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Water Treatment & Centrifugal Separators in Marine Scrubbers

Water Treatment
Centrifuge Market
Closed loop
Lubricating and
hydraulic oil
Liquid fuels
Food & beverage
Scrubber water
Oil & gas
Slop oil and
sludge oil
Micro algae
Process water
Deck drain and
bilge water
Oil industry
Open loop
How does a scrubber system work?
❖ Scrubbers (EGCS) are used
to remove particulate matter
and harmful components,
such as sulphur oxides (Sox)
and nitrogen oxides (Nox)
from the exhaust gasses
generated as a result of
combustion processes in
implement pollution control.
❖ The clean water from the
MACFUGE separator will
have a significantly reduced
oil and solids content and
can then be recirculated back
to the scrubbing system
Ref. Andritz SeaSOx wet technology
Different Types of Scrubbing Systems
❖ Dry scrubbers employ solid lime as the alkaline
scrubbing material which removes sulphur dioxide from
exhaust gasses.
❖ Wet scrubbers use water with chemical additives
(caustic soda (NaOH) and Limestone (CaCO3)) which is
sprayed into the exhaust gas for the same purpose
Ref. Marine Insight Section 2
In closed-loop scrubbers, fresh water is used as the
scrubbing liquid with a chemical. The quality of
water surrounding the ship has no effect on the
performance and the effluent emissions of the
Open-loop scrubbers consume sea water in the
scrubbing process. The exhaust gas is treated with
only alkaline seawater.
Hybrid scrubbers are capable of operation on both
open-loop and closed loop configuration
What is a centrifugal separator?
The centrifugal separator is a high-speed rotating machine which uses the
centrifugal force to clean a liquid from solid and/or liquid contaminant.
Why is it useful for the scrubber systems ?
To clean the soot and other exhaust gas compounds from this water
To ensure that the Scrubber’s water or bleed-off water can be discharged
To reduce the waste volumes generated
To extend the service life of engine and EGR components
IMO Regulation
1 January 2020 IMO is imposing to ban shipping vessels
using fuel with a sulphur content higher than 0.5%
These sanctions impact maritime transport, which represents
90% of the world’s trade carried by sea (United Nations).
Sulphur (dioxide) is an invisible gas. The main source of
sulphur dioxide comes from human sources, such as the
generation of electricity from coal, oil or gas. (Sulphur is
present in marine ship byproduct fuel emissions).
The legislation runs in line with 2050 climate action strategies
Reduce the environmental impact of the industry
Improve air quality globally
IMO Regulation
How can vessels comply? They have three
Clean Fuel Sources
Low Sulphur Fuels
Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (ECGS) “Scrubber system” combined with a
centrifuge (Closed Loop Scrubber)
Alternatives to centrifuges within the
scrubber system :
Alternatives to scrubber systems to
comply with IMO regulations:
relatively low viscosity, low density fuel oil. The ports facilitate
ULSFO bunkering. But it remains a question of how much refiner
capacity is available to facilitate the mass transition to ULSFO. Not
all ULSFO types are compatible, which means that the tank should
be empty before a different ULSFO is bunkered.
Natural gas fuel: LNG is a particular type of ULSFO, but switching to
requires a more intensive and costly conversion process. Some ship
engines must be modified to use LNG an therefore LNG only
seems a viable consideration for new-build ships. New ships will
face the problem that few ports offer LNG bunkering
infrastructure. LNG is environmentally the cleanest option, as
carbon exhaust is about 20% less than with traditional fuels,
however, LNG is not compatible with the IMO 2050 carbon cut of
Filters: Filters separate by dimension screening, therefore acting on
solid only. A filter solution comes with the advantage of a low initial
investment compared to a centrifugal separator. Though, it needs
continuous service, causing additional cost for filter element
replacements, man hours and costs for downtime/production loss.
Coalescer: A coalescer is a piece of industrial equipment used in the
oil and gas processing and petrochemical industries to perform
coalescence. Coalescence is the process of causing an
agglomeration of liquid aerosols to form larger droplets which are
large enough to be drained away gravitationally. Coalescers
functions best with low-viscosity fluids: as the viscosity increases
efficiency decreases.
Fast aftersales service
Highly specialized product,
which is adapted to the
customers and to different
Different product application
in every industry
Lower prices with similar
quality products
Relatively new company
in the industry in respect
to the others
Highly competitive market
competitors and specialized
Substitutes to centrifuges
Niche market (high entry
barriers for new companies)
High investment costs and
operating costs
Progressing research and
development activities will
enhance business growth
Change in regulation
Cyclical industry
centrifuges implemented by
changes in the IMO
regulations starting from
Economic Factors
Political Factors
New sulphur emissions cap imposed
by the IMO for 2020 is a major step in
improving the air quality of exhaust
gasses. Beyond 2020 there will be an
even greater demand for compliancy
European Market
Social Factors
Technological Factors
With global population reaching 7 billion and
age expectancy approaching 70 years,
urbanization is rapidly increasing, and the
standard of living is improving. Simultaneously,
peoples’ disposable income is increasing, which
leads to higher demand for shipping goods,
particularly from India and China.
Environmental Factors
Due to growing environmental
concern, scrubber systems are
becoming popular among
Currently, no realistic techniques are in
place meet the IMO 2050 regulations.
Improving fuel efficiency and ship
design have potential and will be the
first focus on technology. Companies in
the industry should continuously invest
in technological innovation.
Legal Factors
IMO regulations are not binding. It is difficult to
implement MARPOL since the nature of the
marine shipping is international.
Macfuge is supplied by Servizi Industriali
The majority of the industry’s supply needs are in
terms of base metals.
The price and the quantity available of metals will
definitely influence the supplier power.
There is a limited number of producers of many
metals, which normally increases
suppliers’ power.
High entry market barriers exist in the industry due to
multidisciplinary competences, high initial investment for
manufacturing, high sale cost.
A moderate level of concentration generally characterizes the
separation industry.
Economies of scale due to the existence of big company with a long
presence in the industry.
It is very important for a company in the industry to have access to
distribution channels.
Low number substitute in the industries since these products
are usually core components.
Macfuge produce high quality and efficient products with long
life cycle.
In the marine industry, scubber systems have two alternatives
which comply with regulations:
Ultra-low sulphur oils
Natural gas fuel
The substitute for centrifuges are:
The bigger the order volume, the greater the power
that the customer can exercise.
Uniqueness, of a company’s products compared to
its competitors. Macfuge create a customized
centrifugal separators for every industry
Customer’s switching cost usually are quite high in
the industry due to the heavy investment costs.
The product is becoming important due to the IMO
The industry can be regarded as being
relatively competitive. In the Oil&gas industry
we have six main competitors: CINC, Veronesi
(Flottweg), Westfalia, Seital, Alfa Laval and
Nanjing-Luzhou (TeamTec).
Disc separators and centrifuges in general can
be considered a mature product.
Product differentiation. Macfuge creates a
customized centrifugal separator. The
strengths are research, advanced technology,
professionalism, personalization, punctuality,
rapid intervention and skills.
❖ Niche technology, requiring multidisciplinary
competences, high initial investment and sales costs.
❖ Growth expectations for the marine scrubber systems
market, predicted to reach over USD 8 billion by 2024
mainly due to growing concerns on environment and
❖ Exit barriers, increasing the industry rivalry. Since the
resources used are both quite durable and specialized,
the barriers to exit can be regarded as being more
substantial than in some comparable industries.
Ship Building. Scrubber Systems: Where to enter?
Within the shipbuilding process, the demand for marine scrubber systems comes from:
❖ greenfield (design and production phase)
❖ brownfield (revamping phase)
new ships scrubber systems installation
pre-existing ships lacking efficient exhaust cleaning systems
Exponential growth expected for brownfield installation
Retro fitting is the best option to comply to IMO 2020 by
avoiding the fuel price differentials between HSFO and LSHO that is now high.
Ship Building. B2B Chain
Commissioned by
the shipowners,
the engineering
companies design
the scrubber
follow the P&I.
They study the
functionality of
the system and
decide which type
of centrifuge to
The shipowner
purchases the
entire system
from the
He is the one who
commissions the
Includes spare
part services,
inspection and
repair assistance.
Usually provided
by manufacturers
of single
It includes
retrofitting and
Make both the design and the production of the
scrubber system.
They could provide the entire maintenance and
revamping service
The life-span of
scrubber system is
longer or equivalent
to the life-span of the
ship itself. Therefore,
the ship is
with the scrubber
Scrubber Systems. Centrifuges: where to enter?
When targeting, centrifuge providers have two main
phases where they can address the market and
therefore two different target customers:
❖ Engineering Companies
❖ Scrubber Manufacturers
Make both the design and the production of the
scrubber system.
Giant players can be either prospect clients or direct
competitors: MAINTENANCE
❖ Outsourced centrifuge prospect client
❖ Self-produced centrifuge
Which ships tend to apply scrubber systems?
Ref. Danish Report Marine Sector 2018
For capacity issues and for the initial CAPEX, larger ships such as container vessels tend to use scrubber systems more
than smaller ships. This is strictly connected to the fuel consumption levels required by each type of ship. Container
vessels have the highest consumption levels and therefore, scrubber systems are fundamental when dealing with such
high quantities:
- HSFO high CAPEX (€1 - €5 mln) - low OPEX
- ULSFO low CAPEX - high OPEX
- LNG high CAPEX – high OPEX
Drivers of demand
Factors affecting the market and their impact
Market analysis for wet scrubber systems (closed-loop and hybrid systems)
Sector trend
Impact for Macfuge
IMO 2020
New limits of 0,5% sulphur emissions by the start of 2020
will force ship-owners to take action to reduce emissions
Closed-loop and hybrid systems
represent a tool to meet the new
systems ban in
some countries
Malaysia and United Arab Emirates have already imposed
the ban and China is likely to implement the same measure
as well
This might lead to a larger adoption of
closed and hybrid systems along with
other tech
Price differential
for fuels
Price spread between HSFO and ULSFO is expected to
decraese in the long-run.
ULSFO could replace definitively
scrubber systems requiring a lower
Expected CAGR till 2023 of 3,8% along with increasing
concern for gas emissions
It has to be supported with appropriate
technologies to reduce emissions
trade activities
Factors affecting the market and their impact
Market analysis for wet scrubber systems (closed-loop and hybrid systems)
Sector trend
Increasing awareness
of R&D
Growth of dry bulk
Possible further
in IMO regulation
Impact for Macfuge
More companies are becoming aware of new more
efficient technologies
Higher demand for hybrid and closedloop scrubber systems
Increasing share for dry bulk trade activities. Dry bulk
ships have the longest payback period in applying
scrubber systems
Mixed effects on demand for hybrid
and closed-loop scrubber systems
IMO normatives fast change rate may lead to take a waitand-see approach
LFO has a less CAPEX than scrubbers
and can be more flexible
Conclusions – Wet Marine Scrubber Systems
The seaborne trade is expected to grow at a
CAGR of 3,8% from 2018 to 2023, thanks to
the growth of global GDP and trading
New IMO regulation along with general goal
of reducing greenhouse emissions by 50% by
2050 (compared to 2008 levels) has leaded
countries to ratify the MARPOL annex VI,
implementing such limits in their own
legislation→wet marine scrubber systems is
expected to have a CAGR of 42% until 2024,
reaching a total market value of $8 bln: the
European market is the one which should
experience a more significant growth
Scrubber System, by Region, 2023 (USD Billion)
Ref. ‘Market research’ + gm insight scrubber
Conclusions – Wet Marine Scrubber Systems
Expectations for non-compliance is about 10% of the
global shipping fleet, while around 10-15% of the global
fleet is expected to have a scrubber system by the end
of 2020
CAPEX-OPEX trade-off: scrubber systems require high
CAPEX but low OPEX as HSFO is cheaper than ULSFO.
As the price spread between the two fuels reduces,
OPEX for ULSFO decreases making scrubber systems a
less attractive option
Size of the ships: installing scrubber systems adds
weight to the ship and reduces considerably its
capacity, therefore reducing overall performance.
Larger ships are the ones more likely to install a
scrubber system
NPV in US$m for a given fuel price differential
between ULSFO and HSFO
Ref. INGresearch
Conclusions – Wet Marine Scrubber Systems
As the IMO regulation has changed at a fast rate,
companies may be discouraged by the huge initial
CAPEX for scrubber systems and may take a wait-andsee approach
Leading time for a scrubber system is increasing (up to
40-50 weeks) and supply seems to be not that adequate
to provide scrubbers for the entire global fleet of larger
ships S <<< D around 1/3 of scrubber systems orders will
not be completed by the 1° of January 2020
Estimates tell that about 2500 and 3500 units will be
installed before January 2020. 1000 units are expected
to be delivered during the 2020 increase of 3500 – 4500
units during 2020 (10-15% of global fleet)
Conclusions – Wet Marine Scrubber Systems
In 2018 open-loop scrubber systems represented the 6570% of the existing ones, with some countries imposing
a ban on such systems, we expect that figure to go
down to 55-60% for 2020
Closed-loop and hybrid scrubber systems sales units for
2020 are expected to be around 1600 – 1800 units.
Centrifugal separators are expected to overcome
coalescers and filters in the closed-loop and hybrid
scrubber systems, therefore at least an increase of 9001100 (approx. 55-60%) units for 2020 is expected for
separators (in some cases more than a centrifuge is
installed in a system)
The presence of few players producing scrubber
systems suggest that getting on the spot with
reasonable time would ensure a big portion of the
Conclusions – Geographical Segmentation
As trends for the market have been presented on global terms and wet scrubber systems for the shipping sector is
the only possible application for the Macfuge separator of the marine sector, we decided to evaluate three
possible geographical segments:
1. European market
Baltic sea is one of the ECAs and it has low alkalinity levels
– closed-loop systems are preferred in these situations.
Concentration of scrubber producers companies: EU was
one of the first area to build scrubber systems
Individual ports in Finland, Russia, Lithuania and Ireland
have banned open-loop systems and other countries may
It is estimated to be the largest market by 2023 (close to
Conclusions – Geographical Segmentation
2. Asia Pacific market:
3. North American market:
❖ Relevant market growth
❖ Third in market growth and market size, expected
Expected to be second in market size after EU (close
to reach a 15% market share by 2024
to 30-35% by 2024). This area recently become
interested in scrubber systems manufacturing ❖ North American sea is already an ECA
❖ Open-loop bans for ports in Malaysia and United ❖ Entry costs, same reasoning of the Asean market,
Arab Emirates. China is expected to do so as well
Macfuge current customers are in the EU
❖ Entry costs. Expensive to enter in that market as
the company has not commercial operations in
Asia for this sector
❖ Wet scrubber systems market is a very specific market and centrifugal separators represent an essential main
item in case of closed-loop and hybrid systems
Therefore, the choice of the segments to be targeted is straightforward as there are no other applications of
the stated scrubber systems rather than in the shipping market. Our only targeting choice regards
geographical segmentation (next slides)
❖ The global wet scrubber systems market is expected to provide an increased demand of 1600-1800 units of
closed or hybrid scrubber systems for the next year. Approximately 55-60% of this number is addressed by
centrifugal separators for scrubber systems: market potential of > 900-1100 units per year
❖ This market estimate could also increase as there is not still a dominant technology to address the limits
imposed by IMO for 2020. Scrubber systems could represent the most viable option for larger ships as there
are not problems of compatibility in the whole system as in the case for LNG and ULSFO solutions. Same
reasoning can be applied to separators in respect to the alternative technologies as they provide a better
long-run value
Targeting – Geographical Choice
❖ Macfuge has currently commercial activities with two european companies in the scrubber
systems market:
- PureteQ and Andritz which are respectively Danish and Austrian companies with a low level of
market share. The company might set a goal of increasing their customers portfolio by adding 2
more customers
❖ As open loop scrubber systems are generally preferred, Macfuge should target companies with
large commercial activities in no discharge zones (closed-loop or hybrid systems needed) or in
zones where sea water has low levels of alkalinity (e.g. Baltic Sea)
❖ For these reasons, we suggest Macfuge to not target the Asean Pacific and the North American
markets as entering there could be more costly than strengthening the position in the EU.
Despite good market size and market growth levels, the EU presents all the ideal characteristics
that Macfuge could exploit.
Targeting – EU Market
❖ Based on the information presented, we recommend Macfuge to target only the EU market
❖ Pursuing the EU market is logical considering: its superior regional growth is higher in respect to the other
areas (expected to have largest market size); characteristics of the Baltic Sea; and the open-loop ban
imposed by ports in Finland, Russia and Ireland
❖ Yara, VDL Aec Maritime, Clean Marine and Saacke represent a potential good fit for Macfuge, as they
operate in similar conditions of PureteQ and Andritz: proximity to the Baltic sea & hybrid/closed-loop systems
are preferred. Macfuge could reach these customers more easily and also show their current customer
success stories with PureteQ and Andritz
❖ Ecospray technologies is another potential good fit: Italian company; it offers a hybrid solution (despite
open-loop system is preferred). There is space for improvement in the supply of centrifuges as they do not
have an exclusive supplier agreement
❖ Addressing companies that are not currently using separators in their scrubber systems could be another
opportunity as in our research we encountered companies still not fully aware of this opportunity. The
downside is that the IMO date of January 2020 is too close: there is not the material time to close
agreements…however this road might be considered in the next years in case scrubber technology becomes
dominant and demand for centrifugal separators rises
Survey - The contacted companies
The surveys were distributed through the following channels: LinkedIn, telephone calls, emails
We contacted sales managers, R&D managers and project engineers
We got 8 answers from the following companies
Survey – Additional Market Information
We report here the information obtained from the
companies that were not able to complete the survey
(subcomponents producers or incomplete information)
as it was useful in our market analysis.
RM is an Italian company based in Genova, scrubber
systems “installers” not producers or designers. They
represent the step of installation in the B2B chain of
scrubber systems, but they do not have any influence
on the decision process.
Survey – Additional Market information
Selip is an Italian company based in Parma, sub-component producer for
scrubber systems (external structure producer). The technology of the scrubber
system is designed by their customers (they do not have influence on the
decision process). They are interested in expanding in the marine scrubber
systems market and they looked interested by the possibility of using
centrifuges. Potential future market opportunity.
Yara is a Norwegian company, scrubber systems engineering company. We were
able to speak with the Italian NOx care sales manager, but he deals only with the
reagents that have to be introduced in the system and he did not have the
knowledge to complete the entire survey.
Survey – Scrubber Manufacturers
AlfaLaval has a quality control manager
and a specialized internal R&D department
which deals with the development of
scrubber systems and the relative
centrifugal separators used in the
technology. The centrifuge is therefore
supplied and developed internally. They
prefer to offer open-loop systems as they
entail a less complex technology.
Maintenance for both scrubber system
and centrifuge is offered by the company
AlfaLaval PureSOx advertising: connectivity through the entire system is the most highlighted feature
Survey – Scrubber Manufacturers
AirDep is an Italian company based in Verona. They do not have a quality control
manager, but they have the other classic professional figures (production manager,
purchasing manager, technical manager and maintenance manager). They produce
and design dry scrubber systems, offering the relative maintenance services. They are
not fully aware of the possibility of using centrifuges in the process. Technology
advancement is followed through sector events, dedicated fairs and catalogues.
GEA Group has a similar structure of AlfaLaval:
centrifuges are designed and produced internally, as
well as scrubber systems, with the exception of some
components that are externally supplied. They cover
maintenance services internally, but suppliers along
with exhibitions and websites are essential to follow
technology advancement
GEA separator for scrubber systems
Survey – Engineering Companies
Ecospray technologies designs the scrubber systems technology and supplies
the components from external companies, which are specifically selected by
the procurement department. Their solutions include centrifugal separators
Commercial sectors
of applications.
Cargo represents
approximately the
80% of their orders
(ferries and cruises
10% each).
which are also externally sourced and selected by the procurement
department. They consider separators as a byproduct for their scrubber
systems and it is mainly selected for capacity of production issues. They do
not own the brand of the centrifuge and they neither have an exclusive
supplier agreement nor they receive visits from suppliers of centrifuge, even
if they give relevance to the relationship with the supplier.
Technology advancement is followed through sector events and dedicated
In the first quarter of
2019 they sold 262
certified systems. This
gives an useful insight
about the market
potential of this
Of this figure, 85% were
retrofit and 15%
newbuild cases.
Survey – Engineering Companies
Wärtsilä design the full line of the scrubber
systems and the sources for their supply is
both from internal and external companies,
selected by the procurement department.
They have progressively abandoned the use
of centrifugal separators in favour of
membranes. They follow technology
advancement thanks to their suppliers and
Wärtsilä presents on its websites customer success stories and related applications of
scrubber systems. This helps companies in understanding how and where they
Survey – Companies Resume
Good fit
Bad fit
Not interested
Survey – Results of Selection Drivers
Companies were asked to give a score from 1 to 7 (1 = least important, 7 = most important) for the following parameters:
Payment terms
Delivery time
Capcity nedded
The average final ranking was the following:
Performance and Service are the main selection drivers,
followed by Brand, Delivery Time and Centrifuge Size.
Price and Payment terms appear to be physiological
features. They do not trigger the final decision
To analyze Macfuge with respect to
competitors, we decided to build a
positioning map for some key features,
where the higher is the point on the
map, the better is the company
performing on that feature.
❖ Macfuge has a low market share with
respect to the mentioned
❖ AlfaLaval and Westfalia provide more
information on their website, helping
customers to understand their
❖ After-sale services of Macfuge
constitute an excellence: quick and
effective interventions make them a
reference with this regard
❖ Europe-oriented distribution. Following market trends by investing in a Europeoriented distribution and in a widespread network of spareparts’ stock centers.
❖ Improving the channel partner network to strengthen the brand awareness and
increase market share. Distribution channels are one of the top priorities of
competitors, considered to be a crucial success factor in the industry.
❖ Consulting programmes. Helping customers in their buying choices and facilitating
their experience though digital easy-to-use tools and consultancies following giant
players’ example.
Focus on performance and service, representing the essential drivers of importance for
survey respondents.
Performance → keep up the excellence of technical features
Service → invest on after sales offerings
Capacity as a crucial factor. Centrifuge normally need a lot of space. Respondents want
to save space keeping performance unchanged. That perfectly matches with MACFUGE
product, that makes of low capacity a key feature
Brand awareness associated to the product and used as a quality proxy is still
something MACFUGE should be work on to catch up with giant players in the market
Price as a physiological feature. Survey confirmed that price and payment
terms are the least important criteria when selecting a centrifuge.
Increase of positive NPV of investment. Separators reduce volumes and costs
of sludge disposal → shipowners of large vessels or HSFO – ULSFO price
spread higher than $ 150.
Value over price attitude. Price = additional monetary value it brings to the
shipowner→ can be kept close to the competition level, slightly-lower
coherently with the overall pricing strategy of Macfuge
After-sale services package. AlfaLaval offers a separated contract… Macfuge
could get a different revenue flow for the after-sale services!
More sector-specific information and better design for the marine sector online. By showing
features and benefits of products and services through videos and by sharing product brochures,
sales presentations to get more mileage out of Macfuge materials.
Social media marketing. Not all social media platforms are best for every business. For B2B
companies the right choice is LinkedIn and Youtube, providing a direct access to prospect contacts
and useful tools in the decision making process.
Create video testimonials from satisfied customers. What better spokesman for your product than
a happy client? It is a reciprocal way of adding value.
Industrial exhibitions and conferences are a powerful way to position brand and product right in
front of customers. Need to plan both the attendance and the booth experience to encourage
browsers to stop by.
As noted in the survey, service was one of the main selection drivers for companies when
considering the product. ‘People’ represent the most important element of any service or
Our research shows, that Macfuge are the market leader when it comes to service and after sales
care by responding to the expectations and needs of their customers through inspections,
maintenance, repair and modernization performance of the plants.
Training - Offer customised training sessions, or additional e-learning training videos to help users
better understand the product and avoid potential troubleshooting problems.
A well trained crew reduces costs, maximizes uptime, minimizes the environmental
impact of operations, and ensures a safe working environment.
and conclusions
❖ With new global emissions standards introduced by IMO in January
2020, the scrubber systems market will grow, and consequently the
market of the centrifuge will follow in similar way
❖ To
comply with the new regulation, shipowners have 3 possibilities:
ULSFO, natural gas fuel or scrubber systems. The scrubber system is
the most attractive choice since it allows the use of HSFO which are
experiencing lower prices
❖ When the company decides to invest in a scrubber system, there are 3
options : Open loop, Closed loop and Hybrid system
❖ The efficiency of the scrubber system can be improved by using the
Macfuge separator centrifuge. Though, the scrubber manufacturers
can also decide to use some substitutes such as filter or a coalescer.
The separator is a better solution, especially for its flexibility and its
efficiency even though the initial cost of investment is higher
and conclusions
As the EU market should experience the largest regional growth
for wet scrubber systems and the intristic characteristic of the
Baltic Sea, Macfuge has all the interest and the required
knowledge to address this market
We do not recommend addressing companies that are still not
using a centrifuge for the moment as it would be time-consuming
and more costly with respect to companies already using
separators. However, these profiles must be kept under
observation, as they can be prospect future clients in the case
closed-loop/hybrid scrubber systems prevail as a main technology
to fit with the IMO regulation
We identified in Yara, VDL Aec Maritime, Clean Marine, Saacke
and Ecospray Technologies potential good fits that can be
addressed thanks to the customer success stories of PureteQ and
Andritz and exploiting the already existing distribution network
for spare parts and maintenance services
and conclusions
❖ Market share growth? Our goal: 2 more companies
❖ Promotion
activities for the water marine sector could be
improved by
- Introducing specific videos explaining the benefits of
using a centrifugal separator in wet scrubber systems on
the marine section of the website
- Creating ad hoc channels on social media, such as
Linkedin andYouTube
- Traditional channels such as industrial exhibition and
specific sector events could be boosted by advertising
more the presence of Macfuge in these events
❖ Training
& E-learning Programmes: offering customised
training sessions to help customers optimize the
performance of their processes
Thank you!
❖ Ingrid Cain
❖ Martina Corigliano
❖ Silvia Fortunato
❖ Quentin Joyeux
❖ Stefano Posillico
Reference List