Lab Rules Do NOT sit or lay in bed unless required for skill practice. If you are required to get in the bed you MUST remove your shoes and make the bed just as you found it prior to leaving the lab. Do NOT remove any body parts from the manikins. Do NOT move manikins or other equipment from the beds or the labs (IV arms, manikins, etc.) Do NOT leave Tube feeding or any other liquid open to drain in the floor. Do NOT leave IV angiocaths in arms and open to drain in the floor. Do NOT leave tape or any other type of adhesive on any of the simulator or manikins. Do NOT leave food, drinks, or trash on the tables! ABSOLUTELY no food or drinks near the beds. If this occurs the privilege of food and drinks will be revoked and the policy on food/drinks in the lab will be enforced…no food/drinks in the lab area. Do NOT use equipment that you are not familiar with. Items in the lab are very expensive and you can get hurt or damage the equipment by using them incorrectly. Do NOT take things/equipment from the labs or from one lab to another lab. If you need equipment let the lab coordinators know. If you would like to check out items, please come to 307E to fill out a form. Do NOT leave simulator or VitalSims turned on when you are finished with them turn them off. Do NOT use ink or iodine on or near the manikins they are ALLERGIC. Revised 1/2016 Do NOT use lubricants on the manikins. They will mold. If you have a difficult time and need a lubricant, we have special lubricant for the manikin, please ask lab faculty for assistance. Do NOT inject fluid into the manikin, this will cause them to mold. Air only. Ensure all electronic devices are plugged in before leaving. The rechargeable batteries are very expensive to replace. Please return any supplies/equipment to the original location in which you found it and the way you found them. Open labs end at 4PM Monday-Thursday unless otherwise posted, on Friday the open labs will end at 2PM unless otherwise posted. Please be respectful of this time as we need to prepare for the next day’s lab and we need the space and/or equipment. Always sign in when entering the open labs for practice. Do not move the books from one lab to the other. Each lab has its own book. Instructor’s check these as they require a certain number of hours for each course. The lab coordinators will also use these to verify hours in the lab prior to signing your lab paper. It also helps the lab coordinators keep records of what time, day, and skills are being practiced or not practiced. Rules are subject to change without warning. It is your responsibility to clean up after yourself as you are an adult. Do not misuse or abuse the lab and/or equipment. It is also your responsibility to know what the lab rules are and to abide by them both in lab with instructor and/or when practicing on your own time. Treat the lab and manikins as if you were at your place of employment and they were your patients. Use your professional behavior and respect the lab. There are cameras that record continuously in every lab. You will be held accountable for your actions. Please respect the rules of the lab. Revised 1/2016