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Social Media Marketing & Business Growth

Approved Title
Social Media Marketing as Predictor on Business Operational Growth
Conceptual Framework
Social Media Marketing
(Independent Variable)
Marketing Strategies
and Technological
Different Social Media
(Moderator Variable)
(Mediator Variable)
Business Operational Growth
(Dependent Variable)
Fig. 1.0: Conceptual Framework of the study
Figure 1.0 shows the conceptual framework of the study. The independent variable is the Social
Media Marketing while the Dependent Variable is the Business Operational Growth. The Social
Media Marketing in terms of operations growth of the business have a big impact because
success of the whole company depends on strategies for using social media as a marketing tool.
The researchers will use the different social media platforms as a moderator variable. The
researchers argue that when businesses use different social media marketing tools, the more it
can affect the business operational growth. For the mediator variable, the researchers will use
Marketing Strategies and Technological Etiquette to links the independent and dependent
variable. The social media marketing for the IV impacts the variable of Marketing strategy and
technological etiquette which in turn impacts on the business operational growth or the DV.
Rationale of the study
As we live in the technological age, the internet has become a huge part of our life. That said,
businesses have started utilizing social networking sites as a tool to market their products and
services. The researcher argues that social media marketing is beneficial to the growth of a
business with proper handling. If left undiscussed, it may possess harm to the business growth
that may lead to closure of the business. This research is deemed beneficial to entrepreneurs,
marketing specialists, consumers, prospective business owners, and future researchers.