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Persuasive Essay Assignment 0224

(Essay Writing- ETP)
Persuasive Essay Assignment:
A Media Issue
Topic option 1: Social media advantages or disadvantages
Topic option 2: Press Freedom responsibility and control
A persuasive essay gives a clear, strong point of view on a topic or question. When you attempt to
persuade your reader to agree with your point of view, you often show the ways that opposing
points of view are mistaken. You also need to acknowledge the opposing view with a counter
argument, however, and then provide a refutation or concession.
For this assignment, you may choose one of two topics to investigate, reflect upon, and then
compose an essay that presents your point of view in order to persuade your readers that it is at
least worth considering, if not adopting.
Your essay must be unique to your life experience or perspective and address the topic from the
perspective of Taiwan, though your supporting ideas and evidence can be from elsewhere.
It should not be a generic essay that anyone can pick up on a website.
It should be at least 2 pages long and not more than 3 pages (Typed double spaced, Times New
Roman or Calibri 12 pt., 2.54 cm margins.
Topic option1: Social Media
Social media, such as Facebook, Line, and Twitter do not report [or produce] the news [as a
traditional media organization does]. Instead, their purported or original purpose is to provide
opportunities to meet or stay connected with friends. However, they also provide a place where
people, companies, and other entities disseminate their views, news, and information that they
produce, that is shared by others in their online network, or because of Artificial Intelligence.
In your essay, discuss the advantages or disadvantages of social media in our modern lives,
particularly in the social/political/cultural/historical context of Taiwan (or your home country).
Decide whether social media are beneficial or harmful. Explain your ideas and how they can be
experienced on a practical level in everyday life. Support your point of view with reasons and
To help get you started:
Scroll down for some basic statistics:
Kemp, S. (2021). Digital Taiwan 2021. https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2021-taiwan
Ngerng, R. (2021). Digital Transformation in Taiwan Requires Social and Political
Transformation. The News Lens. https://international.thenewslens.com/article/146313
Topic option 2: Press Freedom
Journalists investigate news stories and report the truth. In free and democratic societies (Examples:
Taiwan, the USA, Norway), the press is supposed to function as a “watchdog” of the government in
order to inform the voting public. In some countries, where the government controls the news
media and the Internet, journalists are not able to do to their work freely or independently
(Examples: China, Saudi Arabia, Russia).
In your essay express your perspective. Do you believe that journalists should be free to report the
truth as they see it, or do you believe that government control of the media is beneficial, especially
in this Internet age? On the other hand, is government involvement the only solution to current
media issues? Be sure to explain the degree of freedom or control you believe is necessary and what
that looks like on a practical level. Support your point of view with reasons and examples.
To help get you started:
Taiwan ranks 43rd in latest World Press Freedom Index. (2020, April 22). Taiwan Today
Reporters without Boarders 2020 World Press Freedom Index: https://rsf.org/en/ranking
The essay should be from 2 to 3 pages long, double spaced on A4 paper, 2.54cm margins.
You will turn in an Outline, Draft 1, and Draft 2 on Moodle and in your Google G Suite Drive folder
Include a reference list at the end: Author name, date of publication, publication name, URL of each
Use at least one outside source in addition to those provided here. (legitimate and established
English language online newspaper or magazine articles).
Recommended sources include (but not limited to):
o English newspapers from Taiwan: Taipei Times, China News, China Post
o Focus Taiwan (http://focustaiwan.tw/)
o ICRT News (https://www.icrt.com.tw/info_list01.php?&mlevel1=6&mlevel2=12)
o Topics (publication from the American Chamber of Commerce)
o The News Lens (https://international.thenewslens.com/)
o The Straits Times (http://www.straitstimes.com/asia)
o The South China Morning Post (SCMP) (http://www.scmp.com/news)
o BBC, CNN, Aljazeera, PBS (Public Broadcasting Service—USA)
o The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian,