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How I Learn and Lead: Unit 1 Lesson 1

How I Learn and
Lead; Unit 1 Lesson
1; Day 1
Coach Taylor
Unit 1: How I Learn and Lead
Who has thought about what they are going to do once they graduate high school? College, Straight to the
working industry, or some of you may not have a clue what your plan is
That's okay….. That's what Quest for Success is all about. This class will help you choose a path that is
right for you
Unit 1
Develop self-awareness about your future and career aspirations
Your Personal Strengths as they develop your Personal Brand
Design a Vision Board
Create a Student Success Plan
For you to define personal and career goals and outline the steps needed to meet and exceed their
stated goals.
Can somebody tell me what a Norm is ?
A norm is a something that is usually typical, usual, or standard
What would the definition of a Classroom Norm?
-How teachers expect students to behave toward classmates, other teachers and
materials used in our classroom
Now as a class, let’s talk about some Norms that we are going to have as class
for different discussion and activities we have in class
Coach Taylor's Class Norms
Paper Plate IceBreaker
How it works
I will divide everyone into groups. Once you get your groups, that will be your group for
the activity
I will hand each person a paper plate, once you receive your paper plate write your first
and last name in the middle
Once we get ready to rotate, you will leave your paper plate at your assigned seat.
Now, everyone will rotate to their right and go to that group members seat. DO NOT
You will write on that paper plate around their name, write ONE compliment about that
person on their plate. Once you are done, stand tall next to that plate and next ready to
rotate to the next group members plate
Self- Perception
Perception of Oneself
Ex. - Person who perceives himself or herself as interested in road biking may,
as a result of that interest, buy cycling equipment, and go on long cycling rides
What is your Personal Self- Perception?
After that Paper Plate Icebreaker, look at the compliments that your classmates
made about you. Which compliments matched your self-perception and which
compliments did not match your self-perception?
Personalities Self- Assessment
So now that we have look at your compliments made by your Peers and how they align with your selfperception.
Take this free Personality test- Link is in Google Classroom
Once you are done with the test, there are four posters posted on the wall throughout the classroom with
different sub categories on each poster.
Based on the survey, put your name by one of the posters
The self assessment suggests that
____________________ is one of my strengths. I
agree/disagree with this. For example,
_________________________________ . One way
this strength gets expressed in my daily life is