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Physical Science Curriculum Grades 6-8

The topics contained in Physical Science from Grade 6 to 8.
Grade 6 Electricity
Electrical safety Be aware of electrical dangers
Identify preventive or safety features
Perform activities with static electricity by exploring with a
Static Electricity variety of materials
Use guided discussion to develop the concepts of positive
and negative charged, and the interaction between the
Prepare the concept of Current Electricity
Draw circuit diagrams, using appropriate symbols
Make a conductivity test.
Understand relationship between switch, conductors and
Explore various circuit pathways, series and parallel
Develop problem-solving abilities when circuits do not
Electromagnets Make an electromagnet, figure out how to increase its
and Application strength.
Investigate electromagnet simple devices
Uses for
Thinking of an electrical task and designing a circuit.
Source of
Understand that the production of electricity by passing a
magnet by wire has lead to the invention of electrical
Identify and describe the uses of electricity in everyday life
Understand there are different types of energy, and they can
be converted from one form to another
Identify renewable energy source and non-renewable energy
Be ware of how the various ways of generating electricity
affect the environment
The units used to quantify electrical energy
Four forces acting on flying objects
Discussion on the topic of how the energy consumption and
production effects the environment. (dam, fossil fuel,
greenhouse gases)
Be aware of the tangible effect of air although it is invisible.
Two main factors that affect the amount of drag are shape
and texture. (observation, experiment, design activities)
Lift and Wing
Understand how wings' shape and angle of attack affect lift
Be aware that the temperature difference is another way of
generating lift.
Observation and discussion on the objects in our daily life to
understand lift
Grade 7 Heat
Lift and
Explanation on Bernoulli's Principle
Thrust and
Explain two main types of propulsion
Compare various instruments used to measure temperature
and demonstrate how to use and read a thermometer
Investigations in wind tunnels
Explain propeller and its difference between jet propulsion
Provide example of temperature-measuring technologies
used in the past
Construct, test, and display data of an air thermometer
Temperature and Determine the general relationship between temperature
changes and volumes of solids, liquids, and gases
Explain temperature, using the concept of kinetic energy and
the particle model of matter
Heat transfer
Compare transmission of heat by conduction, convection,
and radiation
Describe the science underlying heat transfer in solar heating
systems and central heating systems
Compare, in qualitative terms, the heat capacities of some
common materials
Carry out a procedure to investigate how various surfaces
absorb radiant heat and control major variables
Identify potential sources of error in data while
investigating how various surfaces absorb radiant heat
Communicate results of experiments and/or investigations
related to colour and heat absorption by using language and
a variety of tables, charts, and/or graphs
Describe how various surfaces absorb radiant heat:
- colour
- texture
Describe how our needs related to heat can lead to
temperature and developments in science and technology
Identify examples of science- and technology-based careers
that are associated with heat and temperature
Provide example of insulating technologies used in the past
were developed through trial and error
Grade 8 Fluids
Floating and
Sinking -Density
Describe the relationship among the mass, volume, and
density of solids, liquids, and gases using the particle model
of matter
Analyses qualitatively the density of various substances and
suggest explanation for discrepancies in data, such as the
measurement of the volume of irregular objects by water
Explain the effects of changes in temperature on the
density of solids, liquids, and gases and relate the results to
the particle model of matter
Describe situations in life where the density of substances
naturally changes or is intentionally changed
Understand and appreciate that the density of objects
determines why they float or sink
Forces in Fluids Compare units of mass with the forces
Describe the movement of objects in terms of balanced and
unbalanced forces
Provide and understand examples of technologies that have
been developed because of our understanding of density and
Archimedes principle
Explain quantitatively the relationship between force, area
and pressure
Pascal's principle
Viscosity of
Compare the viscosity of various liquids
Test the viscosity of various common fluids and identify the
major variables
Describe factors that can modify the viscosity of a liquid
Use a temperature-measuring technology effectively and
accurately for collecting data in temperature-viscosity
Demonstrate a knowledge of WHMIS standards
Propose and learn about potential, everyday applications
related to the viscosity of liquids
Properties of
Travels in a straight line
Visible Light
speed of light in air is 300,000 km/s
refraction and dispersion
travels in a vacuum and in some types of media
Describe the laws of reflection of visible light and their
applications in everyday life
➔ regular versus diffuse reflection
➔ angle of incidence = angle of reflection
Formulate operational definitions for incidence, reflection,
and the normal
Estimate angles of incidence and reflection
Refraction and
Rephrase questions related to refraction in a testable form
Predict the effect of transparent media of varying densities
on the angle of refraction of light
Estimate angles of refraction
Describe qualitatively how visible light is refracted
Estimate focal length of a convex lens by finding its focal
Investigate and describe the development and evolution of
an optical technology. Describe how optical technologies
have developed through systematic trial-and-error processes
Electromagnetic Describe different types of electromagnetic radiation
(infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, microwaves, radio waves)
Basic introduction to wave theory (amplitude, wavelength,
frequency). Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves and
do not require a medium to travel
Spectrum is an indication of a continuum of colours with
different wavelength
Investigate common technologies that incorporate the use of
electromagnetic radiation and discuss their possible positive
and negative effects.