FAKULTI TEKNOLOGI KEJURUTERAAN UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKA ENGINEERING ETHICS & OSHE BMMU 4053 SEMESTER 2 SESI 2020/2021 ONLINE ASSIGNMENT 1/TUTORIAL 1 – GROUP ASSIGNMENT ASSESSMENT: DEFINING ETHICS Learning outcomes of the assessment: Perform the fundamental principles of Professional Ethics and various behavior or conducts that need to be observed and controlled by a professional technologists in society. [PO8,A4] Instruction: 1. This is the Think, Pair & Share session. 2. You will be randomly being choose (using Cisco Webex – Breakup Sessions) by the lecturer to form a group of a few members in each group. 3. Appoint one of your member as group leader. 4. Before the session start, introduce yourself to your group. Tell three facts about yourself. (2 minutes). 5. Vertically write THESE WORDS on the paper the words: M O R A L E T H I C S E N G I N E E R I N G P R O F E S S I O N A L 6. You need to write as many synonyms that relate to the letters you wrote on the paper. You can use the scratch piece of paper. You will work alone, then as a pair, and finally as a group. 7. You have one minute to work individually. 8. For another minute, have the student’s pair with another, compare your answers, and brainstorm additional words. 1|Page FAKULTI TEKNOLOGI KEJURUTERAAN UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKA ENGINEERING ETHICS & OSHE BMMU 4053 SEMESTER 2 SESI 2020/2021 9. Finally, for two minutes, discuss and write the group answers on the paper. 10. To wrap up the icebreaker, talk about the words and how you relate to your professional and personal life. 2|Page FAKULTI TEKNOLOGI KEJURUTERAAN UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKA ENGINEERING ETHICS & OSHE BMMU 4053 Descriptions Able to list synonyms on related words of ETHICS. SEMESTER 2 SESI 2020/2021 3 2 1 0 Excellent in listing many synonyms on related words of ETHICS Very good in listing many synonyms on related words of ETHICS Poor in listing many synonyms on related words of ETHICS Very poor in listing many synonyms on related words of ETHICS 3.0 Teamwork. Actively and dynamics conversation among the members in the group on this task 75% of members are Actively and dynamics conversation among the members in the group on this task 50% of members are Actively and dynamics conversation among the members in the group on this task Only one or two members active. 2.0 Able to relate the synonyms with personal and professional ethics. Able to relate the events with the professions. Clearly states and concise. Able to relate the events with the professions. Clearly states the general. A reasonable explanation but not focused on the points to be presented. Only contains the general topics. Very brief discussions. 3.0 An excellent conclusion which inclusively stated all main ideas of the topics discussed. All points are well integrated and show the flow in the discussion. Almost free of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Follow the standards of the report as requested. References as the citations standards (e.g. APA, Harvard etc.) An above average conclusion which stated all main ideas of the topics discussed. Some points are integrated and show the flow in the discussion. A fair conclusion which summarizes some of the main topics of the assignment. A few points are integrated however not smooth in the discussion. Very brief conclusion which has very little summaries on the main topics of the assignment. 1.5 Few spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Follow the standards of the report is adopted. A number of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors, but does not affect overall writing performance. Major spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors which affect overall writing performance. No references. 0.5 Conclusions. Mechanic of Writing. Weighted TOTAL 3|Page Total 29