Rubric for Oral Reporting Name of student for assessment: _______________________ Course and Year: __________ Task Description: The student is required to choose an industry and discuss the unit operations involved, and most importantly the industrial waste it produces. CRITERIA Weight Not Satisfactory Developing Satisfactory Excellent Rating 1 2 3 4 Content 3 points Points presented Points presented Many good points Enough points not clear; was somewhat presented; just presented; information does clear; too little enough information given not support ideas information information was more than presented what was expected Organization 1.5 Information was Information Information was Information was points very disorganized; showed little organized, with well organized, Difficult to organization; occasional clear discussion of understand audience take confusion ideas same effort to between ideas follow Delivery 1.5 Presenter Presenter was Presenter was Presenter was points mumbles; voice somewhat sometimes confident; voice can hardly be nervous; voice confident; voice was clearly heard; heard; no eye somewhat can be heard; eye with eye contact contact with the audible; with contact most of most of the time audience minimal the time with the with the audience frequency of eye audience contact with the audience Visual Aids 1.5 Visual aids were Visual aids were Visual aids were Presentation was points poorly prepared; marginally well prepared; appropriately does not support prepared; supports most of supported with the topic somewhat the topic varied sources presented supports the topic presented presented Preparedness 1 point Not prepared; Somewhat Just enough Completely reads the entire prepared; preparation; prepared; report; does not sometimes read discussed the discussed the discuss the topic; the report; assigned topics topic assigned explained at least most of the time very well two sub topics well; Audience 1 point Presented Presented Held audience Involved Audience Interaction information information with attention most of in the discussion; without audience minimal audience the time; held audience contact; unable to contact; able to Responds to most attention answer questions answer one questions clearly although out question correctly References 0.5 The topics cited Some of the Majority of the Majority of the point were not properly topics cited were topics cited were topics cited were referenced properly properly properly referenced referenced referenced PERFECT RATING: 40 POINTS STUDENT RATING: _______