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CPCCBC4018A Assessment 3 Answer Sheet

CPCCBC4018A: Assessment 3
Answer sheet
Please type your answers in black font. (Calibri 12 point)
Student Name: __________________________TAFE ID: ___________________
Unit Number: ___________________________Assessment No: ________________
LA Number: _________________
I hold a copy of this assessment.
I have completed all parts of the assessment.
I hereby certify that no part of this assessment or product has been copied
from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due
acknowledgement is made in the assessment.
Student’s signature: _________________________________________
(Electronic Signature is accepted)
Note: OTEN has the right to reject your assessment if the above declaration has not been
LA023626, Assessment 3, Answer sheet, CPCCBC4018A, Ed5
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2018 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Archive version 1, July 2018
What you have to do
For this assessment, you will require the Project 1 documentation. The questions in this
assessment relate to Project 1.
How you will be assessed
The questions in this assessment cover a number of areas within the unit of competency
You will need to show that you are competent across all the areas contained in this
YOU MUST show all workings where you have done calculations.
Please type your answers in black font. (Calibri 12 point)
You have taken a measurement on Lot 14 from the south west corner to the north east
corner of the allotment. The measurement you obtained from your tape measure, laying
it on the ground, was 43,866 mm, measured to the nearest millimetre.
a) Is this the true dimension for the distance between the two pegs on plan view?
b) If the answer to part ‘a’ is no, what is the true dimension on plan view and explain the
reason for the difference? (use Pythagoras’ theorem)
You have engaged a surveyor to carry out an identification survey of Lot 14 (peg the
four corners of the boundaries) and to peg the 6m building line (the setback of the house
from the front boundary).
a) From the north west corner of the allotment, calculate the angle and distance to the
north west corner of the proposed building
b) From the contours determine the total fall across the footprint of the building
c) Assuming you will construct a level, rectangular platform for the construction of the
building, extending 1m beyond the external walls of the building, what are the
approximate dimensions of this platform?
d) Utilizing the surveyors pegs, outline, step by step, how you would set out the building
using profiles and string lines to allow any excavation, formwork/slab construction to
be accurately completed.
e) Outline how you would construct the formwork to achieve the required Finished Floor
f) From finished floor level shown on the drawings (RL 0.000), subtract 200mm to allow
for the slab and sub grade thickness. This reduced level is sometimes referred to as
the bulk excavation level (BEL). From this BEL, the contours, and the dimensions of
the rectangular platform, calculate the approximate volume of the bulk excavation for
the building (use diagrams where needed to illustrate your method).
Assuming the RL at the top of the vehicle access (crossing) is 0.030, the top of kerb is 0.030 and the kerb height is 100mm,
a) Draw a longitudinal section of the vehicle crossing from the kerb to the front boundary
Lot 14. (Note that the length of the crossing is 3.2m; determined by scaling off the
LA023626, Assessment 3, Answer sheet, CPCCBC4018A, Ed5
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2018 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Archive version 1, July 2018
b) Determine the grade from the top of the crossing to the bottom of kerb as a
percentage and a ratio.
The client on Project 1 has requested provision be made for storm water detention on
the site. The hydraulics engineer has calculated the capacity of the pit necessary for the
site to be 23,000 litres.
Calculate a pit dimension that would meet this capacity requirement and that can be
constructed within the front area of the property; that is, in the area between the front
boundary and the front building line. Do not position the tank within 3m of the building.
(1000L = 1m3)
NOTE: This is a competency-based assessment. You will receive a result of Satisfactory
or Unsatisfactory. This means that you must satisfactorily complete each question (or
part thereof) to meet the competency requirements set out in the training package. If you
do not meet the competency requirements, you will need to resubmit your assessment
until competency is achieved.
I have:
named my file appropriately.
surname_Your first initial.Unit number_Assessment number (e.g. Smith
completed the Assessment cover sheet
submitted my assessment report as a single combined PDF file.
answered all questions in the manner described
clearly identified my answers
saved a copy of the assessment on my computer
checked spelling, grammar and punctuation
presented my own work, used only my own words, except where cited, and
followed the presentation guidelines found on the OLS
If you require clarification, please contact your teacher at OTEN to discuss.
LA023626, Assessment 3, Answer sheet, CPCCBC4018A, Ed5
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2018 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Archive version 1, July 2018