INTRODUCTION There are always some expectations in the minds of customers when they buy a product or service. However, when these expectations do not match with perceptions, service failure occurs (Shapiro, Nieman and Gonder, 2006). Service failures can vary from industry to industry but there are also some common failures identified in all the sectors of service industry (Ishaque et al, 2016).The impact of service failure has far reaching negative consequences on a service or product provider as customers amongst other costs become dissatisfied with the service provider and shuns its services. Many researchers, academics and authors have written at length pointing out the numerous causes of service failure. The reasons of the service failure could be the unique characteristics of services and psychographic factors of individuals getting involved in service delivery (Lewis and Spyrakopoulos 2001). Other researchers claimed that service failures could also depend on customer behaviour in the delivery process of the services (Armistead et al. 1995; Denham 1998; Johnston 1994) DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS A service failure can be defined as service performance or encounter that falls below a customer’s expectations, thus, leading to dissatisfaction (Zeithaml et al., 2009). Hoffman and Bateson (1997) defined service failures as service performances that fall below customer expectations. According to (Krishna et al. 2011), service failure is unwanted, dissatisfying and an unexpected situation for any customer in the service process. (Krishna et al. 2011) further assert that there are two types of service failures: operational and behavioral. In case of operational failure, customer may complain to the authority, switch to another organization, may go in for negative publicity, may reduce the business or might not take any action altogether. These types of customers’ behavior are affected by many factors like control of service providers on failure situations, stability of service failure, magnitude of failure and past experiences of customers (Krishna et al. 2011). Maxham (2001) postulates that service failures are any service related mishaps (real or perceived) that transpire during a customer’s experience with a firm. All the definitions given above revolve around the subject of unmet expectations in the process of delivering a service. The key point in defining service failure is thus the existence of unmet expectations. A service is defined as activities, benefits or satisfactions which are offered for sale or are provided in connection with the sale of goods (American Marketers Association, 2014). A service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another, which is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product (Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders and Wong, 2006) There are a myriad of causes of service failure. There are two types of attributions that when it comes to the subject of service failure. Weiner (1980) asserts that when the causes of service failure have something to do with the customer, internal attribution is made. However, if the service failure has been caused by a failure in the production of a service, this is termed as an external attribution. 1. Bitner et al. grouped the service failures into four categories namely; service delivery system failures, gap between needs and requests, unprompted/unsolicited employee actions, and problematic customers. a) Service delivery system failures In the service industry, service failures generally encompass any problematic situation during service while a service is delivered to a customer, causing significant damage to customer satisfaction (Reichheld, 1996). Service failure is, typically, determined by elements such as the nature of the service encounter, the cause of the problem, and the psychographics of the individuals involved (Lewis and Spyrankopoulos 2001). What is at the core in terms of discussing service failures is that the service failure is discussed from the customer’s perspective because this is what a company needs to recover from, i.e. any dissatisfaction or problem that a customer perceives in relation to a service or a service provider (Lewis and Spyrankopoulos 2001). Service delivery system failure is caused by the error of service providers. This service delivery emanates from the problems caused by the service provider thereby causing dissatisfaction as the expectations of the customer will not be satisfied. It is the service provider that delivers or offers a defective product. In some cases, for example, the service provision may be very slow or not available at all. The table below illustrates the service delivery system failure using examples. Table 1: Service provider Error TYPE OF FAILURE MODE Service Delivery System Failure CAUSE EXAMPLES Service Provider Error Product defects Slow/ unavailable service Facility problems Unclear policy Out of stock Source: Hoffman K D; Kelley SW; Rotalsky H M (1995)Tracking service failures and employee recovery efforts. J Serv Market pp. 60 b) Gap between needs and requests This will be discussed under the Gap Model c) Unprompted/Unsolicited employee actions Wrong employee actions have a serious repucation in terms of service failure (Smith et al, 1982). This is one major cause of poor service failure as the employees are the face of the organization, if they interact wrongly, unprofessionally or dishonestly with clients, any interaction of this nature with customers is bound to give birth to service failure. For example, if an employee is rude or impolite to clients, this is clearly an indicator of service failure. Another example is when an employee charges a customer wrongly or overcharges a client. This is another typical example of service failure as overcharging amounts to an unprofessional conduct which falls under service failure. Employees may at times not be properly trained or not trained at all to execute their duties. This scenario makes employees to be incapacitated to adequately execute their duties thereby resulting in poor service delivery or service failure (Shapiro, 1972). It will be the absence of the relevant and necessary skills that would have given birth to such failure. (Hoffman et al, 1995) presents this cause of failure in a tabular form given hereunder: Table 2: Service Employee Error TYPE OF FAILURE MODE Wrong employee actions CAUSE EXAMPLES Service employee error Unkind behavior Wrong order Lost order Mischarged Source: Hoffman K D; Kelley SW; Rotalsky H M (1995)Tracking service failures and employee recovery efforts. J Serv Market pp. 60 d) Problematic Customers There are 5 types of problematic customers (Aventis, 2020). These 5 types of groups are; the demanding/bully/aggressive customer, the complainer, the confused indecisive customer, the impatient customer and lastly, the know it all customer. The demanding/ bully/ aggressive customer is quick to anger, overly aggressive, highly critical, rude, arrogant and often verbally abusive. They think their needs and demands are superior to everybody else’s. They scream, complain, abuse and may often get physical to get what they want (Aventis, 2020). All these types of problematic customers create room for service failure in their own ways. Customers at times may pose a threat to the good flow of service delivery (Smith et al, 1982). They may come at times with unrealistic demands that a service provider may not be in a position to satisfy. The fact that the demands, needs and or expectations of a customer have not been met means that service failure has been created. However, under this scenario, it is the customer who will be at fault as they would have brought unrealistic demands on the table. At times, there would be a supervening impossibility that renders the service provider unable to deliver as promised but the customer may insist that the service be delivered. These supervening impossibilities may come in the form of floods, riots, war etc. The service may thus be unfeasible but the customer may continue to be a thorn in the flesh as they will be demanding service delivery when circumstances don’t permit. Hoffman et al (1995) illustrates this case in a tabular form as shown below: Table 3: Customer Error TYPE OF FAILURE MODE Wrong customer actions CAUSE EXAMPLES Customer error Mistake prior to use Mistake in use Carelessness Source: Hoffman K D; Kelley SW; Rotalsky H M (1995)Tracking service failures and employee recovery efforts. J Serv Market pp. 60 A customer may be careless in using a product or service and may damage the product (Smith et al, 1982). Under this circumstance, the customer would thus want to shift the blame to the service provider yet they are fully at fault due to their negligence or carelessness. The customer may mistakenly use the product thus damaging its proper functioning and may again want to shift the blame thus causing a breakdown in service delivery. These problematic customers contribute in service failure as their expectations in using a product or service are short lived due to some of the examples cited above. 2. Lewis and Spyrakopoulos (2001) classified service failures into five categories as: organization procedures, mistakes, employee behavior, functional/technical failures, and actions/omissions of the organization that are against the sense of fair trade. a) Organisation procedures or process According to (Sharma et al, 2016), employees know the service processes mechanism very well which includes element of time and procedure and this creates a psychosis, however, the customers become impatient because they feel that services are not being delivered on time or it involves a good deal of technicalities and formalities. This creates a situation of communication gap between employees and the customers which needs to be handled carefully. Employees agree with the statement that weak service process leads to service failure on their part. It is important to note that a weak service process impacts on employees efforts in customer service (Hoffman et al, 1995; Sharma et al, 2016). Employees are facing this issue majorly in the form of the following situations; complicated service delivery mechanism; time consuming service delivery process; process insensitive towards actual needs of the customers ; lack of empowerment of employee to take a decision in case of any critical situation. These issues lead to service failure on employee’s part and overall impact customer service b) Mistakes Mistakes happen even when much attention to detail and work is being done. In other words, mistakes are part of life, they happen even to the most cautious. Service failure may occur because an employee did a mistake whilst serving a client. To err is human. For example, in the hotel industry, a waiter may mistaken table 6 for table 9 and deliver the wrong dish to table 6 instead of table 9. In another case in point, the waiter may slip and fall whilst holding the dish meant for a customer. This may cause a delay in serving the customer who ordered. Service failure would indeed occur, but it would have been caused by a mistake. The mistakes that cause service failure come in various forms or brackets. According to (Post, 2017), there are 3 mistake areas that were identified that causes service failure. These areas are discussed underneath. Over-automation: At times automation can cause costly mistakes that lead to service failure (Post, 2017). Automated responses deviate from a personalized system where a human being interacts with another. A wrong response that doesn’t understand human emotions may be given by a machine thereby grossly disturbing a conversation that was flowing smoothly. For example, some people use street language (slang, informal words) for communicating. A machine may not decode the true meaning of the message, this leads to service failure as there is a communication breakdown. Also, machines may be down , thereby creating service failure as customers may not be getting responses or services when they want them. Failing to listen: Assuming that a business knows what its customers wants instead of actively listening to them is a big mistake (Post, 2017). A business should be in the business of doing proper research, interacting and listening to its clients so as to know what exactly its clients want. It is a costly mistake to be doing business basing on assumptions and not actual facts, needs and wants. Undervaluing customer service staff: (Post, 2017) opines that the employees that engage or interact with customers should be rewarded highly so that all their interactions with customers are done whilst they are motivated. An unmotivated employee is a recipe for service failure. c) Functional/Technical failures One of the most common forms of service failure emanates from technical failures (Sharma et al, 2016). A technical failure is an unwanted error of technology based systems. This technical glitch in service delivery has the outcome of interrupting the normal function of a product or service thus leading to service failure. For example, whilst DStv subscribers are watching their favorite channel, due to a technical failure, signal can no longer be received by the viewers. This is indeed a service failure as the viewers or subscribers would have paid to enjoy uninterrupted viewership. Another facet of technical failures is the issue of slow system and network problems. When the system is low and there are network problems, end users or consumers have a disruption in using a service. Their expectations become unfulfilled as they are not able to easily use a service. Econet data subscribers for example may experience service failure because the network is slow or bad. Under such cases, service failure would have occurred and this all falls under the bracket of technical failures. Functional failure is when a component or system does not perform the intended function expected of it by the designer (English Phrases Dictionary). According to (Stapelberg, 2009), functional failure is the inability of an item to carry out the work that it is designed to perform within specified limits of performance. There are many reasons behind functional failure and these all have an impact on service failure. One reason is that a gadget may completely fail to perform a function simply because it wasn’t made or designed up to standard. It may be a reject or substandard product that found its way to the market. This means to say that substandard products may cause service failure as they do not perform up to the required standards of performance. d) Actions/omissions of the organization that are against the sense of fair trade. In some instances, organisations go against the usual trade practices or norms. These practices amount to gross violations of fair trade and ultimately lead to service failure (Lewis and Spyrakopoulos, 2001). A good example of such cases is when a grocery store sells subsidized mealie meal at a price that is ridiculously above the gazzetted price simply because there is a shortage. Customers flock to the store with the expectation of getting the mealie meal at the gazzetted price but they are greeted with disappointments and dissatisfaction as the price will be beyond their reach. 3. Lack of Infrastructure support Infrastructure support is one of the key components in establishing a quality service delivery. The absence of this key component results in poor service delivery (Sharma et al, 2016). In a research that was conducted by (Hoffman et al, 1995; Sharma et al, 2016), the majority of employees that were interviewed in the banking sector agreed with the statement that lack in infrastructure support leads to service failure on their part. The lack of infrastructure support impacts on employees’ efforts in customer service (Reichheld, 1996). Generally they become helpless in the absence of infrastructure support to serve customers better and try to divert customers to their seniors or in other bank branch (Sharma et al, 2016). A list of the examples of how the lack of infrastructure support leads to service failure in the banking sector was complied. Employees in the banking sector were facing this issue majorly in the following situations: ATMs not working: The bank employees would not be able to serve the clients when these machines are down. Service failure would have been caused by the machine down time. Poor network infrastructure: The bank employees need the best network infrastructure in order to execute their tasks efficiently. Clients that walk into a bank expect to be served expeditiously, but if the network infrastructure does not warrant the possibility of a fast service, service failure is created. Poor network infrastructure leads to a slow pace of doing tasks and this will make the bank employees to take time to serve clients and this may lead to long queues in the bank. Outdated Machines: technology is moving at a fast pace and the invention of sophisticated machines has made other machines to be obsolete or outdated or not to be compatible with other systems or applications. This makes it difficult for bank employees to execute their duties in the most relevant fashion as they will be hindered by their outdated machines. Service failure would thus be manifested as a result of outdated machines. Insufficient sitting/ service providing arrangement: This led to service failure as the customers expected to have proper sitting infrastructure where they would sit whilst waiting to be served. Their expectations were not fulfilled. Lack of water and facility arrangement: During the summer when it’s hot, it is rational to give water to clients and clients expected to get water in the banking facilities but this was not the case. They had an unmet expectation. Parking problems: clients would expect to be given parking space but the banks have not offered this facility to its clientele. This has contributed to service failure as the space reserved for clients is never awarded to them. These issues lead to service failure on employee’s part and overall impact customer service (Sharma et al, 2016) 4. Preferential Treatment Neira, Casielles and Iglesias (2010) introduced the concept of preferential treatment as a service failure and examine its effect on dissatisfaction. They gathered data with the help of interviews and used structural equation modeling to analyze the relationship between preferential treatment and dissatisfaction. Customers sometimes may think that a service provider is giving priority to other customers but not to them. Customers come with the expectation of being equally treated, but when they see other customers being given priority, service failure is bound to occur. Their expectations would have been violated as they think that they are not of real value to the organization. 5. Poor Management Support According to (Sharma et al, 2016) the majority of employees agreed with the statement that management non-supportive measures lead to service failure on their part. Further, (Sharma et al, 2016) state that to analyse this, a Pearson correlation test was applied. Its result says that management non- supportive actions impacts on employees’ efforts in customer service. When employees don’t get the support they want from management, this creates service failure. Employees are facing many issues like: Handling multiple task and responsibility: When employees are given multiple tasks by the management, they become non-specialists at work. This makes them not to be experts at specific tasks thereby affecting their work standards and creating service failure. If employees also have a lot of tasks and responsibilities, it is fatigue that will make them not to be effective and efficient thus creating service failure (Reichheld, 1996). Management should thus ensure that employees are given specific and manageable tasks as bombarding employees with too much work leads to service failure. Lack of empowerment: if employees are not empowered by the management, they face the challenge of not making critical decisions to satisfy the customer. According to (Reichheld, 1996), customer feels satisfied when an employee is empowered and goes out of his way to satisfy the needs and expectations of a customer. Lack of training of new products and services: Information is power when it comes to the issue of handling customers and providing them with the most relevant and up to date information. If employees have not been given proper training by the management pertaining to the new product and services, they will misinform clients or give them the wrong product or service (Sharma et al, 2016). This scenario leads to service failure as a client would be given a wrong product or service and their expectations left unsatisfied. Lack of manpower: According to (Sharma et al, 2016), if management does not avail the required manpower in order to satisfactorily offer a service or product, service failure is bound to occur as there will be inadequate people to serve clients. This can create delays in service offering and long queues become the order of the delay. These all sum up that a service has failed. 6. Knowledge Gap The knowledge gap is the difference between the customer’s expectations of the service and the company’s provision of that service (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry, 1985). According to the (Expert Program Management, 2018), essentially, this gap arises because management doesn’t know exactly what customers expect. There are a number of reasons this could happen, including lack of management and customer interaction and insufficient market research. Also, (Expert Program Management, 2018) further postulate that the knowledge gap is further enhanced by the failure to listen to customer complaints thus service failure is created. 7. The Delivery Gap The delivery gap is the difference between service delivery policies and standards and the actual delivery of the service (Expert Program Management, 2018). A lot of reasons can be attributed to this cause of service failure in the form of a delivery gap. It could be because a service company is failing to match the current demand to supply. In the world of finance, this is called overtrading and overtrading by its very nature is a cause of service failure. 8. The Communication Gap The communication gap is the gap between what gets promised to customers through advertising and what gets delivered (Expert Program Management, 2018). A communication gap does cause service failure in many cases. One of the most popular examples is when an organization overpromises is clients. This will make customers to flock into a service provider with high expectations yet what was advertised or promised is not the actual service clients are going to get. Service failure would have been caused by overpromising and under-delivering.