University of Bahrain Information Technology College Computer Science Department ITCS 333/473 – Assignment 2 Duration: 10 Days Create StudentsDB database in MySQL server with the following table: Table: Students uid int, Primary Key, Auto Increment studentID varchar(8), Unique name varchar(50) major varchar(50) passedCredits int CGPA float Implement the following PHP scripts as required below: 1. displayStudentsReport.php: the script should display student’s info (StudentID, name, major, credits passed and CGPA) in HTML table with appropriate title for each column. Student cells/rows should be highlighted as follows: Condition Student At Risk: CGPA < 2.0 Expected to graduate: Passed Credits >=115 Outstanding Student: CGPA = 3.5 or above Highlight Color Red for CGPA Cell Yellow for Passed Credits Cell Green for the entire Student Row 2. RemoveStudents.php: This script should display all students’ names and major. Each student will be identified by a checkbox (define the checkbox name as a numeric array holding the uid). The user should be able to choose which student to be deleted by using its corresponding checkboxes. When the user clicks on the delete selected students button, your script should display (“Are you sure you want to delete N student’s records?” where N represents the number of selected students) and two buttons (Confirm and Cancel). Your script should delete the records permanently if the user decides to click on confirm button. If the user clicks on Cancel, the script should take the user to the first page where the user can re-select the students. Appropriate error message should be displayed in case the user didn’t select any checkbox. (No JavaScript is allowed to solve this exercise; you may need to use serialize/unserialize or json_encode/json_decode functions with hidden form element to solve this part) 3. Login.php: Add login page so that only authorized users can view and delete students’ records. You will need to add new DB table called users and make sure all pages defined in Parts 1 and 2 are only accessible by authorized users.