeable and a natural consequence of the employment. 50. The defendant employer, BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG, is vicariously liable for it's employee JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s acts in employee's violent conduct and in contacting plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON without cause, provocation or justification while in course of his employment as those acts could have been reasonably anticipated by BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG 51. The defendant employer BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG is vicariously liable for it's employee Defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ intentional act of violently contacting plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON without cause, provocation or justification while in course of his employment as those acts by the defendant employee as those acts by defendant employee JOHANNI MARTINEZ for the purpose of respondeat superior. 52. The occurrence and the resulting injuries to MATHEW SKELTON were caused solely and wholly by reason of the negligence and carelessness of Defendant BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG in the ownership, operation, management, maintenance, control, security and supervision of the premises and employees within the premises. BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG in the ownership, operation, management, control, security and supervision of the premises and employees within the premises 53. That as a result of forgoing, plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON was injured solely and wholly as a result of the negligence, carelessness, and recklessness of defendant of the 17 defendant's BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG and JOHANNI MARTINEZ and/or each of them, without any negligence on the part of the plaintiff contributing thereto 54. That the defendant, BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG negligently hired and/or retained Defendant employee JOHANNI MARTINEZ with knowledge of defendant employee' propensity for the type of behavior which resulted in the plaintiff's injuries in this action. 55. That the defendant employer BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG negligently placed the Defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ in a position to cause foreseeable harm, which most probably would not have occurred, had the employers taken reasonable care in the hiring, retaining, supervising, managing and overseeing of employees. 56. That the defendant employer BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG negligently hired and/or retained Defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ, negligently placed Plaintiff in a position to cause foreseeable harm, which plaintiff would not have been subjected to had the defendant employer BIA RESTAURANT taken reasonable care in supervising or retaining the Defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ. 57. That the defendant employer BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG negligently failed to provide adequate security to plaintiff while Plaintiff was lawfully within the premises. 58. That the defendant employer BIA RESTAURANT, DDT WILLIAMSBURG CORP, HOAN DUKE QUAN, DAVID CHUNG negligently failed to provide adequate security to plaintiff while Plaintiff was lawfully within the premises and while Defendant had knowledge 18 of defendant employee JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s propensity for alcoholism and violent behavior, which resulted in plaintiff's injuries in this action. 59. That the defendant BIA RESTAURANT negligently failed to safeguard plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON from the resulting foreseeable harm, which most probably would not have occurred, had the employer taken reasonable care in safeguarding the plaintiff. 60. That he defendant BIA RESTAURANT knew or should have known of the defendant employee JOHANNI MARTINEZ’ s propensity for conduct that caused plaintiff’s injuries and negligently failed to take reasonable measures to provide security to the plaintiff. 61. Due to negligent retention, BIA failed to learn, or should have learned, about JOHANNI MARTINEZ’S lack of suitability for the job. 62. BIA failed to take action against JOHANNI MARTINEZ, known and suspected of posing a risk of harm to his co-workers, customers, thereby exposing BIA, as the employer, to liability for actual injuries, pain, suffering, and punitive damages to the Plaintiff. 63. BIA is liable under the negligent retention theory when during the course of employment, BIA became aware or should have become aware that the employee was unfit for the job. 64. BIA’s negligent retention arose when BIA became aware of problems with JOHANNI MARTINEZ but failed to take further action such as investigating, disciplining, discharging, or reassigning JOHANNI MARTINEZ. 65. BIA had a duty to take appropriate action to protect other the Plaintiff, and other employees and the public. 19 66. BIA’s duty to protect the Plaintiff from actions occurring on the employer’s premises. 67. BIA did not engage in the following: • • • • Disciplining JOHANNI MARTINEZ. Removing JOHANNI MARTINEZ from a position in which the person could harm other employees, this Plaintiff and members of the public. Exercising closer supervision over JOHANNI MARTINEZ. Terminating JOHANNI MARTINEZ 63. BIA engaged in negligent supervision over JOHANNI MARTINEZ. 68. BIA’s negligent supervision claims are based upon BIA’s failure to reasonably control or monitor the actions of over JOHANNI MARTINEZ 69. BIA engaged in that poor supervision over JOHANNI MARTINEZ, an employee known to engage in harassment and belligerent conduct, and allowed it to continue. 70. BIA engaged in negligent supervision when it knew or should have known about JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s harassment of fellow employees, and patrons. 71. BIA failed to take prompt action to prevent further harassment. 72. BIA’s negligent supervision was the direct cause of injuries to Plaintiff through the conduct of JOHANNI MARTINEZ. 73. BIA is liable because the harmful conduct occurred on the BIA’s property and while the Plaintiff was still on duty cleaning up the bar. 74. Defendant JOHANNI MARTINEZ’S conduct occurred while subject to the supervision or control of BIA 75. BIA had reason to anticipate the harmful conduct by JOHANNI MARTINEZ before they may and are liable for failing to prevent the harm through properly supervising JOHANNI MARTINEZ. 76. BIA failed to take proper care in supervising JOHANNI MARTINEZ 20 77. BIA failed to pay close attention to the conduct of JOHANNI MARTINEZ after they hired him, to take prompt action in observation of JOHANNI MARTINEZ. 78. BIA knew or should have known that JOHANNI MARTINEZ was behaving inappropriately with patrons and fellow employees, and failed to clearly document such actions and observations as they occurred. 79. BIA engaged in negligent training when they failed to train or incorrectly train JOHANNI MARTINEZ, and BIA’s actions injured the Plaintiff. 80. BIA failed to properly train and/or educate JOHANNI MARTINEZ, and BIA was responsible for securing an BIA’s facility and guarding the safety of fellow employees, patrons, BIA property and allowing Plaintiff to perform his job safely and effectively. 81. BIA failed to provide the necessary knowledge and/or training to JOHANNI MARTINEZ, in using instruments and equipment necessary to properly perform the job. 82. BIA failed to conduct an adequate pre-employment investigation — including, as circumstances warrant, reference checks, post-employment verifications, credit checks, and criminal record checks — that employer risks the potential for negligent hiring liability for injuries caused by a disruptive or violent employee to third parties, such as customers, clients, suppliers, visitors, or others for JOHANNI MARTINEZ. 83. BIA had a duty to use reasonable care when hiring JOHANNI MARTINEZ to ensure that they do not hire an individual who may pose a threat of injury to fellow employees, members of the public, or the workplace in general. 84. BIA failed to verify JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s work history. 85. BIA failed to be alert for long gaps in an applicant’s work history, which may have been for periods of incarceration. 21 86. BIA failed to attempt to obtain reference information from former employers of BIA JOHANNI MARTINEZ. 87. BIA failed increase the scope of the pre-employment investigation for JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s, and when hiring for the position disregarded the risk of harm to the public or to fellow employees, and especially the Plaintiff. 88. BIA failed consider criminal record checks in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws for JOHANNI MARTINEZ’s. Although some costs are involved, they are insignificant when compared to the potential liability for negligent hiring, as is evident to the Defendants now. 89. BIA failed document all pre-employment investigatory efforts, including nonproductive contacts with former employers of JOHANNI MARTINEZ. 90. BIA failed use effective interviewing techniques in hiring JOHANNI MARTINEZ. 91. During the hiring process BIA failed to ask questions, such as: a. “Do you use any illegal drugs?” b. “What is the reason for the gaps in your employment history?” c. “Have you ever been arrested?” d. “Have you ever committed a violent act?” 92. The plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON was seriously and permanently injured due to BIA’s negligence. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that plaintiff reserves he right to serve supplemental and / or amend response up to the time of trial. Dated: Queens, NY April 13, 2021 ______________________________ TRUJILLO FIRMS PC Attorneys for Plaintiff MATHEW SKELTON 5014 65th Pl #2R Woodside, NY 11377 22 TO: HOFFMAN ROTH & MATLIN, LLP. Attorneys for Defendants BIA RESTAURANT, HOAN DUKE QUAN and DAVID CHUNG 505 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1704 New York, NY 10018 23