Monsoon 2019 1 Course code BIO112 2 3 Course Title Credits Biology Lab I: Basic Biology 3 4 Course Coordinator 5 Nature of Course (pl tick one of them) Suresh Babu Pakala*, Sanjay Kumar, Swarup Roy Choudhury P-lab alone 6 7 Pre requisites(if any) Objectives & Outcomes (goals, which semester offered outcomes etc) 8 Revised Course content (for 2020 batch only) 9 Evaluation /assessment (components with weightage, end sem exam-30-40%, mid sem exam-30-40% & continuous assessment30-40% None Objectives: This course aims to introduce different interesting concepts in biology: Microbiology, Genetics and Plant biology. Students who have not had biology in their high secondary will also appreciate this basic lab course, which emphasises on observation, draw and describe. Systematic observation, Good laboratory practice will be emphasised during the lab sessions. Outcomes: Every student who takes this course will surely be fascinated by the diversity biology offers. With all the diversity, life sustains in an orderly manner. Students will learn to methodically observe a biological experiment, record it in their notebooks. The viva will train them to defend their observations and inferences from the experiment. General biology-Microbiology-Orientation, Good lab practices. Introduction to microscope Preparation of liquid media, sterilization and plate preparation Bacterial culturing methods and bacterial staining Observation of different states of mitosis from onion root tips a. End- sem examination- 35% b. Mid-sem examination- 35% c. Quiz/viva/internal assessment- 30% 10 Suggested readings (full list with authors, publisher, year, edn etc. for each) 1. Microbiology by Michael J.Pelczar, E.C.S Chan, Noel R. Krieg (available in library) 2. Bruck biology of microorganisms, Michael Madiger, John Martinko, Kelly Bender et al, 4th Edition 3. Janeway’s immunology, 8th edition 4. Prescott’s Microbiology, 8th edition, Plant Anatomy, Morphology and Physiology by Clive Koelling (Editor)