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Debate Topics & Format Presentation

April 8, 2021
Debate topic A
Frankenstein is innocent of the tragedy in the play.
Frankenstein is guilty of the tragedy in the play.
Debate topic B
Human cloning should be encouraged.
Human cloning should be banned.
Debate format
Proposition team
Opposition team
1st Affirmative speaker
First Negative Speaker
Explain the team’s viewpoint.
Present the team’s first argument. (2 minutes)
Restate the opponent's viewpoint.
Present the team’s first argument. (2 minutes)
Second Affirmative Speaker
Second Negative Speaker
Present the team’s second argument, identifies areas
of conflict, and answers questions raised by the
opposition speaker. (2 minutes)
Present the team’s second argument, identifies areas of
conflict, and answers questions raised by the opposition
(2 minutes)
Preparation for rebuttal and summary. (2 minute)
Cross examination
Ask each other questions to clarify and better understand each other's case. ( 4 minutes)
Third Affirmative Speaker
Presents the rebuttal and summary ( 2 minutes)
Third Negative Speaker
Presents the rebuttal and summary. ( 2 minutes)
General Tips
While debating, think of these three categories:
Manner, Matter and Method.
Matter is what is IN your speech, the content;
Manner is HOW you say it (eye contact, voice,
Method is the STRUCTURE, how organized your
speech is.
How to work better as a group?
Choose a group leader and roles in the debate.
Come up with at least two arguments for your viewpoint.
Collect and organize valid evidences for your claim.
Cooperate and collaborate as a team
Proposition or Opposition team?
You decide whether you will argue in favor of or against the
Frankenstein is innocent of the tragedy in the play.
Frankenstein is guilty of the tragedy in the play.
Human cloning should be encouraged.
Human cloning should be banned.
Make a draft of your presentation
Two arguments with supporting evidences
Questions to ask the opposing team in cross
Let’s vote!
Which side presented the most convincing argument?
1. List one or two things that went well with your group in
the debate.
2. What kind of changes would you like to see the next time
you work with this group again?
3. What did you enjoy most about the debate?
4. If you could do this debate over, what would you do
5. What do you think the teacher could have done differently
to support you for the debate?