Framework for a High-Impact Mini-Lesson Reading and Writing In-Person and Remote Learning What it looks like………….. Lesson Objective: Students will be able to…………………… Teaching point: I can ………. Introduction Greet- connect with students. Prepare the emotional climate. Set a positive tone. Require community participation. Sharing announcements, reminders Sharing the outline flow of activities to foster predictability, safety and security. Activate prior knowledge Explain why it’s important Put the lesson in context Instruction Teach (Modeled) “I do it” (You watch) Name teaching point, learning target Define, explain, model/demonstrate strategies and thinking processes Share visual presentation of content o Explicit examples (exemplar/non-exemplar) o Explanation – create those mental pictures o Shared practice o Inquiry/Exploration o Mentor Texts o Anchor charts Think aloud - create mental pictures of the concept Illustrate in sequence Use descriptive language Explicit demonstration, building cumulative knowledge Scaffold learning What it sounds like……….. Mentor Text: CCLS: “I am glad you are present” I am glad you are here” I am so glad to see you” Yesterday, I shared the importance of ………… As readers/writers………….we ……………. “We have been learning………………... “This is important because………………..” Model how to ……………. Explain that you can …………………… Show students ……………….. “Today I want to teach you that (readers/writers………so they can……. One way we do this is by………. First, we………., then we………….Finally…………… “Watch me as I think aloud… First,……… Then,………… Then……….. Finally, ________ is …………” “Did you see how I……….” Interaction Active Engagement (Guided Practice) “We do it (together) Multi-entry points learners (differentiation) Students practice the strategy or concept presented Assess – formative Questioning Writing connection Provide timely, meaningful, affirmations and/or corrective feedback Ask students to ……………. “Now, it’s your turn to try it out”……….. Begin to try it……………. Let’s do this……….I am here if you need support, but you must try first” Please share with me…………… Framework for a High-Impact Mini-Lesson Reading and Writing In-Person and Remote Learning Group Share Recall and review, build automaticity. Closure (Independent Practice)(“You do it alone” - Reflect) Recap/Summarize Restate the teaching point using key phrases, ideas and encourage students to apply the new learning. Briefly review the skill into a graphic organizer Explain next steps Share corresponding resources to support asynchronous activity Share writing connection Students are……………….. “Today we learned that readers/writers… So they can……… One way to do this is by……………… First we……… Next we……………. Then we……….. Finally, we………….” Turn and talk with your partner and………...” “Reflect on your own. As you continue to do your work this week, remember to think about (teaching point)”