Expressing feelings through painting and drawing – but is it Art? Before abstract art was invented, most artists painted in a realistic style. Van Gogh – ‘Starry Starry Night’ This began to change when artists such as Van Gogh and Seurat started to simplify their pictures. Seurat – ‘La Grande Jatte’ Around 1900, a group of artists called the Fauvists began to simplify their shapes, and change their colours even more. GRADUALLY, ARTISTS THOUGHT LESS ABOUT VISUAL REALITY, AND MORE ABOUT THE SHAPES, COLOURS AND FEELINGS WITHIN THEIR PAINTINGS. Some of the earliest abstract paintings were called Futurism. These paintings were about the new machines like aeroplanes, cars and trains, and were an attempt to capture a feeling of movement. Abstract art really took off in the 1920's and 1930's with the work of Wassily Kandinsky ‘Yellow, Red, Blue’ and was painted in 1925 The English artist David Bomberg painted this painting in 1913. What emotions can you see or feel? Ceri riChards ‘CyCle Ceri Richar ds Cycle of There are times when our feelings take us on a journey, as we can see here in this painting by Peter Lanyon. What journey do you think he was making in his mind? Lee Kras ner Expressing feelings through painting and drawing – but is it Art? YES, it is! Some Abstract Artists had theories on the emotions that were caused by certain colours and shapes. They planned out their seemingly ‘random’ paintings to the last detail. Other Abstract Artists painted with emotion and randomness hoping to capture their emotion and subconscious thoughts on the canvas. Which method will you choose? Your task: (1) Look at these images and choose one that ‘speaks’ to you. This could be because of how it looks, its colours, its shapes or just the general feeling you get from it. Look at your chosen painting. Go back into this power point and find the larger image, this will help. Look at your chosen painting for 60 seconds. (2) Using pencil first, start to loosely sketch 3 shapes that you can see within your chosen painting. Work on A4 paper and start in the central area of your paper. (3) Now close your eyes. Think about your mood. Your feelings. Open your eyes, and start to express your feelings and your mood by drawing whatever shapes you feel ‘show’ your feelings. (4) Draw. Let your page fill up with multiple shapes that could be fluid, angular, irregular, geometric or a combination of anything you feel ‘fits’ you, your mood and your feelings today. (5) When you are ready, start to add colour to 25% of the page. Stop. Then add 25% more. Space can say as much as shape, so aim for a maximum colour of 75%. Well done! I hope you have enjoyed exploring new paintings and discovering something about YOUR artwork along the way. art is woNderful. it help us ‘get lost’ iN a differeNt way of looking, drawing, painting and teaches us to explore and express ourselves with a feeling of freedom.