POSTER RUBRIC Excellent Very Good Colours Bright and bold colours have been used throughout the poster. Images Many beautiful, high quality images have Images are mostly good quality. A lot of been used on the poster, and dominates the images have been used. Images are very poster. dominant in the poster. Visual Impact The visual impact of the poster is very high, with all visual images coming together to make the poster striking and visible. Use of space All the space of the poster has been used optimally. Planning It is clear that the poster was well planned in Signs of good planning, and most of the advance, with carefull attention paid to the guidelines have been followed. guidelines. Fair Colours are mostly bright and visible. Some drab areas in poster. Poor Some bright colours have been used. 10 Very little colour used in the poster 8 15 6 12 9 The impact is quite striking, but can improve in The impact is fair, but the poster is certain areas. boring or untidy in many areas. 20 3 Not enough images, or quality of images Very few images, or images of a very not all very good. Images are bad quality. Text in a most prominent overshadowed by text. place in poster. 16 Most space has been used very well. 6 The poster is not pleasing to the eye at all, and makes a bad general impression. 12 10 Space has not been used very well, with Space not used well at all, with a lot of some blank spaces left on poster. blank spaces left on poster. 10 8 6 Some signs of planning, and some guidelines have been followed. 10 8 Headings, subheading, text All headings and subheadings are big, Most headings and subheadings are big, bold and visible. Most information has been typed bold and visible. Information has been typed out. Textboxes have been pasted out. Textboxes have mostly been pasted straight. straight. Frames Effective framing has been used throughout Effective framing has mostly been used the poster. throughout the poster. Content and information Information on the poster is sufficient, yet summarized and to the point. Text does not dominate the graphical elements. 3 Very little planning, and most guidelines have been ignored. 6 3 Some headings and subheadings are big, bold and visible. Some information has been typed out. Textboxes have mostly been pasted straight. Most headings and subheadings are not big, bold and visible. Most information has been written by hand. Textboxes have been pasted crookedly. Some effective framing has been used on the poster. Very little or no framing has been used on the poster. 10 5 20 4 Information on the poster is sufficient, but not very well summarized and to the point. Graphical elements dominate mostly. 17 3 Information on the poster is only somewhat sufficient, or too long. Text overshadows the graphical elements. 2 Information on the poster is not sufficient, or far too long. Text completely overshadows the graphical elements. 12 Total: ........./100/ 4 = ......../25 6