Uploaded by Melandra Smith-Clarke


Name: ___________
Date: _______________
$2.00 Word Summary
Write a summary about what you learned during today’s lesson. Each word
costs $0.10. Do not go over $2.00.
Name: ___________
Date: _______________
$2.00 Word Summary
Write a summary about what you learned during today’s lesson. Each word
costs $0.10. Do not go over $2.00.
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Name: ______________________________
Date: ________________________
RED LIGHT: List the most challenging concept from today:
YELLOW LIGHT: List something that you understand for the most part,
but might need reinforcement:
GREEN LIGHT: ONE concept you FOR SURE know and understand:
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Name: __________________________________
Date: __________________________
RED LIGHT: List the most challenging concept from today:
YELLOW LIGHT: List something that you understand for the most part,
but might need reinforcement:
GREEN LIGHT: ONE concept you FOR SURE know and understand:
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Name: _________________________________
Date: _______________________
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
When you are stuck between a rock and a hard place it means you are in a difficult situation.
What’s one thing you found difficult about this content? Why?
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Name: _________________________________
Date: _______________________
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
When you are stuck between a rock and a hard place it means you are in a difficult situation.
What’s one thing you found difficult about this content? Why?
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Name: ______________________
Date: ____________________
Message in a bottle
You just received a message in a bottle regarding today’s lesson. What does it say?
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Name: ______________________
Date: ____________________
Message in a bottle
You just received a message in a bottle regarding today’s lesson. What does it say?
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Name: _________________________________
Date: ______________________
Tweet About it!
Use 140 characters to summarize today’s lesson in a tweet.
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Name: _________________________________
Date: ______________________
Tweet About it!
Use 140 characters to summarize today’s lesson in a tweet.
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Name: __________________
Date: _______________
Design an Instagram post based on today’s lesson.
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