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EE313 Instrumentation Assignment: Wheatstone & Kelvin Bridges

Foundation University Rawalpindi Campus
Department of Electrical Engineering
EE313 Instrumentation and Measurements
Assignment No. 2(CLO-2)
Instructor: Abdur Rehman
To be given on: 31 March 2021
Total Marks:10
To be submitted on: 07 April 2021
Question-1: Study, understand and comprehend the complete Instrumentation and
Measurements material (class lectures) ,since commencement of the semester.
This aspect will be assessed in Quizz-2, which will be conducted on the date of
submission of this assignment.
Question-2: Derive the balanced and unbalance conditions equations of Wheatstone bridge
with help of suitable figure. Assume the letter notations at your convenience.
Question-3:In the Wheatstone bridge circuit, R3 is a decade resistance with a specified in
accuracy ±0.2% and R1 and R2 = 500 Ω ± 0.1%. If the value of R3 at the null
position is 520.4 Ω, determine the possible minimum and maximum value of R X
Question-4: Figure below show the schematic diagram of a Wheatstone bridge with values of
the bridge elements. The battery voltage is 5 V and its internal resistance
negligible. The galvanometer has a current sensitivity of 10 mm/µA and an
internal resistance of 100 Ω. Calculate the deflection of the galvanometer caused
by the 5-Ω unbalance in arm BC.
Question-5: How a Kelvin and Kelvin Double Bridge arrangements is achieved from
Wheatstone bridge, Elucidate with help of figures. Derive their respective
Balanced Condition Equations.
Question-6: Example 5-1. Example 5-3, Example 5-4, Example 5-5.
[Book-Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques by Albert D. Helfrick and
William D, Cooper]
Question-7: Problems 5-1, Problems 5-2, Problems 5-3, Problems 5-4, Problems 5-5,
Problems 5-6, Problems 5-7, Problems 5-8 [Book- Modern Electronic Instrumentation
and Measurement Techniques by Albert D. Helfrick and William D, Cooper]
 SOFT COPY:To be submitted to respective GR of the class and in turn, GR will e-mail to me
the compact /consolidated file in rar as per the registration # sequence. Late submission will be
awarded zero marks.
Assignment-1 (31 March 2021)
Assignment-2 (07 April 2021).
 Hard Copy : To be submitted to respective CR of the class and in turn, CR will handover to me
in office as per the registration # sequence. Late submission will be awarded zero marks.
QUIZZ-1 (07 April 2021 at 1200 hrs)
QUIZZ-2 (09 April 2021 at 08:30 hrs)