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Operation Management chap 10

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) Control is the formalisation of what is intended to happen.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
2) Aggregated demand forecasts are a key element of short-term planning and control.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
3) A drive-in tyre replacement operation is a good example of planning and control considerations
being driven by dependent demand.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
4) Finite loading is particularly relevant for operations where the cost of limiting the load is not
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
5) Ad hoc consideration of operations objectives is an example of long-term, medium-term or
short-term planning and control?
A) Long-term planning and control
B) Medium-term planning and control
C) Short-term planning and control
Answer: C
6) Objectives set in largely financial terms is an example of long-term, medium-term or short-term
planning and control?
A) Long-term planning and control
B) Medium-term planning and control
C) Short-term planning and control
Answer: A
7) Objectives set in both financial and operations terms is an example of long-term, medium-term or
short-term planning and control?.
A) Long-term planning and control
B) Medium-term planning and control
C) Short-term planning and control
Answer: B
8) Determining how much to do is known as:
A) Scheduling
C) Sequencing
B) Loading
D) Monitoring and control
Answer: B
9) Determining whether activities are going to plan is known as:
A) Scheduling
B) Loading
C) Sequencing
D) Monitoring and control
Answer: D
10) Determining in what order to do things is known as:
A) Scheduling
B) Loading
C) Sequencing
D) Monitoring and control
Answer: C
11) Determining when to do things is known as:
A) Scheduling
C) Sequencing
B) Loading
D) Monitoring and control
Answer: A
12) Less exposed to risk in case of schedule change by the customer is an advantage of:
A) Forward scheduling
B) Backward scheduling
Answer: B
13) Flexible - the time slack in the system allows unexpected work to be loaded. This is an example of:
A) Forward scheduling
B) Backward scheduling
Answer: A
14) High labour utilisation - workers always start work to keep busy. This is an example of:
A) Forward scheduling
B) Backward scheduling
Answer: A
15) Tends to focus the operation on customer due dates. This is an example of:
A) Forward scheduling
B) Backward scheduling
Answer: B
16) A pull system is where material is moved only when the next stage wants it.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
17) The planning horizon tends to be short in a low-volume, high-variety operation.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
18) Which of the following operations is more likely to be a pull rather than push operation?
A) A company that builds computers to order
B) A brewery
C) A farmer
D) A food manufacturer
Answer: A
19) Scheduling the operation:
A) Sequences work through a series of operations
B) Determines the volume that an operations system can cope with
C) Determines the priority of tasks to be performed
D) Assumes that capacity must be infinite
E) Decides on the start and finish times for each task
Answer: E
20) The maximum output of an operations system in a given period is called the:
A) Master production schedule
B) Capacity plan
C) Production forecast
D) Break-even point
E) Designed capacity
Answer: E
21) Loading the operation:
A) Assumes that capacity must be infinite
B) Determines the priority of tasks to be performed
C) Determines the order in which work is to be processed
D) Determines the volume that an operations system can cope with
E) Decides on the start and finish times for each task
Answer: D
22) When considering control tasks, loading is associated with work volume, sequencing is associated
with work priorities, and scheduling is associated with:
A) The work rate from an operation or process
B) The order in which work is processed
C) Work done relative to customer order delivery dates
D) Work order scheduled receipts
E) Work start and finish times
Answer: E
23) Sequencing the operation:
A) Assumes that capacity must be infinite
B) Determines the volume that an operations system can cope with
C) Determines the priority of tasks to be performed
D) Decides on the start and finish times for each task
E) Determines the order in which work is to be processed
Answer: E
24) Planning and control activities are concerned with providing long-term resources which are
capable of satisfying customers' demands
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
25) Planning and control activities are concerned with operating resources on a day-to-day basis and
ensuring availability of materials and other variable resources in order to supply goods and
services which will fulfil customers' demands.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
26) Different aspects of planning and control can be viewed as representing the reconciliation of
supply with demand.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
27) Planning is the process of coping with changes in supply and demand.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
28) Planning is a formalisation of what is intended to happen at some time in the future.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
29) In planning and control, planning is NOT:
A) A guarantee that an event will happen
B) A formalisation of what is intended to happen
C) A statement of intention
D) A plan based on expectations
Answer: A
30) In planning and control, control is NOT:
A) An adjustment that allows the operation to achieve the objectives that a plan has set
B) A statement of intention
C) A process of coping with changes to supplier and/or demand
D) An adjustment to planned events
Answer: B
31) In the long term, the emphasis of planning and control is on:
A) Planning and control
B) Planning
C) Control
Answer: B
32) In the short term, the emphasis of planning and control is on:
A) Planning
B) Planning and control
C) Control
Answer: C
33) Which of the following is NOT true of long-term planning and control?
A) Determines resources in aggregated form.
B) Objectives are set in largely financial terms.
C) Uses disaggregated forecasts and demand forecasts.
D) None of the options above is true.
Answer: C
34) Which of the following is NOT true of medium planning and control?
A) Uses aggregated demand forecasts.
B) Makes interventions to resources to correct deviations from plans.
C) Ad hoc consideration of operations objectives.
D) None of the options above is true.
Answer: D
35) Which of the following is true of short-term planning and control?
A) Usually partially disaggregated demand forecasts.
B) Objectives are set largely in financial terms.
C) Makes interventions to resources to correct deviation from plans.
D) Determines resources and contingencies.
Answer: C
36) The nature of decisions taken to plan and control an operation will depend on:
A) The nature of demand and costs of supply
B) The nature of demand and supply for the operation
C) The nature of demand and its elasticity
D) The nature of supply and its flexibility
Answer: B
37) Independent demand is relatively predictable, because factors of demand are known.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
38) Most of the demand for tyre store in a car plant is dependent demand.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
39) When an operation is sufficiently confident of the nature of demand, if not its volume and time, it
will tend to:
A) Make to order
B) Make to stock
C) Resource to order
Answer: A
40) To reconcile volume and time, four overlapping activities are performed:
A) Evaluation, loading, sequencing, scheduling
B) Loading, scheduling, sequencing, monitoring
C) Loading, monitoring, evaluation, scheduling
D) Sequencing, scheduling, monitoring, evaluation
Answer: B
41) The allocation of work to a work centre up to a set limit is called:
A) Sequencing
B) Infinite loading
C) Physical constraint
D) Finite loading
Answer: D
42) The approach to loading which does not limit accepting work, but instead tries to cope with it, is
A) Classic loading
B) Finite loading
C) Determined loading
D) Infinite loading
Answer: D
43) When the cost of limiting the load is prohibitive, infinite loading is commonly applied.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
44) LIFO sequencing is more equitable that FIFO sequencing.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
45) The most common method of scheduling is by use of a Gantt Chart.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
46) When the dominant resource of the operation is its staff, then the schedule of work time
determines the demand for the operation.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
47) Which of the following is seen as a disadvantage of self-rostering?
A) Creates a 'them and 'us' culture
B) Less teamwork
C) Lack of control
D) Reduced motivation
Answer: C
48) Which of the following is NOT seen as an advantage of self-rostering?
A) Balanced rosters
B) Nurtures teamwork
C) Staff ownership of problems
D) Improves morale
Answer: A
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