Date 09/03/2021 COVER LETTER Dear ICCHMT2021 Chairs We would like to submit our paper entitled: Title: NON-INVASIVE QUANTITATIVE CHARACTERIZATION OF MORPHOLOGY AND TEMPERATURE OF SUBCUTANEOUS BLOOD VESSELS THROUGH PHOTOTHERMAL RADIOMETRY Keywords (3 to 6): Temperature measurement; Photothermal Radiometry; Midinfrared emission; Reverse method for publication in ICCHMT2021 proceedings under the Topic: Topic: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Biomedical We confirm that our paper has not been published or submitted elsewhere. Below we provide the list of three (3) potential reviewers Reviewer 1: Academic title: Affiliation/Country: Zhejiang Sci-Tech Name: Xiangqun Surname: Xu University/China Email: Reason: She is an expert in biomedical imaging and medical applications. Reviewer 2: Academic title: Affiliation/Country: Harbin Institute of Name: Hong Surname: Qi Technology/China Email: Reason: His research interests include heat transfer, biomedical imaging. This is exactly the two aspects studied in this article Reviewer 3: Academic title: Affiliation/Country: Beckman Laser Institute & Name: Wangcun Surname: Jia Medical Clinic/America Email: Reason: His research interests include Laser Dermatologic Surgery and Laser Measurement Technology. Sincerely yours, Authors: Hao ZHANG, Dong LI, Bin CHEN*