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MOS Capacitor Homework Solutions

ECE 305 1)
Spring 2015 ECE 305 Homework SOLUTIONS: Week 12 Mark Lundstrom Purdue University The energy band diagram for an MOS capacitor is sketched below. Assume T = 300K and an oxide thickness of xo = 1.1 nm. Answer the following questions using the delta-­‐depletion approximation as needed. (Note that E F = Ei at the oxide-­‐silicon interface.) (This problem is similar to prob. 16.7, Pierret, SDF). 1a) Sketch the electrostatic potential vs. position inside the semiconductor. ECE-­‐305 Solution: 1 Spring 2015 ECE 305 Spring 2015 HW Week 12 Solutions (continued) 1b) Roughly sketch the electric field vs. position inside the oxide and semiconductor. Solution: Note: We assume that there is no charge in the oxide and no charge at the oxide-­‐Si interface. 1c) Do equilibrium conditions apply inside the semiconductor? Explain Solution: YES. The Fermi level is constant, but even if the Fermi level in the metal does not align with the Fermi level in the semiconductor (as is the case when a gate voltage is applied) the oxide insures that no current flows, so the metal and semiconductor are two separate systems in equilibrium with possibly different Fermi levels. (Note: We assume that light is not shining on the semiconductor.) 1d) Roughly sketch the hole concentration vs. position inside the semiconductor. Solution: ECE-­‐305 2 Spring 2015 ECE 305 Spring 2015 HW Week 12 Solutions (continued) 1e) What is the hole concentration in the bulk? Solution: p ( x → ∞ ) = ni e( Ei −EF ) kBT = 1010 e0.51/0.026 = 3.3 × 1018
cm-­‐3 p ( x → ∞ ) = 3.3 × 1018 cm -3
1f) What is the hole concentration at the surface? Solution: p ( x = 0 ) = ni e( Ei −EF ) kBT = 1010 e0 = 1 × 1010
p ( x = 0 ) = 10 cm
1g) What is the surface potential? Solution: φS = φ ( x = 0 ) − φ ( x → ∞ ) = 0.51 V
1h) What is the gate voltage? Solution: The Fermi level in the metal aligns with the Fermi level in the semiconductor, so the gate voltage must be zero. (Note: The fact that there is a volt drop across the oxide and the semiconductor with VG = 0 indicates that there is a workfunction difference between the metal and the semiconductor.) 1i) What is the voltage drop across the oxide? Solution: The electric field at the surface of the semiconductor is given by eqn. (16.27) in SDF as: ES =
2qN AφS
We find the electric field in the oxide from: K OE ox = K SE S so E ox =
ECE-­‐305 KS
2qN AφS
3 Spring 2015 ECE 305 Spring 2015 HW Week 12 Solutions (continued) The volt drop across the oxide is: Δφox = x0E ox = x0
K ox
2qN AφS
alternatively we can write this as: Q (φ )
Δφox = 0
2qK S ε 0 N AφS = − B S KOε 0
where QB (φS ) is the depletion charge in C/cm2 in the semiconductor and Cox is the oxide capacitance in F/cm2 Putting in numbers: K Oε 0 3.9 × 8.854 × 10−14
Cox =
= 3.6 × 10−6 F/cm2 −7
1.1× 10
We found the doping density in 1e) and the surface potential in 1g), so QD = − 2qK S ε 0 N AφS = − 2 × 1.6 × 10−19 × 11.8 × 8.854 × 10−14 × 3.3× 1018 × 0.51 QD = −7.5 × 10−7 C/cm2 Δφox = −
QD (φS )
7.5 × 10−7
= 0.21
3.6 × 10−6
Δφox = 0.21 V
Question: If the substrate were n-­‐type, as in the figure below, could you repeat this problem? ECE-­‐305 4 Spring 2015 ECE 305 Spring 2015 HW Week 12 Solutions (continued) 2) There is currently great interest in replacing SiO2 with a higher dielectric constant material. Different oxides are compared to SiO2 in terms of the “Equivalent Oxide Thickness” (EOT). EOT is the thickness of SiO2 that would give the same capacitance per unit area. What is the EOT of 4 nm of hafnium dioxide, HfO2, which has a relative dielectric constant of 25? Solution: K HfO ε 0
CHfO =
K Oε 0
(The capacitance of a layer of SiO2 of thickness, EOT. EOT
By definition, the above two capacitances must be equal: K HfO ε 0
K ε
CHfO =
= CEOT = O 0 2
EOT = xHfO
= 4×
= 0.6 nm K HfO
EOT = 0.6 nm 2
Note that 0.6 nm of SiO2 would be too leaky because of quantum mechanical tunneling, but 4 nm of HfO2 gives the same capacitance with less leakage current due to quantum mechanical tunneling. Assume an MOS capacitor on a p-­‐type Si substrate with the following parameters: N A = 2.7 × 1018 cm -3 for the bulk doping Oxide thickness: xo = 1.1 nm K O = 3.9 QF = 0 (no charge at the oxide-­‐Si interface) T = 300 K VG = 1 V Also assume that the structure is ideal with no metal-­‐semiconductor workfunction difference. Determine the following quantities by analytical calculations. You should use the depletion or delta-­‐depletion approximation for these calculations. 3a) The flatband voltage, VFB . Solution: VFB = 0 because there is no workfunction difference and no charge at the interface. ECE-­‐305 5 Spring 2015 ECE 305 Spring 2015 HW Week 12 Solutions (continued) 3b) The surface potential, φS . Solution: VG = φS + Δφox = φS −
QS (φS )
2qK S ε 0 N A
φS Cox
(We are assuming here that all of the charge in the semiconductor is depletion charge -­‐ no inversion charge. This assumption will be checked later. VG = φS + β φS = φS +
2qK S ε 0 N A
= 0.303 φS + β φS − VG = 0 is a quadratic equation for φS φS =
− β ± β 2 + 4VG
(take positive sign. Since there is a positive gate 2
voltage, we should get a positive surface potential.) Putting in numbers, we find: φS = 0.74 V Is this greater than 2φ F ? φF =
⎛ 2.7 × 1018 ⎞
k BT ⎛ N A ⎞
ln ⎜
⎜⎝ 1010 ⎟⎠ = 0.505
⎝ ni ⎠
2φ F = 1.01 V Our use of the depletion approximation for QS (φS ) in the first equation is justified, and φS = 0.74 V
3c) The electric field in the oxide, E OX . Solution: Since there is no metal-­‐semiconductor workfunction difference, the voltage on the gate is just 1V (no built-­‐in voltage to worry about) and the voltage at the oxide-­‐Si interface is 0.74 V, so V −φ
1− 0.74
E ox = G S =
= 2.4 × 106 V cm
1.1× 10
ECE-­‐305 6 Spring 2015 ECE 305 Spring 2015 HW Week 12 Solutions (continued) Alternatively, we could do it another way. Gauss’s Law gives: K Oε 0E ox = −QS = −QB = 2qK S ε 0 N AφS QB = − 2qK S ε 0 N AφS = − 2 × 1.6 × 10−19 × 11.8 × 8.854 × 10−14 × 2.7 × 1018 × 0.74 QB = −8.17 × 10−7 C/cm2 E ox = −
8.17 × 10−7
= 2.35 × 106
κ ox ε 0 4 × 8.854 × 10
E ox = 2.3× 106 V/cm
(slight round-­‐off error gives different answers) 3d) The electric field in the silicon at the surface, E S . Solution: At the oxide-­‐Si interface, we have: K Oε 0E ox = K S ε 0E S ES =
E ox =
2.4 × 106 = 7.9 × 105 KS
E S = 7.9 × 105 V/cm
3e) The depletion region depth, WD . Solution: 2K S ε 0
2 × 11.8 × 8.854 × 10−14
WD =
φ =
× 0.74 qN A S
1.6 × 10−19 × 2.7 × 1018
WD = 1.89 × 10−6 cm WD = 18.9 nm 3f) The charge in the silicon, QS in C/cm2 Solution: From the solution to 2c): QS = −8.17 × 10−7 C/cm2 QS = −8.17 × 10−7 C/cm 2
ECE-­‐305 7 Spring 2015 ECE 305 Spring 2015 HW Week 12 Solutions (continued) 3g) The charge on the gate, QG in C/cm2 Solution: Charge balance dictates that the charge on the gate must be equal and opposite to the charge in the semiconductor (there is no charge at the oxide-­‐
Si interface). QG = −QS = +8.17 × 10−7 C/cm 2 3h) The voltage drop across the oxide Solution: VG = Δφox + φS
Δφox = VG − φS = 1− 0.77 = 0.23 V Δφox = 0.23 V
3i) The threshold voltage for this MOS capacitor Solution: VT = 2φ F −
QB ( 2φ F )
2qK S ε 0 N A (1.01)
= 1.01+
VT = 1.01+ 0.304 = 1.314 V VT = 1.314 V
The measured IV characteristics of a 75 nm, unstrained Si, N-­‐MOSFET are shown below. Estimate the device metrics for this transistor. Specifically, determine: a) the on-­‐current, b) the off current, c) the subthreshold swing, d) the DIBL, e) the output resistance, f) the transconductance in the saturation region, and g) the “on-­‐resistance” (the resistance in the linear region for the maximum gate voltage). ECE-­‐305 8 Spring 2015 ECE 305 Spring 2015 HW Week 12 Solutions (continued) Solution: ION gm ROUT RON DIBL S IOFF On current in mA/µm : ≈ 800 µA/µm The on-­‐current is the current for the maximum gate and drain voltages. Off current in µ A/µm : ≈ 6 µA/µm The off current is the current for zero gate voltage when the drain voltage is at its maximum value. ECE-­‐305 9 Spring 2015 ECE 305 Spring 2015 HW Week 12 Solutions (continued) ≈ 85 mV/decade Subthreshold swing in mV/decade: This is the millivolts it take to increase the drain voltage by a factor of 10 when operating in the linear region. Typically measured at maximum drain voltage. DIBL in mV/V: ≈ 85 mV/V The horizontal shift in gate voltage at a fixed subthreshold current between a low and high drain voltage. On-­‐resistance in Ω-µm : ≈ 450 Ω − µm The minimum resistance in te linear region. ≈ 8000 Ω − µm Output resistance: in Ω-µm ; One over the slope of drain current vs. drain voltage in the saturation region. Transconductance in µS µm : ≈ 1000 µS/µm (at maximum drain and gate voltage) The change in drain current divided by the change in gate voltage. 5) Real transistors have parasitic series resistances at the source and drain. As shown in the figure below, the result is that the voltages applied to the terminals of the device are not the voltages on the terminals of the intrinsic device. ECE-­‐305 10 Spring 2015 ECE 305 Spring 2015 HW Week 12 Solutions (continued) 5a) Modify the square law MOSFET equations to include the effects of source and drain series resistances. Solution: The voltages in the square law expressions are the intrinsic voltages – not the voltages applied to the terminals. Using primes to denote the intrinsic voltages: W µ nCox ⎡
′2 ⎤
ID =
′ −
⎢(V ′ − VT )VDS
L ⎣ GS
2 ⎦ 0 ≤ VDS
′ < VDsat VGS
′ ≥ VT W µ nCox
ID =
′ − VT )
′ ≥ VDsat ′ ≥ VT 2L
Note that we use VGS′ instead of VG′ and VDS
′ instead of VGS′ because with a series resistance, the intrinsic source is not at ground potential. Straightforward circuit analysis gives the intrinsic voltages as VGS
′ = VG − I D RS VDS
′ = VDS − I D ( RS + RD )
Inserting these voltages in the square law theory gives the answer. Note that ID ends up on both sides of the equations, and it is not completely trivial to plot the IV with series resistance. 5b) The series resistances affect the drain current differently in the linear and the saturation regions. Explain how RS and RD affect the linear region drain current and the saturation region drain current. Solution: Begin with the linear region and assume VDS
′ 2 2 can be ignored: W µ nCox
W µ nCox
′ − VT )VDS
′ =
(VGS′ − VT ) ⎡⎣VDS − I D ( RS + RD )⎤⎦
W µ nCox
To keep track of the algebra, define: α =
I D = α (VGS
′ − VT ) ⎡⎣VDS − I D ( RS + RD ) ⎤⎦
I D = α (VGS
′ − VT )VDS − α (VGS
′ − VT ) I D ( RS + RD )
or ID =
ECE-­‐305 11 Spring 2015 ECE 305 Spring 2015 HW Week 12 Solutions (continued) α (VGS′ − VT )VDS
ID =
1+ α (VGS
′ − VT ) ( RS + RD )
+ ( RS + RD )
α (VGS′ − VT )
Note that W µ nCox
ID =
′ − VT )VDS
′ = DS
RCH where 1
α (VGS′ − VT )
is the resistance of the channel. Finally, we find: ID =
+ ( RS + RD )
which is intuitively what we expect. In the absence of series resistance, we just have a channel resistance. In the presence of series resistance, the measured resistance in the linear region, V
Rmeas = DS
I D is the sum of the intrinsic channel resistance and the two series resistors. Now consider the saturation region. If VDS
′ = VDS − I D ( RS + RD ) > VDsat
, then we are saturated and W µ nCox
W µ nCox
ID =
VGS − I D RS − VT )
′ − VT ) = I D =
so if VDS is large enough, the RD does not matter. The current of the intrinsic device (no series resistance) would be W µ nCox
I Di =
VGS − VT )
so 2
I D ⎛ VGS − I D RS − VT ⎞
I Di ⎜⎝
⎠ ID ⎛
I D RS ⎞
= ⎜ 1−
I D ⎝ (VGS − VT ) ⎠
ECE-­‐305 2
12 Spring 2015 ECE 305 Spring 2015 HW Week 12 Solutions (continued) When the volt drop across the series resistance of the source is comparable to the gate overdrive, then the saturation current decreases. The effect of the series resistors on the IV characteristic in the linear and saturation regions is shown below. The source and drain series resistors increase the linear region resistance, and the source series resistance lowers the saturation current. ECE-­‐305 13 Spring 2015 