Uploaded by Christina Davidson

Chondrichthyes Video Notes: Shark Anatomy & Physiology

NAME: ________________________________________ Aquatic Science CCHS
Shark Skin Video: Answer the questions below: https://youtu.be/iAjrVijceqc
1. What are sharks covered in that acts as their scales?
2. They actually have more in common with teeth they’re set up in this overlapping ____________________ shape
that form these little grooves and channels that pull water toward the shark and then push it across the body
which gets rid of the resistance and lets the shark move more _______________.
3. What else do the dermal denticles provide for the shark?
4. List the ways that were discussed in the video that humans are using this knowledge.
Ghost Shark: Answer the following questions below: https://youtu.be/s4uwDrdLfS4
1. Chimaeras’ skeletons are not composed of what?
2. Where was this chimaera usually found?
3. In 2009, where did the researchers observe this fish?
NAME: ________________________________________ Aquatic Science CCHS
Jonathan Bird’s Blue Word: Skates & Rays: Answer the following questions below:
1. What class do sharks, skates, and rays belong to?
2. What is the sub- division they belong to?
3. How do you tell a ray from a flat shark?
4. Where is the southern stingray’s mouth located?
5. What is the structure on the top of a stingray’s head that helps them breath?
6. Skates have no stinger and perform a type of locomotion called punting by pushing off with which type of
7. What is another name for the Torpedo Ray?
Why Don’t Sharks Have Bones? Answer the questions below:
1. Bony fish are more related to who?
2. Why are sharks red blood cells made in the spleen?
3. Cartilage is ______________ and more flexible than bone allowing sharks to weigh ___________ and bend
their bodies at shaper angles than bony fish. It’s a nice combination that ____________________ both power
and maneuverability.
4. Do sharks’ muscles attach to their skeleton?
5. What is an example of a structure that does attach to their skeleton?
NAME: ________________________________________ Aquatic Science CCHS
How Do Sharks Breathe? – Shark Academy: Answer the following questions below
1. What is “ram ventilation”?
2. Buccal _______________ is practiced form of breathing where sharks like the nurse shark, whitetip
reef shark, and the lemon shark gulp water.
3. Two dozen species known as _____________ Ram Ventilators, only breathe by swimming through
the water, and ramming water into their mouths. If they stop swimming, they will drown!
4. Give an example of a shark that is an Obligate Ram Ventilators.
5. True or False: ALL sharks must keep swimming to keep breathing.
Shark Eyesight- Shark Academy: Answer the following questions
1. Shark eyes and human eyes have the same basic structure, with cornea, _________, and pupil, and
an iris. It also has rods and cones in the retina, which means the shark can see in ______________. It
can also open and close the pupil, in response to available light, just like humans.
2. Do sharks have eyelids?
3. Shark eyelids are called _________________ membranes, and they close them when they are
attacking prey at close range to protect their eyes.