Name Date Biography Rubric CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Facts The writer includes 5 or more facts about their person with supporting details. The writer includes 4 facts about their person with supporting details. The writer includes 3 facts about their person with supporting details. The writer includes 2 facts about their person with supporting details. Structure The structure throughout the piece is written clearly for the reader. The writer has used paragraphs throughout the piece to describe key life events. The structure throughout the piece is written in a somewhat clear manner for the reader. The writer has mostly used some paragraphs throughout the piece to describe key life events. The structure throughout the piece is written in an unclear manner for the reader. The writer has hardly used paragraphs throughout the piece to describe key life events. The structure throughout the piece is not written clear for the reader. The writer has not used paragraphs throughout the piece to describe key life events. Use of third person Writer used the third Writer used the third Writer used the third person viewpoint person viewpoint person viewpoint throughout the entire mostly throughout the hardly throughout the piece. entire piece. entire piece. Writer did not use the third person viewpoint throughout the entire piece. Spelling Use of pronouns and proper nouns Punctuation and Conventions (grammar) Presentation The writer makes 1-2 spelling errors. The writer makes 3-4 spelling errors. The writer makes 5-6 The writer makes 7 spelling errors. or more spelling errors. The writer varies the The writer mostly The writer hardly The writer does not use of pronouns and varies the use of varies the use of vary the use of proper nouns. There is pronouns and proper pronouns and proper pronouns and proper no repetition nouns. There is hardly nouns. There are many nouns and there is throughout the piece. any repetition repeating pronouns repetition of throughout the piece. and/or proper nouns pronouns and/or throughout the piece. proper nouns. The writer makes 1-2 punctuation and/or convention errors. The writer makes 3-4 punctuation and/or convention errors. The writer makes 5-6 The writer makes 7 punctuation and/or or more punctuation convention errors. and/or convention errors. The writer has used The writer has mostly The writer has hardly neat handwriting, no used neat used neat stray marks and handwriting, few handwriting, many proper use of margins. stray marks and stray marks and Writer typed or somewhat proper use misuse of margins. turned it into a neat, of margins. Writer Writer typed or organized book. typed or turned it turned it into an into a somewhat neat, unclear book. organized book. Total: _____________ out of 56 (28 points x 2) The writer has not used neat handwriting, has stray marks and misuse of margins.