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Rúbrica de Ensayo AP Literatura y Composición

AP Lit erat ure and Composit ion Essay Rubric
FRQ ( Fr ee Resp on se Qu est i on ) Scor i n g Con ver si on
See t he of f icial College Board AP English Lit erat ure and Composit ion Scoring Rubrics f or more det ails and inf ormat ion
about scoring f or each quest ion t ype. T his document serves t o explain grading conversions f or sample essays scored
using t he older scoring guides and how t hese scores correlat e wit h grades in t he gradebook:
ht t ps://t inyurl.com/CBScoringRubric
Ol d
Scor i n g
Gu i d e
20 19-20
Scor i n g
Gu i d e
8/ 9
10 0
6/ 7
Row A (T hesis): (0 – 1 Point s)
Example: I n t he poem “Terminus,’” by Ralph Waldo Emerson, t he
speaker has a complex perspect ive on t he process of aging.
3/ 4
0 Poi n t s: restatement of prompt, summary of the issue with
no coherent claim, not defensible, off-topic (doesn’t respond to
the prompt)
1 Poi n t : Responds to the prompt with a defensible thesis that
presents an interpretation and may establish a line of
Example: Throughout his poem “Terminus,” Emerson conveys
his perspect ive t hat one should embrace aging as a t ime t o
set t le down and relax t hrough an ext ended met aphor and
f igurat ive language. Emerson explores t he idea t hat aging is a
calm t ime at t he end of a chaot ic lif e.
Row B (Evidence & Comment ary): 0 – 4 Point s:
0 Poi n t s: m i ssi n g al t oget h er
1 Poi n t :
su m m ar y of p l ot / t ext , n on -sp eci f i c
r ef er en ces, vagu el y r el evan t r ef er en ces, and little to no
• 2 Poi n t s: m ak es t ex t u al r ef er en ces (direct or indirect)
that are r el evan t t o t h e t h esi s AN D pr ovi d es
com m en t ar y; however, it r ep eat s, over si m pl i f i es, or
m i si n t er pr et s the cited information or evidence
• 3 Poi n t s: m akes textual references (direct or indirect) that
are relevant to the thesis AND p r ovi d es com m en t ar y
t h at expl ai n s t h e r el at i on sh i p bet w een evi d en ce
an d t h e t h esi s; however, commentary is u n even ,
l i m i t ed , or i n com p l et e
• 4 Poi n t s: Makes textual references (direct quotes or
paraphrases) that are relevant to the thesis AND provides
w el l -d evel op ed com m en t ar y t h at con si st en t l y an d
expl i ci t l y exp l ai n s t h e r el at i on sh i p bet w een t h e
evi d en ce an d t h e t h esi s
Row C (Sophist icat ion): 0 – 1 Point s:
• Demonstrates sophistication of thought and/ or develops a
complex and nuanced literary argument by doing any of the
following: including complexities or tensions, situated in
broader context, accounts for alternative interpretations,
and/ or vivid & persuasive writing style)