7. Control of Predatory and Weed Fishes The fishes which feed upon cultivable species of hatchlings are called predatory fishes. Weed carp fishes are those which consumne the aquatic vegetations and thus, compete with the fishes under cultivation. Important predatory and weed fishes are listed in Table 5 and Figure 4. Certain predatory fishes breed prior to the breeding of 19. 19. P. conchonius Mastocembelus amatus 20. P. sophore Nandus nandus 21. Rasbora daniconius 22. Notopterus chitala 23. N. notopterus 22. 23. Setipina phasa Xenentodon cancila 19. 20. Macrognathus 21. 24. 25. 26. aculeatus Pangassius pangassius Pama pama Pseudociana coitor 27. Rita rita 28. Silonia silondia 29. Wallago attu major carps in pond waters and go on feeding the available planktons with fast increase in their growth and size. When carp spawns are introduced, the predators are large enough to feed on them. Weed fishes have relatively good good fecundity and attain sexual maturity in summer and breed even without rain prior to the monsoon. So their young ones are abundant in number during monsoon. Role of predatory and weed fishes ponds. Predatory piscivorous fishes feed on in the culturable species as well as on the minnows. Minnows being prolific breeders and profuse feeders on planktonic masses, consume almost all natural fish food organisms and occupy quite good space in the pond pond ecosystem. these Therefore, (Z-56) minnows not only compete for food but also compete for space with the culturable varieties of fishes. This reason necessitates complete removal in or the control of predatory and weed fishes d carp culture farm. Besides this, the stronger canibalistic larger sized predatory fishes show and behaviour and may feed on the weeker smaller fishes. Hence, it is desirable to mpletely eradicate the predatory and non predatory mla from culturable Secondly, pond through management. on consumer's the than the low low minnows and predatory fishes is very ery always culture is carp varieties. Therefore, carp culturc preferable over the predatory preference weed fish culture and weed i am Table 5. Important predatory and weed flshe Predatory flshes Wecd flshes Amphipnous cuchia 1. Ambassis ranga 2. Anabas testudineus 2. Aplocheilus lineatum 3. Ailia coila 3. A. panchax 4. A. berg 4. Barilius bendelisis Bagarius bagarius B. bola B. vagra 1. 6. Clupisoma garua 5. 6. 7. Clarias batrachus 7. Chela cochins 8. Channas striatus 8. C. laubuca 9. C. marulius 9. Colisa fasicatus 10. C. stewarti 10. Changasius changasius 11. C. punctatus 11. Esomus danricus 12. C. gachua 12. Gudusia chapra Eutripychthys vacha 13. Gonialosa mannina 14. Neomacheilus zonatus Mystus seenghala 15. 16. Osteobrama cotio Oxygaster bacaila 17. M. aor 17. O. phulo 18. M. cavasius 18. Puntius ticto 19. P. conchonius 20. 21. P. sophore Rasbora daniconius 22. Setipina phasa 23. Xenentodon cancila 13. 14. Glossogobius giuris 15. Heteropneustes fossilis 16. 19. 20. Macrognathus aculeatus Mastocembelus amatus 21. Nandus nandus 22. Notopterus chitala 23. N. notopterus 24. Pangassius pangassius 25. Pama pama 26. Pseudociana coitor 27. Rita rita 28. Silonia silondia 29. Wallago attu Maintenance Cpnstrucnon a n d M l a i and of Fish [ 307 Farm 2 Anabas testudineus Glossogobius giuris AL Esomus danricuss Gadusia chapra Ompok bimaculatus Channa marulius Laubuca laubuca Oxygaster bacalia RKESDEUC LA Mastacembalus armatus Puntius spp. Osteobrama cotio Amblypharyngodon mola T , Pangassius pangossius Ambasis Spp. Fig. 4. Predatory and weed fishes. of eradication of to eradicate methods may be applied culturable fish and weed fishes from the ponds, after Netting operations. small water method. fish origin. Organophosphates. Derris root powder. cane (Saccharum officina jaggery however, the biota. phytoplanktons are no Zooplanktons are killed a cuchia etc. are killed by a dose of 6-10 mgl o Derris powder. The requisite dose of 6-10 mgl Derris powder mixed with water in a buckes ines are used with live baits to catch such fishes. Earthworms are used as baits in some cases. Sprayed over the pond surface. This poison 15 Therefore, more care toxicity and rearing ponds. The fish poisons are of three types : precaution is essential in the selection of poison and its application in culturable nurseries and planktons also are mowrin or CSparin or even e "uhis ingradiens saponi plant is used as fish poison. Its actuve active stocking of fingerlings ponds. Bassica latifolia or Madhuca indica commonly known as Mohua. Oil caxc mona Poisoning It is a sure method ofmuch effective in shallow water. The poisu dys effect of Derris root powder lasts for 41 eradicating the predatory and weed fishes from when applied in a range of 4-20 mg/l. In or any sized water body but its use has been kept one restricted because of highly toxic effect to various avoid risk factor, it should be applied useful aquatic biota. It produces in before in 3. Hook and lines. Hooks and long lines are beyond applied to catech mostly the predatory fishes like Wallago attu and murrels. Sometimes rods and and 6 to 10 metres, it is more or less insignificant. Majority of the weed fishes a killed at 4 mg/l of Derris powder. Air breathing fishes like murrels, climbing perches, mud et to a large extent. gradually minnows Dragnet may be operated for effective removal of more numbers of predatory and weed fishes. successful removal of the predatory fishes and on hot sunny days when the temperature is more affected. It is effective upto a depth of 15 mere once, other aquatic ultimately causes their death. It is also lethal to the respiratory system of the unwanted fishes and fish poison. It acts as a contact poison. It damages rotinon (5%) is perhaps the m0st commonly used Derris root powder containing ingradients (6) Tamarindus indica. (5) Sugar (4 Bassica latifolia (Mahua oil cake). (3) (1) Crotton tiglium. (2) Barring-tonia acutangula. common plants are of such a poisoning. Some uSed barks, seeds, leaves, roots, etc. can as the materials for fish stem, de good quite for fish poisoning. Various parts of plants used 1. Fish poisons of plant origln. Thar There quite good number of plants which mav number of plants which (3) (2) Chlorinated hydrocarbons. of plant poisons (1) Fish poisons Types of Fish Fam than 25'C. In deeper water, its effect reduc area with the help of a fine mesh dragnet ensures a sure This method is rather primitive one and not a very However, by repeated netting in 2. ponds seasonal or short perennial nursery and rearing minimum. This method is very goes down to the convenient and economically applied in the suggested remain alive mud eel (Amphipnous cucbia) etc. assists in even deep in mud. Hence, desilting is removal of these fishes. Normally dewatering water in summer, when the depth of ike murrels, catfishes, desilting species of fishes climbing perch like Anabas, silted advisable. Certain heavily dewateringg is n pond Complete 1.Dewatering and desilting. soil followed by drying of dewatering of the pond successful method in bottom is suggested as a This method is eradication of unwanted fishes. culturable ponds. economical only in small predatory Following flshes predatory and weed Methods 3081 Construction and Maintenance at oll effect remains ponds at 1% concentration may for eradication of unwanted Jaggary in nursery ponds. unwanted of and acts as organo of the are killed completely at concentration aquatic predatory and as endrin formulated detoxified by s devio detoxification. Raw algal the ponds having rich cow dung @ 18,000 rather quicker blooms have believed that organic soil and It 4-5 days. @ acid mg/l, sulphuric formulated ents the endrin applied in detoxified within pond will be 20-25 certain detoxifying treated ponds, the TCoalpowder 100 ppm, when or Demicals. The endrin formulated chemical gives taffdrin-20 gterm toxicity. For example, when its toxicity applied in low dose (0.008 mg/l), wnen But, alon remains upto 15-20 days. deleterious YDed in high dose (0.02 mg/l) its But the 40-45 days. d ay prolong upto can be biotransformed formulated chemicals such as of 8 and subaquatic fauna within Biotransformation nours. lthe aquatic ndrin its effective poison. Taffdrin-20 at a low dose of 0.008 mgl can kill minnows, weed fishes, eC. The higher dose of taffdrin@ 0.02 mg/ may the poison effect is over. Taffdrin contains 20% days in 0.01 mg/l and for 2 days at 0.001 mg/l oncentrati on. Planktons are also affected, specially oplanktons but they may come up again after 0.2 0.01 mg/l, dialdrin seedfishes. Aldrin ngl and endrin 0.01 mg/l have been found 0 eiective in eradication of many unwanted species Bo fishes. Their toxic effects remain for 12-15 pplied for the eradication of Dytiscus (diving beetles), Gyrinus Coleoptera includes Cybister (water Thor both larval and adult life complete due to their strong cutting mandibles. throughout in pond water. The death of the fry is etc. (whirling beetles), Hydrophilus (scavanger beetles), beetles), Order Hemiptera. more dangerous. They bear strong piercing type mandibles and most fierce in praying upon fry. Belostoma, Lithocerus (Giant water bug), Nepa, (water scorpion), Ranatra (water stick insect), Notonecta (Back swimmers), Geris (water spider) etc., are other harmful insects belonging to order Waterbugs of order Hemiptera are relatively Fig. 5). not compulsory. Out of eleven orders of class insecta, three orders namely Hemiptera, Coleoptera and Odonata are relatively more common in freshwater ponds in sizes, can not make any harm to rather bigger sized fishes including fingerlings and yearlings. Thus, eradication of insects in the stocking tank is death of culturable tiny fishes. However, common insects found in the culturable ponds being smaller piercing, cutting and sucking type of mouth parts of harmful aquatic insects cause direct or indirect important role in increasing fry survival rate. The aquatic insects is an essential requirement. Eradication of harmful aquatic insects play an 8. Control of Aquatic Insects insects. ranging from 3-30 mg/. The dose of 0.032 to 0.5 mg/l is effective for the eradication of fishes dichloro-vnyl phosphate). Laboratory experiment with above 3 organophosphates shows that most of the unwanted CpHClO), endrin (C12HgCKO), and Taffdrin-20 aldrin (C12HgClg), Following detoxification used in India to kill of fishes and insects as well. (ii) Thiomatin, and (üi) DDVP chiefly unwanted species ) Phosphamidon (0-0-dimethyl, 2-2, are Organophosphates. phosphates 3. in water. effective For maintenance of fish farm, the eradication of ike is also taffdrin treated pond kg/ha [309 dialdrin bdrocarbons 2 Chlorinated hydrocarbons. Chlorinated fishes 1750-2000 kg/ha for used be kerilizer afterwards. n also adication species effective ingradient is saponin. cies. The eed meal of of tamarind, Tamarindus indica fish arcane Poisoning a of application. Hence, its done atleast a month prior to lost. fect is from the day cake) s acts as haemolysis to fish death. MOC manure when its to causes leads it mg/l of Fish Fam 200-250 water onsequently should be days ASOnng i Juble in application s o l u b l e B C a n d Being Rended appliication is is Maintenance the carp spawn gadinga Fos and n c h o na n d . 8 4. Water boatman, swimmer, 8. Damsel fly nymph. 3. Water scorpion, 6. Diving beetle, 7. Back Spraying oil to kill the insects, wnc 5. Water tiger, Fig. 5. Harmful aquatic insects of fish farm. 1. Cybister larva, 2. Water stick insect, 2 3 6 4 1 to 11 aquatic hours. Pure gamaisomer of benzene hexachloride soluble in ethanol can kill within aquatic insects is obtained by using insecticides. Gamaxene when applied@ 0.6-1 mg/l, can safely eradicate aquatic insects Effective control of preda:ory aquatic insects Eradication (control) of been reported from pon controk known CIFRI Teepo insects. Chaterjee (1970) Teepol B-300 in substitution of soap by has recommended t Cuttuck to principle and a routine practice in a n d cheap Emulsion of mustard or coconut ol washing soap in the ratio of 56 18 kg/hec malaria up to the surface water to respire, is we Dragon fly and dumsel fly are common 'insects within 6 hours at 0.01 mg/l concentralit aquatic insects belonging to order Odonata. The The insecticides, also affect advence however,spawn. Therefore, e larval forms are aquatic while adult forms are zooplankton and fish spawn. Therero may terrestrial. Their nymphs are provided with sucking insecticide should be of such type whi ns. type of mouth parts and cause death of culturable affect only insects but not the zooplanko cOmE fish fry. T0. Construction and aintenance of Fish Farm The recommended dose of Teepol 560 ml. emulsified with 56 kg of mustrd oil. mulsion. emulsion. is of Govt. of Maharastra has dose of light speed diesel oil Fisheries Deptt. recommended a (1 litre), hyoxid (0.75 ml) and water (40 ml) for every 200 m2 m of water surface for control of of aquatic 1nsects. The use of diesel oil at 50 litre/hect. with 1/3 to 1/4 of washing soap can be applied to control insects. Kerosenne oil is also practiced among pisciculturists for effective eradication of aquatic insects. To kill water centipedes, quick lime can be applied before fry stocking. A drug namely dipterex crystal (concentration 90%) can be Scattered into the entire pond in order to kill aquatic centipedes in nursery ponds.