International Journal of Economics and Finance; Vol. 12, No. 11; 2020 ISSN 1916-971X E-ISSN 1916-9728 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education True Expense Ratio and True Alpha of Imperfect Diversification: Evidence from Stock Market in Bangladesh Md Sajib Hossain1 1 Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Correspondence: Md Sajib Hossain, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Tel: 880-199-2243-7548. E-mail: Received: August 8, 2020 Accepted: September 16, 2020 Online Published: October 5, 2020 doi:10.5539/ijef.v12n11p21 URL: Abstract Actively managed funds try to outperform by deviating from passive benchmarks such as the S&P 500, leading to imperfect diversification and higher idiosyncratic volatility. The idiosyncratic volatility imposes an additional cost to the shareholders. In this study, using data of all the closed-end mutual funds listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) from 2012 to 2019, I have attempted to quantify this higher idiosyncratic volatility as an additional expense on the portfolio and then estimate true expense ratio and true net alpha of the actively managed funds as a new measure for imperfect portfolio diversification. The study finds that mean volatility cost of the funds is 1.42% which is on an average around 89% of the explicit expense ratio and the findings that volatility costs are not strongly correlated with other performance measures such as Sharpe, Treynor or information ratios provides additional information about the fund performance. Moreover, when volatility cost is adjusted to traditional Jensen alpha measure to find a true net alpha of the funds, rankings of the funds significantly change and two alpha measures are not strongly positively correlated, suggesting new information about the fund performance. Keywords: expense ratio, volatility costs, mutual funds, idiosyncratic risk, Alpha 1. Introduction Several studies have concluded that an average actively managed fund performs almost same as low cost indexed portfolio before fees and expenses but loses to a low cost index fund net of all fees and expenses (Jensen, 1968; Petajisto, 2013). Active managers deviate from the passive benchmark on the premise that mispricing exists in the market and they can successfully exploit whatever security mispricing might exist. Such deviation from the benchmark portfolio introduces two new things in the portfolio; higher management expenses and higher idiosyncratic volatility. Existing literature on how fund management fees and higher volatility affect the performance of mutual fund demonstrated that on average, active investment managers underperform their benchmarks by an amount approximately equal to their fees (Jensen, 1968; Elton et al., 1993; Malkiel, 1995; Gruber, 1996; Carhart, 1997; Wermers, 2000; Pastor & Stambaugh, 2002; and Fama & French, 2010). Yet, active managers can have superior skill that might justify higher fees, and some managers might be more skilled than others. However, empirical evidence suggests that skill does not equate to average performance, gross or net of fees (Berk & Green, 2004; Pastor & Stambaugh, 2012; Stambaugh, 2014; and Pastor, Stambaugh, & Taylor, 2015) Contradictory empirical evidence is also observed. For example, Kacperczyk, Sialm, and Zheng (2005) report that funds having more concentrated portfolios perform better. Cremers and Petajisto (2009) find that funds, whose active share is higher compared to underlying portfolio of their benchmark, perform better. Following Cremers and Petajisto (2009), Petajisto (2013) divided active managers into several categories based on both Active Share, and tracking error. Active Share measures mostly stock selection and tracking error measures mostly exposure to systematic. He found that “most active stock pickers outperformed their benchmark indices even after fees, whereas closet indexers underperformed. These patterns held during the 2008–09 financial crises and within market-cap styles.” Cremers et al. (2016) report the similar result in the subsequent study. Similarly Amihud and Goyenko (2013) find better performance among funds that have lower explanatory power measure in terms of R2 from benchmark regressions. Pastor, Stambaugh, and Taylor (2017) examined the relation between trading and subsequent benchmark adjusted performance and they report a positive relation 21 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 12, No. 11; 2020 benchmark-adjusted return. Moreover, they find that compared to cross-sectional relation, time-series relation between turnover and performance is stronger. In the existing literature, idiosyncratic volatility due to imperfect diversification is incorporated in traditional measure of mutual funds’ performance such as the Sharpe ratio, the information ratio, and the M-2 or M-3 measure. A possible disadvantage of such measure is that a fund might appear to have beaten the benchmark if it generates net alpha. But net alpha comes at increased volatility and if this increased volatility can be converted into expense, then total expense could be higher and true net alpha can be negative. Existing literature of performance measure does not quantify this idiosyncratic volatility as measure of additional cost of active management. In this research, I will attempt to quantify this higher idiosyncratic volatility as additional expense on the portfolio and then estimate true expense ratio and true net alpha of the actively managed funds. The rest of the paper is organized as follows; section two provides a theoretical framework for measuring the true expense ratio and true alpha of imperfect diversification, section three explains the data of the study, section four presents the results and section five is the conclusion. 2. Measuring True Expense Ratio and True Alpha of Imperfect Diversification To generate the abnormal return, active managers underweight or overweight many of the stocks in the benchmark, resulting in imperfect diversification and higher idiosyncratic volatility. The idiosyncratic volatility imposes additional cost to the shareholders that has not been quantiο¬ed in the existing literature of performance measure of mutual fund. In this research I will try to quantify the cost of imperfect diversification and attempt to show that when cost of idiosyncratic risk is added to the explicit cost of portfolio management, true expense ratio of portfolio manager be much higher. Then I will show how true net alpha can be measured from the true expense ratio of imperfect diversification. A passive fund manager can move along the capital market line by investing β fraction in the market index and 1−β in the risk-free security to generate return π Μ ππ‘ Μ π ππ‘ = π½πΜ (1) ππ‘ + (1 − π½)πππ‘ = πππ‘ + π½(πΜππ‘ − πππ‘ ) (2) If ππ is the operating expense charged by the passive manager for asset management fee and other costs, and then π ππ‘ is used to denote gross portfolio return while πΜ ππ‘ is used to denote portfolio return net of expenses so that we have Μ πΜ (3) ππ‘ = π ππ‘ − ππ πΜ ππ‘ = πππ‘ + π½(πΜππ‘ − πππ‘ ) − ππ (4) In contrast to passive manager, an active manager deviates from the passive benchmark, introducing non-market return πΜππ‘ into the portfolio return π Μπ΄π‘ = πππ‘ + π½(πΜππ‘ − πππ‘ ) + πΜππ‘ (5) If the non-market return is decomposed into its average, ππ΄ which measures the abnormal return on the portfolio and πΜππ‘ which measures mean-zero random components, then we have πΜππ‘ = ππ΄ + πΜππ‘ (6) It can be written as π Μπ΄π‘ = πππ‘ + π½(πΜππ‘ − πππ‘ ) + ππ΄ + πΜππ‘ (7) The return reported to the shareholders during a period t is net of expenses Μππ΄π‘ = π Μ π΄π‘ − ππ΄ Μππ‘ = πππ‘ + π½(πΜππ‘ − πππ‘ ) + ππ΄ + πΜππ‘ − ππ΄ = πππ‘ + π½(πΜππ‘ − πππ‘ ) + πΌπ΄ + πΜππ‘ (8) (9) Here πΌπ΄ = ππ΄ − ππ΄ is the abnormal return available to the investors net of expenses. The average return during a measurement period is πΜ π΄ = πΌπ΄ + πΜ π +π½(πΜ π + πΜ π ) (11) The portfolio’s deviation from the underlying benchmark leads to imperfect diversiο¬cation and idiosyncratic volatility,ππ2 , in its returns. As a result, the total risk of active fund manager’s returns using single index model is π 2 = π½ 2 ππ2 + ππ2 22 (12) International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 12, No. 11; 2020 The deviation from the benchmark portfolio can be seen in the reduced R 2: π 2 = 1 − ππ2 (13) π2 and the increased idiosyncratic and total volatilities due to imperfect diversiο¬cation which show up in the Sharpe ratio and information ratio of the investor returns: Sharpe Ratio = πΜ −ππ π = Μ Μ Μ Μ −πΜ πΌ+π½(π π π) (14) 2 + π2 √π½ 2 ππ π And Information ratio = πΌ (15) ππ As a result, other things being the same, the higher is the idiosyncratic volatilityππ , the lower is the Sharpe and information ratios. An alternative way to measure the eο¬ect of imperfect diversiο¬cation is through the reduced return due to increased volatility. Speciο¬cally, the terminal wealth after n periods is: ππ = π0 (1 + π1 )(1 + π2 )(1 + π3 ) … … … (1 + ππ ) Or (16) π ππ = π0 (1 + π) (17) Here, g is the geometric mean return. For a given average (arithmetic mean) return, the higher the volatility, the lower the geometric mean return and the lower the terminal wealth. If the returns have a normal distribution then the expected geometric mean return is related to the arithmetic mean return as 1 πΈ(π) = πΈ(π) − π 2 (18) 2 While individual security returns may not be normally distributed, guided by central limit theorem it is safe to assume that returns of diversiο¬ed portfolios are normally distributed. The ex-post counterpart of this equation is: 1 π = πΜ − π 2 (19) 2 Substituting equations (11) and (12) into equation (19) we get 1 π = πΌ + ππ + π½(πΜ π − πΜ π ) − (π½ 2 ππ2 + ππ2 ) (20) 2 =πΌ− 1 2 ππ2 + ππ + π½(πΜ π − πΜ π ) − 1 2 π½ 2 ππ2 (21) This equation 21 gives a clear expression of the costs and beneο¬ts of imperfect portfolio management. The beneο¬t is access to the management skill α of active manager and the cost is the management fee which is already incorporated into α and the increased volatility π π . But existing measure of active portfolio performance such as Jensen Alpha only reports alpha net of explicit expenses such as management expense and operating expenses. In my opinion true net alpha should incorporate both the explicit costs and implicit cost measured by idiosyncratic volatility associated with imperfect diversification. To the best of my knowledge in the portfolio performance literature, no researcher has incorporated this idiosyncratic volatility of imperfect diversification as additional cost on the shareholders and attempted to find out true expense ratio and true net alpha. The true net alpha, taking the volatility associated with active management into account, is πΌ − 1 2 ππ2 . Alternatively, it can be said that the true expense ratio consists of reported expense ratio plus the cost of imperfect diversiο¬cation 1 2 ππ2 . The objective of this research will be to measure the cost associated with increased volatility due to imperfect diversiο¬cation, 1 2 ππ2 and then finding the true expense ratios of active management taking both the explicit and implicit cost and then true net alpha using the real data. 3. Data The data used in this study were taken from the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) research department. Month-end closing prices of the closed-end mutual funds that have been listed and continuously traded from January 2012 to June 2019 have been taken and adjusted for any cash dividend/stock dividend to estimate the monthly return. DSE broad Index (DSEX) has been taken as a proxy for the market return estimation. For the risk-free rate, the average monthly yield of the 91-day Bangladesh government Treasury bill has taken as a proxy. 4. Results Table 1 shows the results of the 9 years sample (see details of individual funds in table 1 in the appendix). The 23 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 12, No. 11; 2020 average size of the mutual funds is 2037 million taka with a minimum size of 727 million taka and a maximum size of 8535 million taka. The expense ratio includes management fees, custodian fees, trustee fees, fees to stock exchanges, and other administration fees. The mean expenses ratio is 1.70% of NAV measured at fair value at the end of the reporting year. To estimate the volatility costs, the idiosyncratic component of the return series is computed using the following equation €π‘ = πππ‘ − [ πππ‘ + πΌ + π½(πππ‘ − πππ‘ )] (22) 1 The volatility cost (Vol Cost”) then is calculated as 1 ππ2 . The true expense ratio (True Exp Ratio”) is the sum of 2 reported expense ratio and the volatility cost. As observed in the Table 1, the volatility costs ranges from 0.52% to 3.6% with a mean value of 1.42%. Table 1. Characteristics of mutual funds (from 2012 to 2019): size, expense ratio, volatility cost and true expense ratio Particulars N NAV (Mill Tk) Exp (Mill Tk) Exp Ratio (%) Vol Cost Vol Cost/Exp Ratio True Exp Ratio Mean Median Maximum Minimum 108 108 108 108 2037.36 1352 8535 727 35.36 26 203 11 1.70% 1.64% 2.38% 1.03% 1.42% 1.40% 3.60% 0.52% 88.61% 84.75% 241.65% 28.24% 3.12% 3.03% 5.09% 2.36% The volatility cost as a percentage of the explicit expense ratio is almost 89% (sees details of individual funds in table 2 in the Appendix). When volatility costs are added to the explicit expense ratios, the true expense ratio gets almost doubled. This is an important finding because when investors use traditional performance measures such as Sharpe ratio, Jensen Alpha or Treynor ratio, they fail to consider the true expense of the funds that they are bearing both in the form of explicit expense ratio (management fees) and in the form of implicit cost (volatility costs). The results in table 1 shows that this implicit cost is quite significant compared to the explicit expense ratio of the actively managed funds. Moreover, the volatility cost is strongly negatively correlatedπ 2 indicating that it is the outcome of imperfect diversification. In the context of CAPM, ex-post average return of funds can be defined as πΜ π΄ = πΌπ΄ + πΜ π + π½(πΜ π − ππ ) (22) πΌπ΄ = πΜ π΄ − [πΜ π + π½(πΜ π − ππ )] (23) Now true alpha of the fund can be estimated after deducting volatility costs from the equation 24 πππ’π πΌπ΄ = πΜ π΄ − [πΜ π + π½(πΜ π − ππ ) ] - 1 2 ππ2 . (24) Table 2 shows the summary of the results estimated from equations 24 and 25 along with other performance measures. The results show that average funds were creating value for the investors by generating positive alpha. Table 2. Summary of performance of mutual funds (from 2012 to 2019): Jensen Alpha, True Alpha, Sharpe Ratio, Information Ratio and Treynor Ratio Particulars N Jensen Alpha True Alpha Sharpe Ratio Information Ratio Treynor Ratio Mean Median Maximum Minimum 108 108 108 108 0.078% 0.110% 0.602% -0.336% -1.340% -1.263% -0.251% -3.178% -0.423% -0.376% 1.124% -1.672% 1.632% 1.951% 7.103% -2.116% -0.175% -0.153% 1.184% -1.049% However, when we take volatility costs into account, the true alpha of all the funds was negative during the sample period. Ranking of the funds also dramatically changes from Jensen alpha to true net alpha. The correlation coefficient between Jensen Alpha and true alpha among the funds is insignificant, reflecting true alpha brings new information about the performance of the funds. This result suggests that although funds managers are generating alpha, this alpha comes with volatility costs and it is well known in the literature that the terminal wealth of the investors is affected negatively by volatility. To measure the true performance of the active funds, this volatility costs should be adjusted to find the true net alpha, and findings suggest that when it is 24 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 12, No. 11; 2020 adjusted average alpha goes down from 0.078% to -1.34%. Moreover, the volatility cost is not strongly correlated with the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, or information ratios (see details in table 3 in the Appendix). So, the volatility cost is not captured by those ratios sufficiently well. 5. Conclusion In this research, I have attempted to quantify the idiosyncratic volatility of the active management and then show that the effect of higher residual variance due to imperfect diversification may be better captured as an additional cost of active management rather than the traditional measure of mutual funds’ performance such as the Sharpe ratio, the information ratio, and the M-2 measure. Using data of all the closed-end mutual funds listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) from 2012 to 2019, I have attempted to quantify this higher idiosyncratic volatility as an additional expense on the portfolio and then estimate true expense ratio and true net alpha of the actively managed funds as a new measure for imperfect portfolio diversification. The study finds that mean volatility cost of the funds is 1.42% which is on an average around 89% of the explicit expense ratio and the finding that volatility costs are not strongly correlated with other performance measures such as Sharpe, Treynor or information ratios provides additional information about the fund performance. Moreover, when volatility cost is adjusted to traditional Jensen alpha measure to find a true net alpha of the funds, rankings of the funds significantly change and two alpha measures are not strongly positively correlated, suggesting new information about the fund performance. The findings of the study conclude that the true cost of imperfect diversification can be better captured by considering both explicit expense ratios and implicit expense ratio measured as volatility costs and net alpha reported to the investors should consider the cost of imperfect diversification to better understand the performance of the active fund managers. 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Basic information for mutual funds in the sample as on June 20, 2019 Fund Name First Janata Bank Mutual Fund Prime Finance First Mutual Fund AIBL 1st Islamic Mutual Fund DBH First Mutual Fund EBL First Mutual Fund EBL NRB Mutual Fund First Bangladesh Fixed Income Fund Grameen One : Scheme Two Green Delta Mutual Fund ICB AMCL Third NRB Mutual Fund ICB AMCL Second Mutual Fund ICB Employees Provident MF 1: Scheme 1 IFIC Bank 1st Mutual Fund IFIL Islamic Mutual Fund-1 LR Global Bangladesh Mutual Fund One MBL 1st Mutual Fund NCCBL Mutual Fund-1 NLI First Mutual Fund Phoenix Finance 1st Mutual Fund PHP First Mutual Fund Popular Life First Mutual Fund Prime Bank 1st ICB AMCL Mutual Fund RELIANCE 1sr Mutual Fund Southeast Bank 1st Mutual Fund Trust Bank 1st Mutual Fund Ticker Asset Manager NAV (Million Tk) Exp Ratio 1JANATAMF 1STPRIMFMF1 AIBL1STMF DBH1STMF EBL1STMF EBLNRBMF FBFIF GRAMEENS2 GREENDELMF ICB3RDNRB ICBAMCL2ND ICBEPMF1S1 IFIC1STMF IFILISLMF1 LRGLOBMF1 MBL1STMF NCCBLMF1 NLI1STMF PF1STMF PHPMF1 POPULAR1MF PRIME1ICBA RELIANCE1 SEBL1STMF TRUSTB1MF RACE ICB AMCL LRG LRG RACE RACE RACE AIMS LRG ICB AMCL ICB AMCL ICB AMCL RACE ICB AMCL LRG LRG LRG VIPB ICB AMCL RACE RACE ICB AMCL AIMS VIPB RACE 3155 1275 1135 1352 1563 2429 8535 3597 1683 1239 727 910 1977 1151 3294 1171 1165 764 730 3031 3261 1212 824 1414 3340 1.52% 1.49% 1.94% 2.00% 1.73% 1.52% 2.38% 1.03% 1.84% 1.29% 1.51% 1.54% 2.33% 1.48% 1.64% 1.88% 1.97% 2.09% 1.64% 1.48% 1.47% 1.57% 1.94% 1.84% 1.44% Table 2. Results for sample of active funds based on the nine year sample (January 2005 –June 2019). All numbers have been on June 20, 2019 Fund Ticker Symbol 1JANATAMF 1STPRIMFMF1 AIBL1STMF DBH1STMF EBL1STMF EBLNRBMF FBFIF GRAMEENS2 GREENDELMF Exp Ratio (%) Vol Cost (%) Vol Cost/Expense Ratio Total Exp Ratio (%) 1.52% 1.49% 1.94% 2.00% 1.73% 1.52% 2.38% 1.03% 1.84% 1.04% 3.60% 1.88% 1.40% 0.91% 1.29% 0.79% 1.55% 1.75% 68.19% 241.65% 97.02% 70.31% 52.64% 84.75% 33.03% 150.21% 95.23% 2.56% 5.09% 3.82% 3.40% 2.64% 2.81% 3.16% 2.57% 3.60% 26 International Journal of Economics and Finance ICB3RDNRB ICBAMCL2ND ICBEPMF1S1 IFIC1STMF IFILISLMF1 LRGLOBMF1 MBL1STMF NCCBLMF1 NLI1STMF PF1STMF PHPMF1 POPULAR1MF PRIME1ICBA RELIANCE1 SEBL1STMF TRUSTB1MF 1.29% 1.51% 1.54% 2.33% 1.48% 1.64% 1.88% 1.97% 2.09% 1.64% 1.48% 1.47% 1.57% 1.94% 1.84% 1.44% 1.44% 1.81% 1.61% 1.05% 1.51% 1.30% 1.30% 1.00% 0.70% 2.29% 1.82% 1.56% 1.66% 0.60% 0.52% 1.04% Vol. 12, No. 11; 2020 111.69% 119.83% 104.94% 45.11% 102.35% 79.48% 69.39% 50.79% 33.45% 139.51% 122.60% 105.69% 105.86% 31.01% 28.24% 72.29% 2.73% 3.33% 3.15% 3.38% 2.99% 2.94% 3.18% 2.98% 2.79% 3.94% 3.30% 3.03% 3.23% 2.54% 2.36% 2.48% Table 3. Results for sample of active funds based on the nine year sample (January 2005 –June 2019). All numbers have been on June 20, 2019 Fund Ticker Symbol 1JANATAMF 1STPRIMFMF1 AIBL1STMF DBH1STMF EBL1STMF EBLNRBMF FBFIF GRAMEENS2 GREENDELMF ICB3RDNRB ICBAMCL2ND ICBEPMF1S1 IFIC1STMF IFILISLMF1 LRGLOBMF1 MBL1STMF NCCBLMF1 NLI1STMF PF1STMF PHPMF1 POPULAR1MF PRIME1ICBA RELIANCE1 SEBL1STMF TRUSTB1MF α β R-Square Jensen Alpha Vol Cost (%) True Alpha Sharpe Ratio Information Ratio Treynor Ratio -0.21% 0.42% 0.12% 0.22% 0.11% -0.18% -0.28% 0.28% 0.36% -0.18% 0.13% -0.21% 0.10% 0.60% -0.34% -0.25% -0.19% 0.20% 0.19% 0.41% 0.36% -0.08% 0.04% 0.27% 0.06% 0.844 0.991 0.501 0.837 0.726 0.858 0.483 0.892 0.832 0.763 0.979 0.796 0.780 0.885 0.441 0.493 0.538 0.303 0.896 0.976 0.872 0.939 0.787 0.182 0.927 26% 12% 6% 21% 23% 23% 13% 21% 17% 17% 22% 17% 23% 21% 7% 9% 13% 6% 15% 21% 20% 22% 35% 3% 30% -0.21% 0.42% 0.12% 0.22% 0.11% -0.18% -0.28% 0.28% 0.36% -0.18% 0.13% -0.21% 0.10% 0.60% -0.34% -0.25% -0.19% 0.20% 0.19% 0.41% 0.36% -0.08% 0.04% 0.27% 0.06% 1.04% 3.60% 1.88% 1.40% 0.91% 1.29% 0.79% 1.55% 1.75% 1.44% 1.81% 1.61% 1.05% 1.51% 1.30% 1.30% 1.00% 0.70% 2.29% 1.82% 1.56% 1.66% 0.60% 0.52% 1.04% -1.25% -3.18% -1.76% -1.19% -0.80% -1.48% -1.07% -1.26% -1.39% -1.62% -1.68% -1.82% -0.95% -0.91% -1.64% -1.55% -1.20% -0.50% -2.10% -1.41% -1.20% -1.74% -0.56% -0.25% -0.98% -1.45% 0.26% -0.07% -0.07% -0.35% -1.27% -1.67% 0.07% 0.32% -1.15% -0.38% -1.19% -0.41% 0.95% -1.49% -1.25% -1.23% 0.49% -0.14% 0.32% 0.29% -0.91% -0.74% 1.12% -0.64% -2.12% 2.95% 2.43% 2.90% 2.54% -1.66% -1.81% 3.31% 4.03% -1.22% 1.33% -1.56% 2.04% 6.78% -1.92% -1.16% -0.75% 5.37% 1.95% 4.04% 4.15% -0.63% 1.65% 7.10% 1.03% -0.53% 0.14% -0.05% -0.03% -0.14% -0.50% -0.87% 0.03% 0.15% -0.52% -0.15% -0.55% -0.16% 0.39% -1.05% -0.80% -0.64% 0.37% -0.07% 0.13% 0.12% -0.37% -0.24% 1.18% -0.22% Copyrights Copyright for this article is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to the journal. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( 27