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THD and Harmonic Distortion in Audio Electronics

The Sound of the Machine
The Hidden Harmonics behind THD
The deepest challenge of designing high fidelity equipment is finding the
common ground between truth and beauty, left brain/right brain, or more
plainly, reconciling the interior experience of listening with the technical world
of measurements. If you can’t reconcile the two, or insist that only one exists,
you are flying blind. Since I’ve been designing speaker systems for the last
twenty years, I’ve spent much of that time finding associations between the
perceptual experience and measurements. With so many possible analytic
techniques (frequency response, group delay variation, inter­driver phase
angle, polar response vs frequency, cumulative waterfall display, IM distortion
vs frequency, etc), the hard part is deciding which set of measurements are
the most significant.
The contention that occurs in speaker­design circles is the result of many
different arguments over which measurements are the most important. No
speaker can possibly "do it all" — designers are forced to choose which
parameters are the most important, and let others slide. That’s why speakers
at all price points sound so different; they have been optimized by the
designer for different characteristics, and the marketing campaign based on
the hip philosophy of the moment. Today, it’s high efficiency; yesterday,
minimal crossovers; before that, linear phase, further back, low coloration,
and way way back in the prehistory of the hi­fi business, the West Coast vs
East Coast Sound. You get the idea!
With electronics, it all seems so much simpler; no worries about polar
response, transient response is superb compared to speakers, and just about
any amplifier is flatter and more wide­band than the best transducers ­
microphones, headphones, or speakers. So what’s to worry about? Just
measure the distortion, and there you are.
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. In electronics, the subjective correlation
between Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and what you actually hear is close
to zero. After all, a low­fi rack­stereo receiver has far lower THD than the best­
regarded triode amplifier. Does that mean that "all amplifiers sound the
same?" No, certainly not with high­performance speakers. Is the converse true
— that measurements are meaningless? No, that’s not true either; there are
plenty of amplifiers with terrible measurements that do indeed sound terrible.
The fault is not with the subjective perception of the listener, but rather in the
measurement itself. Nothing new in that; you can measure all you want, but a
mass spectrometer isn’t going to find a lot of difference between lunch at a
high school cafeteria and the best dinner at a four­star restaurant. To foolishly
assert that the mass­spectrometer is right, and the restaurant customers are
all deluding themselves with some kind of "placebo effect," is an example of
simple ignorance trying to cover its nakedness with the fig­leaf of Science.
The restaurant customer — or dedicated hi­fi enthusiast — have been right all
along in their subjective perceptions; it’s up to the serious designer to find out
what’s going on beneath the surface, and not indulge in vague pseudo­
scientific hand­waving about "euphonic distortion" and "placebo effect." All we
can say for certain right now is that simple THD figures are not the right
can say for certain right now is that simple THD figures are not the right
measurement for electronics!
When Matt Kamna (my Tektronix colleague) offered to test several vacuum­
tube driver circuits with his HP 3585A spectrum analyzer, I jumped at the
chance. I’ve been curious for a long time about finding out why different
circuits sound the way they do. Circuit changes in amplifiers can sound exactly
like a 1 to 2dB crossover change in a speaker, yet the circuit change will have
no effect on the measured frequency response of the amplifier!
What made this interesting is that the HP 3585A has an exceptional 100dB on­
screen dynamic range, and measures out to 40 MHz. (Just the thing for
cleaning up noisy DAC’s and CD players.) To extend the dynamic range even
further, Matt used the "distortion out" port of a Tektronix AA501A distortion
analyzer feed the input of the HP 3585A. By using the AA501A to reject the
fundamental tone before it reached the HP, we gained another 20 dB, yielding
a total measurement range of 0 dB to ­118 dB.
To simplify the analysis, we chose a 1kHz sinewave and adjusted the drive
level to produce a constant output level of 50V rms. If the test frequency were
any higher, the upper harmonics might look a little better than they actually
were due to circuit rolloffs. I also wanted the important 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th
harmonics to fall in the 1 to 5kHz region, where the ear is most sensitive to
The choice of 50V rms output level was arbitrary, but represents a good
compromise between 300B, 2A3, and EL34/KT88 drive requirements. With a
50V rms output level, the noise floor of the instrumentation is 118dB down
from the fundamental signal, resolving down to 0.0002% distortion.
The same NOS 6SN7 dual triode was used for all seven test circuits. (The 7th
circuit, not shown, was a conventional 2­stage RC­coupled cascade.) The
6SN7, first designed in 1940, is still one of the most linear driver tubes, with
distortion typically several times lower than 12AU7’s and 6DJ8’s. To get
distortion much lower than a 6SN7, you have to pick antiques like 76’s, 56’s,
and a real old­timer, the direct­heated 26. I’ll leave those distortion tests to
"Vacuum Tube Valley" magazine!
(Note: I realize not everyone has an exotic setup like a Tek SG505, Tek
AA501A, and a HP 3585A. All of these measurements could be repeated with a
test setup as simple as a good test CD (set to Repeat) and a PC­based FFT
test setup as simple as a good test CD (set to Repeat) and a PC­based FFT
analyzer. To get wide range distortion measurements, it would be useful to
construct a passive LC notch filter to remove the 1kHz fundamental from the
output of the circuit under test. In effect, that’s all the AA501A was doing,
rejecting the 1kHz fundamental, and improving the on­screen resolution of the
HP 3585A analyzer.)
Once we got the test set­up up and running, we could certainly see a lot of
fine detail, but as usual, the spectrum analyzer display was difficult to
interpret, with 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. harmonic levels bouncing up and down all
over the place. It wasn’t obvious to see how any of these circuits was creating
a particular harmonic "signature." I thought about the problem for a while, and
realized that all of the even harmonics are created by asymmetric distortion
mechanisms, and all of the odd harmonics are created by symmetric distortion
mechanisms. All Matt and I had to do was write down each of the harmonics in
­dB levels, separate out the evens and odds, and plot them out. Rather than
do all this tedious plotting by hand, I used Microsoft Excel(tm) to do the
Interpreting the Data
After a bit of Excel charting, the hidden patterns became evident. Since the
evens and odds are rolling off at different rates, when you look at the raw
spectrum analyzer display, all you see is a ragged sawtooth pattern.
Interleaved within this sawtooth pattern are pairs of of distortion curves, one
for the even harmonics, and one for odd harmonics. These two sets of curves
have very different effects on IM sidebands.
Even (asymmetric) harmonics create distant sidebands, while odd (symmetric)
harmonics create close­in sidebands. Think of the spectrum of a CCIF 14 +
15kHz test­tone and the picture gets a bit clearer. The waveform looks a bit
like an AM signal, with a "carrier" at 1 kHz. If you clip off only the tops of this
waveform (asymmetric, even harmonic distortion), you get sum­and­
difference tones at 1 and 29 kHz. If you clip off the tops and bottoms of the
waveform (symmetric, odd harmonic distortion), you get sum­and­difference
tones at 13 and 16 kHz.
Looking at the data and graphs, note how the raw THD number is almost
entirely dominated by 2nd harmonic; the danger of relying on the traditional
THD "spec" is that it ignores all of the complex behaviour of the upper
harmonics, and their pattern of fall­off. The quite different behaviour of the
harmonics, and their pattern of fall­off. The quite different behaviour of the
upper harmonics is hidden by similar­looking THD figures.
Some 6SN7 circuits show signs of harmonic cancellation at certain harmonics
and not others, while other circuits have a smooth "textbook" falloff of
harmonics. Harmonic cancellation in a circuit that is almost but not quite push­
pull (SeRies Push Pull) can be level dependent, with nulls moving around
depending on where the two curves of the triodes intersect. In other words,
don't count on cancellation effects to be predictable unless great trouble is
taken to maintain dynamic balance over a wide range of signal levels.
This, perhaps, is the reason for the subjective tonal balance of various circuits
that does not show up on any frequency response curves. What the listener
may be hearing is a spectral tilting of the noise and distortion floor of the
circuit, which subjectively sounds like a frequency­response problem — but
isn’t. Some of the subjective perception of spectral balance may indeed have
more to do with noise­floor tilting and upper/lower harmonic patterns than
actual frequency response deviations. Most of us have heard tinny­sounding
transistor amps, or dull­sounding "vintage" amps — they measure flat, but
they sure don’t sound that way!
A change as small as disconnecting a cathode bypass capacitor alters the
upper­harmonic spectrum. Although this might seem like a trivial change, it
considerably changes the operating characteristics of the triode. If a triode is
used with fixed bias or a bypass cap, the specifications in the tube manual for
mu, dynamic plate resistance (Rp), and transconductance (gm) are a reliable
guide for design. When the bypass cap is omitted, Rp and gm both change —
and by a considerable amount.
The "common wisdom" is that when you intentionally omit the bypass cap, it
adds local feedback, linearizing the circuit. This is true, but is really only part
of the story. What also happens is that while mu stays the same, the dynamic
plate resistance goes way up, and the transconductance goes way down. For
example, for a 6SN7 with 800 ohms of cathode resistance, the Rp goes from
7700 ohms up to 23,700 ohms — an increase of more than three times! The
7700 ohms up to 23,700 ohms — an increase of more than three times! The
transconductance is also cut to one­third of the previous value. In effect, the
performance of the tube is greatly degraded — exactly the same effect as a
large drop in emission.
In terms of RC­coupling, there are severe consequences for not bypassing the
cathode. To achieve low distortion, triodes like to see a load impedance no less
than three to four times higher than the dynamic plate resistance of the tube.
Since the load with RC­coupling is set by the fixed plate resistor in parallel with
the grid­resistor of the following stage, there is little scope for increasing the
load resistance except by increasing the B+, which creates problems
elsewhere in the amplifier.
When the bypass capacitor is removed, the previously satisfactory Rp /Plate
Load ratio becomes much less favorable, since the effective Rp is now three
times higher. True, there is local feedback to help overcome this. But the tube
itself is now driving a load that effectively looks much lower than it did before,
rotating the load­line closer to the vertical, and resulting in signal swings into
the very nonlinear low­current region.
This has consequences for the resulting distortion spectrum. The tube now has
intrinsically higher distortion (unless it is transformer or mu­follower coupled),
which is partly masked by local feedback. This will result in lower 2nd
harmonic, but upper harmonics may well be worse due to the less favorable
load­line seen by the plate.
In the data shown here, the effect is not obvious, but then again, Matt and I
avoided RC­coupling except for the conventional 2­stage cascade circuit, which
does indeed have higher upper harmonic content. Although we didn’t measure
it, if the conventional circuit had unbypassed cathodes, it might be even
worse. The circuits that avoid standard plate­load resistors come out pretty
well in comparison.
The smooth fall­off of harmonics is especially noteworthy in the transformer­
coupled circuit ­ the reason for the excitement about the naturalness and
"directness" of transformer coupling is obvious when looking at the spectral
data. This is the best distribution of harmonics I've seen — looking almost
exactly like an RCA "textbook" distribution of spectral content. The overall
magnitude of the distortion is impressively low as well — try and find a
transistor circuit that can deliver 50V rms at less than 1% distortion with no
The Sound of Different Harmonic Spectra
As mentioned above, odd and even harmonics can be recast as asymmetric
distortion and symmetric distortion, thus the very different effects seen with
IM distortion tests. As D.E.L. Shorter of the BBC pointed out in the April 1950
Issue of Electrical Engineering, real music is dominated by a great many
closely­spaced tones ­ a choir or massed violins having the most dense spectra
of all. Shorter showed that with a few as three closely spaced tones, IM sum­
and­difference sidebands outnumber the much simpler harmonic series. In
effect, as the number of tones increase, the number of IM sidebands increase
at much faster rate than simple harmonics. The boundary case is 3 tones of
equal magnitude; for 2 tones, IM is about the same as harmonic distortion, for
4 tones, IM is far greater than harmonic distortion. I leave it to the
4 tones, IM is far greater than harmonic distortion. I leave it to the
imagination of the reader to figure out how many simultaneous tones are
present in real music — a lot more than three!
The influence of IM vs THD has additional consequences for the type of music
we listen to. Jazz and folk music have sparse spectra, thus THD will play a
larger role in subjective coloration. By contrast, a cappela singers, large choirs,
and massed violins have very dense spectra, with many closely­spaced tones
drifting in and out of phase­lock all the time. This type of music will be
strongly degraded by even small amounts of IM, but not as sensitive to
relatively small amounts of low­order harmonic distortion. Thus the origin of
the endless audiophile wrangles that are actually based on the type of music
the listener prefers.
(Musicians can and do maintain phase­lock for a few seconds, despite the
seeming impossibility of this. I found that out the hard way on my work on the
Audionics Shadow Vector quad decoder. Every now and then on certain records
the dynamic matrix circuits would go crazy — this turned out to be brief
periods of phase­lock by the musicians. The SQ­encoded Loggins & Messina
"Full Sail" album had one track with a violin in Left Back, and a harmonica in
Right Back. Sounded great in stereo and on headphones, but with quad
decoding, the logic detector would whirl the sound round the room as the
musicians drifted in and out of phase­lock. Truly weird effect, and not
apparently intended by the producer.)
So, depending on the type of music you listen to, the spectral distribution and
class of distortion (symmetric vs asymmetric) will affect the subjective tonal
character. It is much more complex than the simplistic "2nd Harmonic is
Always Better" guff reprinted in the popular press.
Preference for spectral distribution plays a major role in the "tone color" of an
otherwise flat­response amplifier. Thinking about "spectral tone color" in a
more sophisticated way shows just how far off­course we have drifted in The
Age of Digital.
The Effects of Feedback on Harmonic Structure
The Williamson amplifier of 1947 was the design that did the most to
popularise the "feedback cures all ills" philosophy. It is interesting during the
period from 1948 to 1956, almost all commercial hi­fi amplifiers were
Williamson topologies (with minor exceptions for Quad II, McIntosh, and EV
Circlotron). During this formative period the mantra of "more power, lower
THD" became the driving force in the industry. By 1960, ultra­wide bandwidth,
heavy feedback, and Class AB EL34 and 6550 UL circuits ruled the industry.
In the span of twelve years, the traditional audio­engineering prejudice against
high­distortion devices faded, opening the door to high­power pentodes and
Class AB operation. Each "improvement" was characterized by an increase in
device distortion, which was then "corrected" by more and more feedback.
Transistors circuits with even higher feedback ratios were the next obvious
step ­ after all, they had more power, lower THD, more bandwidth, and most
important of all, cost less to build.
Norman Crowhurst wrote a fascinating analysis of feedback multiplying the
order of harmonics, which has been reprinted in "Glass Audio," Vol 7­6, pp. 20
order of harmonics, which has been reprinted in "Glass Audio," Vol 7­6, pp. 20
through 30. He starts with one tube generating only 2nd harmonic, adds a
second tube in series (resulting in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th), and then makes the
whole thing push­pull (resulting in 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th), and last but not
least, adds feedback to the circuit, which creates a series of harmonics out to
the 81st. All of this complexity from "ideal" tubes that only create 2nd
With real devices there are even more harmonics. In terms of IM, actual
amplifiers have complex and dynamic noise floors thanks to the hundreds of
sum­and­difference IM terms. That's not even counting the effects of reactive
loads, which adds a frequency dependency to the harmonic structure! (With
reactive loads, additional harmonics appear due to the elliptical loadline seen
by the power tubes. The elliptical load­line dips into the very nonlinear low­
current region, resulting in an instantaneous increase in upper harmonics. This
spectral "roughening" is most audible with strong low frequency program
material and hard­to­drive horn or vented bass drivers.)
As Crowhurst noted, feedback mostly reduces the 2nd and 3rd harmonics,
leaving the upper ones more or less alone, or sometimes even greater than
before. Feedback fools the simple THD meter, but the spectrum analyzer sees
through the shell game. Too bad raw power and almost useless THD
measurements became the end­all and be­all for more than 50 years. If more
engineers and reviewers had access to spectrum analyzers, the misleading
nature of raw THD measurements would have been discovered earlier, and
amplifier design might have taken a different course.
If device­level linearity and absence of high­order harmonics become your
goal, then direct­heated triodes are the only way to go ­ they have about 1/3
the distortion of triode­connected pentodes and beam tetrodes. The spectral
distribution is better as well. Seen in this context the Sakuma amps with their
300B direct­heated driver tubes start to make sense ­ with a 300B swinging
65V rms into a high­impedance transformer load, the driver will have very low
distortion, maybe as low as 0.1% for push­pull drivers.
For once, the driver tube would be out of the picture as far as distortion is
concerned — and this is much more rare than you would think. Very few
amplifiers have driver sections with distortion 1/3 of the output stage and 5 dB
or more of headroom — this is true for triode, pentode, or transistor amps as
well! Much more typical is 1/2 or more distortion compared to the output, and
1 to 2 dB of headroom. As a result, 2A3 and 300B amps all sound different,
depending on the linearity and current delivery of the driver circuit.
Device, Topology, and Harmonic Spectra
All of the foregoing applies to triodes — conventional RC­coupled, transformer,
choke­loaded, SRPP, and active­load circuits such as mu­followers. It does not
apply to: cascode­connected triodes, pentode, bipolar transistor, or MOSFET’s.
This second group of devices do not have the simple square­law transfer
characteristic of triodes; instead they have a much more complex exponential
curve, and that translates into a much greater proportion of upper harmonics.
When you compare device specifications, take a close look at the ratio of 2nd
to 3rd harmonic distortion for a basic single­ended circuit. Low­distortion
triodes (6J5, 6C5, 6SN7, 6CG7, the new JJ ECC99, and direct­heated types)
triodes (6J5, 6C5, 6SN7, 6CG7, the new JJ ECC99, and direct­heated types)
have much lower 3rd harmonic; for devices in the second group, the 3rd
harmonic will equal or exceed the 2nd harmonic. Medium­to­high distortion
triodes (12AU7, 6DJ8) fall between the two groups. (This is why the 6DJ8 is
known for a "high­definition" transistor­like sound ­ the distortion spectra isn’t
that different!)
Sometimes people get a little confused at the differences and similarities of
SRPP, mu­followers, cascode, and pentode. The important distinction is to find
what’s driving the upper grid, which behaves in the same way as the screen
grid in a pentode. At audio frequencies, if the upper grid tracks the voltage
swing on the lower plate, the composite device will behave like a triode. If the
upper grid is AC­coupled to ground, then the composite device will behave like
a pentode (or beam tetrode). If the upper (or screen) grid is connected to
small fraction of the voltage swing, this is called ultra­linear operation, with
distortion characteristic partway between triode and pentode operation.
Triode operation is characterized by a low plate resistance (Rp), low to
moderate gain (mu), medium to high Miller capacitance, and low distortion
with rapid falloff of upper harmonics. Comparisons of triodes to other classes
of device reveals that they have lowest distortion of any amplifying device ever
Pentode (or cascode) operation is characterized by very high plate resistance,
medium to very high gain (depending on the impedance of the load), very low
Miller capacitance, and medium to high distortion with a large proportion of
upper harmonics. From this it can be seen that pentodes (or cascodes) are
best suited for very low­level amplification and RF frequencies, where
distortion is less important than noise and high­frequency amplification.
With the advent of Class A transistor amps, followed by the vacuum­tube
revival in the late Eighties (thank you, Glass Audio), device linearity is once
again starting to be seen as important, especially with the revival of direct­
heated triode amplifiers. What has gone unnoticed in the uproar over so­called
"high­distortion" SE direct­heated triode amplifiers is that the output­tube
distortion is actually 3 times lower than the next­best devices, triode­
connected pentodes. (Don’t think so? Read "Vacuum Tube Valley" magazine,
which shows just this result for 300B’s, 6L6’s, EL34’s, and 6550’s.)
With power devices, you don’t get much choice about loading; to deliver power
into the speaker, you must use a transformer, and all that does is translate
volts into amps. Any attempt to raise the load impedance seen by the power
tube plate inevitably decreases power, so most triode amplifier designers
choose primary impedances between 3 and 6 times the Rp of the power tube.
This gives a reasonable compromise of power, low distortion, and adequate
damping factor for the speaker. (The damping factor seen by the speaker is
close to the ratio between Rp and the primary impedance.)
For driver circuits, there are the options of active loads (mu­follower),
transformer coupling (providing very high impedances in the audio range), or
direct­coupling to the power­tube grid (assuming bias­stability problems can
be dealt with). Triodes and pentode/cascode/transistor circuits have very
different responses to increased load impedances.
For triodes, there is a moderate increase in gain, a large decrease in distortion,
For triodes, there is a moderate increase in gain, a large decrease in distortion,
and the possibility of even greater decreases in upper­harmonic distortion. In
effect, if the load impedance is an impedance 10 or more times the Rp of the
driver tube, the triode can be persuaded to behave as a near­ideal triode. (In
practice, distortion in the mu­follower can interact with the distortion in the
driver tube, resulting in a more complex transfer curve.)
For pentodes, cascodes, and transistor drivers, raising the load impedance
results in very high gain, a possible increase in distortion, and a possible
increase in upper­harmonic content. This is a very different picture than
triodes; however, if the amplifier has feedback, the increased gain can be used
to increase the feedback factor. The increase in feedback greatly reduces the
lower harmonics (2nd and 3rd), but as mentioned earlier in the Crowhurst
article, does nothing to reduce the upper harmonics. Increased feedback also
leads to sharper clipping, which decreases the subjective sense of dynamic
So if you were to compare 2 transformer­coupled low­mu triodes to a single
pentode or a transistor with active loads, the overall gain and raw THD might
be similar, but the proportion of upper harmonics will almost certainly be much
greater with the high­gain, high­feedback circuit. The old Brook ads are right:
low­mu triodes throughout are the way to go, even if it takes a few more
devices to do the job.
Power Supplies and Noise Spectra
The electro­magnetic interference (EMI) noise generated by bridge­capacitor
and pi­filter power supplies is responsible for a significant amount of tonal
coloration as well as low­level veiling.
The first power­supply cap connected directly to the rectifier charges up very
rapidly — the caps are "topped up" by a brief but very powerful spike of
current. (Refer to Chapter 30 in the RCA Radiotron Designers Handbook,
Fourth Edition, Fig. 30.1 for a more complete discussion of peak current flow in
pi­filter supplies).
What goes unnoticed by most readers is the pulse­width of this brief current
spike is in turn modulated by the moment­to­moment current draw of the
amplifier. If the current demand is heavy, the spike is wider, and if the draw is
low, the spike is narrower. Jumping to the frequency domain, the wider spike
will have stronger low­frequency components, and the narrower spike will
have more high­frequency components ... although both spikes yield a comb
spectra going out to at least 100 kHz or more, depending on the residual
inductance of the first power­supply capacitor. In effect the noise spectrum of
the power transformer secondary/rectifier/cap antenna is modulated by the
current draw on the entire amplifier.
If you recast the bridge­capacitor & pi­filter supplies as a Tesla coil (inductor,
commutator, cap) the picture gets clearer. The EMI spectrum of this miniature
RF transmitter is pulse­width­modulated by the inverse of the current draw.
This isn't so bad for true, all­the­time, Class A circuits, since the current
demand is theoretically constant; for more common Class AB circuits, though,
it is a disaster. The current demand for Class AB fluctuates a great deal,
especially for transistor amplifiers that typically idle at a few watts. This means
especially for transistor amplifiers that typically idle at a few watts. This means
the noise spectra of the power supply (which extends into RFI frequencies) is
always changing with the music.
This might be the single greatest advantage of choke­fed supplies; at least the
current pulse through the rectifier is much wider and not significantly affected
by current demand. It also looks like folks who are stuck with bridge­capacitor
supplies (the worst kind) for heater supplies and solid­state amplifiers might
be wise to slow down the bridge with modest values of resistance, rather than
leave the damping to the unpredictable value of ESR in the first filter cap. This
is probably the reason why adding a film bypass cap makes this type of supply
sound worse; as a result of the film bypass decreasing the effective ESR, the
current pulse is speeded up and EMI emission increased.
As can be imagined, this Tesla­coil­in­miniature is going to be very sensitive to
physical layout, stray C's and R's in the power transformer, and stray L's and
R's in the first capacitor. Slowing down the rectifier with ferrite beads might be
a no­go as well, since the current pulse is very fast, very large, and can easily
saturate the ferrite. Small values of resistance with inductive­type
wirewounds, one on each leg of the bridge, are the best way to moderate the
RF emission at the source. Not much chance of saturating something as inert
as a wirewound resistor — and the residual inductance is an air­core, no
saturation there either.
The distance between the power transformer, bridge, and first cap determines
the loop area of the noise­source antenna, and the peak current pulse
indicates the power this antenna is likely to emit. Something as simple as
twisting the power supply lines with an associated ground return can reduce
antenna emission by 20 dB. Noise suppression requires a combination of noise
reduction at the source (any sub­circuit that switches rapidly) as well as RF­
style shielding techniques.
Mainstream AES­school engineers have ridiculed "audiophile" power cords for
many years, but EMI emission from solid­state­rectifier power supplies is no
joke. It's hard to identify on a scope (the trace just looks a little thicker), but a
wideband spectrum analyzer clearly displays the comb spectra created by the
switching devices. The fancy power cords may be doing their greatest benefit
by partially shielding the dirty power supplies from other solid­state equipment
and CD players.
Of course, this begs the question: why tolerate dirty supplies at all? The
broadband noise is radiated in all directions: into the circuit boards, the
grounds, inside the chassis, and out the power cord. If any partly­filtered
digital residue is floating around (and this is inevitable in even the costliest
DAC's and CD players), the power supply noise will cross­modulate with digital
residue as soon as the first nonlinear circuit element is encountered. How
linear are most op­amps at 1 MHz? Not very. That's video­amp territory, not
Every time you see a transformer, solid­state bridge, and input cap, you have
a noise problem. Yes, HEXFREDs, Schottky diodes, and snubber circuits will
help. But the problem of an extremely fast charging­current pulse remains,
and is worsened by Class AB operation. (If you think preamps are exempt,
think again. Very few opamps are Class A; most are Class AB, and many are
quasi­complementary Class AB at that.) The application of inductors, shielded
quasi­complementary Class AB at that.) The application of inductors, shielded
sub­enclosures, and RF noise suppression techniques to audio equipment is
decades overdue. The only reason it has gone on so long is that few audio
engineers (much less digital engineers) are familiar with RF technology,
including routine use of wideband spectrum analyzers to "sniff" circuits for
spurious emissions.
Closing Thoughts
This brief discussion of amplifiers is intended to point out how traditional
measurements result in unwise decisions for amplifier design. The lower
harmonics are nearly inaudible compared to the upper harmonics, yet they
dominate almost any THD measurement! The meter is steering the designer,
the reviewer, the dealer, and the consumer away from good sound.
It’s the classic tale of a drunk looking for his car keys under the street­light,
even though he suspects he lost them in a completely different place. "The
light is better here!" say the mainstream engineers, mass­marketers, and
magazine reviewers — but the key to good sound sure isn’t where the audio
industry has been looking.
If it were, why do stereo LP’s made 40 years ago, amplified with 65­year­old
direct­heated triodes, sound so much better than today’s digital sound played
through 0.001% THD mass­fi rack stereos? The differences between mass­fi
and true high fidelity are as plain as day to an (open­minded) listener.
We are in the odd position of discovering that as speakers get better and
better, the true merits of vacuum­tube circuits become more and more
evident. After all, even J. Gordon Holt gave the Crown DC­300 transistor
amplifier a Class "A" rating in 1971. At the time, the modestly­priced Dyna
Stereo 70 received a lower rating ­ yet with modern speakers, the DC­300 is
unlistenable, and the Dyna just keeps sounding better. The entry­level EL84
amps of the early Sixties (Scott 299, Eico, and Dyna SCA­35) sound
remarkably natural and realistic with today’s more efficient, and much more
transparent, speakers.
There is no reason to believe speakers will stop getting better, since all kinds
of new innovations in materials science are on the horizon, and there are
major advances in computer modelling techniques every year. Synthetic
diamond cones, anyone?
It’s time to debunk the myth of "euphonic distortion" once and for all and
discover the genuine and subtle sources of amplifier distortion that people are
actually hearing. Once we find measurements that can actually help, rather
than hinder, it'll be easier to build electronics that are friendly to the listener. I
hope this article gets people thinking, and most important of all, listening for
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© Lynn Olson 1997, 2001, 2003. All Rights Reserved.
First published in "Glass Audio" magazine by Lynn Olson, revised in 2001 and