(MT-213L) Mechanics of Materials Lab Lab Report Name: Waseem Haider Roll No. 190992 Class: BEMTS – F-19 Section: A Instructor: Engr. Nouman Department of Mechatronics Engineering Air University, Sector E-9, Islamabad Experiment No. 12 Objective: To determine the elastic line of a cantilever beam; Apparatus: Beam Apparatus, Steel bar 6 x 20 x 1000 mm, Rider for weight, Suspender for weights, Weight set, Dial gauge with holder, Support pillar with clamp. Theory: The cantilever beam is shown in the figure. In this experiment, the elastic line of a cantilever beam will be determined and the result will be compared with the result of the mathematical calculation. The equation for the elastic line of a cantilever bar loaded with a single force is as follows: For the Section 0 ≤ x ≤ a Px2 [3a-x] v =6EI For the Section a ≤ x ≤ L Pa2 [3x-a] v =6EI Apparatus Setup: Procedure: The experiment is set up as described in the figures. The load remains constant and is applied at a = 500mm.The deflection of the bar is measured at intervals of 100 mm with the dial gauge. Follow the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Relieve the bar Apply the dial gauge at the required position. And set to zero Load the bar Read the deflection value and record Relieve the bar and move the dial gauge to then next position Repeat the measuring procedure for the remaining readings. Observations and Calculations: For a load of F = 10 N where a = 500 mm, the following deflection values are achieved: Elastic Line of a Cantilever bar can be calculated out as. Sr. No. Length ‘L’ in mm. 1 0 2 100 3 200 4 300 5 400 6 500 7 600 8 700 9 800 Measured deflection in mm (VE) Calculated deflection in mm (VT) Difference VT - VE % Error Plot: Draw the graph from the values obtained in the table between the distance from the support and deflection from calculated and measures values. Conclusion: Simulation on SolidWorks Objective: The main objective is to simulate the deflection at the point of application of a force (500 mm) on the cantilever beam by applying load on different distances and is to compare those results with theoretical and practical forces. Procedure: 1. Open SolidWorks. Press the sketch icon to draw 2d diagram. In sketch bar press the rectangle icon and draw a rectangle with dimension 20 x 6 mm. Fig 12.1: 2d rectangle 2. Press Feature and in Feature tab press Extrude Boss to extrude the rectangle for 1000 mm to make a rod with dimension 1000 x 20 x 6 mm. Fig 12.2: Extruded rod 3. To make smaller cuts on the rod for applying external loads, draw a rectangle on upper face of Rod with dimension 20 x 0.3mm. Fig 12.3: 2d rectangle on upper face 4. Press linear sketch pattern and set 10 in y direction and 1 in x direction on the upper face of rod. Fig 11.4: Linear sketch pattern 5. In Feature tab press Extrude cut and make these 10 rectangles extruded cut up to 0.01 mm down Fig 12.5: Extruded cut 6. In upper tool bar press SolidWorks Add Ins. And then press SolidWorks Simulation and then press New Study. Confirm static and click green tick icon. Fig 12.6: Static Simulation 7. Right click on Fixtures and press Fixed geometry. Select the only 1 sides of rod and press green tick icon to form fixture at both ends. Fig 12.7: Fixtures at both sides of rod 8. For applying external loads right click on External load and press force. Select the rectangle at 0 mm distance and apply 10 N force and click green tick icon. Also apply gravity from external load. Fig 12.8: Force at 200 mm 9. To create a mesh right click on mesh and press Create mesh. Select the whole and press green tick icon. Also assign the material AISI 1020 (Steel with E = 2 e+11) to rod. 10. Click Run this study and rod will be in deformed position. Repeat the step 8 and apply force at 0 to 800-mm position. Record the results in table and plot the graphs. Observations and Results: 1. Force at 0mm position: F = 10N Deflection at 500 mm = 5.70 mm 1. Force at 100mm position: F = 10N Deflection at 500 mm = 6.02 mm 2. Force at 200mm position: F = 10N Deflection at 500 mm = 6.90 mm 3. Force at 300mm position: F = 10N Deflection at 500 mm = 8.19 mm 4. Force at 400mm position: F = 10N Deflection at 500 mm = 9.76 mm 5. Force at 500mm position: F = 10N Deflection at 500 mm = 11.46 mm 6. Force at 600mm position: F = 10N Deflection at 500 mm = 13.19 mm 7. At 700mm position: F = 10N Deflection at 500 mm = 14.91 mm 8. At 800mm position: F = 10N Deflection at 500 mm = 16.64 mm Comparing all the Deflections 60 Deflection (mm) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Length (mm) Force at 0 mm Force at 100 mm Force at 200 mm Force at 300 mm Force at 400 mm Force at 500 mm Force at 600 mm Force at 700 mm Force at 800 mm 900 1000 For a load of F = 10 N where a = 500 mm, the following deflection values are achieved: Elastic Line of a Cantilever bar can be calculated out as. No. Length ‘L’ in mm. Measured deflection at point (500 mm) in mm (VE) 1 0 5.70 2 100 6.02 3 200 6.90 4 300 8.19 5 400 9.76 6 500 11.46 7 600 13.19 8 700 14.91 9 800 16.64 Sr. Conclusion: Calculated deflection in mm (VT) Difference VT - VE % Error