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Persuasive Essay Template & Sample

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Persuasive Essay Template
Introductory Paragraph:
-Background  transition word…
-Last sentence must include your perspective and back it up with Reason #1, Reason #2, and
Reason #3.
Body Paragraph #1:
-Introduce Reason #1
-Provide evidence
Elaborate on how supporting detail #1 supports your perspective
-Sum up these ideas
Body Paragraph #2:
-Introduce Reason #2
-Provide evidence
-Elaborate on how supporting detail #2 supports your perspective
-Sum up these ideas
Body Paragraph #3:
-Introduce Reason #3
-Provide evidence
-Elaborate on how supporting detail #3 supports your perspective
-Sum up these ideas
Closing Paragraph:
-Reiterate your perspective
-Review your supporting details and why they support your perspective
-Close with a powerful statement
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Sample Persuasive Essay
John Smith
Ms. Cindy Itza
English A
March 21st, 2021
Uniforms: A Student Perspective
Have you ever seen cartoons like “Charlie Brown” or “Doug Funny” and wondered if they
have any other clothes besides the ones that they are always wearing on the episodes? I
remember watching one episode of “Doug Funny” and when he opened his closet, the audience
was able to see that he does, in fact, have other clothes.
However, the clothes are all replicas
of his green vest, white tee shirt, khaki pants, and blue sneakers. I remember thinking to myself,
“Sheesh! He must get bored of that same old outfit!” Little did I know I would feel this very way
upon entering Middle School. Our principal may have the intention of making all of us students
looking “clean” and “unified. However, we should not have dress code at this school because it
is a violation the students’ freedom of speech, it limits students’ artistic expression, and it costs
too much money.
One of the reasons school should not force students to wear uniforms is because of
freedom of expression. The First Amendment includes Freedom of Expression. It states that
“congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...” This means that in public
institutions, we can wear clothes that we pick out ourselves, not clothes that the school selects.
Imagine student who are of Arabic descent being unable to wear their traditional and religious
hijab. It would go against their rights to express their religion. Therefore, this school is violating
the first amendment by enforcing school dress code.
In all of our classes, we learn about the importance of embracing our unique
personalities. Our teachers tell us that School is all about finding out who we really are. Some of
them even shared with us that they went through several phases in terms of their style; goth,
hipster, punk, hippie, etc. They told us that without exploring different styles and personalities,
they would never have developed their own unique personalities that they are today. How will
we ever develop our unique personalities without having the freedom to dress the way we
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Finally, our dress code is costing my family too much money. Blue, red, and grey are my
two sisters and my least favorite colors, so naturally we did not have a wardrobe that included
these colors prior to attending this school. My mom had to buy each of us five new outfits,
which totals to fifteen. Each outfit costs about fifty dollars, so my family had to spend $750.
Unfortunately, that money was not in our budget and as a result, we had to pull from our college
savings account. This dress code is consequently making it more difficult to “have a college state
of mind” because it costs too much money.
The dress code at this school is a complete violation and needs to stop. There is no
excuse for a public school to strip us of our constitutional rights, disable our ability to express
ourselves artistically, and finally hinder our ability to save money for college. I want to find my
unique “self” and learn how to be a savvy student, but unfortunately this dress code will not
allow for it.
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Persuasive Writing Prompt:
Write a 350-500 words essay on any of the following essay prompts:
A. Should Euthanasia be legalized around the world?
B. Social Media challenges do more harm than good.
C. Siblings Of Different Genders Should Receive Equal Treatment From Their Parents.
D. Students should be required to pass Math and English to graduate.
Persuasive essay rubric
Area 1
Focus (thesis)
Single clearly controlling idea presenting a particular
perspective on the topic
Strong, clear supporting ideas, developed thoroughly
with clear, logical explanations and specific and/or
relevant examples.
Unified coherent essay and paragraphs with effective
transitions within and between paragraphs. Strong
and clear link between supporting ideas and
controlling idea (thesis).
Area 2
Word choice
Precise, varied, effective word choice.
Sentence Quality
Sentence well-constructed and sentence types varied
to effectively communicate ideas and achieve
appropriate effect.
Grammar and
Clear Command of language with virtually no errors
in grammar and mechanics. There may be an
occasional lapse.
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MLA 101
1.Font type: Times New Roman
2.Font Size: 12 pt. font size
3.Spacing: Maintain double spacing throughout your entire essay,
including between paragraphs
4.Indent the first line of every paragraph
5.Set your margins (the spaces above, below, to the right of, and to
the left of your writing and the edge of the page) to 1 inch (2.54 cm)
all around.
6.Your “Works Cited” page should list your citation entries in
alphabetical order
Here is an online site to help you: https://www.scribbr.com/mlacitation-generator/
7.You must provide an in-text citation and a corresponding Works
Cited entry for every time you use any ideas or information from
another source. (author’s name, page number)
8.Titles of large works, such as books, albums, or movies are
written in italics, whereas titles of smaller works, such as songs,
short stories, or Journal Articles, should be placed in Quotes
Example: A world of Poetry / “Ol higue”
9. Heading:
John Smith (<-Your first name and Last Name)
Ms. Cindy Itza (<- Your instructor’s name)
Your course (Example: English A)
March 21st, 2018 (<-Date)