Uploaded by Kumar Vikram


North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited
(Rcgd Omce:vidyut Bhawan,Bailey Road,Patna)
CIN No:U40109BR2012SCC018920
(DoPartment of Finance)
Ouolation Nolice
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sound experienced
Sealed Quotation are invited from reputed, technically & financially
Cha(ercd Accountants/ Cost Management Accountants/ Legal Firms for providing GST
Consultancy Services in North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited for the period of
l't April'2021 to
30th September'2021.
A. Introduction
state Power
Norlh Bihar Power Distribution Company (NBPDCL) is subsidiary company of Bihar
involved in
iioiaffi do.p-v r-i.ited, which is ;co;emmenl of Bihar undertaking The companv
90 lacs consumers in 2l
airiritrii* oi eiectricity to no(hem parts of Bihar, serving more than
it is operationally divided
H"udquarter is based
"iN"nf, *its, comprising of 3 Areis, 9 Strppty Circtes' 5 Civil Circles and 46 Divisions
i"i" ii"*.r",i"g
located across the North Bihar.
B. Scope of Work
m *tsource all the CST
ffr"r" l, u
following areas:
related services
ofthe company' which broadly covers the
at both Headquarter and unit
Filing of all typ€s of GST Retums at specified Periodic interval
the retums through co-ordination
Tiis will include collection of data required for filing-and
other records. which is in place'
i"ii ,ri" ""a from accountinglievenueCST
liabiliry' after due considerslion of relevanl
tf," same and ascenaiiing the
at the time ofrcrum filing'
"."Ji.i.i'. "fcSf f-r" Drevalent inctuding applicability of cST on_ various transactions
classifrcation' and advisorv
J"a"n"'t* ii,rt" company (including riaa trnitsl' -Hit'tlsec^( redrt
regarding incidence of ta,\. claimins and utilizarion oflnput
E-lnvoicing at Headquaner level
tornpTiun"" with
Ensuring timely ana
and across field units'
of TDS certificate' providing report of mismatch of
Services ielated to vendors like issuance
6ii","ai, una ftundling any oftheir queries relaled Io ofGsT
in rheir.GSTR 2A,/2B.
iJ*wiis i.ru". oicusiomirs in case ofadmissibility
proper compliance of
;. ililil'il;il";
GST at all levels.
rir n"ri
,iii, "i."!utal
for all purchases maoe
a. Enirrini,ftu, iroi*r tTC is reflecred in CSTR 24audit
and preparation of annual repon'
i. I"-irlii"t""*iin CST Audiror ioi faciliuting
in GST Law
10. Providing update on receni amendments
& p,rrchase entry for rapping GST tmnsaction'
t. providing tT Solution to corporJoi iirfilling
12. Reconciliation of Data at HeadqMriers'
upload invoices or noni:. iil;i;,t"" ;b; i;oi"" r"lut"rting & Finding o" Mismatches'
as per GST
services (Division/SuPPlY
t?. Handling the Queries ofContnctors/Vendors ofNBPDCL at the divisioni circles, area board,
and headquarters and rcsolving the issues from the level ofconsulta only.
Division/Supply CircleyArcal Board/Civil Ckcles/HQ should b€ considered as an
independent unit for all lhe compliances.
It should be Codsultants responsibility that no intcrest/penalty is payable by NBPDCL.
Consultant should have to ensure that no interest/penalty would be payable by
It is to be clarified that it shall be consultant's responsibility to collect data & GST
Retums. The Employees ofNBDPCL willonly facilitate such collection.
18. Period of Engagement: - ls'April'2021 to 301h September'2o2l this may be extended for
fu(her period on satisfactory performance.
It is to be understood that it is complete outsourcing ofall GST related work.
C. Terms and Conditions
The Applicant must be a registered CA/CMAJ Legal Fi.ms, constituted as a Partnership
Firm/ Limited Liability Partnership Firm (LLP/ a company .egistered in India.
A copy of Partnership Detd or Certificate of Incorpomtion and a declaration to this efTect
must be submited by the applicant.
2. The Applicant should have at least l0 years of exp€rience in providing consultancy in
the applicant has handled GST
indirect taxation. Preference will be given
implementatior/advisory work in Centrdl/Siate Go!'t. o. its undertaking. A copy of work
order/ LOA issued by the Company or engagement letter entered by the bidder with the
Company and acknowledged by the Company musl be submitted by the applicant.
3. The Applicant should not have been banned/deJisted/black listed/deban€d from business
by Mop, Govemment of lndia/ any PSU/ any Govemment Department6unding Agency
(iuch as the world Bank, ADB, etc.) during the last o3(three) years on grounds of
coruptior/fraudulent practices and /or by BSPHCL and its subsidiaries on any grounds'
A self-undertaking to this effcct must be submitted by the applicant.
4. The Applicant should deploy one full time Senior Consultant who should be experienced
CTCMA and at least 2 assistants, who should be semi qualified accountants (having
cleared intermediate level o. equivalent exam ofthe ICAI) full time in the project'
5. heference will be given iflocal office ofapplicant is situated in Patna'
On the top ofenvelop it must be subscribed "Quotation for appointment as GST Consultant
In light of above, we would be
to seek your interest for appointment as CST
Consultant in our company,
Last date for submission of Quotatiol to undersigned is 31.03.2021 up to 1l'30 am
Date ofopening of Quotation is 31.03.2021 at 5.00 pm'
Yours Faithfully
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Memo No.
認讐魁 糊 調 l
DBA,NBPDCL ror kind
Coov forwarded to General Manager (HR &Admin), NBPDCL′
that maximum numbcr of rlnns may
informati# and pubtish this nolice on NBPDCL 、vebsitc, SO
participate agaifl st this quotation.
Dy. General Manager (F&A)