Uploaded by Ryan Gosine

Social Skills Activities: Emotional Regulation & Sharing

Social Skills
Colour Monster/ Managing and recognizing emotions / Zones of Regulation.
Purpose: Through understanding how different colours relate to different emotions, help the students
give a name to their feelings. I.e. Red is Anger, Blue is Sad, etc.
Read the colour monster to the class. Have them discuss what the different colours mean in the book
and what different colours mean to them. Give them blank colour monsters to colour as they see fit.
(encourage them to use the colours associated with the monsters) They can cut them out and stick them
to construction paper which can be posted around the classroom.
Purpose¨ To help the students vocalize their current emotions without being forced to speak the words.
They can have the scales attached to their desk and slide the scale to show where they are emotionally.
This can be done once they understand the colour monsters. Can use images from the colour monster to
tie into previous activity.
Pass the Ice Cream: Use cups to pass around coloured balls and have them transfer it to the ice cream
container. Each person gets a turn too put it in the container.
Responsibilities Chart: Allow the children to choose classroom responsibilities. I.E. Who can change the
schedule, who’s turn it is to change the Calendar. Who is line leader? Create a visual chart to show who
is doing what.