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Marketing Plan For Shea Butter Beauty Products 2

Marketing Plan For Shea Butter Beauty
Products In Nigeria
Shea Butter Beauty is a Nigerian based skin care manufacturer that produces high quality
products that caters to premium customers.
Marketing Plan For Shea Butter Beauty Products 2019
Shea Butter Beauty is a Nigerian based skin care manufacturer that produces high quality
products that caters to premium customers. The below report is the marketing plan developed for
shea butter beauty to penetrate into foreign markets and increase the customer base in Nigeria. A
detailed understanding of the market is developed using Five Factor analysis and studying the
economic, regulatory and sociocultural forces that impact the market. The target market is
identified and SWOT analysis is used to draw knowledge on the various aspects of shea butter
beauty. Based on the results and the marketing objectives proposed by the company, marketing
opportunities have been identified and strategies to achieve the same are designed. The
marketing plan section provides a list of tasks and the timeline to perform the same, also
allocating budgets to each of the task
Environmental Analysis
In order to develop a marketing strategy it is important to understand the market in which the
company competes. Shea Butter Beauty Products produces high quality skin care products and
hence would belong to the cosmetic industry which is highly competitive. Understanding the
various factors that influence this industry would provide a clear picture of how to approach the
target market.
Marketing Environment
Cosmetic and health care industry are one of the most competitive markets. With the
advancement in technology, researching for new products and combinations has become much
easier and hence skin care products are being developed at a much quicker pace. The below is
the five force analysis of the industry.
1. Rivalry among existing firms: The skin care industry has several established brands that take
up major market share. In case of Shea butter beauty, Jambo and Botani are the significant
2. Threats of new entrants: Skin care industry is an extremely profitable market when the right
product is introduced and the right time. This makes the industry a lucrative market for any
business that is planning to diversify its products. However, brand value plays a key role in
growing in this market, especially since the products directly influence the health of the
consumer. Also, the technology used for manufacturing skin products are patented by the major
cosmetic companies and coming up with a new technology is challenging for new entrants. Shea
butter beauty is a well-established brand in its vicinity and produces products that are specific to
skin types. Hence the threat of new entrants is relatively low.
3. Threats of substitutes: Skin care products have a large number of substitutes and they are
usually replaced due to the chemicals used in the manufacturing these products. The world today
is moving on to organic and nature based products and hence Shea Butter Beauty is at advantage,
since all the products of Shea Butter Beauty are eco-friendly and made with natural ingredients.
Also, replacing a product that has a high brand value is difficult even for low price substitutes.
Marketing Plan For Shea Butter Beauty Products 2019
4. Determinants of Buyer Power: Shea butter beauty products are priced high and caters to
customers who are less price-sensitive and prioritize quality of the product. However, the
customers who are used to such products do not easily shift to low quality products. As long as
the quality of the skin care products at Shea butter beauty are maintained the bargaining power of
buyers is significantly low. The only threat is in the case of a new product from a well branded
company at a lower price is introduced in the market, which is highly unlikely given that Shea
butter beauty has different products for different skin types.
5. Determinants of Supplier Power: Since shea butter beauty manufactures its own products and
the raw materials used for production are ecofriendly and natural, the influence of a supplier is
Economic Forces
There are several skin care companies that are introducing products that are pocket friendly. The
inflation in the cost of raw materials is a great influencer on the price determination of the skin
care products. However, the quality of the product cannot be undermined due to economic
influence, as skin care products directly influence the health and personal image of the consumer.
Shea Butter Beauty believes in high quality products and hence sources only the best materials
which leads to high priced products. Also, to come up with new products, a good finance support
would be required. Since Shea butter beauty cannot compromise on the quality of the product,
the price of the product is high and hence marketing strategies that emphasizes on the beneficial
output by using these premium products need to be developed.
Regulatory and Legal forces
The influence of regulatory and legal forces are almost negligible as the products used for
manufacturing are natural and indigenous. However, Shea butter Beauty plans to enter the Japan
market with its existing products and hence a keen study of the legal and regulatory forces of
Japan is required to penetrate through the market.
Socio cultural Forces
The work life of the present world has led to a situation where customers have little time to take
care of themselves and would prefer investing in products that took up their skin care duties.
Hence, with working professionals particularly high quality products are appealing. The world
has also moved on to a place where importance is given to products that are made of natural and
organic ingredients which is also an advantage for Shea butter Beauty.
Once the market is understood and analyzed the next key step is to identify whom we intend to
sell the products to. The target market for Shea butter beauty products is currently professional
women in Nigeria who buy products at the online stores and the retail stores. The second target is
overseas, especially South African countries and later we will expand to the foreign markets
abroad, where the company intends to sell the same products to the same consumer sector.
Marketing Plan For Shea Butter Beauty Products 2019
High Quality Products
 Eco friendly and Natural raw materials are used for manufacturing
 High Brand value
 Has stores both online and retail
 Products developed for specific skin needs
High price
 Products restricted to women
 Few products as the products are specific to skin types
 Huge competition due to low price products
Fierce marketing from other reputed brands
 Introduction of products that are cheap and still provide acceptable quality
Entry into men’s segment
 Overseas business
 Development of new products such as sunscreen, face wash and face packs
Marketing Objectives
Shea butter beauty Products has identified the below as their marketing objective. To achieve the
same, appropriate marketing strategies need to be developed within the budget of $150000
1. Increase the number of people who make a purchase while visiting the online store by 20%.
2. Increase the number of retail outlets selling Shea butter beauty Products by 150.
3. To increase product awareness amongst the target market by 20%.
4. To increase market share to 15%.
5. To expand into at least one international market.
6. To identify new products and new markets.
7. To attain annual growth of at least 10% over the next three years
Marketing Plan For Shea Butter Beauty Products 2019
New Product
The company Shea butter beauty currently has a wide customer base in Nigeria that comprises
majorly middle age and older women. The company has a brand value in Nigeria and hence to
meet the marketing objectives the company would have to introduce a new product that appeals
the younger generation, especially the age group of 21 to 25 while sustaining the existing
customer base. The company can come up with a face wash that has a tan removal technology
and provides a refreshing look. Shea Butter Beauty already produces cleansing creams and
scrubs and hence a face wash would act as a complete set. The face wash can be purchased as a
sole piece or can be bought in a package that comprises of the scrub, cleansing cream and face
wash. Customers who use the first two products would automatically prefer buying a compact kit
of all the three products thereby increasing the sales of the new product along with the scrub and
cleansing cream.
The risk here is that the face wash may not penetrate the market efficiently as there are several
other well named brands producing face washes. However, the existing customers would
encourage the sale of the product given that they have already experienced the quality of several
other products introduced by the company. Aggressive marketing would be required to attract
new customers. If the product succeeds the product would generate revenue equal to that of the
scrub product
Overseas Business
Shea Butter Beauty has been confined to South African countries and has gained tremendous
reputation by producing high quality skin care products. The best way to do the same is to test
the market by forming a joint venture with a popular skin care retail shop overseas for six
months and understanding if the products suit the marketing needs of South African countries.
Depending on the sales, the company can then enter into the market abroad. Joint Ventures can
be risky and hence a detailed understanding of the other company has to be undertaken. Also, the
venture has to be short termed, so that the company may establish retail outlets overseas once the
testing period is completed. Marketing overseas would be extremely profitable if the testing
succeeds and marketing is done based on the preferences of the foreign clientele.
Marketing Strategies and tactics
Understanding the product mix would be beneficial when developing a marketing strategy and
relevant tactics for a product.
Product: All the products of Shea butter beauty are tangible and how they work can be clearly
observed. The premium quality of the product is an advantage and since its address to specific
need of the customer, the customer would find it difficult to replace the same. The product is
eco-friendly and natural making the product more suitable for regular usage
Price: Due to the premium quality of the products the price is on the higher end. The value of the
product is reflected in the price and hence caters to high end customers.
Marketing Plan For Shea Butter Beauty Products 2019
Place: The products of Shea butter beauty are currently available in Nigeria through their online
stores and retail stores and a plan to introduce the product to South African countries is in
progress and later to foreign market.
Promotion: The quality of the product helps in easy promotion of the product. However, the
price of the product restricts the same. Aggressive marketing would be required especially for a
new product developed to ensure that the customer base increases.
Introduction of new product
A new face wash that comes in two variants for dry to normal skin and normal to oily skin has to
be designed with a tan removal feature suitable for all age groups. Formula for this product will
be close to the formula used in the cleansing cream and the scrub developed by Shea butter
beauty. The product would be initially sold as a trial piece for free when any two products of
Shea butter beauty are purchased. The trail tubes will be small samples that can be used for five
washes. The trial period will run for a month post which the product would be available as a selfproduct in varied weights and also with the new skin care kit comprising of the face wash,
cleansing cream and scrub.
Advertising on social media
Advertising on YouTube is one of the most efficient ways to reach a large clientele. Commonly
watched videos such as prominent trailers or entertainment clippings should be chosen and a
simple 15 second ad of one or all the products have to be run on the video. The number of
viewers would substantially increase. And promote people to subscribe at the end of watching
the video.
Internet marketing
The best way to increase the number of visits to the site and substantially increase the number of
online purchases in search engine optimization which increases the visibility of a webpage in an
internet search. This would put the online site of Shea butter Beauty in the first page of internet
search when keywords such as scrubs and creams or any other skin care products are searched
for. Another way of marketing is by Google ads, where the products pop up just below the search
bar in Google.
Joint Venture for International Market
The company can form a short term joint venture with a local brand that does not sell the same
products but has reputation in related products such as body lotions and foot creams. A joint
venture will help Shea butter beauty understand how well its product would be sold and if the
market is ready to accept a new brand. If the test is successful, at the end of the joint venture
Shea butter beauty can legally proceed to set up retail stores in the foreign country. If it is found
that the joint venture is giving a profitable income, the same can be extended, else Shea butter
Beauty can lookout for other potential markets.
Marketing Plan
Marketing Plan For Shea Butter Beauty Products 2019
The company would have to design 15 second ads for YouTube in the first 10 days with the help
of the marketing assistant. The operations manager would have to complete the legal proceedings
for publishing the ads. The CEO and Operations Manager would then get the new face wash
developed within the first 6 months of the annual year while they also find a firm and develop a
joint venture to sell their products overseas. Once the product is developed the sales manager
along with his team would be responsible to encourage customers in trying out the new face
wash and the complete kit and the marketing assistant would come up with new ads for the face
Start Date
End date
Task Description
Develop a new facewash that addresses two skin R & D team
types, dry to normal to olly along with a tan
removal technology.
Search for an appropriate firms from South CEO & Operations
African countries that would be ready to form a Manager
short term joint venture for 6 months.
Develop multiple 15 seconds advertisement for the Marketing
product that can be published on Youtube before Assistant
major movie trailers.
Publish ads on Youtube
Develop multiple 15 seconds advertisement for the Marketing
new facewash that can be published on Youtube Assistant
before major movie trailers.
Publish advertisements on Youtube
Test the international market with the existing Sales Manager and
products and the new facewash to understand how his team
the market responds.
Encourage customers to buy face wash and its kit
The breakdown of the budget is as follows:
60% is allocated to development of new product and joint venture activities
20% for internet marketing and regular marketing by sales staff
Sales manager and
his team
Marketing Plan For Shea Butter Beauty Products 2019
20% to analyze the international market post sales with joint venture
Shea Butter Beauty is an established brand in Nigeria. However, the company hasn’t done
business in Abroad and also the price of the products in a hindrance to growth of customer base.
Hence, it is essential to develop a new product that would attract new customers as well as
increase the product range of Shea Butter Beauty. The marketing plan for the new product has
been designed after understanding the various aspects of Shea Butter Beauty and analyzing the
market it operates in.