University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City Science Multimedia Media Resource Needs Assessment Submitted by: Ms. Clarisse Jean V. Tambong Master of Arts in Education, Major in General Science Multimedia resource has a vital role in the learning achievement of the students. This includes the wide array of technologies which can be projected and non-projected in nature and the facility which can house all these learning tools. These technologies are created to aid teaching and learning process. Multimedia resource centres are utilized in various educational and academic institutions to provide the tools necessary in transmitting information. In this needs assessment, the following objectives are hereby targeted: 1. To assess available Science Media resource existing in the institution; 2. To identify the field of Science that the grade ten students are interested into to provide enough materials to be utilized; 3. To provide sufficient information in managing and implementing multimedia center focused in various materials necessary to deliver effective Science instruction; 4. To evaluate the effectivity of various aspects of multimedia resource. The data were gathered through a survey instrument among Thirty Grade Ten students and the results were presented through table and graphs. Each table were analysed and provided implications in the development of a Science Multimedia Centre. In the needs assessment of a Science Multimedia Resource, the following findings were identified: There are few grade ten students interested in Physics and Earth Science. - The least utilized general materials and resource are flashcards and journals. - The least utilized Visual Media are Cartoons and Realia. - The least utilized Audio Resource radio and cassette tapes. - The most utilized Display Materials are Glass Boards and White Boards; least utilized are the chalkboards and multimediaboards. - The least utilized Electronic Resource are telephone, Digicam/camcorder and VHS. - The least utilized 3D Materials are the Dioramas and Lego Bricks. - The following services must be improved: number of staff and personnel and the number of chairs and tables. Two aspects of human resource which must be developed are the sufficient number of personnel and Presence of Technical Support Personnel/Staff. The aspect of the multimedia which is not highly observed is the visibility of the Personal Knowledge & Training to use the resource and Venue Usage. INSTRUMENT USED: Na me: Age: Gender: Speci fic Field i n Science that you are interested: Bi ology Phys i cs Ea rth Sci ence As tronomy Chemi stry General Science Ava i lable Science related Ma terials/Science Resources used i n school: Books News paper Ma ga zines Fl a t/Still Pi ctures Photogra phs Il l ustrations Fl a shcards Journals Others , Pls. Specify:______________ Vi s ual Media Pos ters P Ca rtoons Dra wi ngs/Sketches Di a grams Cha rts Gra phs Stri p dra wings/ Comic Strips Rea lia Audi o Media Ra dio Mi crophone Hea dset Ca s s ette Tapes Sound Recorder Spea kers Porta bl e Lapel Mi crophone Mega phone Others , Pls Specify:______________ MATERIALS & SERVICES OUSTANDING GOOD FAIR Li ghti ng Sys tem Venti lation System Ma i ntenance & Sa nitation Number of Chairs & Ta bl es Number of Sta ff/Personnel Gui delines & Pol icy on the Us e of Educational Medi a Centre Suggestions: _____________________________________________________________________________________ POOR HUMAN RESOURCES: OUSTANDING GOOD FAIR Pres ence of Technical Support Personnel/Staff Suffi cient Number of Pers onnel Pol i te & Consultative Mul ti media Personnel CHALLENGES YES Equi pment Ava ilability Equi pment Ma i ntanance/Upgrading Technical Support Pers onal Knowledge & Tra ining to us e the resource Venue usage Suggestions: __________________________________________________________ NO POOR DATA AND ANALYSIS: TABLE 1: FIELD OF INTEREST IN SCIENCE 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Biology Physics Earth Science Field of Interest Astronomy Chemistry General Science Number of Respondents The respondents were asked of the specific field in Science that they are interested into. With all the six major field identified and with 30 benchmark for each field, the students in Grade 10 were mostly interested in Biology with 26 responses, followed by Chemistry with 20 responses. General Science garner the third highest number of respondents with 16 out thirty. Fourth in the rank is astronomy with 13 responses, second to the last with seven response is Earth Science then lastly Physics with six out of thirty responses. Analysis: Their interest in the various fields in Science might be the result of the Spiral Curriculum eherein across the level, different discipline is being taught every grading. Interest on each branch of Science emerges as shown in the variety of choice among the respondents. Implication: More resources should be acquired for Biology and Chemistry to cater their interest more on these disciplines. Provide each field of Science sufficient amount of material to boost their interest in each branch not just on their specified interest. FIGURE 1: GENERAL MATERIALS/RESOURCE Flashcards Journals 6.67 % (2/30) 10% (3/30) Illustration 60%(18/30) Photograph 43.33 % (13/30) Flat/Still Pictures 43.33% (13/30) Book 100% (30/30) Newspaper 26.67 % (8/30) Magazine 73.33% (22/30) On Figure 1, it shows the distribution of the various general materials available in the media center in the School of Saint Anthony, Quezon City that were utilized observed being used by the the student and teacher. . The bulk of the general resource material that they have used and identified are as follows: Book (30/30), Magazines (22/30), Illustration (18/30), Photography and Still pictures (13/30), Newspapers (8/30), Journals (3/30), and Flashcards (2/30). Analysis: Most commonly used resource material is the book which only adheres to the fact that this has been the prime media used in the classroom as well. Flashcards and Journals are rarely used and utilized. Implication: More strategic approaches to utilize these media and make guide questions for the journals to be used and use for recitation the various flashcards or can in a form of game to utilize it. FIGURE 2: VISUAL MEDIA Strip/Comics 60% (18/30) Realia Posters Cartoons 6.66 % (2/30) 20% (6/30) 10% (3/30) Drawings/Sketches 26.66% (8/30) Diagrams 70% (21/30) Graphs 70 % (21/30) Charts 70% (21/30) In terms of Visual Media, the results on figure 2 show the various visual media utilized in teaching Sciencce from the most highly used to the least: : Diagrams (26/30), Charts (26/30), Graphs (22/30), Drawing/Sketches (10/30), Posters(8/30), Cartoons (3/30), and Realia (2/30). Analysis: Most commonly used visual media is the diagram which only shows that process is highly analysed in Science Classrooms and the least used are the Realia or real examples to explain concepts especially if the lesson is abstract in nature. Implication: More strategic approaches to utilize media other than diagrams, charts and graphs. Posters and Cartoons might be used only when the context/topic is highly appropriate. FIGURE 3: AUDIO MEDIA Megaphone 6.67% (2/30) Portable Radio 3.33% (1/30) Lapel/Microphone 10% (3/30) Microphone 43.33%(13/30) Headset(6.67% (2/33) Cassette Tapes 3.33% (1/30) Speakers 80% (24/30) Sound Recorder 10% (3/30) The Audio Media is used to relay information and transmit learning through sound. The bulk of this resource material that they have used are identified as shown in figure 3 which are as follows: Speakers (24/30), Microphone (13/30), Sound Recorder & Portable Lapel Microphone (3/30), Headset and Megaphone (2/30), Radio and Cassette Tape (1/30). Analysis: Most commonly used Audio resource material is the Speaker followed by microphone while the least used are the radio and cassette tapes. Implication: Due to the emerging technologies, radios are being replaced by playlists downloaded from the internet even the radio is not present. Cassette tapes are almost obsolete and the students cannot recognize them anymore. FIGURE 4: DISPLAY MATERIALS Multimedia Bulletin Boards 6.66% (2/30) Chalkboard 20 % (6/30) Whiteboard 46.66% (14/30) Glassboard 93.33% (28/30) Display materials can be in varied form where information are posted, hanged or exhibited to implore learning. . Majority of the respondents’ most utilized display resources are as follows and shown in figure 4: Glass board (28/30), Whiteboard (14/30), Chalkboard (6/30), Multimedia Bulletin Board (2/30). Analysis: Most commonly identified display resource is the glass board and the least is the multimedia bulletin board. Implication: Glass boards are highly utilized in the school because all the rooms are installed with such. Other means of display resources can be maximized as the need arises. FIGURE 5:ELECTRONIC DEVICES Digicam/camcorder 6.66% (2/30) Telephone 6.66% (2/30) Storage Devices (CD/DVD) 23.33% (7/30) Smart TV 56.66% (17/30) Printer 23.33% (7/30) VHS 3.33% (1/30) CD/DVD Player 23.33% (7/30) Laptop 73.33% (25/30) OHP/LCD Projector 83.33% (25/30) In the 21st Century Learning mechanism, the advent of electronic devices encourage the teachers to use wide array of resources. The respondents identified the following electronic devices used in the institution particularly in Science as follows as shown in Figure 5: Laptop and OHP/LCD Projector (25/30), Smart TV (17/30), Printer, CD/DVD and storage devices (7/30), Telephone and Digicam/Camcorder (2//30), and VHS (1/30). Analysis: Based on the data gathered, the use of laptop, projector and smart TV garnered the highest number of respondents and the least was the VHS. Implication: The learners are familiar with the common usage of the technology which they are also familiar. Old electronic devices are rarely observed. These obsolete tools can just be a part of the exhibit to be used in the evolution of technology and can still be used as a component of the learning space to be developed. FIGURE 6: 3D MATERIALS Specimen & Objects 53.33 (16/30) Materials for Contrived Experience 23.33 (7/30) Books 90% (27/30) Pop UP 43.33 (12/30) Model 53.33 (16/30) Lego Bricks 10% (3/30) Globe 63.33 % (19/30) Dioramas 3.33 (1/30) Three Dimensional Models are used to show the structure of a particular concept being taught at different views and angles. 3D models are identified by the respondents as follows as shown in figure 6: Books (27/30) and Globe (19/30), Specimen & Objects and Model (16/30), Pop UP Models (12/30), Materials for Contrived Experience (7/30) and Dioramas (1/30). Analysis: Three Dimensional Models are highly recognized to serve effective transmission of learning. The highest utilized model is the book, followed by Globe. The least model used are the dioramas. Implication: The 3D models can solicit ideas not observed in other form of models. Through the advancement of technology, Three Dimensional models can be projected through computer generation. Other existing 3D models can be utilized used in specified topics and if the computers are not available. TABLE 2: MATERIALS & SERVICES 25 22 21 21 20 18 16 15 14 15 11 9 10 7 7 8 8 5 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Lighting System Ventilation System Maintenance & Number of Chairs Number of Guidelines & Sanitation & Tables Staff/Personnel Policy on the Use of Educational Media Centre OUTSTANDING GOOD FAIR POOR In analysing the Media Centre existing in the institution the following factors are evaluated as shown in table 2: Lighting System, Ventilation System, Maintenance and Sanitation, Number of Chairs & Tables, Number of Staff & Personnel and Guidelines and Policy on the Use of Educational Media Centre. Four Rating Scale namely: Outstanding, Good, Fair and Poor are used to measure to evaluate the services and availability of materials in the media centre. Analysis: Based on the data gathered, Guidelines and Policy on the use of Educational Media Centre was rated outstanding with 21 response out of 30 respondents. Next to this service which garnered outstanding rating is the maintenance & sanitation with 18 responses, followed by Number of the lighting system with 11 response, and the least rated service number of chairs and tables and number of staff and personnel with 7 response. In terms of the services which was rated good are as follows: Ventilation System (22/30), Lighting system (21/30), number of chairs and tables (16/30), number of staff and personnel (15/30), Maintenance & Sanitation (14/30) and guidelines and policy on the use of educational media centre (8/30). The following services are rated fair: number of staff and personnel (8/30), number of chairs and tables (5/30), Ventilation System and guidelines and policy on the use of educational media centre (1/30). Implication: The service which must be improved are those which garnered fair rating scale and least in having good rating scale. This has to be reviewed and identified how to further improve and implement as the media centre will be further developed. TABLE 3: HUMAN RESOURCES 25 20 20 18 15 18 12 10 10 10 5 2 0 0 Presence of Technical Support Personnel/Staff Sufficient Number of Personnel Outstanding Good Polite & Consultative Multimedia Personnel Fair Poor In analysing the effectivity and needs of a media centre existing in an institution, the number of attending personnel to cater the service is as equally important as the materials. The following factors are identified as shown in table 3: Presence of Technical Support Personnel/Staff, Sufficient Number of Personnel, and Politeness and Consultative Attitude of Multimedia Personnel. Analysis: Based on the gathered data, the presence of polite and consultative multimedia personnel was rated outstanding by twenty respondents out of thirty. This is followed by the presence of technical support/staff with eighteen responses and sufficient number of personnel with a rating of ten responses. The rating which are marked are as follows: sufficient number of personnel (18/30), Presence of Technical Support Personnel/Staff (12/30), Consultative Attitude of Multimedia Personnel 10/30). Two aspects of human resource rated fair which is sufficient number of personnel (2/30) and Presence of Technical Support Personnel/Staff (1/30) Implication: The human resource is a vital component of an effective media centre. The visibility and assistance rendered by the personnel can enhance the involvement of the students and teachers in the utilization of the multimedia centre. TABLE 4: VISIBILITY/CHALLENGES EVALUATION 30 26 25 23 21 20 20 20 15 9 10 5 8 10 10 3 0 Yes No The evaluation of the different factors to be considered if the multimedia centre is effective or not is based on its impact to its client. In table 4, it shows the respondents’ opinion on the various aspects of the multimedia centre which are as follows: Equipment Availability, Equipment Maintenance/Upgrading, Technical Support, Personal Knowledge & Training to use the resource and Venue Usage. Analysis: Based on the data, the following are observed in the multimedia center as shown in the table: Equipment Availability, (26/30), Technical Support (23/30), Equipment Maintenance/Upgrading (21/30), and Personal Knowledge & Training to use the resource (20/30). However, in terms of not so observed aspects, the following are identified: Personal Knowledge & Training to use the resource and Venue Usage gathered the most number of no responses (11/30), followed by equipment maintenance/upgrading (8/30), Technical Support (8/30) and Equipment Availability (3/30). Implications: Most of the aspects considered for the multimedia’s effectivity are rated visible and observed by the clients. An orientation to each personnel should be conducted to relay expertise on each media component and further evaluation can be done to address concerns as it arise. Venues must be highly utilized depending on the educational objective needing the setting.